Everything That Happened in Space in 2024…In a Nutshell
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From discovering a record-breaking black hole lurking in our cosmic backyard to finding compelling evidence of oceans of liquid water beneath Mars, 2024 was a monumental year in space. So, as the year comes to an end, let’s have a look at seven of the most exciting space discoveries that changed our understanding of the universe.
1. Planet 9
Generation of Low-Inclination, Neptune-Crossing TNOs by Planet Nine, Batygin et al (2024), The Astrophysical Journal – https://bit.ly/4c0A0gG
Evidence for a Distant Giant Planet in the Solar System, Batygin and Brown (2016), The Astrophysical Journal – https://bit.ly/4efIxOx
2. Gaia BH3
Discovery of a dormant 33 solar-mass black hole in pre-release Gaia astrometry, Panuzzo et al (2024), The Astrophysical Journal – https://bit.ly/4c0A0gG
3. Water on Mars
Liquid Water in the Martian Mid-Crust – Wright et al. (PNAS, Published on 12 August 2024) – https://bit.ly/4ckwjC5
Scientists find oceans of water on Mars. It’s just too deep to tap — Robert Sanders (UC Berkley): https://bit.ly/3YJEfJR
4. Barnard b
A sub-Earth-mass planet orbiting Barnard’s star: No evidence of transits in TESS photometry – A. K. Stefanov – https://sou42.co/3VOjhax
5. Supernova Hope
Source: https://sou42.co/4em3A0H
6. LID-568
Source: https://sou42.co/40GT0ya
7. Surprises from Bennu
NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Is Already Rewriting Solar System History | Scientific American – https://sou42.co/3Y4iDHr
Bennu in-depth findings 1 – https://sou42.co/4dnZrbT
Bennu in-depth findings 2 – https://sou42.co/3ZNiQjo
💻 Created By: Rishabh Nakra
🎙️Narrated By: Jeffrey Smith
this video is sponsored by moag Globes from discovering a record-breaking black hole lurking in our Cosmic backyard to finding compelling evidence of oceans of liquid water beneath Mars 2024 was a Monumental year in space so as the year comes to an end let’s have a look at seven of the most exciting space discoveries that changed our understanding of the universe in the far reaches of our solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune something unusual is happening a mysterious force is pushing around icy objects and clusters of these objects have unusual orbits that can’t be explained by the known planets alone scientists think this could be caused by a massive hidden Planet often called Planet 9 first suggested in 2016 this potential new planet has fascinated astronomers everywhere some researchers believe it might have been a rogue Planet captured by our Sun’s gravity While others think it could have formed from the same disc of gas and dust as the other planets if Planet 9 exists It is believed to be 10 times more massive than Earth and orbit the Sun at a distance of 400 to 800 astronomical units which is 400 to 800 times the distance between Earth and the sun astronomers have been eagerly hunting for Clues using powerful telescopes and Advanced Computer models to track its influence after years of watching the sky solving mathematical equations and running complex computer simulations they now have the strongest evidence yet that planet 9 really exists far out Beyond Neptune there are lots of small icy objects floating in space over many years Neptune’s strong gravitational pole can shake up their paths some of these objects might even get flung out of the solar system all together these objects are part of what we call Trans neptunian objects or TNS and they can sometimes get nudged into orbits that cross paths with Neptune to understand how these objects move a research team created computer models to simulate the distant part of our solar system including an area called the inner or cloud they chose tnos with parelia greater than 30 Au and semi- major axes ranging from 100 to 5,000 Au resulting in a simulation of 2,000 total particles the research team ran two sets of simulations one including the hypothesized planet 9 in its predicted location and another one without Planet 9 their findings showed that planet 9 could really mix things up it might change change the way these icy objects orbit making their paths more stretched or Tilted with Planet 9 in the picture these objects pass are likely to cross Neptune’s orbit more evenly and farther out into space without Planet 9 these Crossings mostly happen much closer to Neptune and aren’t as spread out the comparison strongly supported the model including Planet 9 showing a much higher likelihood of zero .41 compared to just 0.0034 for the model without Planet 9 this substantial difference in probabilities indicates that the model with Planet 9 aligns more closely with the observed behaviors of tnos suggesting a significant role for Planet 9 in shaping their orbits hunting for Planet 9 is quite challenging there are three main problems first it is incredibly distant believed to be 10 to 20 times farther from Earth than Pluto this vast distance means it receives very little sunlight rendering it nearly invisible against the Starry Sky making it difficult for telescopes to detect second planet 9 is thought to have a highly elliptical orbit this would cause it to spend much of its time in the outermost regions of its orbit where it’s even darker and fainter third the potential area