30 Min Full Body Dumbbell Workout for Beginners – Beginner Strength Training at Home with Weight
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foreign [Music] tribe it's your personal trainer coach Kozak and I'm Claudia and this is a beginner strength training workout the only equipment required for today's routine are dumbbells and we recommend that you have a few different options on hand so you can mix up the weight depending on the exercise you may also want to have a chair nearby but that of course is optional you can follow along with me for the standard moves and you can follow me for some modifications if you're ready to go let's get started [Music] thank you [Music] all right let's get started with our warm-up first one today is going to be a good morning plus a Twist we're going to start with our feet shoulder width apart hands on our head a little Bend in our knees now let's hinge at our hips bring those hips straight back feel that stretch in your back side now we're going to twist bring that right elbow to the ceiling or as close to it as you can twist back stand up straight squeeze your glutes to the top we're going to repeat this time let's twist to the left side rotation there back up so you'll notice all of our warm-up moves today are working multiple planes of movement as well as warming up multiple muscle groups at the same time trying to be as efficient as possible really with our whole workout today let's focus on our breathing go ahead and breathe in as you come down and out as you come up exhale very good you can also exhale on the twist that will be a little bit more of a difficult movement for some of us that's true don't expect to get a lot of range of motion in that rotation and that's quite all right just getting some mobility in our thoracic spine on that one this one's warming up our hamstrings glutes lower back upper back even our shoulders a little bit all right last one and done very good all right moving into our next we're going to do an arm pullover plus alternating knee raise starting with our hands at our side Palms are facing in bringing both arms straight up my right knee up return back down now left knee up alternating right and left knees bring your knee up as high as you feel comfortable in doing so for some of you it'll be all the way up here and some of you might just be here and it's okay we're going to encourage you to make today's workout your own adjusting it for your own body your own needs getting a full range of motion with that arm pull over getting those arms up feeling that stretch in your shoulders preparing them for the work that we have coming up today that's right it's going to be a good workout today this stretch is warming up your calves your quadriceps hip flexors core shoulders upper back getting our heart rate up a little bit at the same time warming up our body let's do this one for five four three two one zero all right one more warm-up move for you here we're gonna do an arm crossover plus butt kick let's bring those arms out to our sides parallel to the floor and I'm gonna bring my right heel to my glute at the same time crossing over my arms alternating between right and left butt kicks and then alternating which arm is on top for my arm crossovers that's right so we got right on top now left on top opening that chest up nice and big as you are stretching and doing that crossover pulling those elbows and hands back and then bringing that heel as close to your glutes as possible and that's going to be different for everybody working at a pace that you feel comfortable with remember this is just the warm-up breathe you got it yourself in a mental place ready for the work that we have coming up today gonna get stronger let's do this one for five seconds four three two one zero nice job all right let's begin our strength portion we are going to perform this in a super set manner so we're going to go back and forth between two complementary exercises here to start and our first one is a lying narrow chest press we're gonna need two dumbbells and if you have varying weights you'll probably want a heavier weight for this one but again those can be totally up to you and your Fitness level we're going to move to the floor lying on our backs with our two dumbbells we're gonna bring our elbows to our sides Palms facing one another facing in we're gonna press straight up so our dumbbells finish over our face and then return those dumbbells back down with our elbows in tight to our body we're gonna do this one for 10 repetitions let's do it together ready and begin a nice big exhale as you push those weights up overhead that's it breathing in as you're lowering those dumbbells this one's gonna work your chest triceps shoulders and with all the moves today including this one you're gonna sometimes feel the the urge to speed it up and go faster but with strength training you really need controlled movements control Tempo and time under tension so fight that urge and especially on the way down control those weights and don't let your arms bounce off the floor three more nice full range of motion and squeeze the back of your arms those triceps and chest up at the top and last one right here and there's ten very good so as I mentioned we're doing super set so we're gonna go back and forth between this move and one that requires us to be up on our feet so come on up onto your feet I am going to use dumbbells for this next one and I'm actually just going to use body weight but I'm also going to grab my chair so if you're going to be using a chair for a little extra balance and support go ahead and grab it now we're gonna do a reverse lunge so again you're gonna choose which one of these movements is most appropriate for you your Fitness and balance level with good posture I have my dumbbells at my side I'm going to step back with my right foot drop my knee down until both knees or at a 90 degree angle and