Prenatal Yoga Workout | 30 Min Full Body Pregnancy Safe Workout ❤ ALL TRIMESTERS

17 March 2025

Prenatal Yoga Workout | 30 Min Full Body Pregnancy Safe Workout ❤ ALL TRIMESTERS

After this gentle pregnancy safe 30 min prenatal yoga workout for all trimesters, check out the complete Boho Beautiful Prenatal Journey Program –

This full body rejuvenation workout was designed for all expecting mothers in all trimesters to enjoy yoga and fitness while pregnant. We will start with a prenatal safe core workout, glutes, legs & finish with the upper body. Remember to listen to your body, breathe deeply, and avoid any movement or posture that doesn't feel right in this moment in your life.

It is incredibly important to listen to your body at all stages of your journey, bringing life into the world. If it is telling you to sit out, a stretch doesn't feel right at this time, or part way through if you need to stop completely… all of this is PERFECTLY ok, and you should listen and understand that this is just how you are in this moment right now. If you try again in an hour, or a day, or a week, it is incredibly likely your body then will give you different messages based on where you are at then too.

So experiment with yourself. Listen carefully. Drink lots of water. And take this well deserved 30 minutes to let go and just have fun. 🙂


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Boho Beautiful is Juliana Spicoluk & Mark Spicoluk (mama & papa to Xavian Lionheart)

#prenatal #pregnancy #prenatalyoga


Please consult your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program. By using our videos, you understand and agree that neither Boho Beautiful Ltd. nor any persons associated with it have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may suffer in connection with any content we may post.