where Planet 9 could be located spans a vast region of the sky this requires astronomers to conduct extensive and meticulous scans often needing to recheck and verify observations multiple times to ensure no possible sightings are overlooked Planet 9 may still be a mystery hidden far beyond Neptune but you don’t have to venture that far to experience The Wonder of the cosmos moag Globes lets you bring that same Wonder of awe right on your desk powered by ambient light and hidden magnets they spin silently creating a Serene and mesmerizing display in your home or workplace no cords no batteries just a Charming display of science on your desk MOA Globes come in over 40 captivating designs including an outer space collection that features planets moons asteroids and constellations it’s a perfect way to keep the Wonder of space Within Reach every day and for viewers of this channel I’ve arranged a special offer use the code s Tu at mob.com to get 10% off on 6in and 8.5 in moag Globes so check out the link in the description and bring a piece of the cosmos home one of the most intriguing astronomical discoveries in 2024 was that of Gia bh3 a stellar Mass black hole with a mass 33 times that of the sun making it the largest Stellar Mass black hole found in our galaxy to date located about 1900 Lighty years away it is also the second nearest black hole to Earth ever discovered this finding was made through data collection over 11 years by the Gaia Mission which is primarily focused on creating a 3D map of the Galaxy Gaia does not detect black holes directly but can infer their presence by observing the motion of stars in the case of Gaia bh3 the mission detected an unusual wobbling in the movement of a star caused by the gravitational pull of a massive invisible companion presumed to be a black hole due to its significant mass in analyzing the movement distance and position of the star relative to the system’s Center of mass astronomers determine the invisible object’s Mass to be 32.7 solar masses this massive figure surpasses the theoretical maximum mass for neutron stars confirming the presence of a black hole this means that Gaia bh3 is a binary system where a sunlike star orbits a massive Stellar Mass black hole before the guia mission no dormant black hole holes had been discovered Gaia however has successfully identified several with Gaia bh1 and guia bh2 found in the past two years and Gaia bh3 more recently among those discoveries Gaia Beach 3 is particularly notable for its distinct characteristics an interesting aspect of Gaia be 3 is its orbit compared to earlier fins this animation compares the orbits of the black holes and their companion Stars placing these orbits in context by projecting them onto a scale with the solar system and using the Sun as the reference point this visualization clearly shows that the star in the Gaia bh3 system is in a much wider orbit around their Mutual Center of mass than those in the Gaia bh1 and bh2 systems the discovery of Gaia bh3 is a sign ific milestone in astronomy primarily because it hosts the most massive Stellar black hole ever identified in the Milky Way galaxy also its mass places it within the range of black holes typically detected through gravitational waves Bridging the Gap between the black holes detected through different methods however this discovery is raised two critical questions how did such a wide binary system form and how did the black hole come into existence it’s hard to explain how this black hole formed because it’s far from its companion star this large gap doesn’t fit our current understanding of how black holes form especially if the black hole came from a massive star about 150 times the mass of our sun furthermore the system exhibits a retrograde orbit suggesting it moves in the opposite direction compared to most stars in our galaxy this unusual movement might indicate that Gaia Beach 3 originated from a merger event possibly with a globular cluster which is a tightly packed group of stars there’s also a possibility that the observed star orbits not one but a pair of black holes making gaia3 potentially the most exotic three-body system in the universe the most exciting space news of 2024 came from our neighboring planet after analyzing years of seismic data from the Insight Lander on the red planet scientists concluded that there’s a hidden ocean of liquid water 11 to 20 km or 7 to 13 Mi beneath the surface of the planet this Reservoir is so large that it could cover the entire planet with up to a depth of 1 to 2 m or about a mile although it’s too deep for future astronauts to reach this discovery has solved a longstanding mystery about Mars where did all the water go Mars wasn’t always the dusty Barren world it is today over Decades of exploration we have found plenty of evidence that billions of years ago Mars was a very different place it had a thicker atmosphere and a warmer CL climate allowing liquid water to flow across its surface however unlike Earth Mars lost its magnetic field quite early in its history with the magnetic field gone Mars’s atmosphere was left vulnerable to the persistent solar wind over time this solar wind Stripped Away much of the atmosphere causing the atmospheric pressure to drop significantly as the atmosphere thinned it became