return back up we're gonna do eight on each leg ready and begin you decide if you want to just use body weight you want to add dumbbells for extra resistance or if your balance isn't quite where you want it to be yet and you can go ahead and grab a chair that's right and again we're dropping down trying to get as best as we can to a 90 degree angle on both our laying in the front and leg in the back yeah I want to even distribution of your body weight between each legs good posture we'll inhale down and exhale as you come back up to the top of the movement not much left here and eight last one very good let's go ahead and switch to the opposite side now that's right I'm just going to flip my chair around now let's step back with our left leg and begin being careful not to bounce that knee off the ground that's right I like to say that knee can kiss the floor that's right well gentle tap but don't bounce it and if you don't quite have the mobility yet to go all the way down and get both knees to a 90. that's all right as well to go down as far as you can and if that's here for some of you that's perfectly okay last one right here and eight all right so we're gonna move back to the floor for that lying narrow chest press and you'll notice when our upper body's working our legs are resting and vice versa so that's one of the appeals to this super setting methodology so back to the floor you can mix up your weight if needed if your weight the first time was appropriate that's good if you want a heavier lighter change it as needed elbows are in towards our side and we have 10 repetitions ready and begin again breathing in on the way down out on the way up full range of motion don't give a little half reps or give a full repetition full effort hail and exhale for six gotta stand focused controlling that lowering phase what we call The Eccentric part of the movement excellent thank you so much all right moving back to our feet for that lower body exercise moving back to our reverse lunge okay if you are you go ahead I'm sorry I'm gonna say if you are using dumbbells make sure that you're using those legs to pick them up and not bending over that's right grab your chair if you need here we go all right we're starting with that right leg for eight repetitions good posture core is Titan engaged and begin step back with that right leg back up this one is working your hamstrings your glutes as well as your quadriceps so really that whole lower body and I don't want you to be loose in your abs while doing this instead keep it tight firm core it'll help you keep good posture help you stay straight up and down again not a race last one right here last one all right very good all right switching sides now if you're using dumbbells you notice you get a little extra credit on your grip all right eight reps here we go let's begin and again just like I was mentioning on that chest press you got to focus on slowing it down on both ends of the movement both the lowering phase as well as that concentric or raising phase here all right all right it's number five you have three more reps to go there you go last three of these for the day getting stronger with everyone we can feel it and last big inhale exhale for number eight excellent okay so we are going to move on to our second superset and we're only gonna need one dumbbell for this next one and I'm gonna get uh just a little bit lighter for this one we're gonna do a one arm staggered row what are you gonna do for a modification on this one Claudia I'm actually just going to use a lighter weight so actually I just picked up but when I was using for the chest press so I'll go just a little lighter on this one yeah so for this one the move is the same it's just uh what makes it easier or harder is a resistance that you choose yep okay so we're gonna get into a staggered stance here put our opposite hand on our hip Bend in both knees bent over on a 45 degree angle or as tight now I'm going to pull back from this elbow like as a string attached to that elbow and then lower the dumbbell back down we're going to do this one at four uh 10 repetitions on both sides all right ready and begin full range of motion on this one try your best to keep your head in line with your spine so we're not looking up like this but instead that we've got a nice straight line going all the way down your back and again just making sure that you select the proper weight and then you're not really using any momentum to bring that elbow back and up proper weight will mean that the last couple repetitions are a real challenge but you're still able to do so while keeping proper form we'll call this one eight two more nine last one and ten and your legs might be feeling a little spicy very good let's turn that let's turn this over this one yeah a little bit uh this one's giving you a little extra credit on your legs which is nothing wrong with that especially after those lunges all right and pull again 10 more now on that left side yeah those I'm feeling those lunges and I'm feeling it here on this one it's a very similar stance full range of motion squeeze that back up at the top your lat muscle big bat back muscle right under your arm you have two more nine and ten very good nice work so I'm gonna grab a second dumbbell for this one and I'm actually going to drop my weight and just move to a body weight movement for this one we're going to do a dumbbell or without dumbbell Sumo deadlift so strictly lower body move now again I have the two dumbbells here I'm gonna go a little wider than shoulder width on my stance toes pointed out my hands are hanging right here in front of me now my first move is going to be to break at my hips so not knees first hips first and then followed by my knees keeping good posture control the way down and back up we're gonna do this one for 10 repetitions oh ready and begin again hips then knees want to keep a nice balance we don't