hey guys Juliana and Xavian here I just wanted to say that the class that you're about to enjoy is actually taken from our boho beautiful prenatal Journey program it is a three trimester Yoga and Fitness program that we created while I was actually pregnant with this little guy right here and it is a program that we hope can serve any mother to be out there that is looking for that physical and spiritual support and guidance through this beautiful beautiful time in her life so if this is something that you think you might need or maybe you know someone that might need it click the link in the description this video and all the information can be found down below all my love and I hope you enjoy the practice [Music] [Applause] [Music] good [Music] Hello friends welcome to your full body Rejuvenation workout so today is going to be a full body workout where we're going to work on different parts and section of your body so first we're going to start with your prenatal safe core work and then we're going to move down to your glutes your legs and then we're going to finish off with your upper body we're not going to use any equipment at all we're just going to be using our own body weight so remember listen to your body take as many modifications as you need and at any point feel free to pause the video take a break grab a drink of water whatever you need so you don't over exert yourself alright so with that let's begin [Music] foreign we're going to start today at the very back of your mat so come on over into a nice Heroes position or seated position I like to keep my knees open and I suggest you do two just to create lots of space for that growing belly of ours so go ahead and just place your hands onto your belly drop your shoulders away from the ears let's close our eyes for just this moment right now and Center our body Center our mind with the breath taking a deep inhalation feeling the belly the rib cage expanding and then a long exhalation out good just finding this presence on your next breath I want you to reach both arms up towards the ceiling giving your upper body a nice stretch then on your exhale we're going to do a cactus arm so all you're going to do is bend your elbows squeeze the shoulder blades together and just open up that Heart Center that chest just a few times like this let's work with the breath inhale reach up exhale squeeze for two inhale reach up exhale squeeze for three inhale reach and four good inhale reach up and then exhale take your body all the way down into our child's pose just reaching with the fingertips towards the front of your mat taking a deep breathy and then as you exhale we're just going to round up so before we start doing all of our toning and strengthening exercises we're doing a quick little warm-up so go ahead and tuck your toes underneath and then you're just going to push your weight back to the back of your mat to a wide legged standing position and keep your knees bent here all we're going to do is just roll up nice and slow inhale reach up exhale let all that air out as you bend your knees and release inhale extending both knees keeping your hands grounded feeling that nice stretch through the hamstrings through the back of your legs bend your knees and roll up beautiful let's do that a few times just following the movement of your breath inhale exhale inhale extend your knees exhale bend your knees and roll up try to create a nice balance of body movement and breath exhale Let It Go let your body follow your own breath Bend and extend the knees good bend your knees let's do that one more time rolling up inhale big reach with the arms Big Stretch exhale Bend both knees come on down extending the knees let's just hold here for a little bit longer now don't worry if you can't get into a full extension you can keep them slightly bent and just see how your body starts to release and then just take your body weight side to side so we can just sway side to side you can grab the opposite elbows Let the Body be super heavy our feet are spread apart allowing a lot of space for the belly for the baby wonderful just take another inhale and then exhale we're gonna release and we're gonna walk our hands forward we're going to start with our first exercise so you're walking forward into a downward dog like position you're going to lift your heels and you're going to bend your knees so you're bringing the hips as close towards the heels as possible so really nice low downward dog variation with the bent knees on your exhalation you're going to shoot forward into a nice high plank and then you're going to sit all the way back down okay let's do that again so we're going to shoot out for two and back three and back four [Music] and fives is starting to warm up the upper body of course the core this is a great way for us to still strengthen our abdominals in a prenatal safe variation where we're not actually using a rectus abdominis but we're engaging the transverse abdominis good keep going push and out last two you got this out last one come on over into your high plank position at any point if you want to modify come on down to both knees all right otherwise if you're feeling strong today stay exactly where you are and all we're going to do is just transfer the weight forward and slightly back forward back forward back keep going we just got eight seven six five you got it four you're doing great three two and one awesome lift your hips now downward facing dog we're gonna take a little break here Breathe It Out any point as you start to feel your body over exerting yourself at any moment you can take a downward dog a child's pose whatever your body needs just keep yourself comfortable awesome you guys all right we've got one more set of our plank push outs this time I'm going to show you one more variation that you can take so variation two is to when you push out is to actually bring one knee towards the outside of your elbow and then come back down again if this is too much we're just gonna do the first variation ready so go ahead and bring those hips all the way down exhale Bring It Forward for one and back two and three you got it four we just got ten five six seven eight nine ten great job extending into your high plank holding just for five seconds drop down to your knees if you're getting too tired and four three two one lift your hips up downward facing dog Breathe It Out take a child's pose if you need to great job now from here going right into our Dolphins which is going to not only work the core but also our upper body in the shoulders so come on down to your elbows and you're going to interlace your fingers keep the hips up nice and high no on your exhalation you're just dropping the hips into an elbow plank then you're coming back up for one all right let's go and two lift three lift stay with your breath make sure you're breathing deeply into your body good keep going we got four lift three and two and one Hold That Elbow plank just six times tap out with your right foot bring it back into your elbow plank step out with your left and and keep going two tap three tap we're almost done four working those obliques five last one and to finish up the sequence of our planks you can do this just tap one knee and then the other two three four five six seven eight nine and you are done great job come on down to your knees breathe it out good job you guys just give yourself a second catch your breath you did a wonderful job we really worked the core the obliques here mindfully respecting our bodies at the same time still trying to keep that strong and powerful awesome all right slowly come on up let's go right into some of our fun glute work so we're gonna stay exactly where you are in all fours I want you to extend your right leg all the way out now from here you can either keep both of your hands grounded or if you feel like you want a little more challenge you can grab the opposite elbow up to you alright so from here you're just gonna kick that right leg and bring it down so you kick and down kick and down so I point the toes and then I flex as I bring it down four starting to really work through the back of our leg eight nine good job now ten hold it there Point your toes again if you do feel like I want a little more challenge