A MUST WATCH to Understand the Basics of Homeopathy! (This Video COMBINES Parts 1-8)

20 March 2025

A MUST WATCH to Understand the Basics of Homeopathy! (This Video COMBINES Parts 1-8)

Instead of watching multiple short videos, Dr. Gelman combines Parts 1-8 as an easy to watch Video All About the Basics of Homeopathy!
(Does not include Dr. Gelman's 11 FAQ Homeopathy Videos)

This is a must watch for all Dr. Gelman's patients – and other interested patients!

[Music] hi I'm dr. Lana Gelman I'm a licensed naturopathic doctor you may be wondering what a naturopathic doctor is essentially we're trained in both conventional medicine and a natural therapies to bring the best of both worlds to our patients as naturopathic doctors we use conventional medicine when we feel there's a need but really our expertise is in natural therapies so we tend to always use that as a first-line therapy now I realized through my studies that a lot of people don't really believe sometimes the natural medicine because they're just confused and misinformed and rightfully so so I decided I wanted to develop a series of videos on different natural therapies just try to empower the public to understand and be educated what the myths are the common confusions are just to clarify so you can decide if natural therapies is something you would like to use in this video we're going to cover the natural therapy called homeopathy now I choose to do homeopathy is my first video series because I use it with every single patient I find it to be the most holistic of all the natural therapies by far the safest and quickest acting so I have a lot of trust in it and I want to try to educate the public and also my existing patients why I use it and what to expect with it in this segment we're going to answer the common questions about what homeopathy is how it works when it works we'll go into these details so to begin what homeopathy is if you go to a natural health food store you're going to see a myriad of all different supplements and vitamins now what homeopathic is specifically though looks like these little vials ok this is homeopathic remedy they're not the big bottles of pills or the little tinctures or any of that this is homeopathy now to answer what it is homeopathy comes from a lot of different natural substances it can come from plant sources income from mineral sources can even come from animal sources and they're diluted into very very small doses which makes them very very safe and we're going to go into detail about that in a second the one biggest thing that I really want to emphasize is how unique and holistic homeopathy is so for example this is not homeopathic it's okay these are common a lot of people like to have them at home now a kick it consists of a hundred different remedies now these are all homeopathic remedies there can be probably over 20 different remedies in here all indicated for bronchitis someone comes in to see me with a call there could be hundreds of different remedies for that cough in this case alone there's like 20 remedies now what's unique about homeopathy is that it's very personalized so I need to know the exact details about that cough in addition to a lot of other information and then I could choose the exact remedy that fits your cough you're probably wondering how homeopathy works how come these little tiny little pellets be so indicated for such unique symptoms how does this work well to answer the question I'm going to explain it in two folds the first part of how homeopathy works is that it stimulates the own your own healing response in your body so there's not a necessary mechanism of action we don't know there's like a biochemical pathway that it's being triggered all it does it stimulates your own healing response so for example what does this mean healing response anyone gets a cut okay simple cut your skin breaks your body knows exactly how to heal brings the skin together and your body heals same with a common cold you're sick for a few days your body knows how to heal itself and before you know you're well now at times though you can get sick enough where the body is trying its best to compensate in to heal but at times it needs a little bit of a stimulus to help it heal through that process and that's what homeopathy does when you get the correct stimulus to help with the healing process then you're on your way to getting better now a central part of this you may be asking well how does this little stimulus this little natural substance help with the healing process well in homeopathy there's a law called the law of similars and that is like cures like essentially simply put it means that the substance that can cause symptoms is the same substance that can cause cure now this can be kind of confusing is definitely confusing to me at first so better me give you an example instead of just give me some of these let's start with the example of coffee everyone knows coffee really well now coffee take it in large amounts is what people want for high energy for wakefulness for good alertness and such now when given in homeopathic doses which is small amounts of coffee it's actually indicated for those exact same symptoms of restlessness wakefulness too much energy especially at night when someone's trying to go to bed so homeopathic coffee is indicated for insomnia whereas when you take it in large doses it's going to produce those same effects now another example is the common food onion we all know when we dice an onion our eyes water our nose rinds well in small doses of onion called allium cepa homeopathic lee it's actually indicated for Cold that caused running runny eyes lacrimation and no nasal discharge that's a little bit accurate and it cares them of their cold so this is just an example of that law of similars I was saying like here's like and this is how the body is stimulated to heal you may be thinking how can such small doses of a substance have an effect on the human body well it's a really good question i had the same question before when i was learning about homeopathy so to clarify i like to think about vaccine shots we know vaccine shots are organisms that cause of reaction in the body and when diluted very very small minut doses when exposed to the body we know that it helps prevent future infections now take allergy shots auto shops are somewhat similar as well when we figure out what the allergen is that the patient is sensitive to we dilute it we introduce that into the body and then we know that they are able to overcome their allergens much better these are just two examples of how we use this all the time and conventional medicine and this is an example of how these small doses can really have a powerful effect on our human body and stimulate the healing response so how popular is homeopathy in the world well in India alone over 100 million people use homeopathy as their sole medical treatment in Europe it's very very common in Germany alone ninety-eight percent of pharmacies carry homeopathic remedies and in France seventy-two percent of physicians there refer to people to get homeopathic remedies so it's really really well appreciated and well utilized in these countries now this therapy has been around since the late 18th century so there's a lot a lot of good wisdom being built year after year just so we can get even more precise to find