Correct core activation – engage your TA and pelvic floor! | Feat. Tim Keeley | No.18 | PhysioREHAB

17 February 2015

Correct core activation – engage your TA and pelvic floor! | Feat. Tim Keeley | No.18 | PhysioREHAB

#coreactivation #engagecore #coreexercises #core

This is how to CORRECTLY engage your inner / deep core muscles – namely switching on the pelvic floor and transversus abdominus, as well as finding that neutral spine position. Check our the multifidus video to learn how multifidus is also just as important in core strength and spinal stability

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okay today we’re going to start talking about getting your P floor working getting your transvers dness working and getting your mulus working so we’ll start off with getting you understanding what you need to do as far as getting that pet floor switched on what position your spine needs to be in we always talk about neutral spine and getting your abs on or your core on let’s uh try and break it down a little bit and get you understanding what we’re actually talking about as far as bringing on power Flor to activate the abdominals rather just racing and and working the low back too much and then we’ll work on trying to get that switched on and then trying to get your lower back switched on and get those little muscles called motivus which you might have heard of which are the stabilizers for the spine trying to get them switched on rather than the big extens switched on so the first thing I want you to work on follow me down here is when you’re doing this pelvic floor transverse abdominus work you know trying to get the muscle system activated you’ve got to make sure you’re in neutral okay so you can’t be in this flat back position you can’t be imprinted into here in this rounded back position especially if one of those if you’re one of those disc patients who is recovering from a disc problem and you also can’t be arched up into here a lot of people when they try and do core work and raise their legs like they arch up too much so we’ve got to try and find our neutral position so what I want you to do hands on your hip bones and you’ve got to try and go arching up all the way here and you see this one for point when you do a cat Cow position and then curling under and trying to find the other way now this is a really good mobilizer for your low back anyway if you’re a bit stiff in there so trying to find the ex the extremes extension there flexion here that Lumber spine and then finding that nice Midway point in between once you’ve got that Midway point we need to start activating our pelv floor and abdominals with our breathing so what I like to do is you find those bony points in the front of the hip okay so your Asis your anterior Superior leg spine find that bony point there what you then do is go in and down an inch and you you’re basically the closest area you’re going to be to your um transin so feel what’s going on now remember what you don’t want to do is go oh brain abdominals okay you’ve got to go brain P floor pelv floor abdominals and that’s how we’re going to get our lowlevel core activation work going so come over here and have a have a look at this so if we try and think about if you’re breathing what I want you to do is as you breathe out you’re going to tighten up or Draw up that pelvic floor now if you can think about the P floor is your toilet muscles okay so they are the muscles that are going to stop you going to the toilet all right in the front not the back you want any bum gripping we want to think about doing the front so as if you’re going for a Wii and you’re going to stop mid flow what you’ve got to try and think about is slowly if you’re going to the toilet slowly stopping that flow and what you’ll feel as you breathe out not as you breathe in as you breathe out you’ll feel that transitus abdominis fire up and kick in now this physios we always talk about getting up to about 30% so not your maximum okay and it’s definitely not a brace position if you feel that that tummies popping up like this you’re doing a brace position you’re doing your your obliques and your regulars and you’re trying to get that intraabdominal pressure and that’s not what we want because it’ll tend to arch your back and it will tend to overwork your extensiv so we’ve got to think about draing up and in so don’t think too much about hollowing out and dropping the belly button down we tend that tends to people to lift up through here so we’ve got to try and keep our ribs down okay and then as we breathe out we lift up until we feel that tone about 30% tone and then as we breathe in we let it switch off again okay that’s just activating on and off with every breath so remember breathing out drawing up not breathing in and drawing up okay so that’s your first part is trying to breathe in breathe out and feel that tone and you’ll see what will happen on some people’s abdom belly buttons is it’ll go down and it’ll go south okay that’s what we want we want that belly button getting drawn downwards all right so there’s your first exercise that is breathing pelvic floor transverse abdominis all right getting that activated getting it firing up the second exercise for you guys to train it is to try and when you breathe out for the first time you breathe out and you switch it on you then try and hold it on to that 30% level and keep breathing in and out and don’t let it switched off as you breathe in in and out just feeling that con keeping an eye at 30% breathing in breathing out and trying to keep it activated the whole time and I’d go for about 20 breaths and then have a break have a rest okay that’s in supine we’ve also got to doing four point supine is easy we’ve got we can feel what’s going on four point is harder so when you going what I mean by four point is you’re like in this horse starts or cow position okay and what you want to aim for is arms straight down thighs straight down and again start with getting that low back into that neutral spine a lot of people start here and they’ll go sag straight into there that’s no good you’ve got to try and get up into neutral and so I would go all the way up into flexion to round that L back tuck that belly button into that sort of cat position and then drop down into the cow position and just do that a couple of times cat and cow trying to really mobilize that Li back and then find your halfway point in between crucial thing is too you’re not dropped down at the shoulders okay you’ve got to be up into neutral protract as well you’re not drop down into here and so you’re nice straight long spine through there straight long head and then you can try and get your breathing in and out so remembering breathing out lifting up that pelvic floor now when you lift it’s of going to be this way if you like if you imagine those pelv floor muscles are are stopping mid flow and that coming up so it’ll be coming up this way and what will happen is your belly will actually rise as you draw that pallet floor in okay so that’s that breathing in breathing out drawing out that power floor now you have to feel internally for this one you can’t feel here unless you put one handy but that’s harder because you got to do it one arm that’s another exercise we’ll go through later so working on that neutral spine getting that P floor activated okay

