THIS is What Happens To Your Body in an Infrared Sauna | Dr. Steven Gundry

16 March 2025

THIS is What Happens To Your Body in an Infrared Sauna | Dr. Steven Gundry

Are you ready to take your health to the next level? As I always say, your health is your wealth, and nothing is more important than supporting your body's powerhouse – the mitochondria!

Watch the video with Spanish audio here:

My personal favorite way to uncouple my mitochondria is with the one and only infrared sauna! Saunas are the ultimate temple of detoxification, and now, thanks to my NEW infrared sauna, I can experience the power of ancient healing right in the comfort of my own home – and so can you! Gone are the days of sweating it out in crowded gyms with strangers. With infrared saunas, you can experience the same mind-blowing benefits WITHOUT excessive sweating and awkwardness.

And guess what? I've done the research, and I've found THE brand that's been leading the charge in the wellness industry for nearly 25 years – Sunlighten! They're dedicated to bringing you the BEST in infrared sauna technology, so you can unlock the full potential of your mitochondria!

So what are you waiting for? Learn how you can boost your mitochondria, and unleash your true potential with the power of infrared saunas today!
Save up to $600 on your sauna purchase when you mention DrGundry at
This episode is sponsored by Sunlighten Sauna, but Dr. Gundry’s opinions are his own.

Well as I often talk about, one of the best things you can do for your health is uncouple your mitochondria. There are many ways to do this like eating pistachios, swallowing polyphenols, taking MCT oil and ice baths to name a few. But one of my personal favorite ways to uncouple mitochondria that is support our longevity is regular sauna use and this has become even easier. Thanks to my new infrared sauna saunas are widely available and may even be free to use at your local health club. So they're a great option for temperature induced torme. And if you're not a fan of the sweaty part or sitting around half naked with a bunch of strangers, you can get a similar effect and even more benefits for your mitochondria from an infrared sauna. The brand I decided to go to for my personal use is sun lighten. They have been committed to helping others with their products for nearly years really long before the sauna craze was even heard of. Now, why do this? Well, first of all these saunas have great benefits. Number one right up on the top of the list is uncoupling mitochondria, extreme temperatures you might experience in a sauna, can uncouple your mitochondria. First of all, the heat hormesis is a short term stress that also has healing benefits. The word hormesis first got coined from Nietzsche's famous line that which doesn't kill me, makes me stronger. So, hormesis is using a stressor to get a benefit from that stressor. And heat actually stresses your mitochondria, the weak ones or the nonfunctioning ones die off while the others uncouple and divine. And there's excellent studies to show that this happens. Now, sunlighten saunas are proven to raise body temperature by up to three degrees in human clinical studies. But it's the near infrared exposure, that's really exciting a paper in the Journal of Phyto Chemistry and phyto biology explained that red light therapy might increase the number of mitochondria by a multiple mechanism including mitochondrial and coupling. Now, exercise will uncouple mitochondria. Physical exercise seems to globally stimulate mitochondrial uncoupling leading to a remodeling of skeletal muscle cell physiology. But infrared sauna sessions raise your heart rate and increase circulation. And this replicates a cardiovascular workout. We turn passive cardio. In fact, blood flow during infrared sauna use may raise from a normal rate of about to liters or quarts per minute to up to quarts per minute, liters per minute, basically a doubling of your cardiac output. And this is human studies. Now an additional benefit that many people have used sauna for generations is that it can loosen up your muscles. Now, red light and near infrared light can help build muscles and decrease inflammation and oxidative stress. The heat of infrared increases circulation of blood flow. Now, obviously, red blood cells carry oxygen and nutrients to the site of a strain or inflammation, which actually helps create new blood vessels and tissues at the site. So the more red blood cells that get delivered to your muscles, the quicker they rebuild. And since white blood cells are the cleanup agents, the more white blood cells you develop, deliver to your muscles from increasing blood flow, the quicker the inflammation gets cleaned up. Now, there's more to it than just that a study conducted at Auburn University of Montgomery showed a sunlight and impulse sauna can increase your flexibility by up to three times benefits. In the study showed an increased range of motion including joint mobility, less friction in the joints and diminished stiffness and joint relaxation. Again, a published study in humans, with this increase in flexibility, you can expect a decrease risk of injury because the less stress that's placed on the muscles if moving properly. Now, all of this can have energy boosting effects including helping to alleviate fatigue symptoms, mostly because of its ability to support circulation and dilated blood vessels. In fact, in one study of patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, symptoms were dramatically improved after 15 to 25 sessions of thermal therapy. Why? Because among other things, red and near infrared therapy support mitochondrial function and the efficient production of ATP through cellular respiration. Another published study. Now, the nice thing that I like about infrared saunas, they operate at a much lower temperature than traditional saunas. And with the sunlighten sauna, you don't have to wait for the sauna to heat up because the infrared energy makes you heat up rather than the air around you heat up. This temperature difference allows you to leave the sauna feeling refreshed rather than drained. In other words, you get to enjoy the experience rather than endure the experience. And if you've ever endured saunas, particularly after skiing or at the gym, you'll know that one of the feelings you get is certainly not one of thoroughly enjoying the experience but kind of suffering through the experience to get the benefit. Later in this case, you actually get to enjoy the experience and oh, by the way, we can pipe in music in our sauna to really enhance the experience. Now, infrared saunas can give cardiovascular systems the same boost as exercising. And that's because your cardiac output goes up, your blood vessels dilate. And that's a great thing. Now, when exposed to the stresses of extreme heat, cells engage in coordinated adaptive measures that stimulate them to clean up, repair, restore themselves. And that's what the hormesis response is. One of the benefits of frequent sauna use that's been documented in sauna using countries is that it appears to be protective against cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disease. That's pretty good. In fact, repeated. So use has shown to preserve muscle mass and countering sarcopenia in humans. Now to do all that, you can spend time in a sauna or a steam room, you can get a near infrared or red light sauna for your home use like sunlighten, you can take a hot yoga class or quite frankly, come and visit me in Palm Springs in the summer. I guarantee you you will get a hot experience, but there's an easy way that I used to use all the time. That is take a nice hot bath to enjoy sampling these benefits and take it before you go to bed. Recent studies show that a hot bath relieves mild depression better than antidepressants and a hot bath before bedtime will make you drop your temperature, which will induce a better and deeper sleep. Now get into the bathtub with the bathtub warm and then once you're acclimated, let water out and add hotter and hotter water, you'll achieve the same hormetic effects as long as you're sweating in the bathtub. Now you hear about cold showers, but it goes both ways. Exposing your body to cold and hot temperatures can support a long vital life. And get yourself a sauna. I love my sunlighten sauna. But if you don't have one and want some benefits, fill that bathtub full of hot water before you go to bed and watch the benefits. And you may notice that those benefits will translate into you looking into a sauna for long-term use. like I did. More amazing episodes just like this one. Watch now! If you really want to spend your money on a calcium supplement, buy some sardines, buy some anchovies, that's the way to get your calcium.