want to fall back on our heels and we don't want to rock forward on our toes that's right nice evenly distributed that's right I usually like to focus for more of a mid foot feel as I push myself back up that's a good tip and if you're struggling with keeping an upright posture on this one it could be your flexibility you need a little bit of work that's right something to focus on so maybe you're right here for now as you keep working through this workout you'll get a little deeper that's true this will help increase your flexibility as well we'll call this one number eight a few more breathe in breathe out last one right here here's number 10. excellent okay so we're gonna go back to that staggered dumbbell row that upper back movement where we just need the one dumbbell and again as you're going through this if you need to change up your weights in between sets we encourage you to do so make it a little harder make it a little easier I didn't fill nearly as much of a challenge on that one so I'm going to increase my weight just a little bit oh there we go exhibit a yeah all right let's move on to the staggered row against dagger chance right side bending those knees back a straight bend over 45 you're angle opposite hand on our hip and let's begin pull back so almost like you're pulling that dumbbell back to your uh your right hip as you pull back from your elbow that string attached to that elbow yeah keeping our shoulders nice and square definitely don't want to turn this into something where you're feeling a Twist at the top yeah it's a great point and if you're having to twist to get it up there that might be a good indication that you need to lower your weight and if you get to rep 10 and you don't feel anything well that's an indication you need to raise your weight here's eight two more and last one right here excellent all right same move switching sides again getting the upper body lower body core all hit here right into it 10 more and begin [Music] full range of motion all the way up all the way down squeezing that back up at the top and when I say pretend like you have a string attached to that elbow I say that to mean don't pull back from your hand but instead pull back like your That Elbow is leading the way it's a good cue to make sure you're using the correct form and you're engaging the right muscles on this last one right here number 10. all right there's ten so we're moving back into our last set of that Sumo deadlift with or without dumbbells you decide I mean because even without the dumbbells we just using your body weight is a significant resistance absolutely so again you decide if it's needed or not feed her toes pointed out good posture back is straight let's do it for 10 reps let's go lower and back up again look out look at this pace we're going at would it be easier to just go down and go up real fast of course it would but we're not in it for easy we're in it for results we want to make sure that the work that we're putting in is getting you the results that you deserve that's it halfway breathing in breathing out you keep showing up day in and day out and you will get there it's a journey my friends breathing in that's right consistency is the name of the game here that's it not perfection here's eight two more last two control it gonna get all the way down there to that thighs parallel to the floor and ten nice work moving into our next superset we're gonna specifically focus on our core and glutes we are gonna need to move to the floor for this one no dumbbells or weights needed we're gonna move into a high plank position from our knees so I'm gonna come down on my hands and I'm gonna make sure that I bring my hips forward so that my butt isn't in the air now with a tight core I'm going to step forward with my right hand step forward with my left right back left back so one two three four and the modifier for this one is just holding this High plank position from your knees just make sure that your wrists are directly underneath your shoulders keep a nice engaged core and you're good to go and we got 30 seconds for this one folks ready and begin so making sure that your abs are tight that's right and one way to help accomplish that is actually squeezing your glutes as well at the same time so abs and glutes are tight on this one and your shoulders are definitely going to feel the work here oh yeah definitely mine already feeling it as well key is to not hold your breath breathe through the entire movement great tip only a few more seconds and three two one and time's up all right while our abs and shoulders recover we're gonna move to our backs and do a hip up I'm gonna grab one dumbbell for this one and again I'm gonna just maintain it with a body weight movement here so lying down on our back grab this one dumbbell and actually place it on my hip so if you are using it here's your placement making sure that your heels are nice and close to your glutes now I'm going to drive off my glutes I'm sorry drive off my heels bring my glutes up squeezing my glutes for a 1 1000 count up top and then back down doing this one for 10 repetitions again under control ready and begin and for the body weight variation I like to keep my elbows right next to my body and drive them a little into the ground if it helps you not move around on the ground too much a great tip as well keeping those heels close to your glutes especially as you kind of go through it you might start to slide back and so all of a sudden you're not your feet aren't as close to your your backside as they should be so instead keep them nice and close [Music] one one thousand squeeze up at the top every timing I really want to engage that back side in those glutes that's right here's number nine one more to go last one big exhale number ten excellent all right so halfway through the superset we're going back to that high plank position we're using a dumbbell you can set it