10 min Yoga for Beginners – Gentle & Simple Yoga Stretch

12 March 2025

10 min Yoga for Beginners – Gentle & Simple Yoga Stretch

Follow along with this simple and gentle 10 minute yoga class for beginners.
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Hi everyone, thanks for tuning in and joining me today! I'm going to take you through a simple but effective 10 minute hatha yoga class suitable for beginners. If you're new to yoga or just looking for a sequence that will be gentle on your body, you've come to the right place.

This is a full body practice with no props required that will help you stretch and strengthen from head to toe. Remember to breathe deeply and go at your own pace. We will go through foundational yoga poses such as low lunge, downward dog, cobra and bridge pose.

MORE BEGINNER YOGA: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW0v0k7UCVrkkg0YPkBqxYHA2eT_IYlAC

MORE 10 MINUTE YOGA: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLW0v0k7UCVrkh5WZyHu0d0fWnaNgbmQTw

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hi everyone thank you for joining me my name is cassandra and i'm going to be taking you through a 10-minute beginner-friendly yoga sequence so if you're new to yoga or maybe just feel a little bit out of practice or even if you felt intimidated by starting a yoga practice this is just going to be a very simple sequence that is still effective and still introduces you to essential poses and movements without being too complicated or too challenging so a little bit of strength a little bit of flexibility and a little bit of balance and this here is maggie and she likes to steal the show whenever i turn the camera on okay with that being said let's begin in a tabletop pose for cat and cow so we do this to prepare our spine this is a mix of extension and flexion so you want to align your palms under your shoulders your knees underneath your hips and i want you to really spread your fingertips wide and claw down into the mat with your fingertips and knuckles as you inhale you're going to drop your belly down squeeze your shoulder blades behind you lift your tailbone up to the sky and lift your gaze up so get a nice stretch here keep your elbows straight as you exhale reverse this motion so lengthening along your spine drop your tailbone drop your head spread your shoulder blades further apart and keep going through these two poses pairing it with your breath so inhale get a little back bend here open through your heart and exhale round and contract try to pull your lower belly in hugging towards the low back and just keep going here breathing in and out through your nose exhale pushing the floor away from you being gentle to your wrists last time here inhale and exhale and now come back into a neutral tabletop pose so you want to firm up and engage through your lower abdominals and we're gonna pull and see if you can hover and touch your thigh towards your chest keep your elbows straight and then kick that right leg out behind you roll that hip down notice where your weight is being distributed here squeeze through your glutes and through your hamstrings to lift that leg up even higher without swaying through your lower back and now let's step that right foot in between our hands to the top of the mat for anja niyasana your low lunge my right knee is over the top of my ankle i'm pushing my feet into the floor in order to lift my upper body and my arms up so here i'm lengthening my tailbone down i'm pulling up and engaging through my abdominals to get a little bit more lift and stretch through the upper body and you can find a nice little lift as well through your heart top of the ribcage maybe shifting your gaze up if this makes you lose your balance leave this out it's a very small little back bend now join your hands together at the front of the heart and we're just going to twist very simply here i want you to push your hands in towards one another and then rotate your chest over towards the right keep your chest lifted so i'm still staying up nice and tall just adding a spinal rotation come all the way back through to center and now bring your hands down to the floor we're going to straighten that right leg getting into the hamstrings flex that front foot you can absolutely keep a bend a little bit here in your right knee if you're a little tight slow steady breaths and now bend through your right knee again you're going to tuck the back toes under to lift your back knee off the mat plant your palms we're going to find our first downward facing dog so you want your hands to be shoulder width distance apart and your feet are hip with distance apart please bend your knees as much as you want here especially if you feel tightness through your lower back i never want you to feel any kind of pain in that area or really any part of your body as you practice think of lifting your seat up as high as it can go pressing your chest towards your thighs and don't worry about whether or not your heels are touching the mat it truly does not matter let's come forward into our plank pose and it's up to you if you want to keep your knees on or off the mat since this is a beginner flow i'm gonna drop my knees down to give myself support this is lucy she also likes the attention of the camera and you're gonna lower all the way to your belly keep your elbows hugging into the sides as you lower point your toes back push your feet into the floor roll your shoulders back lift up get a nice little backbend boujangasana your cobra pose exhale to lower find table top once more so lifting up on to hands and knees starting to work a little bit of strength here now find this firm foundation flat back and you're just going to hover and see how close you can get your knee towards your chest without rounding here i'm trying to keep my