increasing difficult for liquid water to exist on the surface water that might have once been present in liquid form began to evaporate and Escape into space the thinning atmosphere also led to a weakened greenhouse effect resulting in a sharp drop in temperature Mars transitioned from a warm and wet environment to the cold dry world we see today as the planet cooled any remaining liquid water froze becoming surface ice or permafrost hidden beneath the surface however according to our theories even after accounting for the water lost to space Mars should still have a significant amount of water the frozen water in the polar ice caps wasn’t nearly enough to account for it all to locate this hidden Martian water the researchers use data collected by the Insight Lander over its Mission insight detected over 1,300 Mars Quakes providing crucial seismic data for this discovery scientists applied a mathematical model of rock physics similar to those used on Earth to map underground aquafers and oil fields the model revealed that the seismic data was best explained if deep below the surface of Mars there existed a layer of fractured ous rock with its cracks filled with liquid water neous rocks are formed from the cooling and solidification of molten rock material either magma below the Earth’s surface or lava on the Earth’s surface this process occurs in various settings such as beneath volcanoes or as lava flows after volcanic eruptions as ous rocks cool and solidify they can develop fractures and cracks these fractures can create Pathways for water to flow through the Rock and be stored in the spaces between the cracks over time these cracks can widen due to processes like weathering allowing even more water to seep in while ous rocks are not typically the most porous or water retaining type they can still hold water under certain conditions although the presence of water does not guarantee life it enhances the prospect that Mars could have once supported life forms possibly in the subterranean Waters after Decades of hunting astronomers finally discovered a planet around Bernard Star a red dwarf about six light years away named Bernard B this subar exoplanet is among the smallest detected with a mass about half that of Venus making it one of the few known exoplanets smaller than Earth Bernard Star holds a unique place in our Cosmic neighborhood while Proxima centu part of the alpha centory triple star system is technically the nearest star Bernard Star stands out as the closest single star to our solar system despite its proximity and Longevity its low luminosity and cool temperature make it difficult to observe with the naked eye yet its remarkable stability and fast movement across the sky make it an ideal candidate for exoplanet exploration the Stars motion helps detect gravitational poles from orbiting planets particularly smaller Rocky ones that are hard to find the discovery of Bernard B was made using the radial velocity method which detects tiny wobbles in the Stars motion caused by the gravitational pull of an orbiting Planet this technique revealed a planet that orbits the star at a distance that’s just 2.2% the distance between the Earth and the Sun remarkably a year on Berard B lasts just over 3.1 Earth days the small size and close orbit of this planet suggest it is likely a rocky World however its extreme conditions make it far from earthlike or habitable the equilibrium temperature is estimated to be about 400 Vin this discovery is important because it shows that even low mass close orbiting planets can be detected around a faint nearby star like Bernard Star adding valuable knowledge about his potential planetary [Music] system there’s a big crisis in cosmology and this image taken by the web telescope confirms it it shows Galaxy cluster g165 acting as a massive gravitational lens bending and magnifying light from distant objects behind it but something surprising caught astronomer’s attention in this image three mysterious dots of light that weren’t visible in previous Hubble images from 2015 these three points of light now clearly visible in the web images turned out to be a type 1A Supernova in a distant background Galaxy named Supernova hope this exploding star has been gravitationally lensed by the cluster g165 what we see are not three separate Supernova but multiple images of the same Supernova whose light has traveled along three different paths Bent by the mass of g165 lying between us and the distant Galaxy this is a stunning example of gravitational lensing where light from a background object is Bent by the gravity of a massive foreground object resulting in multiple magnified images of the same event what makes hope especially significant is that it is now the most distant type 1A Supernova ever observed type 1A Supernova serve as standard candles in cosmology objects with known intrinsic brightness allowing astronomers to accurately measure distances across the Universe these measurements are key to determining the Hubble constant the rate at which the universe is expanding however there’s a growing tension in cosmology web’s observation of this Supernova has helped astronomers calculate a Hubble constant of 75.4 km/s per MEAP Parc this value derived from the local universe is in conflict with the Hubble constant