Ayurvedic Superfoods | Ayurvedic Diet Tips | Superfoods for Modern Day | #SayYesToAyurveda

16 March 2025

Ayurvedic Superfoods | Ayurvedic Diet Tips | Superfoods for Modern Day | #SayYesToAyurveda

Super-food is a term used to describe certain foods that are rich in nutrients and are believed to provide numerous health benefits. These foods are often packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other beneficial compounds.

Super-food can come from various food groups and may include fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts,

According to Ayurvedic principles, certain foods are considered to have specific medicinal properties and are often referred to as Ayurvedic Super-food These foods are believed to promote balance and well-being in the body and are commonly used in Ayurvedic practices.

Ayurvedic Superfood is believed to offer several potential benefits.

Let’s look at a few l benefits associated with Ayurvedic Super-food:

· Anti-inflammatory properties:
· Adaptogenic effects: They may support energy levels, reduce fatigue, and improve overall vitality.
· Digestive support: They may help improve digestion, reduce bloating and gas, and enhance nutrient absorption.
· Detoxification: They may help eliminate toxins, improve liver function, and promote overall detoxification.
· Mental well-being: They may help promote mental clarity, reduce anxiety, and support overall emotional well-being.

In this video, Dr. Hansaji Yogendra speaks about some most important Ayurvedic superfoods that one must add to our diet.

0:50 – Ayurvedic Superfoods

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namaskar today we are going to talk about something that is very very important for overall our health and well-being and that is our food did you know that according to ayurveda by choosing a right food and eating them in the right way we can support our body and mind prevent illness and even heal from the existing illness so in today's video I am going to share with you some of the most important ayurvedic superfoods these are foods that are not only incredibly nutritious but also has huge benefits according to ayurved by incorporating these Foods into our regular diet you can support your body and mind in countless ways so let's see what are those Foods first G which we all have now if you are not familiar with ghee it is basically butter clarified which means all the milk solid and water are removed he is awesome because it is super easy to digest even if you are lactose intolerant he has got some amazing benefits too he is great for your gut health because it is loaded with butyric acid and it is also packed with vitamin A in ayurved he is thought to help improve digestion lubricate your Elementary Canal boost your immune system and give you some serious skin and hair goals make sure you consume spoon of ghee every day but not more than a spoon next figs which we have they are actually very easy to find at your local grocer and they are packed with some serious nutrition they are high in fiber calcium and potassium which are all essential for good bone health in ayurved figs are thought to help in digestion give you a little immune boost now the third is Moon Moon beans you can use moong beans in soups stews salads and more they are loaded with protein fiber and antioxidants which make them great for digestion and reducing inflammation in the body in ayurved movies are thought to help in weight loss and even help cooling down your body in the hot summer day another important food is turmeric now turmeric has been part of ayurved medicine for centuries this bright yellow spice loaded with foreign which has some serious anti-inflammatory property and in ayurved Germany is thought to help in digestion give you an immune boost and keep your skin healthy next we have gooseberries or abla these little green berries are packed with vitamin C which is essential for immune health and they have got some anti-inflammatory properties in ayurved gooseberries are thought to help with digestion boost your immune system and keep your hair and skin look healthy now another thing would be banana you might be thinking that bananas are just a basic fruit what is so special about it in ayurved bananas are actually considered as a super food because they are loaded with fiber potassium and vitamin B6 and C they are great for digestion and they are also thought to help with sleep reduce stress and the anxiety and keep your skin looking healthy and bright lastly quinoa which is a super food which is getting more popularity in the western world it is high in protein fiber and minerals like iron and magnesium in ayurved quinoa is believed to balance all the three doshas and it is a great alternative to a traditional grains like rice and wheat so these are some amazing ayurvedic superfood and these Foods definitely you should use in your diet as soon as possible it can really help you keep free from all kinds of diseases which are on rise in modern time add these Foods in your diet plan and stay healthy and happy namaskar

#Ayurvedic #Superfoods #Ayurvedic #Diet #Tips #Superfoods #Modern #Day #SayYesToAyurveda


  1. From powerful herbs to nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, this video will introduce you to a variety of foods that can support your body and mind in accordance with Ayurvedic health principles. Join us on this journey to better health by sharing this video and leaving a comment. Our goal is to make good health a priority, promote well-being and make this world a healthier place to live in.

  2. At my Ayurveda school we learn that banana is a tamasic fruit, that brings dullness to our mind .

  3. Om Maha Mritunjayaya Namaha

    The Maha Mritunjaya mantra appears in Rig Veda (7.59.12) and was revealed to Maharishi Vasishtha

    It is a rik verse set in Anushtup Chandaha which is a style of writing composed of 4 lines with 8 syllables each.

