3 Adaptogens For Stress And Anxiety
1) Schedule your INITIAL APPOINTMENT (Now Accepting Insurance!): https://www.oswalddigestiveclinic.com/scheduling
2) DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE GUIDE: 5 Ways To Improve Gut Health And End Food Intolerances For Good: https://odc.mykajabi.com/FreeGuide
3) Buy PROFESSIONAL QUALITY SUPPLEMENTS: https://flussonutrients.nutridyn.com
VIDEO SPECIFIC LINKS (always check w/ your main healthcare provider before starting any new supplements – feel free to schedule with our clinic if you don't have a nutrition-literate provider):
1) Lavender Oil: https://flussonutrients.nutridyn.com/dynamic-essentials-lavender
2) Lavela: https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/flussonutrients (create an account & search for Lavela)
3) Ashwagandha Combo: https://flussonutrients.nutridyn.com/stress-essentials-balance-seb & https://flussonutrients.nutridyn.com/cortisol-pro
4) Licorice & Ashwagandha Combo: https://flussonutrients.nutridyn.com/stress-essentials-licorice-complex
5) Licorice Combo: https://flussonutrients.nutridyn.com/licorice-dgl-pro
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3 Adaptogens For Stress And Anxiety:
You may have heard about adaptogens somewhere on the internet and that they have benefits. Adaptogens have been used in traditional medicine in many different regions and for a good reason. They have been used as a natural way to reduce anxiety, adaptogenic herbs have been used for natural stress relief, and there even have been ties to improving digestive health. In this video, I will go over what are adaptogens and how do they work, adaptogen supplements, and I will list a few that I have used to help you decide what you may want to try!
*This content is strictly the opinion of Oswald Digestive Clinic and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Oswald Digestive Clinic nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program. Note this description contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when the viewer uses the links, the viewer is in NO WAY obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support!
#IBS #guthealth #dietitiannutritionist
hi everybody today i'm going to share with you three adaptogens that i have actually personally used at one point or another drying my life what's an adaptogen it's basically a herb or a plant that helps the body adapt to stress so adaptogen they can be really great if you're going for an extra through an extra stressful time in your life so acute stress is actually healthy for the body it's like chronic stress when it's prolonged it lasts for way too long where it starts to be detrimental to the body so i'm ashley oswald i'm a functional medicine gut health dietitian and owner of audible digestive clinic where we help people improve and eliminate bothersome gut issues like gas bloat diarrhea constipation and more if you want to schedule with our clinic we accept insurance now many of our clients get full coverage which is so exciting and i will share a link in the description below so without further ado let's talk about these three adaptogens so the first adaptogen i'm going to talk about today is when you've maybe heard me talk about before it's ashwagandha road so this is a shrub that grows about two and a half to five feet high year-round in india it grows in some parts of the u.s seasonally ashwagandha actually translates to i'm going to read this to you that which has the smell of a horse it smells and tastes awful we'll get to that as it gives the vitality and sexual energy of a horse so it can really help to restore strength and vitality research shows that it can help to improve sleep reduce anxiety and improve energy basically allowing and supporting you to heal from deep exhaustion and it's been used for almost 4 000 years in a traditional uses in india which is pretty cool long history of using this to help us adapt to stress and lastly there's some research showing that it can support and improve the immune system as well so the first time i took ashwagandha i took it in powdered form and that's where i truly understand the saying of that i just shared with you about how it has the smell of a horse it's not tasty you can get by and if you start noticing benefits it'll probably be fine to you most people prefer to just take it in like a capsule form and i've adapted to being able to tolerate the tincture and actually like the taste of the tincture now too so i will share with you some links below if you want to explore this for yourself so the second one i want to share with you is lavender oil when i was using this i was using lavella which is a product by integrative therapeutics it's a great product i would even travel with it it comes in really easy like tear sections so super easy to travel with really helpful for sleep and anxiety so especially if somebody's having an issue sleeping because of anxiety and there's a lot of other ways that you can use it too there's usually a there's a farmers at many farmers markets that sell lavender where you can do the spray or you can put some of the actual shrub you know they cut off pieces of the shrub like in your pillow i bought it for friends and they say they spray it on their pillow before bed and it really helps them with sleep and so a lot of possible uses basically it's a shrub that'll grow about three feet tall and has been known to be used for anxiety depression sleep and even headaches you can put some oil and like some fresh essential oil lavender and some coconut oil rub it on the temples and then there's even some research showing that it can help cut health by improving spasms that might be caused by anxiety and helping to relieve some gas so i've already shared with you some ways that you can take it i think one that is pretty popular that i have left out is doing like a lavender epsom salt bath or you can just put a few drops of lavender oil in the bath or you can buy epsom salts that actually have lavender in it so the last one i want to share with you is licorice i'm not talking about that black licorice candy this is real licorice root and i'll show a picture here i've been craving it lately i think it tastes so delicious and it's been used for a long time and different traditional medicines like traditional chinese medicine ayurveda egyptian greek western so a lot of use over the past thousands of years it grows about three feet tall and its benefits really come from playing with that cortisol hormone again basically it helps keep that cortisol along round longer which this means pregnant alone if you know about the hormone cascade doesn't get stolen as much so it can be used to then properly create the other hormones you don't need to know that all you have to know it helps to keep your hormones balanced and this is how it helps with chronic stress it can also help with stomach health research shows it can improve gastric which is stomach irritation and cramping so that's pretty cool there's a lot of ways that you can take licorice my favorite is just using the root putting it in some water or just buying some like licorice tea and it's so delicious that way you can also you might see it in different supplement combinations there's tinctures of it and more just caution if you have high blood pressure or water retention don't use this one and then also don't take it consistently for more than four to six weeks as this could cause a drop in potassium which could lead to high blood pressure and weakness and so if you start to notice its symptoms um definitely stop your licorice supplementation and there's so many more that we haven't talked about today like jinxing and lemon balm and tulsi and lemongrass and even catnip which you know the benefit that has for cats and helping them to chill out well humans can actually take that too so i will link some products below if you're interested in exploring any of these uh my disclaimer check with your main healthcare providers if you want to become a client center clinic you might have full coverage if you have an insurance we accept in a plan that covers nutrition counseling medical nutrition therapy so you can schedule that below or you can just download our free guide to get started which is five ways to improve gut health and end food intolerances for good that is also linked below so i hope you all have a great day and i will see you next week
#Adaptogens #Stress #Anxiety
1) Schedule your INITIAL APPOINTMENT (Now Accepting Insurance!): https://www.oswalddigestiveclinic.com/scheduling
2) DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE GUIDE: 5 Ways To Improve Gut Health And End Food Intolerances For Good: https://odc.mykajabi.com/FreeGuide
Excellent, so much great information! Thanks Ashley! I have an ashwagandha tea that I drink that I actually kind of like the taste of. Do you know if there's any research regarding if the powder or capsules work better than the tea form?