then you can try and take that opposite hand and just grab that elbow all we're going to do is little pulses one two three four five six seven eight ten more ten nine eight seven six five four three two one now if your one hand is on your elbow bring both hands now down point the back toes you're gonna Cross Bend the knee so you're gonna cross it behind you then as you extend you're actually going to extend and open up the foot so you're bringing that leg diagonally you bring it all the way across and then you extend for two let's keep it going cross three cross four cross five so this way we're starting to engage different areas of your glute so we got four more four and three and two last one one awesome now from this position all I want you to do is just lower and kick lower and kick now watch how my leg is actually diagonally extended so my knee is pointed almost towards that right corner of my mat keep going You're Gonna really start to feel that burn again be mindful listen to your body no shame in taking a break at any point here okay they got four more and three and two and one stay with me guys we end this together lift that leg up Flex the foot you're gonna bring the right knee towards the right elbow extend and just do a little kick gonna bring it in extend and kick in and kick feel that burn and kick in and kick four more kick three kick two last one stay with me guys give me a little circle forward for four three two One reverse sit four three two one don't drop the leg now Square the hips out you're gonna hold that leg for me you're gonna start to feel it on both sides probably both glutes are burning here you got it now to finish off you're going to bend the knee flex your foot and just kick straight at one and two and three four five six seven eight nine last one ten extend and hold last ten seconds don't drop the leg ten nine you've got this seven six five four three two and one great job oh Breathe It Out grab a drink of water if you need to sit back into child's pose stretch it out give a little love to that right glute good news you got one more butt cheek to work on so I'm gonna go right back to that same position and reverse all of those exercises on the other leg so just take one more deep breath in alright my friends let's come back up let's do the other side so beginning just make sure both of your weight is equal between your hands and your knees we're gonna start with your left leg now so extend the left leg and then we're just going to lift it up point the toes as you bring it down you flex and tap the floor so we just do a little kick and tap kick and tap let's get this going make sure you're breathing focusing on your breath you got it four more three nice big kick two now one point the toes just hold it here and once again if you want to go a little bit deeper you can grab that opposite elbow and balance a little bit here but this is too much no worries just keep both hands on the mat you got it hold it now we're just going to do a little pulses up two three four five six seven eight and ten more ten nine eight seven six five four three two one right hand comes down we're gonna bend that back knee you're gonna bring it across so you're gonna almost like pretty much touch the back of your knee and then when you extend you open the knee and extend the leg all the way diagonally so you bring it across and then open diagonally for two bring it across and three cross and four you got it cross and five six seven eight two more nine now last one you're gonna open it you're just gonna tap the toes to the ground and lift for One Tap two three keep going and seven eight nine last one ten Flex that foot you're gonna bend the knee bring the knee towards that left elbow then extend it out in just a little baby kick for one so we're gonna bring It Forward extend and kick for two forward and kick four three forward kick four forward kick five six seven eight two more nine last one kick hold it there don't drop that leg just give me four circles forward four three only four two one and you're just reversing the circle back four more four three two one awesome bring it back to Center don't drop that leg for me I want you to hold it there nice strong base flex your foot you're gonna bring both knees together and you're just gonna kick it back one in two this is the last final exercise before we hold and finish off our glute work here five four three two last one a way to hold it hold hold hold stay strong good stay there last five seconds [Music] three two and one awesome job you guys all right sit back give yourself a quick little break stretch it out reach both arms forward Breathe It Out well done if you need to grab a drink of water here more than welcome pause the video do whatever you got to do and then we're gonna come on up beautiful all right so coming up let's just take a big breath as you reach both arms up exhale step your left foot forward right foot forward and we're going to come towards the top of your mat here all right just take a minute if you need to catch your breath or anything I've noticed in my pregnancy too I tend to get out of breath a lot quicker than usual so if you need to just regain your strength catch your breath do whatever you got to do once you feel good stand at the top of the mat we're going to work a little bit deeper into the lower body again so starting with some deep pregnancy safe chair squats and then going into some goddess squats as well so feet apart arms up I want you to just go down nice and low as you can and then from here you're going to transfer your weight towards your right foot left foot just gently Taps it's even off the ground if you can find that balance then we come back to the middle chair switch to the other side for two let's keep it going chair side chair to the side so the more you can transfer your weight and keep that other foot literally hovering above the mat the more you're going to work those legs nice deep Squat and up squat up four three two great job one awesome now come on over into that nice deep chair position shift your weight over towards your left foot hold it here hands on to your hips or onto the belly step your right leg all the way back so first we're just going to find a nice Square position if it feels comfy keep your hands on your baby otherwise just keep them at your waist we're going to dip low bring it up for one low and two again just building that strength in the lower body building that strong foundation in the body last three two all right my friends you're gonna stay and hover keep that knee low to the ground now what I want you to do here is extend your arms to the side and then you're just going to Pivot on the back toes coming into a nice big goddess Squat and then you pivot yourself back towards the front so a lot of movement is happening in through the back toes so you come forward and to the front of your mat goddess Center just four more three two one awesome now come back to that Goddess get low and then just push bring your hands over to your belly push the knees out and then extend the knees just take a breath if you need to we're going to come down and bring it up for one and come down and to the fun things about pregnancies that your Center balance is probably really off these days I know mine is so it's very normal to lose your balance to fall off so if that happens to you don't worry about it it happens to all of us bring it down and up you got it staying strong bringing that nice strong energy to your baby as you hold on to that beautiful belly of yours and work those legs you got it last three two get nice and low one just reach both arms up hold it breathe it in Breathe It Out three two one extend your legs arms out to the side now we're gonna just reverse and go right to the other side so first I want you to open up so the right toes are facing towards the back of your mat lift the back heel you're going to Pivot once your shoulders face the back of your mat Bend both knees so the back knee hovers then we open to goddess bring it in for one open two keep going and five feel that strength in your quads two more seven last one get nice and low hands over to your waist or your belly extend both knees Bend both knees for one extend two three four five