spine straight and then i'm going to straighten my left leg back behind me without opening up the hip to the side keep it rotating down draw your lower belly in and really push your hands into the floor i like to flex my left foot as if i'm kicking against the wall behind me and let's find our low lunge on janie asana so your left foot steps to the top of the mat your knee is on top of your ankle you're going to push into the floor to find a nice lifting here and what we don't want is to collapse into our lower back think of lifting yourself up a little bit draw your lower belly in and then lengthen through the sides of your waist to get a little lift and we are still pressing the hips forward and down stretching through our hip flexors down the thighs you can add a tiny little back bend by opening through your heart shifting your gaze up and bring your hands together at the front of your chest this is anjali mudra push your palms together and you're just going to rotate over towards the left keep reaching the crown of your head up nice and high facing forward again hands to the mat straighten your left leg this is arda hanumanasana your half splits pose nice little hamstring stretch flexing through that front foot and we'll come back into downward facing dog auto mukashvanasana bend into your front knee plant your palms you're going to tuck the back toes under lift your back knee off the floor and step your left foot back to meet the right keeping them about hip width distance apart and notice now maybe you find you have a little bit more space or a little bit more ease in this pose [Music] let's come forward into our plank pose again shoulders over your wrists your knees can come down and we lower all the way to our belly instead of pointing the elbows out keep them hugging in and pointing back bujangasana cobra open through your heart your elbows are bent exhale to release and let's press back into balasana a child's pose big toes together knees as wide as you would like them to be the wider they are the deeper stretch you will feel and lower your forehead down to the mat relax a little here [Music] just a few deep breaths and go ahead and lift on up you can swing your legs out in front of you we're going to lower down onto our backs and with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor you're just going to pull your right knee in towards your chest and then straighten your right leg any amount and you can hold on to the back of your thigh or up towards your shin your ankle your foot whatever is accessible and you can absolutely have a bend in that right knee try to relax head and shoulders to the mat and let's cross our right ankle over the top of that left knee flexing your foot you're going to pull your left thigh in towards your belly again head and shoulders are relaxing down only using a little bit of arm strength and release from this pose bring both feet flat to the floor again before we repeat this on the other side we'll find our bridge pose setu banda sarvangasana so you want to have your heels pretty close in towards your hips roll your shoulders down and away from your ears push your feet into the floor and then see if you can lift and press your seat up push into your big toes hug through your inner thighs again notice the tendency for the thighs and the knees to widen big breath in here strengthening through your legs and slowly roll down inch by inch pull your left thigh in towards your belly and go ahead and straighten that left leg any amount grabbing a hold of wherever is most appropriate to you trying to increase flexibility through our lower body let's cross the left ankle over the top of our right knee keep that knee moving away from you and you're going to pull and draw right thigh in towards your belly give it a big squeeze and let's release and let that go feet flat to the floor your bridge pose again palms face up arms alongside your body push your feet into the floor lift your seat up and exhale release roll back down and you can just either roll to one side or come up we're all joining by taking a seat in any way that is comfortable for your hips and for your lower back so cross-legged kneeling maybe sitting up on a pillow or a blanket shrug your shoulders away from your ears lengthen up tall through your spine close your eyes let's take that same hand gesture on julie mudra so hands together at the front of the heart and take a moment to really connect with yourself to show yourself some gratitude for carving out time out of your busy day to do just a little bit of yoga which can still have really great profound effects and together we chant om to close this class let's inhale to chant breathe in [Music] thank you so very much for doing this 10 minute beginner yoga practice with me i would love to know how this went for you i have many more beginner practices on my channel as well as inside my mobile app i'll leave links to that in the description if you want to check it out hopefully you'll practice again with me very soon have a wonderful rest of your day

#min #Yoga #Beginners #Gentle #Simple #Yoga #Stretch


  1. My NEW BOOK is out! 😍 It includes 22 ONLINE yoga classes and 4 audio meditations so you can follow along with the book or with your mobile device, tablet or computer. I'm super proud of it and I'll love for you to check it out!🙏🏼 📕 Get "Year of Yoga" https://geni.us/yearofyoga

  2. Stumbled upon your video when my nervous system is dysregulated, I never went to a yoga class nor tried. But, I follow all of your yoga instruction and I cried on the last minute of this yoga, i feel like my "emotion" finally go for a "motion". I feel so relieved after this session. I can't explain enough how finding your channel and your videos have opening door for me to find a calmer water. Thank you so much Kassandra.

