Meditation Is Easier Than You Think
🔗 Learn how to use meditation to transform stressful situations and challenging emotions into support for awareness:
Many of us are currently facing unprecedented challenges in our lives. Meditation can provide us with the tools necessary to recognize our innate potential and increase our well-being, regardless of circumstance.
The key here is understanding what meditation actually means. Meditation goes beyond the serene or blissed-out mindfulness presented in pop-culture. It is not a zombie-like state that is free from thought and emotion, either.
As elucidated by Mingyur Rinpoche, meditation is a process of discovery — a path of realising the inherent potential that exists within each of us.
During this event, you will explore the core elements of meditation, including awareness, compassion, and wisdom. Join us and discover your true potential:
In this video, Mingyur Rinpoche explains the essence of meditation and describes some common misunderstandings about practicing meditation. He also shares some tips for bringing meditation into our day-to-day lives.
🔗 Joy of Living Meditation Program: Learn meditation under the skillful guidance of Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche at your own pace.
🔗 Vajrayana Online: Study and practice of the Tibetan Buddhism with Mingyur Rinpoche.
🔗Online events, retreats with Mingyur Rinpoche
🔗 About Tergar Path:
Медитацията е по-лесна отколкото си мислите. Всъщност, може да медитирате навсякъде, по всяко време и при всякакви условия. Тя е просто осъзнаване. Казваме, че същността на медитацията е осъзнаване. Осъзнаването означава, че знаете какво мислите, какво чувствате, за какво мечтаете. Това е осъзнаване, знание, да знаеш. Много хората мислят, че медитацията е нещо много сложно, изпразнете ума си, не мислете за нищо, концентрирайте се. Това е неразбиране на медитацията. Всъщност за да медитирате, не е нужно да правите нещо като блокиране на мисли, създаване на особено състояние на ума или да бъдете тихи и спокойни. Няма нужда от това. Просто "бъди". Докато сте осъзнати за нещо и поддържате тази осъзнатост, това е медитация. Разбира се понякога, когато медитираме по този начин, много мисли изскачат в ума ни като списък със задачи: "Трябва да направя това. Трябва да говоря с този човек. Имам важен краен срок. Губя ли си времето? От къде да знам дали не правя нещо грешно?" Всички тези мисли могат да дойдат, това е нормално. Когато бях малък, първият път когато медитирах, всички тези мисли идваха. Понякога се губех и напълно забравях да слушам звука, и тогава, внезапно си спомнях: "О!" След това отново забравях! Това е нормално. Няма проблем. Може да опитате отново: слушате звука, забравяте, слушате звука, забравяте. Това е медитация със звук. Днес, моля практикувайте след това (видео). Когато излизате или отивате на работа, просто слушайте. Може да слушате всеки звук. Не е нужно да е с гонг или камбанка. Просто слушайте звука, навсякъде, по всяко време.
#Meditation #Easier
Sadu sadu!
I am Joey Delvano and I love yall 😊❤
Very instructive
do u cuddle?
What is a monkey mind
Wait until you have meditation at physics.
2.6k dislikes.. why?
I know some new this about meditation in this video. Tq❤
Thanks for helping
Beautiful 🙏❤ <– Check out our meditation videos as well. Thanks.
Very informative
Thanks to Indians 🇮🇳 for inventing such a beautiful thing 😍❤️
This video is like 3 min and he covered all my droughts and all the difficulties which I face during the meditation really a very great video
Great thanks 👍
Who is watching 2025 😊
Any one after good vibe Good life?
Sending positive energy, keep shining and sharing.. have a great day
Sending positive energy, keep shining and sharing.. have a great day
Can we ever get a meditation tutorial where they actually teach you how to do it, versus someone telling you what it isn’t and how great it is…
Wow! Amazing, my beginning, I wish..
Thank you so much sir 😊.
Ever since I knew how meditation should be done, I've been meditating everywhere while sitting, when commuting, when in a classroom that has a vacant class, or if I'm just seated not doing anything. I've been doing this ever since I found out you do not need to have the angel seat or some sort of stance and posture. Just whatever position comfortable at and feel safe
That's so great
It's no longer about meditation.
rest as awareness… simplest, requires no striving, maintaning, seeking. It is the technique the result and the goal without any of those being manufactured.
Hey! Check out my channel for nature, calming and focus sounds for your meditation
If any thought comes in between your meditation, just stop and ask 'what is the next thought?' ❤.
You'll be thoughtless for atleast 3 minutes!🎉🎉
I've been heavily stressed out for about 6 years. I cannot fix the problems I'm stressed out about. I need help to let go of these destructive thought processes, and embrace what beauty I can find in this creation.
I started back praying today. That's a step in the right direction. Now, I need to learn to meditate, clear my mind, and stop worrying about everything.
Dear Lord God in Heaven, help this wretched man be the best I can be. Amen
Meditation is not what you think
Mitsunari tokugava 😊
Ok? Ok.
I still don't get it
Thankyou so much ❤🙏🥺
Planet Ayurveda's Brahmi Chayawanprash helps in anxiety. This also helps in practicing meditation.
I'd been struggling with meditating for quite a bit, watching videos, thinking I was doing it wrong. Sitting in stillness I still felt like I should have been doing more. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Your explanation is the only one that clicked for me. Namaste.