measured from the early Universe using data from the cosmic microwave background which gives a lower value this discrepancy has led to the so-called Hubble tension suggesting that there might be something fundamental missing in our understanding of the universe’s expansion Supernova hope represents the tip of the iceberg with web’s ability to observe distant Supernova scientists anticipate uncovering more ancient Stellar explosion ions that could deepen our understanding of the universe’s infancy and possibly resolve this tension in [Music] cosmology in 2024 combining data from the James web Space Telescope and the Chandra x-ray Observatory astronomers discovered a record-breaking black hole that’s consuming matter four times the theoretical limit named Li 568 this black hole is located in a dwarf Galaxy that existed just 1.5 billion years after the big bang liid 568 is notable for its extraordinary accretion rate consuming material at over 40 times the theoretical Edington limit the Edington limit represents the maximum rate at which a black hole can absorb matter while maintaining a balance between gravitational Pole an outward pressure from emitted light this extreme feeding Behavior raises important questions about how such black holes could achieve significant Mass so quickly in Cosmic history the implications of this discovery extend to our understanding of black hole formation theories current models suggest that super massive black holes could form from smaller seeds either through the remnants of the first Stars the light seeds or from Direct gas cloud collapses the heavy seeds the rapid Mass growth observed in liid 568 suggests that a significant portion of its mass may have been acquired during a single episode of intense feeding regardless of its origin as a light or heavy seed in 2024 astronomers analyzed the largest asteroid sample ever collected uncovering some exciting surprises this precious sample comes from benu an asteroid drifting through our solar system benu is like a time capsule from around 4.6 billion years ago holding within it the untouched history of the early solar system what makes benu so special is that it contains the very materials that were present when planets like Earth were first forming four intriguing things were discovered in the benu sample the first was the presence of volatile compounds suggesting that benu didn’t form in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter instead its Origins likely lie much farther from the Sun perhaps near or Beyond Neptune the next fascinating thing is that the sample from benu is riching Clays and minerals that show clear signs of having been changed by liquid water some of this water evaporated leaving behind salts which suggest that bennu’s parent body once had a warm water-filled environment based on the findings bennu’s original body was likely at least 6 Mi wide possibly even bigger the third was the discovery of phosphates in the benu sample similar phosphorus compounds had been found in the warm liquid oceans beneath the icy crust of Saturn’s moon moon this again hints that benu could be a fragment of an ancient ocean world that might have once contained some of the essential ingredients for Life its parent body also contains various organic compounds including amino acids which are critical building blocks of life among these researchers have found uracil and thyine key components of RNA and DNA the molecules essential for life what’s even more fascinating is that some of these organic compounds might have formed in the interstellar medium long before they were delivered to Earth by asteroids while the benu sample doesn’t directly explain how life began it offers important clues that could help scientists connect the dots between simple chemistry and the complex biology that led to life beyond the origins of water and life benu holds Clues about the formation of the sun and the entire solar system the asteroid sample contains pre-solar grains tiny particles that existed before the sun was even born these Ancient Grains offer a rare glimpse into the processes that filled the early solar system with the essential ingredients needed to form planets and eventually life some of these grains are thought to have come from aging Stars While others could be the remains of supernova explosions this discovery supports the idea that our solar system was enriched by the remnants of various types of stars whose deaths contributed to the formation of planets and organic matter it echoes Carl Sean’s profound words we are made of star stuff the very elements that formed planets and life itself were forged in the hearts of dying Stars reminding us of our Cosmic Origins so thanks for watching and I wish everyone a Happy New Year as we step into 2025 it’s the perfect time to bring the wonders of the cosmos into your life check out the link in the description for moag Globes and bring a piece of the universe to your home [Music]
#Happened #Space #2024…In #Nutshell
Is the universe upside down or which way is up and down
How to buy the Mova globe from India???? I can't find the link usable
Btw awesome video content as always , always love your every video❤❤❤❤
Good morning can i offer you some ☕️🍵 🫖🥛. They need to bring back Pluto instead of chasing an elusive planet 9.