  3. I just did my first ever non seated yoga with you, and I realise just how not very flexible I am. This will be a journey, thank you for helping me take my first step on the road.

  4. I really liked that short but effective class, but I really don’t like that last sound, because I am more interested in actual stretching than something beyond that

  5. Thank you so much for this lession! I am saving up for my own yoga mat so that i can fully invest some of my free time into doing more yoga!!

  6. I am a disabled vet with PTSD, depression, anxiety, and severe back and hip pain. This is my first time and I really enjoyed it. I felt no pressure to push further than I should but to definitely try. I will do this one again!

  7. Jeez. Im hyper mobile but thoselaying back leg stretches made me realize how stiff some of mu joints had gotten

  8. Thank you 🙏 I used to do a lot of yoga, but am returning to it after a few years off and having just had a baby. This was the perfect re-introduction. Will definitely be looking at your other videos.

  9. Amazing. I have a lot of pain in my body and this was gentle enough to get me moving again. Very grateful. Thank you

  10. There's so many different videos of yoga for beginners, not easy to make a choice. I ended up picking this one because of the cat 😻 excellent choice 💜

  11. Thank you so much ❤ I really wanted to join yoga class but your video helped me a lot❤

  12. This is my first ever video doing yoga and I must say, I appreciate your gentle encouragements. Thank you for your nice words, I am going to keep watching your vids!

  13. At the end when we brought our hands together in front of our hearts I started crying. Is this normal?? This is the first time I've ever done yoga. It's also the first time I felt any kind of actual endorphin rush from any kind of exercise.

  14. My first ever Yoga class. I am so excited. Thank you. ❤

  15. Great practice, not only for beginners. Thank you Kassandra!!! Namaste from Veria- Greece!!!

  16. Its my first day today. Thank you. It is quite a lot of stretching

  17. I'm an absolute beginner to yoga and haven't worked out at all in almost 5 years at this point, so I wanted to thank you for this super accessible routine!

  18. I am a 17 year old 150 pound student, and I've been so stressed out and I know my mom does a lot of yoga to help her sleep and stress her muscles so I tried this one for the first time and I already feel a lot better. Thank you for being the first of my journey to non stressful life.❤

  19. I've experienced many yoga teachers over the years, and this is the first one who even compares with the best I've worked with. She absolutely knows what she is doing. Great routine and great instruction.

  20. Thank you ❤I really enjoyed this. I’m very new to Yoga this was perfect. I really appreciate you

  21. im 20 and I feel like im in the body of a 70yo omg

  22. Lovely, i enjoyed my first ever 10 minute yoga beginner session 🎉❤

  23. Beginner Yoga here. I love this workout however I do struggle with getting my leg from the back to the front in one fell swoop. Any suggestions? 🙏

  24. Very good. Mamasay thank you

  25. I’m just getting back into the grove. Actually today was my first day and I feel really good. Thank you! You are a very welcoming aura.

  26. I havent done yoga in about 15 years but i recently decided to start again. Thank you for posting an easy starter for those of us who r a lil rusty lol i cannot wait to try it. I just watched the video while driving to work and did the breathing and i already feel nore relaxed.

  27. Does yoga help you lose weight?

  28. Thank you for a great program and session. I’m a 44 year old powerlifter who never done any mobility work whatsoever. I’m stiff as a board and very much appreciated this gentle intro to yoga.

  29. I am a big girl. 260 lbs 5'1" I've finally decided to take back control of my senses and body. While this wasn't overly difficult, I could not cross my leg and bring both up because of my belly and just lack of muscle. It makes me sad and mad that I've let myself get this way, and the day I can do that pose will be a wonderful day 🥲
    Question though – even when I was younger, my wrists hurt during yoga. Will this improve as I continue to practice yoga?

  30. First time … loved your video

  31. Wow really needed this! Im dealing with a foot bone bruise done while practicing martial arts. I feel so depressed cause i cant train probably for moths as it hurts, but this yoga session made me feel good, continuing to work on my strenght and flexibility. Amaizing!!!❤

  32. I've stayed away from workouts and stretching for the past 3 years. Today, I cried after doing this yoga. Thank you so much!

  33. Feels so good thank you ❤

  34. This was my first ever yoga lesson, thank you!!

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