Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss – 92 Pounds
Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that involves regular, short-term fasts — or periods of minimal or no food consumption. Most people understand intermittent fasting as a weight loss intervention. Fasting for short periods of time helps people eat fewer calories, which may result in weight loss over time (1Trusted Source).However, intermittent fasting may also help modify risk factors for health conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, such as lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels
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incredibly this woman lost 92 pounds over two years in this video I'm going to break down exactly how she had such unbelievable results and it was three things specifically and the science behind why she was on level 10 of fat burning mode her name on Tick Tock is egg Ting a couple years back she starts out at 242 pounds then she decides you know what during this pandemic I'm gonna make a lifestyle change and she chose to do the three best things that you can possibly do to burn fat all at the same time one intermittent fasting two eating mostly unprocessed food and three exercise any one of these will help burn fat but doing two at the same time has a synergistic effect in doing all three puts you at level 10. there's different ways to do intermittent fasting and acting chose to do my personal favorite and most practical version which is time restricted feeding or time restricted eating she did 16 to 8 so 16 hours fasting window and eight hour eating window when she did it she was cooking with olive oil eating plenty of vegetables so mostly unprocessed food but she wasn't perfect which is precisely the point because you don't have to eat perfect all the time it's what you eat most of the time she dedicated weekdays to eating healthy foods and weekends were her cheat meals she exercised five times a week she would either go for a five mile walk or do a session of high intensity interval training so she shared her journey on Tick Tock and inspired others and her best advice that she gained from her journey is to just do it I love her story not just because she had such an incredible transformation for herself but because she is the perfect example of the power of lifestyle change it was without medications or supplements no surgery no fad diets or counting calories purely lifestyle she did all three things that have been scientifically proven for fat loss it's when you eat meaning intermittent fasting it's what you eat and exercise there have been a bunch of studies on the effects of intermittent fasting for weight loss most of them show the intermittent fasting is effective for weight loss but so far it's been hard to come by study that definitively proves this for three main reasons one it's been hard to enroll a lot of people in randomized controlled trials two these studies don't account for two very important variables what the person is eating and the amount and the type of exercise that they engage in and three it's hard to know if people actually stick to the rules of the study in 2021 there was a publication in Jama that was the largest review view of meta-analyzes of randomized control trials so in total there are 11 meta-analyzes and that comprise the total of 130 randomized controlled trials they found that intermittent fasting was associated with weight loss but that the type of intermittent fasting method mattered for example the modified alternate day fasting and then the five to two fasting were the only intermittent fasting types that were associated with statistically significant weight loss of more than five percent and those who were overweight or obese in most of that weight loss occurred in the first six months there wasn't statistically significant weight loss in the groups who did zero calorie alternate day fasting or time restricted eating so fast forward to April of this year in this study in the New England Journal medicine they randomly assigned 118 obese patients to either time restricted eating with caloric restriction or daily caloric restriction alone but they didn't account for what they ate or the level of exercise this study was good in that it was a randomized controlled trial and it lasted a long time 12 months and it had a decent number of people in it results showed that the average weight loss from Baseline at 12 months was 17 and a half pounds in the fasting group compared to 14 pounds in the group that just did caloric restriction even though the fasting group lost more weight in comparison it was not considered to be statistically significant but if they had more people in the trial it probably would have been considered significant and when you look at this poll of people who used intermittent fasting for weight loss almost 90 percent of them said that they did lose weight by fasting so what is it about intermittent fasting specifically that causes the weight loss it all has to do with an enzyme called amp kinase as well as the mitochondria of your cells amp kinase acts as your cells fuel gauge if amp kinase detects that the cell has plenty of energy based on high levels of ATP molecules it tells the cell that it needs to store glucose in the form of glycogen at least if we're talking about liver and muscle cells if amp kinase detects that the cell is low in energy based on low levels of of ATP it then tells the cell that it needs to burn fuel specifically to break down glucose into pyruvic acid so that it can enter the mitochondria in order for the mitochondria to make the maximum amount of ATP this is known as the Krebs cycle one pyruvic acid molecule yields 28 ATP the most efficient