off to the side hands are directly underneath your shoulders bring those loots forward and we got 30 seconds starting in three two one begin abs are tight and if you want a little extra intensity on this one feel free to come up to your feet you decide if that's appropriate for you or if you're cool today hanging out on your knees that's right find a good in between that's acceptable for your Fitness level here keep that back straight throughout abs are tight not too much longer in five four three two one and break all right I'm gonna grab my dumbbell you decide if that's appropriate for you but we're going right back into those hip ups and as we mentioned earlier the appeal of these supers while one muscle group is working the other is resting so allows us to keep that pace up that's right heels are nice and cool close to your glutes and ready begin driving off those glutes good one 1000 up at the top squeeze them and then control that opening phase again you've heard me say that several times a day and I'm gonna keep reminding you because it's so important I don't want to just now allow your backside to flop down to the ground control it on the way down halfway this one's working your hamstrings your glutes a little bit of core ABS in there as well [Music] excellent no more so many people suffer from lower back pain one of the best things you can do is get stronger glutes that's right last one that's number ten and there's ten excellent work all right let's come to our feet for our last Super set of the day this one actually is going to have three separate exercises we need two dumbbells we're going to perform a dumbbell Hammer curl I'm gonna pick a weight somewhere in the middle yep and we're gonna do 12 hammer curls starting with your hands and dumbbells at your side you're going to bring the dumbbells all the way up with your palms facing in until those dumbbells come to your shoulders and then you guess it control the way back down keeping those elbows nice and into your body yes right and your variation for this or modification is just lighter weight all right 12 repetitions ready and begin keep your wrist tight and locked in on this one I would say don't have spaghetti wrists right where they're kind of going around or they're loose but instead keep them tight and locked in Palms facing inward this one not only working your biceps but it's working your forearms and your grip as well that's right I'm gonna start to feel this one probably around if you're using the appropriate weight around rep eight nine it's when it starts to get intensity starts to pick up halfway through that's how you know you chose the appropriate weight breathing in on the way down exhaling on the way up biceps are I mean that's what rep number eight I say well there we go so you're right on schedule that's it like I said under control had we just been flinging those dumbbells up and down it sure would be easier but we're not looking for easy we're looking for results and we know you are too all right almost there we have one more rep after this one here we go last one finish strong has for tried and there's 12. all right I'm gonna drop the weight for this next one for sure exactly you took the words right out of my mouth we are gonna go light we're gonna do a dumbbell upright external rotation that is a mouthful but for this one we probably the lightest weight that you have and if you don't have a really lightweight maybe a couple of water bottles or sometimes just your own body weight just gonna suggest sometimes just your own body weight especially at this point in the workout we'll light you up we're gonna bring your elbows up to a 90 degree angle and we got 90 degree angles all over we're gonna pull back on those hands keeping our arms parallel to the floor and then return the hands back to parallel we're gonna do this one for 12 repetitions ready and begin again another one of those moves it would be so much easier if you could just speed through it but nope we're gonna go slow and under control the goal is nice and healthy shoulders here that is right this one's going to work your really your entire shoulder capsule including your rotator cuffs including your rear deltoid even a little bit of upper back and trapezius muscles just overall shoulder Health good good to improve your posture it's hard to talk when my shoulders are burning that's all right I'm more than happy to do it for you all ten and two more last two don't rush through come on does not take a lot of weight on this one last one oh my goodness all right let's let those shoulders rest for a moment and we're gonna move back to our lower body we're gonna do a standing calf raise so I'm just gonna do this one on my own and I'm gonna go ahead and bring out my chair again yeah just for a little added balance you decide if that's right for you so standing with good upright posture I'm going to drive off the balls of my feet bringing my heels up off the floor trying not to fall oh that's what I get for going too slow anyway you need the chair I I think we should switch on this one all right so coming all the way up squeeze your calves up at the top and then control that lowering phase you guessed it that's it nice and control on this one again it'd be easy to come up and then come down right but that's not how we're we're going to see the results we want squeeze those calf muscles up at the top that's it breathing in breathing out again this one doesn't seem like much but actually having straw strong calves is really important for our balance as well as a lower um lowered leg Health preventing ankle sprains great for runners and athletes out there that's number ten two more all of the above you got it stick with it last one and twelve okay so we just went through all three exercises in this last superset and we're gonna go through them one more time which means we need two dumbbells for our dumbbell Hammer curl and