I Tried $130 CBD Oil To Treat My Anxiety

16 March 2025

I Tried $130 CBD Oil To Treat My Anxiety

CBD products claim to help with everything from anxiety to insomnia to muscle pain. It almost sounds too good to be true. And maybe it is.

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#CBD #Anxiety #ScienceInsider

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I Tried $130 CBD Oil To Treat My Anxiety

nope tongue back that's me trying cbd at a shop in new york city lately i've seen this stuff everywhere at your local health food store but also at urban outfitters sephora and cbd shops like this one and if you look at some of the branding it kind of makes sense these products claim to help with everything from anxiety to insomnia to muscle pain it almost sounds too good to be true and maybe it is to find out i set up a little experiment for one week i took cbd three times a day while at the same time i tracked my anxiety with a scorecard and i also chatted with an expert before and after to sort through the results here's what i learned [Applause] cbd is a distant cousin of thc that's the psychoactive chemical in marijuana they both come from the cannabis plant but cbd isn't psychoactive meaning it doesn't get you high now of course getting high isn't the only reason why cannabis is popular people also use it to relieve pain control seizures and lessen anxiety but as researchers like dr yasmin hurd are discovering it's likely cbd not thc that's behind these benefits it can activate some serotonin receptors and serotonin system is associated with alleviating anxiety dr hurd has been studying the effects of cbd for over 10 years and she's found that it can reduce anxiety in people with a history of heroin addiction now fortunately i don't have a history of addiction but i do see a therapist for chronic anxiety and cbd could help both under normal conditions and in people who have anxiety disorders enough research has started to show that it does have an anti-anxiety effect so back at the shop i tried all kinds of products from sweets tastes like chocolate to lotions and sprays i think i missed my mouth and while dr heard couldn't recommend a specific dose for me she did say that 300 milligrams should be enough to feel something if i take it every day because participants in clinical trials typically take anywhere from 300 to 600 milligrams so those chocolates and sprays yeah they weren't gonna cut it instead i went for something different tinctures right these these are where you really get into the higher strength things i decided to err on the side of caution and take 250 milligrams each day broken out into three doses 50 milligrams in the morning 100 milligrams at midday and another 100 milligrams at night that way it wouldn't hit me all at once all right today is the day i'm kind of nervous all right here we go now mind you this was a wednesday a work day it's a 50. so gross i mean my mouth is like filled with oil right now it's like a nasty feeling it doesn't taste good side note the reason i'm taking cbd this way is that there are tons of capillaries under your tongue so anything you put there can be absorbed directly into your bloodstream now that's different than when you ingest cbd like with that chocolate a lot of it is broken down by your stomach so you probably won't feel much anyway several hours later i took my last dose of the day and i would say and if anything i just feel extremely tired that was the first thing i noticed that cbd was making me drowsy really drowsy dr heard said that's actually a pretty normal side effect at high doses so tired but as i discovered the next night it might also be great for hangovers see i went to a concert carly rae anyway i had some alcohol the next morning i felt great and according to dr heard that might be because cbd also has some anti-inflammatory effects but what about anxiety what i was really in this for each morning i filled out the anxiety scorecard that dr heard gave me it's a rough estimate of my daily emotional state based on numbered responses to statements like i feel at ease but day to day it was a lot harder to figure out whether cbd was actually helping after three days now of cbd i'm mostly just tired but over the weekend i finally got that relief i was looking for even more quickly than i had expected so i happened to take cbd right before i had to do something kind of stressful today and i took 100 milligrams and felt like pretty quickly felt my nerves calming down and i was like oh my god this is totally working um which is really great because i feel like i'm looking for that like quick relief as everyone is now of course this could have been a placebo i mean all of this could be placebo so a few days later i tried it again in a similar high stress situation i'm not gonna lie i actually feel a little bit more calm it kind of like puts me into this almost like disassociative state i will say that i've also been listening to the lion king soundtrack so like maybe that's a part of it when is the lion king not gonna relax you right at that point i just had one day left i must say i am kind of excited to stop having to take this three times a day i think part of it is just like scheduling it and remembering i've also just been so much more tired i don't feel like my anxiety was kind of washed away i felt like there were a few times where it really helped in certain instances and like overall kind of maybe lowered the intensity of how i was feeling because i felt kind of lethargic at the end i looked over my anxiety scorecard and sure enough it showed that i was feeling slightly less anxious on my last day compared to my first especially when i looked at statements like this yeah that's a big one for me and i was excited to run these results by dr hurt how do you feel um to be honest i don't feel that different um i i think that the biggest change that i noticed is i was just tired all the time kind of like slo-mo like lethargia that makes me feel like a little bit disassociated with reality but quite kind of in a good way and i think that that is like what made me feel a little less anxious at times taking it at night only might be the best so that this way get past the initial sedative effects or groggy effects and then you don't have to worry about taking other things like caffeine or someone to try and keep away and what about those moments of more instant relief was that in my head or could cbd act that fast yeah absolutely for us in our studies you know people did shortly after getting cbd but again at higher doses then you had did report reduced anxiety but if there was one takeaway from our conversations it was this cbd ironically even though it's now this huge fat in our society we still don't have a very good handle on how it's working in other words we don't know what size dose you should take how exactly it changes your brain or how it impacts different people in different ways and that's largely because until late 2018 nearly all cbd was classified as an illegal substance which made it really difficult for scientists to study and while research is starting to catch up in some ways it's kind of too late it's one of the first times in history that the public is determining whether something is medicine not scientists and physicians as for me will i continue using cbd yeah but likely only for those moments when i need that instant relief because while it seems to benefit a lot of people i'm personally not fully convinced and also because this bottle it costs more than 130 dollars and if i'm gonna spend that much on anything i want to be totally sure that it works [Music] you