way to provide energy for the cell in this case amp kinase also signals to the cell to make more mitochondria in order to burn more glucose to make even more ATP as it turns out there are two things that really rev up amp kinase activity exercise and ketones one way to get ketones is by intermittent fasting the other is with a very low carbohydrate diet as in the keto diet but since we're talking about intermittent fasting for this video you can check out this video I made about weight loss and keto right here the Ketone known as beta hydroxybutyrate specifically tells the liver mitochondria to increase the production of Sir two and one which then activates amp kinase and inhibits mtor but when energy balance is on the opposite side of the spectrum when a cell has too much ATP on board well then amp kinase is shut off like a light switch so mitochondria they stop making ATP and the cell has to figure out what to do with that excess glucose if we're talking about the liver and skeletal muscles well that excess glucose is stored as glycogen but storage is limited so if glycogen storage is at full capacity the cell has no choice but to convert glucose into pyruvic acid so that it can be used to make structural components of the cell in fact anything that slows down amp kinase activity will result in fat synthesis and insulin resistance so excess glucose is bad as the excess is converted to pyruvic acid which eventually is converted to fat molecules for storage but excess fructose is about seven times worse and more on this later when you're constantly eating let's say three meals a day plus a snack or two you're not allowing your amp kinase to turn on for a long enough period of time and this is especially true when you consume too many carbs especially the simple sugars like glucose and fructose and the same thing happens if you're not exercising you're not allowing your amp kinase to rev up for a long enough period of time mtor mammalian Target of rapamycin this is the Holy Grail molecule that determines the cell's Fate In other words it determines if a cell will grow maintain status quo or die mtor is highly dependent on the status of amp kinase if the amp kinase switch is turned on meaning your mitochondria are burning fuel to make ATP well then mtor is shut off so there is no growing this is what happens when you exercise and this also happens during the metabolic switch the metabolic switch occurs once your glycogen stores are depleted and your cells then switch from burning glucose to instead burning ketones which come from fatty acids glycogen stores depend on four main factors one is the time since your last meal two the amount of carbs you've ingested three the amount of exercise you've engaged in and 4 4 the intensity of that exercise regardless most people hit that metabolic switch about 12 hours from their last food intake once the metabolic switches hit and you're now burning ketones amazing things start to happen here during this time fat stores are mobilized for fuel so they undergo beta oxidation to generate ketones now those ketones they then enter the Krebs cycle to generate maximal ATP meanwhile cells reduce their uptake of amino acids and reduce the production of proteins that would otherwise enable cell growth also during this time autophagy and DNA repair they're stimulated as well as the production of antioxidant enzymes all of this means that the cell becomes more resistant to stress the longer you're in this zone of that metabolic switch the more time that you allow for these great things to happen to a certain point though obviously fasting for too long starts to have negative consequences where that point is exactly is still to be determined but that sweet spot seems to be around 16 to 18 hours per day but again it has really depends on your glycogen stores when the fasting period is over and you start eating again the cells have already removed most of their damaged proteins and membranes the cell's insides now look like they've had a fresh blow up and now the cell has improved insulin sensitivity so there's an enhanced ability to rapidly take up glucose and amino acids from the bloodstream from that food that you just ate the mtor pathway is activated in response to food consumption especially when there's a relatively high amount of amino acids from protein the cell's response is to rapidly synthesize new proteins and membranes thus enabling them to grow and this includes mitochondria and in the case of the muscle cells that means you have better stamina and better endurance for your mitochondria to be firing on all cylinders they constantly need to be renewed and replenished in fact people who clear their mitochondria more efficiently end up living longer they need to divide and the cell needs to remove old or defective mitochondria this renewal and replenishing process it's basically like your cell's version of a massive cleanup after a big party in your cells this is called autophagy but it's really a fancy way of saying your cells are taking out the trash and recycling its components and when mitochondria specifically undergo this process it's called mitophagy what happens to those damaged molecules in mitochondria they're transported to the recycling Factory of the cell called the lysosome lysosomes are filled with acid in special digestive enzymes which break down proteins into amino acids and cell membranes into their individual lipid components like cholesterol and fatty acids the lysosomes then release those amino acids and lipids to the rest of the cell to be used for the production of new proteins in membranes if you want your cells to ramp up autophagy you need your insulin levels to hit rock bottom for a sustained period of time so