    We can chant it 108 times on every Somavaar

    It promotes health and general well being

  4. Ghee is a blessing for Humanity from our rishi, munni 🙏❤️

  5. Mam I have uric acid
    Can i take moong daal

  6. Ayurvedic superfoods – ghee, figs, mung beans, turmeric, amla(gooseberries), banana, and quinoa.

  7. 🤗🤗🤗🥰🥰🥰

  8. 🤗😘♥️🤗😘♥️🤗😘♥️

  9. 🤗🤗🤗👋👋👋

  10. 🤗🤗🤗👋👋👋

  11. 🤗🤗🤗👋👋👋

  12. 😊😊😊😘😘😘♥️♥️♥️🥰🥰🥰

  13. Was wondering how can indian ayurvedic studies include quinoa in ancient indian times as quinoa was Existing according to historical evidence indicates that its domestication by the peoples of America may have occurred between 3,000 and 5,000 years BCE. There are archeological discoveries of quinoa in tombs of Tarapacá, Calama and Arica in Chile, and in different regions of Peru. Why don’t we promote our own indian superfoods which are grown in our own indian farms to promote indian economy rather than adopting American lifestyle & foods… Rujuta Diwekar sums it up by saying, "Long story short, patronise food that gives you the three Es: energy to your body, economy to your farmer, ecology to your globe." The next time you term avocado or quinoa as superfood, remember this! Instead, Diwekar advocates that we follow our grandmothers’ wisdom, and not be swayed by modern trends like stocking up on quinoa and kale — the two biggest trends internationally in recent times. “Quinoa doesn’t sit well in your stomach nor does it blend with anything. And until two years ago, we didn’t even know what kale was. Now, we have it in every form. We are copying the poor man’s food from a different continent. There is such diversity in the food of our own country — grains, legumes, pulses — but are overlooking it.”
    So, how did the definition of nutrition become synonymous to filling your plate with unpalatable foods? When did we became a nation that rejects ghee but takes to olive oil? “The demarcation of carbohydrates, proteins and fats was meant to help people make sensible decisions. But it has just left people confused. These days, selling anything by terming it ‘transfat-free’ or ‘sugar-free’ is lucrative. The only people benefitting are those in the food and weight-loss industries.

  14. Was wondering how can indian ayurvedic studies include quinoa in ancient indian times as quinoa was Existing according to historical evidence indicates that its domestication by the peoples of America may have occurred between 3,000 and 5,000 years BCE. There are archeological discoveries of quinoa in tombs of Tarapacá, Calama and Arica in Chile, and in different regions of Peru. Why don’t we promote our own indian superfoods which are grown in our own indian farms to promote indian economy rather than adopting American lifestyle & foods… Rujuta Diwekar sums it up by saying, "Long story short, patronise food that gives you the three Es: energy to your body, economy to your farmer, ecology to your globe." The next time you term avocado or quinoa as superfood, remember this! Instead, Diwekar advocates that we follow our grandmothers’ wisdom, and not be swayed by modern trends like stocking up on quinoa and kale — the two biggest trends internationally in recent times. “Quinoa doesn’t sit well in your stomach nor does it blend with anything. And until two years ago, we didn’t even know what kale was. Now, we have it in every form. We are copying the poor man’s food from a different continent. There is such diversity in the food of our own country — grains, legumes, pulses — but are overlooking it.”
    So, how did the definition of nutrition become synonymous to filling your plate with unpalatable foods? When did we became a nation that rejects ghee but takes to olive oil? “The demarcation of carbohydrates, proteins and fats was meant to help people make sensible decisions. But it has just left people confused. These days, selling anything by terming it ‘transfat-free’ or ‘sugar-free’ is lucrative. The only people benefitting are those in the food and weight-loss industries.

  15. 👋❤️🥰☺️😘

  16. Namaskar , dear ma ‘am !

  17. ♥️😘☺️🥰👋

  18. 🤗☺️👋❤️😘🤗☺️👋❤️😘

  19. 😊👋☺️❤️💚♥️🥰😘👍🤗🤩😊

  20. 😘😘😘👋👋👋

  21. ☺️♥️🥰👋😘☺️♥️🥰👋😘

  22. very helpful ! I would suggest to reduce the number of pictures especially pictures with people. The presenter has a very nice voice and content voice and content, and it would help not to distract from it

  23. 💜🌸💕💜🌸💕💜🌸💕

  24. ♥️❤️🥰♥️❤️🥰♥️❤️🥰

  25. Quinoa?
    Are you joking? Quinoa is a native of South America and is known to Indians since 20 years.

  26. As you mention in vedio that ghee is important so is it okk to drink butter milk or butter chappati

  27. 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️

  28. 🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️

  29. Quinoa is not Indian. Amaranth to be encouraged as a substitute

  30. 😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗

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