#CBD #Oil #Treat #Anxiety


  1. How many drops each time? If you take the whole dropper every day that would be extremely expensive.

  2. I've been trying CBD for insomnia, and I can say truthfully CBD does not work for me. 😬🫢

  3. I’m know from personal experience is giving red eyes 😂 you got them also

  4. I bought some full spectrum oil and took 50mg from a reputable dispensary. I was so sick and throwing up. Never again!

  5. "Chronic anxiety" But is able to make a video and put himself out there. Total BS, and The Lion King? How can I trust this fruit?

  6. I need the phone number please totall to make order now

  7. Sorry, this video is really useless, although highly produced and nicely done. You cannot measure the effects in only 7 days, this requires many months of supervised testing, plus ideally tested for placebo effects as well. It's funny how a doctor took part in this video, it definitely does not make her look good.

  8. CBD is nothing more than a mild sedative-like substance that leaves you feeling drowsy the next morning. You have to take a lot to experience it's subtle effects which are fleeting…. Take Xanax if you really want to calm your nervous system.

  9. I tried CBD gummies for insomnia and it gave me anxiety.

  10. getting ripped off paying so much for a little bit of junk oil would really give me a lot of anxiety!!

  11. Drinking alcohol with anxiety 🤦🏻‍♂️ That's like having diabetes and still consuming sugar over the levels 😂

  12. Tbh you don’t even look like your suffering from anxiety

  13. Been taking cbd from an ISO certified family run producer in the Netherlands called Dutch Natural healing. Had the same effects as anti anxiety medication on me. Great product variety and impecable quality. Immediately felt so much better!! Make sure you buy 3rd party certified and, of course, as organic as possible! Hugs to anyone struggling with what can sometimes feel as crippling anxiety. You are not alone 🫶🏼

  14. How is people smoking mostly thc Marijuana with little to no CBD in it, yet it's the CBD that's the one relieving people of these symptoms? 😂😂 She-boon thinking.

  15. Kratom works far better for anxiety and it can help with energy, pain and sleep too depending on strain and dose. Highly recommended, but do your research and keep an open mind.

  16. CBD never worked for me. However, I did hear that it may take a few weeks of daily use before the effects are felt. I also read that the doses requried for effects are massive, like 10x the average suggested dose on the label. If both of these things are true, it would be very expensive and take a ton of patience for effects.

  17. I've been diagnosed with a severe anxiety disorder, it's so bad my body wakes me up in the middle of the night with floods of electrical burning shocks.. it's so bad I have a agoraphobia because of it.. I'm trying CBD and the electrical shocks have went away but I still have severe anxiety.. maybe in time it will get better

  18. Aren't you supposed to do a drop at a time? Filling your mouth with oil isnt going to do much more than just a little under your tongue.

  19. 1:17 wrong, it binds to the cannabinoid receptors. Maybe it was not known 4 years ago not sure but still wrong

  20. with a real drug you dont ask yourself if it works or not, everything legal is like a joke, like they dont want us to experience feeling better like on opiates.

  21. For me cbd just makes me not worry about what I can’t control. Im just much more centered mentally. I take like 2-5 drops after breakfast and dinner hehe

  22. Ive just tried 0.3g of a 10% flower smoked. Feel relaxed, not ruminating on anything or feel anxious. I'm just in the moment. Its eased my chronic pain a little. I've not felt like this calm for many years…

  23. Hi doctor im looking into cbd oil for anxiety, im on xanax 1 MG 4xs a day my anxiety is bad I don't want to feel tired I just want my anxiety to be controlled I also suffer from chronic insomnia pls help

  24. Serotonin is not an important chemical in that sense. Depression and anxiety is not the same thing. The GABA receptors are responsible for "putting on the brakes" it's what gets released when you drink alcohol. Serotonin is very important when socialising or for perception but it is not directly linked to anxiety.

  25. it does help with anxiety too. but if the anxiety is bad then taking more does not help. It is like a low level preventative because the stress is releived, and sleep is better quality. (this is just a personal experience. I have seen some videos where people say they feel nothing. There are different qualities out there since the gov does not control this stuff, so go for purity and reviews. I also read that it can reduce the effectiiveness of some meds so watch out for that.

  26. sometimes it wakes me up, and others it just calms me down. The higher dose initially is wakeful, then it makes me tired, but this takes a while to churn into the system tired for like 24hrs plus I think it gets caught up in the liver. If you stop that tired feeling goes away in about 2 days. this is with taking oil orally. The low dose is initially relaxing and can be focusy if I add to it. I like the pain relief as a senior the minor aches and pains are barely there, so I can stretch

  27. I love cbd tbh 😊 it really alleviate my anxiety 😊

  28. It got me high. I specifically asked the guy if it would and he said no. I was high for 4 hours. Not what I wanted. Obviously, the THC dose was too much for me even at 1.7%.

  29. You're supposed to hold it under the tounge, not just swallow it!!

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