six seven almost done eight let's do two more and ten beautiful extending both knees and just bring yourself back over towards the width of your mat slight pigeon toe of the feet inhale let's just take a big breath and then on your exhale I want you to dive your body all the way down into a nice wide legged forward fold stretch it out here Breathe It Out and just see where you're comfortable maybe your hands on the mat is as far as you want to go maybe you're feeling extra warm and flexible just be careful because of all relaxing in our body you want to be extra mindful of how deep you push yourself but if you can come down to your elbows Maybe Breathe It Out and just let your heart rate slow down a little bit big deep breaths awesome and then come on up bend your knees hands to your waist or your belly and just coming up awesome nice and slow inhale let's just take a big breath in and exhale all right my friends we're into our final section of our full body toning class today the upper body so we're going to come back down onto the mat so take your time step one knee down at a time don't get too fast to the floor and then once you're here we're going to start in a bear stance so what that is is you're just same position we did before when we worked our glutes shoulders over top of your wrists all I want you to do is lift and hover your knees above the ground so the challenge here is to keep your back as straight as possible obviously don't Arch the back just want you to breathe five seconds and then we're going to go into shoulder taps three two shoulder tap You're simply tapping left shoulder with your right hand come back to Center transfer the weight to the other side and Center so just a little bit of a weight transfer side to side starting to feel that engagement in your shoulders you got it all right last five and four and three two one awesome drop those Knees Down to the floor just take an inhale look forward and then as you exhale release the toes now we're going to go ahead and take your left arm and place it into a cactus arm position so elbow is bent just out to the side like this okay then from this position you're going to extend your right leg so a little bit of that bird dog position so we are engaging the core a little bit here now all you're going to do is just bend the knee bring the elbow in extend the leg squeeze that left shoulder blade for one so we bring it in and two in three and you can do a little baby kick with that leg when you extend it back to engage the glutes again if you want good don't rush it there's not really a crunch happening here it's more just knee and elbow coming into the body and then they open and four more three two hold it here one just hold it extend and reach your left arm forward then you're just going to bring that left arm back and squeeze the shoulder blade if you're getting too tired in the lower body bring both knees down and just work with that arm for two reach and three so up to you if you want that challenge keep the leg extended four five six squeeze that shoulder blade seven three more eight nine and ten now drop that leg if it's extended you're gonna take that left hand place it behind your head and all I want you to do is just do little baby pumps with that elbow up two three four start to really feel it in that left shoulder seven eight nine we got ten more ten nine pulse eight squeeze seven six five four three two One Drop That arm great job you guys let's do a set of tricep push-ups staying exactly where you are bring your knees a little bit further back and dip the hips forward now I like to cross my ankles but you can keep them together if you need to let's make sure you're not just letting the belly guide you down still engaging in that internal core so just pulling everything in nice straight back elbows are going to stay close to your body pointing towards the back of your mat as you take it down and push let's just do five push-ups here that's three that's four and five sit back we're almost done here you guys we're just going to keep going right to the other side come back over hands and knees position let's go ahead take that right arm out to the side and the cactus arm your left leg is going to extend all the way back from here we're just going to bring it in and open for one in two in three when you bring that arm to the side really think of lifting that elbow up and squeezing that right shoulder blade in so we're targeting and working many different muscle groups here not just that shoulder but also the supporting shoulder the upper body is balancing you the glute is working and your core you got four more three two let's hold it out hold it here once again if you need to drop the leg just to make it a little easier go ahead and do so otherwise just work that arm you're going to reach it Forward bring it back and squeeze for ten nine eight seven six five four three two last one one drop that knee hand behind your head keep that elbow up to the side and just Pump It Up to 20 times here three four five seven ten more eight seven squeeze six five four three two one awesome drop it down let's do one more set of push-ups this time we're gonna keep those arms out to the side so working a little bit more in the chest instead of the triceps on your knees bring the body forward now you don't have to go all the way down just go as low as you can and push it up for five four three two and one awesome sit all the way back down to your child's pose make sure those knees are open breathe it out you guys you are done well done keep those eyes closed and just come back to your breath awesome now you can stay in your child's pose or if you want a little more stretch in the upper body just come on up to a seated position let's take a deep breath in reach both arms up another way to do is grab the opposite elbow and just pull that elbow towards the head feeling a nice stretch and then same thing I'm just going to switch to the other side Breathe It Out and then bring your arms down hands behind your back interlace your fingers stretch up that chest if you're looking for a little bit more stretch relaxation in your lower body you're more than welcome to finish this off with a gentle yoga class that we have in this program here or even just 10 minutes of your own relaxation it's great too whatever you know works for your body ask someone more breath let's take both arms up exhale hands over towards your belly and let's finish off our practice together our workout together really with just another reconnection to our breath to our baby to our body just feeling the energy moving from your hands to your baby feel your heart beating in your chest you did such an incredible job today working pushing your body to its limit of where it is right now in this stage in your life I'm very proud of you thank you for being here today let's take one more deep breathing and exhale Let It Go amazing job you guys well thank you again and I look forward to seeing you in our next class [Music] thank you I think it's coming and he's like do you think it's going to Monica the the one of The Midwives do you think it is she whipped out the Dutch stool which is like that toilet seat kind of seat clothes were ripped off at least the bottom part of my clothes and then Mark was like holding me like from the back and I just remember cell phones came out because all I think all of like the flashlight the flashlight like nobody had anything it was like everything was in the car so remember like looking down and I saw Marie and Monica the two midwives with their cell phone flashlights like right in there and you know there I was just like bringing this energy of like hey there's power coming through me and then and then Xavian was there and he was born and and that moment as soon as he came out it was like like time stopped and and Mark was like literally like holding on to me from the back and then you guys just put him in our arms and he came out with his cone head because of his look at his head it was like super long and I was like oh my God what's wrong with his head it'll settle down don't settle down um but it was it was that moment that when you said that skin to skin of like touching him and holding him and just saying [Music] foreign