Flat Earth nut job: "There they go – pushing all that globe nonsense !" 😅
Planet 9 would be Pluto. So do you mean Planet 10? 🤔🪐🌞💫
"Why, this chair is made of 100% genuine chair."
Around 6:15 there are two Gaia BH3. I suppose it would be Gaia HB2. It's just a typo or there were to black holes with the same code?
Thanks for your videos, SOTU. And happy New Year!
An engaging and informative episode. Thanks for mentioning Carl Sagan's quote, it adds an emotional touch. You have been our compass to navigate the Universe SOU!! Prosper !! 💫✨🌌❤️💯
Astronomy is so magnificent. Unveiling the amazing mysteries and wonders of the Universe.
Hail planet 9!
Whatever happened with planet x? Is that called planet 9 now?
22:16 to 22,28 – ''… phosphorus compounds have been found in the warm, liquid oceans beneath the icy crust of Saturn's moon.''
Really?! When did human technology penetrate Saturn's moon? I'm surprised these epic achievements aren't more well known.
Excellent video.
How about time travel?
Now on the bh3 does that mean every 11 years the star might lose planets to the black holes as it passes?
If Mars was similar to Earth millions of years ago, is it possible that our moon was once in orbit around Mars?
Scientists speculate on how Moon became part of Earth from a collision of two objects long ago. Maybe some outer solar object contributed to that?
Are we perhaps descendants of life on Mars?
“cosmic backyard” even the thought of it give me chills😭
You heard about Pluto? That’s messed up right?
From rise to set the moon is rolling 180 degrees . Orion on his back to set on his face each morning.
The Milky FKING way is rolling like a clock and your silent on it .
I’ve loved astronomy since late 2017, every year I always learn something new with all the new discoveries we find in our solar system. So fascinating!
I know I am late to comment but don't think there is any Planet 9. It could instead be a small rogue black hole causing the orbital disruptions at there.
The most used words in the language of astronomers include 'could', 'might', 'should', 'possibly', 'suggests', and such other qualifiers as can be found in a thesaurus. So many qualifiers that astronomers are less accurate than weather forecasters or economists!!
January video ❓❓
Fantastic video as usual ..S❤U ..🙌🙌🙌
And then you consider that to your tiny red blood cell, your skin is the most furthest reach of their Universe. Peace out, human beings ✨️☮️✨️🩷✨️
We'll information 😅
I too have such nice playlist
Pluto is 9. Planet of solar system
that's so cool i love astronomy
We aren’t getting true real answers fast enough
Is this true?……..or is this just scientific speculation?
I'm not a robot, but you sound like one.🤖
Bought my jupiter movaglobe years ago. Still love it! It makes for a great decorative item. Watching it spin is still so entrancing, and every guest i've had, be it for a day or weeks, always comment on it because it's so unique and interesting. Well worth the money! Seriously!
Let's all go and be so careful cuz everything that Men touches he destroys life is worth living can we just live well enough left alone 😮😢🤔🙏🏻📖
Εάν η γνώση είναι δύναμη, τότε αυτό το κανάλι αξίζει το βάρος του σε χρυσό ακριβώς το σωστό για να χαλαρώσετε με ένα ζεστό τσάι μετά τη δουλειά
I'll call it zincinoc