Six Simple Steps To Boost Testosterone Naturally |Foods To Boost Testosterone
Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in males.
It is a steroid hormone, which has androgenic effects on the body.
As a person ages, the secretion of testosterone is reduced, giving rise to features of male hypogonadism, including reduced sex drive, erectile dysfunction, loss of muscle strength, osteoporosis, mild anemia, and gynecomastia, or abnormal development of breasts in males.
So, in this video I give you six important tips to boost your testosterone levels naturally.
01. Exercise, and lift weights.
02. Eat testosterone boosting foods.
03. Eat proteins fats and carbs.
04. Minimize stress.
05. Get enough sleep.
06. Sun exposure.
#boosttestosterone #medtoday
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testosterone is the primary sex hormone in males it is a steroid hormone which has androgenic effects on the body testosterone is secreted by the leading cells in the male testes the precursor molecule for testosterone synthesis is cholesterol testosterone has several important functions in the body these include development and enlargement of male sexual organs development of secondary sexual characteristics in males increased muscle and bone mass thickening of skin regulation of sex drive and red blood cell production as a person ages the secretion of testosterone is reduced giving rise to features of male hypogonadism including reduced sex drive erectile dysfunction loss of muscle strength osteoporosis mild anemia and genicomastia or abnormal development of breasts in males so in this video I give you six important tips to boost your testosterone levels naturally number one exercise and lift weights exercising is one of the best ways to prevent and control many lifestyle related diseases research has found that exercising and lifting weight are associated with an increased level of testosterone hormone in blood resistance training such as weight lifting is the best method to boost testosterone levels however other types of exercises such as long-term high-intensity interval training can also be much effective in boosting testosterone number two eat testosterone boosting Foods other than cholesterol two most important nutrients for testosterone synthesis are vitamin D and zinc research has found that eating foods containing these nutrients is associated with increased testosterone levels some of these Foods include fatty fish like salmon low-fat milk egg yolks oysters and shellfish fortified cereals beef and beans number three eat proteins fats and carbs diet has a major effect on your testosterone levels therefore you should pay attention to your long-term calorie intake because constant dieting or overeating May alter the testosterone levels in the body so taking a diet based mainly on Whole Foods is optimal with a healthy balance of fat protein and carbohydrates number four minimize stress long-term stress is associated with elevated cortisol levels in blood abnormally High cortisol levels can significantly reduce the levels of testosterone in blood High cortisol levels also increase food intake weight gain and accumulation of body fat around organs which further decline the testosterone levels moreover High cortisol levels are also associated with increased breakdown of muscle proteins which reduces the muscle bulk and strength number five get enough sleep getting good sleep is important not only for your testosterone levels but also for overall good health studies show that sleeping less than the optimal amount of time is associated with reduced testosterone levels they also indicate that around seven to ten hours of sleep every night is optimal for your testosterone levels number six sun exposure as already mentioned vitamin D is essential for the synthesis of testosterone hormone regular exposure to sunlight increases the synthesis of vitamin D in the skin in addition sun exposure also boosts mood and improves the quality of sleep as well
#Simple #Steps #Boost #Testosterone #Naturally #Foods #Boost #Testosterone
My meds I have been on for years has lowered my testosterone to such low levels that my chest and underarm hairs are gone, I feel tired and lack motivation, a lump started developing in my breast, man boobs,lol, so my doctor put me on testosterone meds after checking my levels which were almost undetectable ,am now injecting testosterone once a week and I feel great again at 60 years old , so I would suggest all men over 50 get your levels checked through blood work from your doc because you may not even know that you have low T. but once you start testosterone treatment you will not believe how much better it make one feel, get your levels checked !!!!!
I had low T now I have the energy, morning wood and physical performance of youth. The best protocol for testosterone is Complete Guide to Testosterone by James Francis. Downside is that I have become noticeably more aggressive.
Testosterone levels are everything when it comes to energy, strength, and motivation! 🏋♂💥 Sleep, diet, and stress management are key factors in keeping T levels high. Cutting sugar, alcohol, and processed foods is just as important as eating nutrient-dense foods like eggs, beef, and leafy greens. Who else is making lifestyle changes to boost their testosterone naturally?
Don’t eat milk/dairy products with fish/seafood
The fact that no one is talking about mrzarvok and his recipes speaks volumes about how uninformed people are
As an Air Force veteran trying to boost my testosterone naturally, it’s funny how the mrzarvok secrets are still under the radar. They’ve been a total game changer for me
During that period I have a couple questions
this video really just scrapes the surface of what we as men should be doing to boost T as high as possible in the modern environment we live in… I recently started a new protocol called "TRT Free" by lucas aoun and have discovered some pretty crazy shit in there i havent seen many other gurus talking about on YT..only a few weeks in but definitely noticing improvements in mood , energy & strength etc
All the steps are useless IF you indulge in these big testosterone killers: sugar (that's a big one), alcohol, smoking, trans fats (margarine, baked goods, french fries, anything fried in "vegetable" oils, pizza etc). Also the importance of chronic stress as a testosterone killer cannot be emphasized enough.
But if you want to be that guy with man boobs, high pitch voice, lots of belly fat, ED and complaining about everything – who am I to say no?
I'm amazed that these healthy people don't tell y'all to add copper to zinc. If you don't zinc will cause heart problems. Just ask for zinc with copper at the health store.
there's a banned ebook called "hidden testosterone secrets". Drop whatever you're doing right now and go find that book it will change your life. Trust me after i read and implemented things from the book my testosterone levels went beast mode
My friend recommended me an ebook called "Hidden Testosterone Secrets" first thought i was sure it is some scam but trust me after i implemented things from the book my testosterone levels went beast mode !
Now I understand
Most people who exercise can make you sleepy 😴 and you can have a nap in the day 😂 !
How can u sleep well, when you you have poor sleep on low T?
What about me. I have now 6 month I work 16 To 18 hrs in day. And I’m single. I sleep 5 hrs only
You've nailed it with this video! The insights are priceless. It's like our channels share a content journey
Beef, Spinach or Broccoli Rabe and Eggs!
Without glorifying Knee-groids
"In the male testes"?
Was male necessary?
Man,… I work 14 hrs a day plus,I have wife and 4 kids, and you suggested to sleep 7 to 10 hrs my lord,
I’m vegan and my last test levels where in the 900s!
Can't minimize stress if you have an anxiety disorder
D and zinc
Balanced diet
Minimize stress
Sun for more D
Vitamin D ain’t looking too good for Brits. Rain, cold and cloudy for about 10 months a year 😅.
Why low fat milk
You’re joking right? 😂😂😂
Explain how carbohydrate, a non-essential macronutrient, is good for testosterone production.
Is getting over the amount of optimal sleep worse for testosterone production? Like 11 hours
Important 👍