#Prenatal #Yoga #Workout #Min #Full #Body #Pregnancy #Safe #Workout #TRIMESTERS


  1. Thank you so much for challenging us even during pregnancy)) Have been your viewer for ages and so happy that in my 2nd trimester still can continue doing my morning routine with your videos

  2. This is such a dangerous workout for some pregnant women. I ended up at the doctors with horrible hip & pelvic pain and barely able to walk even though I’m super fit. Be warned

  3. Dont do this if you have back or pelvic girdle pain!!! I’m relatively fit – I go to the gym & lift weights 3+ times a week but this really hurt me. This is definitely not for everyone.

  4. This is not yoga, its an intense repetitive workout. I cant seem to find anything prenatal that falls between stretches and this

  5. Wow this is challenging one! I sweat so much and struggled but in a good way. Def not gentle! But amazing

  6. Is it safe to do planks when pregnant? Im just not sure if i can do them

  7. Great exercise! I did it during my pregnancy 🤰🏻 it’s quite intense though and it’s not for everyone , but I was very fit and physically active before pregnancy, it worked for me just fine. I was in a great shape during pregnancy and labor went very well ❤ thank you for the work out!

  8. This is not yoga. This is practically a HITT class.

  9. 37 weeks here! It’s definitely difficult but I’m taking modifications and breaks as needed. It’s challenging though because I have a bit of swelling and my hands do numb at times which interrupts the focus and workout.

  10. This felt so good!! Thank you 🙏🏼

  11. Wow I was not expecting this ❤ im not gonna lie it was HARD but I went at my own pace and I felt so great after it was finished 🙂 definitely recommend this once a week 💜

  12. Love this workout but the music is so stressful 😢

  13. I am a yoga instructor and aerial performer. I am in my first trimester. There are modifications that you can do to make things easier. I do feel this is more Pilates inspired. But I loved it. I finally got challenged and feel great afterwards. I do recommend shavasasna at the end though. Also she states that if you want to do a gentle yoga flow after that option is there.

    Thank you for the challenge. I finally know what my students feel like. This humbled me ❤️

  14. Not a bad class but this isn't yoga, this is fitness.

  15. too challenging for prenatal

  16. I got such a great workout from this. I am 22 weeks and feel that every other prenatal yoga class is simply stretching. Thank you for an actual workout!