again you know whatever weight you chose the first time doesn't mean you have to choose that weight again this time you want to go heavier lighter you do what you think is best for your body right now it's going to challenge you and give you results 12 repetitions ready and let's do it again all the way up all the way down nice and controlled that's it it's a good time in the workout to take just a moment to remind yourself what brought you here today what made you click that play button something inspired you something motivated you take a second to think about that what your goals are give yourself some credit for showing up today and taking a step towards those goals that's right you know Fitness is like that you know you don't you don't achieve your goals overnight you got to show up day in and day out today you showed up and took one more step up that staircase and I applaud you for it that's right proud of you number eight prayer last four again controlling that way down as we get tired we want to get well for lack of a better word we want to get lazy we want to let them drop down but don't do it don't swing either to get those dumbbells up to your shoulders that's right let's dig deep come on we got one last one right here right here here we go number 12 exhale nice work excellent all right we're moving to Claudia's favorite exercise uh dumbbell upright external rotation hey I have a love hate love hate yeah you know they are effective and you can feel the effectiveness light weights on this one again change it up as needed 12 repetitions elbows up ready begin again trying your best to get a full range of motion as you pull back on those hands and just rotating on this one and if you've had shoulder problems in the past again you may not use you may not need any weight whatsoever but just because it's uncomfortable doesn't mean it's bad for you actually quite the opposite probably gonna have a rehabilitative effect on you there's a very common popular exercise that's prescribed by physical therapists all over the world great exercise to improve that shoulder health three more not much left come on you can see my face on this one oh I know I'm sure I'm making all types of beautiful funny faces last one right here and there's 12. excellent job okay we can set those down and let's move back to our lower body for our last set of calf raises if you want to add extra resistance on this one you could grab a couple of dumbbells and hold them to your side as well just another option for you 12 repetitions and begin all the way up and control the way down excellent I love this one because you can really just feel it travel all the way up the back of the back of your leg at least for me phrases yeah it kind of stretches you out too anytime you take a muscle group to the the full range of motion like we are on this one halfway point again resisting the urge is just dropped back down but instead controlling both ends of that move and cast up at the top you'll know you did this one right tomorrow and your calves are tight or in the middle of night when you cramp well hopefully that's not the case get a banana you love it one more after this here we go and here is 12. nice work nice job all right we have reached the end nice work Claudia yes oh that was a good one that was a good one Zing all right we are going to move into our cool down at this point in time and we're actually both gonna need our chair as we begin to stretch our quadriceps that big muscle at the front of our leg but we're going to use our chairs a little bit differently I'm going to perform a standing one leg quad stretch using this chair for support so I don't fall over and I'm going to be seated for my quad stretch so I'm gonna with this chair on my left side I'm going to grab my right leg you can grab it from your foot or your ankle keep that knee in close to your side pull back and hold and as you notice I moved all the way over to the right side of my chair and I slid my foot back and now my knee is directly underneath my hip so now I'm just going to gently come back just a little up top and I'm gonna really feel that stretch right here in my quad both of these moves are going to stretch your quadricep you decide which one is best for you it's just a static hold or just stretching and holding here and that's it nice big deep breaths helping your heart rate come down after that workout holding this one for five four three two one zero and relax so same move we're just moving to the opposite side now nothing changes if you are using a chair make sure it's a sturdy one ready and begin if you're doing my variation from the standing make sure you don't have that leg out to the side it totally eliminates the stretch but instead keep it in as close to you as you can absolutely and that's the same with this one as well try not to have your knee flare out try to keep it as close to the chair as you can and if that means that you don't lean your upper body back very much that's perfectly fine for some of you you just may be upright and that's going to give you all the stretch that you need and don't be alarmed if one side is tighter than the other that's totally normal that's why we're doing the stretches so it's not only stretching your quad getting some hip flexor stretch in there as well and all those moves will help to improve your posture and reduce the risk of injury for three two one zero all right so if we're going to stretch out our back side with a downward dog and I'm going to put my chair away I'm actually going to continue with my chair here a couple different variations I'm going to move to the floor for my variation so I'm going to squat down hands on the floor and then I'm going to come up onto my feet and bring my hips back as I relax my shoulders you notice from my variation I have my hands on the top of the chair and I'm going to push my shoulders and my hips away from the chair so it