that you can be in the zone as in the metabolic switch Zone based on the research that is currently available the most powerful stimulus of autophagy comes from intermittent fasting for example it's been proven that intermittent fasting stimulates mitochondrial Biogen Genesis and autophagy in the cells of the brain heart muscle and skeletal muscle one specific way that intermittent fasting promotes mitophagy is by stimulating the production of the mitochondrial enzyme called cert3 cert 3 improves mitochondrial ATP production enhances the removal of free radicals and stabilizes mitochondrial membranes once those mitochondria are messed up Beyond repair they're disposed of in the recycling center and need to be replaced with brand spanking new ones and that's called biogenesis which happens during the metabolic switch and now to exercise this study looked at the effects of exercise on mitochondrial size and function these women did six weeks of combined aerobic and resistance training they actually took muscle biopsies of before they worked out and after they worked out after those six weeks and what they found was that those mitochondrial increased in size you can compare the before and after right here on the left is the before and on the right is the after they also found that mitochondrial function improved many of the beneficiaries responses of cells and organs to intermittent fasting are the same that come from exercise resistance training aerobic exercise high intensity interval training have all been shown to improve the cardiovascular system in the same manner as intermittent fasting for example one study found that every other day fasting results and reductions in heart rate and blood pressure as well as an increase in heart rate variability so it's not surprising that doing both ends up having a synergistic effect as they both improve glucose regulation fat burning and brain function as well as protecting against a wide range of age-related diseases in improving longevity in a study done in rats they compared rats who did combined intermittent fasting with high intensity interval training with rats who did just intermittent fasting and rats who did just high intensity interval training and rats who did nothing so of these four groups the best results came from the group that did the combined intermittent fasting with high intensity interval training they had better glucose tolerance lower insulin levels better endurance and increased muscle mass and increased mitochondrial Mass they also had the lowest plasma oxidative stress markers okay so that was in rats but what about humans this study done just this year looked at 36 overweight women and split them into three groups so 12 per group one group did high intensity interval training alone the other did intermittent fasting alone and the other did both intermittent fasting and high intensity interval training not surprisingly after eight weeks the best results came in the group we did both they lost body fat they increased their fat free Mass meaning muscle and they improved their strength in physical fitness but what about what you eat in a nutshell processed food causes metabolic illness generally speaking processed food means that the fiber is removed especially insoluble fiber and sugar is added so what does it all add up to insulin resistance mitochondrial dysfunction inflammation and fat storage not to mention all those chronic diseases that stem from this nothing you eat damages your mitochondria more than fructose fructose to the mitochondria is the equivalent of putting sugar in your gas tank it's only a matter of time before that engine is toast researchers proved in this study that when fructose was added to the diet of rats for 10 weeks it actually decreased the mitochondrial size the researchers also showed that fructose impaired mitochondrial function with less protein acetylation and fatty acid oxidation which led to those metabolic issues so what is it about the fructose that impairs mitochondria it's a few different things excess fructose it generates excess uric acid and excess palmitic acid so both of these when they're in excess cause inflammation in the body which means oxidative stress from those free radicals which damages mitochondria fiber fiber fiber most people don't consume enough soluble and especially insoluble fiber which should be about 25 to 30 grams per day most people get about 10 to 15 grams per day so fiber is the most underrated nutrient for 100 reasons insoluble fiber dramatically slows digestion and absorption of what you eat and this results in lower and slower insulin secretion from the pancreas soluble fiber itself is metabolized by bacteria in the gut and this produces butyric acid AKA butyrate which is absorbed into the bloodstream which has anti-inflammatory effects indirectly helping a mitochondria function at their best great sources of soluble and insoluble fiber include whole intact grains fruits and vegetables legumes nuts and seeds so if you want to maximize your ability to lose weight specifically to burn fat it doesn't get any better than intermittent fasting eating unprocessed food and exercise just like acting said just do it and I'm curious what was your favorite drawing from this video I'd love to hear it in the comments below also if you like this video chances are you'll like this everything you need to know video on intermittent fasting so go ahead and check that out
#Intermittent #Fasting #Weight #Loss #Pounds
Let me know which drawing is your favorite?
What causes weight loss? Caloric deficits cause weight loss. But you skipped that part, to show off your science which goes over the head of most. I lost weight last night whilst sleeping, Talk about that.