#Body #Infrared #Sauna #Steven #Gundry


  1. Watch this video in Spanish on my NEW Spanish podcast channel here:

  2. hi Doc what are you selling?

  3. drinking game: 
    take a shot every time he says mitochondria

  4. I wonder how much he got paid by these companies to read that cue card 💀

  5. Well I can't believe it doctor grundy finally found something to endorse.

  6. Question: Will the heat rash on tummy eventually go away?

  7. What is the healthy looking res drink sitting on the table please?

  8. watching 👀 from the northern Maine woods offgrid 🌳 🪵 🪓 🔥 thank you and will use my fireplace for infrared light… 😊

  9. Uncouple mitochondria? What?

  10. Sauna's are nice. I sat in one for 20 mins and it kung fu kicked my back pain away for 2 1/2 weeks.

  11. No wonder japanese love their thermal baths, it reaps the same benefits

  12. Depending on its intensity, proximity and the duration of exposure, infrared radiation can be harmful to the eyes as well as to the skin. The eyes generally react much sooner and are much more sensitive than the skin to the effects of IR radiation, which can be harmful from a certain degree of intensity and exposure.
    EMF radiation is amongst potential infrared sauna dangers that the vast majority of people are unaware of. Infrared heating panels, which these saunas rely on to generate heat, are responsible for the emission of EMF radiation. There is currently no requirement that an infrared sauna companys produces a low EMF infrared sauna. Before buying an infrared sauna, it's crucial to check the EMF (electromagnetic field) levels of the infrared panels, as some models emit significantly higher levels than others.

  13. All good doctor G ❤ thank you infinitely for educating us all ! ❤ l vote for this smarter way ❤

  14. What do you mean with UNCOUPLE mitokondria?

  15. Near infered is where it’s at

    Done this for years

  16. What about infrared heating panels?

  17. Vital saunas are way better than sunlighten

  18. Watched for first time. Love this man already!!

  19. Is far infrared the same?

  20. Thank you Dr Gundry. Just one question – is there no negative impact of IR on your eyes when you use IR Sauna?

  21. I would love more pod casts on infared and red light therapy treatments and products

  22. I use HeatHealer infrared sauna blanket. Love it

  23. Your funny 🇨🇦👼👼

  24. Which saunas emit the least EMFs? Thanks.

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