  17. Okay ya I tried her channel before and I was like girll you crazy then I came across her again at 26 weeks and I woke up with my hips completely disbobulated. I went to bed very sore as well. I find her practices very very challenging and not soft for the body at all. I made it to 25 minutes so please. Do not push yourself ladies I know I will be feeling this for the next couple days now. Ah. Hips shifting usually begins at 19-20 weeks too at least for me it did and I’m a girly who stretches her hips daily. This is another sort of shift. I prefer south Asian yogi instructors because they are more gentle it seems

  18. How many times you girls went to pee during the workout? 😂
    Amazing workout 💓 & for people saying it’s too much for a pregnancy: I think everyone has a different body and the most important thing is to pause and breath between the exercises! With calm and determination is a very complete full body workout. Thanks Juliana and Mark 💓

  19. This feels like a an advanced Pilates workout.

  20. I’ve been doing yoga for 15 years and I’m 100% in shape and have birthed two babies.
    this is way too aggressive and not prenatal yoga or safe for all trimesters! This could induce a miscarriage for moms carrying gently, please change the title so no one is misled this is a advanced yoga for 2nd trimester only!

  21. I was hoping this was going to be like your normal yoga videos modified for pregnancy but this feels more like an aerobics class. I’ll just watch your normal yoga videos and make modifications myself.

  22. CUIDADO: hay muchos ejercicios no recomendados en el embarazo en este vídeo. Por ejemplo, las planchas propuestas no son adecuadas pues aumentan la diástasis abdominal; los movimientos de pierna que realiza alrededor del minuto 14 pueden aumentar la ciática tan frecuente en el embarazo (en todo caso no elevar la pierna más allá de la horizontal de la espalda), etc.

  23. 24 weeks today and third time doing this workout, I love seeing how my body changes and how I have to work to engage different muscles with each prenatal week. Thank you for sharing something that allows my body to stay toned and strong during this wonderful and rapidly changing time!

  24. Can you make a fun and moderate yoga video for pregnancy as these are tiring and kind of gets boring

  25. LOVED this yoga workout at 32 weeks pregnant! I’ve been struggling to find workouts on YouTube that are still challenging during my pregnancy. This was perfect. Thank you!

  26. I think this is too much for my late 3. Trimester as I really don’t like to train my abs.

  27. Thank you for this workout! It’s really hard to find a challenging practice for pregnant. I’m on 29 weeks and feel totally amazing after doing this 😍 please make video like this more 😍🙏🏼

  28. This is NOT suitable for a pregnancy workout. This is way too intense and could be DANGEROUS for some pregnant woman especially for some plank positions. I consider myself as quite active, but this is even and intense for non-pregnancy woman. STAY AWAY

  29. Quite a challenging workout. Thank you Juliana.

  30. I’m 32 weeks and this is a bit too challenging for me with the bump at this stage 😅 I could’ve probably kept up until about 25w but ohhhh boy. Be warned ppl!

  31. I feel a bit clickbaited. There was no yoga here, only a workout 😅

  32. Not sure this is yoga, more of just a workout

  33. NEVER EVER! do planks during pregnancy! There are NO straight abdominal muscles available & this could be dangerous!

  34. Planks can cause issues for some women during pregnancy. if you witness coning, avoid them. This video is not really safe for 3rd trimester for many women.

  35. Loved the challenge to push my body (especially my wrists)

  36. For me it’s too much for pregnancy time! I am 19weeks now and couldn’t finish the entire workout. I’d pefer something more blissful in this period of life but thank you!

  37. Love this at 25 weeks. Many prenatal workouts on YouTube aren’t challenging enough, this one hit the spot. Thank you!

  38. My favorite full body workout for pregnancy!

  39. Love the glutes component of this work out. The counting throughout is really chaotic though. No consistency in how you’re counting, which detracts from the cohesiveness.

  40. I thought full planks were not advisable during pregnancy?

  41. I definitely can’t do all these plank/mountain climber positions without my abs starting to dome and I’m 26 weeks along… I can do little dips like at the beginning but nope to the rest of it and anything that twists.

  42. I'm 37+3day and I just finished this workout, it’s a bit intense but I feel veryyyyyy good. It’s definitely not yoga 😂

  43. I'm not pregnant at all and it was hot.
    Thank you for your wonderful work.

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