I fasted for 80 days with water and lemon and lost 105lb I was 255lb. I ate every 9 days 2 cups of chicken breast one boiled egg 2 carrots and 1 orange but ask your Dr 1st before trying this
Om on day 3 of fasting to let my kindy recover from all the salty abuse I've been giving it😢 I started having kidney stones at 26 years old and would get them every 2-5 years, i would go to hospital ER and get IV and pain management. Now I've had kidney pain 6 times in last 3 months😮 😮😮😮 im only 43 and need to do something desperately for my health
The human body is such a supercomputer. To believe its the result of an explosion of nothing that turned dead matter to mutating mortal life is insane.
This book, Woman's Weight Loss Secrets: The Unspoken Truth, completely changed how I approach weight loss. It’s a must-read!
92 pounds in two years is not that good. Yess it’s still good but two years too long. I lost 86 pounds in 5 months. I fasted for 20 days and ate for 5 days and so on for 6 months
I love this healthy program. 😊😊😊
How old is she????? If you are pre menopausal it likely won't work
Great vid. Good summary. I get confused about fructose… does it refer to eating fruit. Again thanks for all the work you put into this vid. I am saving it and I am a subscriber! I liked all the drawings. Simple. Clear. Neat.
Brown Jennifer Brown James Moore Jason
I started with 238 pounds now im at 203 in only 4 months i have a bulging disc and a low lumbar tear and after i lost that weight i feel much better, fasting absolutely works. Is hard at first but it works
Harris Shirley Martin Jessica Perez Jason
This Doctor Mike Hansen youtube feature of Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss 92 Pounds has some enlightening, easy to apply and motivational information. The reference to Doctor Mike Hansen referencing the success story featured where she did five miles was eye opening to me in a more informed way. I say this with humble and gratitude type of intent because until this video I thought it was necessary to do at least around 10 miles walking andor running even when combining intermittent fasting and diet rather than only having to do around 5 miles. Additonally the success story that Doctor Mike Hansen featured seems like someone who expressed focus and determination in an inspirational way.
Basically stay hungry
I’m on a day two fasting no food for 2 days it’s been easy feels like I haven’t eaten for a couple hours not 2 days. 😭
That's the best explanation I've ever heard. I appreciate you explaining this from the cellular level.
I'm not exercising this is too painful and your theory Works only when somebody exercises and sweats that's how people lose weight not just by eating healthy
I rarely eat processed food (i make nearly everything from scratch). I also exercise a minimum of one hr EVERY DAY (mix it up with crossfit, walking, biking). But since 2020, ive gained 25 lbs bc i hit menopause and my calorie requirements tanked. I went from being able to maintain on 2000 calories a day to maintaining on 1500 a day (& that's WITH all the exercise). I'm starving at that amount, though, which is why I keep gaining. I'm so discouraged
I started fasting today is day 4 my eating window is 3:30–8:30 so i have about a 5hr eating window but i try to keep it within 4hrs so far I’ve lost 3 lbs im hoping soon i can start working out
Be careful about eating heavily after prolonged fasting. I have had what I think is refeeding syndrome
I also do all 3. -12 lbs in 4 weeks so far! Feel great. Don’t feel deprived or hungry. No meds. No supplements. I do 14:10 to 16:8 IF. WW for food tracking and eat mainly 0 pt foods, and exercise by walking or going to gym 3-4 days week.
I lost 30kg in 4 months with intermitted fasting one meal a day its a game chatger
7:30 So, the main takeaway from this video is to use a chair when using a running machine. Genius. Skinny and beautiful, here we come!!!
You’re way of explaining everything is related to the way I loved to learn in school- drawing and writing, excellent way! The information provided is short, complete and simple! Although I know it will work on any human, what are the emotions behind quitting to and moreover how we create exactly does situation which make us quite 😓😮💨
Dermaroller for excess stomach loose skin… what do you think?
THIS DOES NOT WORK FOR WEIGHT LOSS. I have been adhering to IF strictly since 1 January. 8 weeks. I have only water between 7 pm and at the very earliest 9 am, usually later. In addition to that, every week I fast from 7 pm on Wednesday evening to about 10 or 11 on. a Friday morning. That’s a minimum of a 36 hour fast every week (usually about 40 hours) on top of the restricted times every other day.