#Correct #core #activation #engage #pelvic #floor #Feat #Tim #Keeley #No.18 #PhysioREHAB


  1. Wowo amazing! I never wouldve thought to engage my pelvic floor as well!

  2. Bu hareketleri yaparken ağrı hissediyorum. Devam etmeli miyim?

  3. Watching this after straining my neck so bad after core workouts… I literally get sick so bad. Hopefully this will help me !

  4. Well I guess u are doing light version of cat cow pose

  5. hi, it is all in the simple explanation and understanding the movement. thank you!

  6. Funny thing tho when i really moved up when breathing out it made me want to pee n i farted 🤣🤣🤣

  7. OMG.. No body explain this to me before

    Thank you sooo much

  8. I've always worried because when I engage my pelvic floor, my TA always kicks in – and I was always hearing that the pelvic floor has to be worked in isolation, but found it impossible not to do pelvic floor and TA at the same time. Hope I'm understanding this video right!

  9. What are you talking about? 😢 switch what on??

  10. Thanks. This is wonderful video. Having a small query – you mentioned brain then pelvic then abdominal.. does this mean that first the butts will be squeezed(pelvic action) and then we need to press abdominal a bit ?
    So the butts and abdominal both will be in action and pressed state.
    I am having disc bulg so finding answer to this query.

  11. Hi! I was trying the first one, I am feeling my mid back contract is this normal?
    Also whilst trying to do the breath at the same time I couldn’t keep the pelvic floor pulled up or keep the tension on I felt my chest trying to tense. Is this because I have not built up the strength/awareness there?

  12. Thank you for this video!

  13. My biggest issue about core muscles activation is that whenever I slightly engage them, my lungs stop working, my entire belly locks itself. The only core muscle that I can properly use is the diaphragm; being a pro French Horn player, it's mandatory that I use the diaphragm for my musical techniques.

  14. This content is a revelation. A book with a corresponding message transformed my life. "Rising From Within: Unlocking Your Innate Power to Conquer Adversity" by Vincent Starling

  15. I can't seem to do any of the ab stuff. I keep trying they just do nothing😢

  16. complicated! I did not understand …

  17. Is it good to engage/tighten the pelvic floor all the time when doing exercise?

  18. Thank you so much 🙂 You explained sth very difficult into easy terms .

  19. how is it safe to stair up and down in diastasis recti

  20. What is the difference between activating pelvic floor and bracing?is activation of pelvic floor the same as bracing?

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