almost looks like I'm creating a square between the chair the floor and myself and whichever variation you choose just pretend like somebody's grabbing your hips and they're pulling them back and you'll feel that stretch down your calves your hamstrings which are the back of your legs glutes back shoulders like I said just really hitting your entire posterior chain on this one it's a really relaxing stretch just breathe into it big deep breaths here 10 more seconds for five four three two one and zero relax I'm gonna stay down on the floor here for this next one and just make sure that you're coming up slowly if you need to good point no race um we're gonna move into a stretch for our hips called the 90 90 hip stretch coming onto my back side here starting with my heels on the floor in this kind of funny position we are going to rotate to our right side keeping both neat it's at a 90 degree angle and you might immediately be tight here and if you are you can take the pressure off by leaning back or if you feel good here you can stay up feeling that stretch in your hips or if it's not enough stretch for you you can come forward and lean into that lead leg and hold there are three different variations for you to kind of work through here as we stretch those hips but regardless of which variation you choose make sure that both these knees are at 90 degree angles big deep breaths showing our hips some love with this one this is probably one of my favorite ones to do something I have to do often you know I spend a lot of time sitting at my desk and my hips get tight and my back will start to hurt but you know it's not my back that's actually injured it's my hips that are tight and I'll do this stretch and immediately get relief all right let's come back up into that middle position kind of see how we transition back right and then now let's rotate to the left side same thing where all of a sudden if you're getting crampy and it's starting to hurt whoo you can lean back or if you feel good good upright posture here big deep breaths and for some extra stretch feel free to come forward if you need to that's totally up to you that's right and again don't be alarmed if one side feels tighter than the other that is not out of the ordinary uh no in my left side is tighter than my right right oh yeah mine too so again it's totally normal you're in the same boat as us these modern lifestyles of ours no I know way too much time sitting down trying to find more activity in our day-to-day big deep breaths last five four three two one zero coming back and that is it all right Feeling Good Feeling loose feeling strong I was just gonna say that well you know strong great minds great minds think alike thank you so much for working out with us today and giving us the opportunity to to serve you and did you know that you can get even faster results if you follow a complete exercise program those programs can be found on the HASfit app you can download them onto your Android or iPhone device you may also find them on hasfit.com you can also support us by stopping by our store picking up some has fit gear like a t-shirt or our diet guide eating for life don't forget to like us on your favorite social media Network until next time I'm coach Kozak and I'm Claudia and we will see you at your next workout
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Hi I am doing a 31day challenge for colitis and Crohn’s uk so these are perfect workouts thanks a hasfit fan thanks for all the hard work everyone wines to make the workout possible
I enjoyed this a lot.. damn this workout turned me into fire❤too good
Done ✔️ ❤❤
What?! I actually made it to 39 minutes?? Thank you both and the crew behind the scenes very much!
This is my second day. I have bad osteoarthritis in right big toe and both wrists and palindromic rheumatism all over. 56yo male.
The tiptoes one in painful but the hardest part is the final bit on the floor. Very dodgy knees. Hopefully a nice EDIT coming weeks from now. Love from England.
Is it beneficial to do different activities in isolation during the day rather than a 30 minute block
Thanku. These are the easiest i can do.
This was amazing thank you guys
great ❤❤
Im not suepr obese but definitely very overweight! Im 14 and starte djanuary 1st 2025 :3 i started workouts on the 6th, and this one on the 11th. Weighed myself at the end of the month and i loet a stone, eo im hoping to continue losing ❤
Excellent workout, Loved it !
Is this pcos friendly?
How many calories do this whole video burn
I'm a mom and breast Cancer survivor …I sart these exercises it's not easy for my weak body 😢. But I'll keep going….my 6 years old daughter told me today "mom I m proud of you ❤" ….. thank you for helping beginners
While I watching you, I could practice and learn more ENG ^^
Hi can someone tell me what are the calories burnt in this 30 min workout
Thanx ✨
So good, so effective, and your guys are so nice. Thanks from Vincent and Louise from Montreal. We like you so much.
Would you say that this is cardio too
Weight of the dumbbells?
Thank you
Can anyone please suggest me the weight for the dumbells i should start with (im a begginer )
Me and hubby have started our fitness journey and I had a minute to myself today and did the workout. My first time doing strength training. So good to follow along. You guys are awesome. I did it with 5kg/11lb. Oof. I'll be feeling it tomorrow!
Excellent well paced thanks
First weight workout in over a year after a string of joint injuries. Just right for a starter with 2&3 pound weights. 57 YO F. Thank you!
11Nov2024 Been working out with you on and off (mostly off these past 2 years, not going to lie) for years now. Love your channel including how I can always come here to find unintimidating, workouts for someone like me who should be way more advanced than I am. Keep going- I hope you're getting the success you both deserve. You guys are lovely. Thank you