General diet: I don’t eat or drink anything with sugar in. No desserts, cakes biscuits sweets, fizzy drinks fruit juice, nothing like that. I do eat a lot of raw fruit. I only very rarely drink alcohol, maybe a glass of wine every few weeks. I don’t eat snack foods or junk food, no burgers or pizza or anything like that. No fried food. Not much bread, whole grain only, and I don’t eat butter or any spreads. I snack on almonds, walnuts, raisins, fruit. I do eat meat but not a great deal. I don’t restrict calories at the moment but I keep an eye on quantity.
Activity: I’m usually fairly active in the form of brisk walking (8000 steps a day at 3.5 mph or faster) though that has dropped off the last few weeks for various reasons.
RESULT: after 8 weeks of a weekly 36-hour fast and time-restricted eating on every other day and a healthy diet, I have NOT LOST WEIGHT, in fact I’ve gained a kilo.
On the plus side, I would definitely say that as a sufferer of episodes of colitis I’ve seen marked improvement in day-to-day bowel function. But no sign of weight loss.
Your picture of the rat should be used in medical journals, medical textbooks, … I’m sending it off to JAMA now and am confident it will be issued universal recognition. 😄I died, Lol and love it.
I lost 38 kg in 6 months with Intermittent fasting and OMAD.
Started 6 days ago and I'm down 7 pounds. 18 hour fast, 6 hour eating window. Mostly high protein and high fat. If I have refined sugar, I end up craving food so much after my blood sugar drops that I can't sustain the fast, so I accidentally became keto out of necessity. Beef, pork, bacon, butter, eggs, carrots, mixed nuts, and plant based protein shakes. That's pretty much it. I ate 3x a day on days 1-3, only 2x per day on 4-5, on day 6 I only ate once. My body is craving less food and I become full much sooner. Salt and squeezed lemon help any cravings. Other than that, I'm walking 3-5 miles on the treadmill at a pace that makes me work and I'm doing body weight exercises. I've got 13 more pounds up lose until I'm back to my ideal weight.
My first goal is to lose 5kg and then another one. I think I feel intimidated with the thought of losing 13kg, but if you think in smaller steps it will feel better. I have started doing between 18-20 hours and do some 36h. Hope it works and want to see the result in summer.
I want to loose 60 pounds ima start jan 5 by april ill be good
What’s not talked about is what time to eat and IF. You must eat early in the day then IF.
Doing all 3 and I'm down 15 lbs in 30 days. Yesterday I quit 🍷 and can't wait to see what happends to my body in the next 30 days💚
This is what cave people had to do in order to survive
why my weight is stuck? i do IF everyday, and workout 6 times a week.
2 years that's long way i lost 107 in 7 months
I fast usually from 7pm to 9am and drink a lot of water, in addition to my coffee and eating mostly veggies and protein, and high fibre. I keep my carbs for the morning and choose carbs with a low glycemic index (as diabetes runs on both sides of my family). To avoid developing diabetes I’m making various lifestyle changes
It has little to do with when you eat
Loosing weight have physiological effect. The only thing tayt stopping you is you.
i am on OMAD – one meal a day…i did that for a few months. lost 10lbs…as i wasn't exercising much, now i am on OMAD with ADF Alternative Day Fasting, so complete fast. it is helping to get past the plateau. i have to find a way to do some weights and other exercises. Fasting really has helped me so much. i was 170lbs before lock down, the ballooned to something like 186. Now i am 155lbs.
I Lost 20kg in 2 months on 16:8.
I’m post/menopausal and decided to prove that women like me can lose weight. Not only that but I was in a bad bicycling accident and was in a wheelchair and using a walker and cane for a year. My weight crept up and I felt terrible.
I decided earlier this year that I was going to lose weight no matter what. Based on a lot of info I got from this channel, I decided to avoid almost all processed foods, to do intermittent fasting, to avoid most gluten, dairy, sugar, and alcohol, and to focus on a Mediterranean diet. I’m 7 months in and have lost over 55 lbs. I only have 10 left to lose.
If you ever wondered if your channel had an impact, Dr Hansen, well, you’ve had a huge impact on me. ❤
So how do I start this? The video did not tell me rather gave me studies on them. Not very helpful