the room fee that's right for you alright so one can hold me out that they be used well homie hobby that can be used for anyone they can be used for the young they could be used for the old in fact my children patients are the best reacting of the patients because they have such strong vitality now as we know as we went over homeopathy stimulates the body to heal which means that it stimulates your immune system where it stimulates a body healing response now that kind of response is similar to how we spike fevers so with kids we know that when they get sick these bikes creepers all the time it's just their body reacting to the organism to fight on its own with adults we get sick we spike favors but not as often just because our healing response is a little bit slower another we're getting older and as elderly patients when they get sick it's even longer for their healing response to get triggered that's why kids are so sense of to homeopathy the reactions are so quick with adults still works still quick maybe not as quick as kids but they're healing response is still up and going and same with the elderly now it's such a safe therapy I'll use this with newborns I'll use it with my pregnant patients use it with patients lactating I have no problem very very safe very effective home half they can be used for both acute and chronic conditions acute conditions being an injury a sprain or strain of an ankle earaches that kids commonly good now with a cute and cute reactions oh yeah it works very quickly we're going to know if this person is reacting within minutes at the most within an hour to it's also indicated in chronic conditions chronic conditions could be anywhere from irritable bowel syndrome could be pms menopausal symptoms things that have reactions over time now with chronic conditions homeopathy works really really well but it does take some time to work as long as we're steadily improving over time we know that we're on the right path to cure so what can you expect with taking a homeopathic remedy well the number one thing you can expect is a holistic response what I mean by that is that you'll get a body-wide response so for example you have a cough and you find that correct remedy that helps with a cough great that's not enough for me what I know that a patient's reacting to homeopathic remedy not only is their cough better but the whole being is better meaning that they're sleeping better their energy level is better their mental emotional mood is better so this is what I expect from a good reaction to a remedy and if I only see the physical symptoms get better it's not the right remedy I need to see that body wide approach to the holistic approach improve okay the other thing that I always tell every patient when they're taking a remedy there could be five possible outcomes okay the first outcome that could happen with a remedy is that nothing happens okay it's a possibility it just means that we got the wrong remedy remember if it's not the right remedy it just won't stimulate the healing process luckily there's no side effects it's affordable we move on to the next remedy the second possible reaction what can happen is that you take the remedy and all of a sudden an old symptom comes back from even your childhood so for example let's say as a child you had eczema and you went to the doctor and they possibly give you a cortisone cream to give just to help with the inflammation it's a very typical prescription now what that cortisone cream is doing it's just that it's suppressing the symptoms it's not curing it but it's definitely managing it very well well now after all these years you take a homeopathic remedy sometimes that old symptom can return now this is actually very good sign it may not be comfortable luckily it doesn't come back with as much of a vengeance and it doesn't come back for as long but what this is doing is that it's just stimulating that healing response it brings back those symptoms and now the healing response is going to take care of that and it's going to cure those old symptoms so that's another outcome that could happen that's number two the third possibility that can happen is when you take a remedy is that the symptoms that you come in with make it a little bit worse before they get better what we call is that this is called an aggravation of symptoms now although uncomfortable this is a very good sign to us as a prescribing doctor because we see that your party is now adjusting to this medicine and now it's going to have to mount a healing response to then fight off this reaction this is a very good way that our body just know how to fight and heal on its own now this aggravation won't lost last very long and it will always follow with an but in all your systems of all your symptoms excuse me now the fourth response is that new symptoms come okay you take the remedy and all of a sudden new symptoms come about now we don't call these side effects first of all this is very very rare that it happens it happens with very sensitive patients we call these effects that the body has now when these new symptoms come about this is very important information for the doctor prescribing the medicine that means that we're so close to that right medicine and that those new symptoms are giving us information into what the right remedy is sometimes with the first interview you may not have enough symptoms or you may not have enough detailed information to explain the symptoms for us to get to that right remedy but if you take that remedy and new symptoms come up that information is so important for that next remedy and then you can get cured that's really important information now the fifth outcome is that we get that right remedy your symptoms clear up your mental emotional states better your sleeps better your energies better and we're on your way to cure so what does it like to visit a homeopath and to take the interview how do we come up with the best remedy well a good interview is the key to finding the best rugby the reason is because as the patient they need to explain in as much descriptive detail as clear as possible their symptoms so that as the prescribing doctor we can know which remedies best for the patient so for example the interview entails first off a pretty long session Intel anywhere from an hour and a half to two hours sometimes depending on the complexity of the case sometimes even more we're going into great detail not only of the main symptom but of the entire being so we're going to go into sleep and we're going to go into your energy levels then I'll go into more detail what we're looking for but what to expect is that has the patient you're in the driver's seat you're the one that needs to take some time to be mindful and to show with us your experience of what is causing you suffering and when you could be as clear as possible that's when we're going to get to that right medicine because remember we use the similars the similars of like cures like so we need to match your exact symptoms to the symptoms that that remedy produces once we get that match or off to that Rhett remedy so in order to find that right remedy there's information that we need from our patients that you may not even think to uncover and so this is I want to just kind of go into detail with what we're looking for so specifically if you've got a main complaint a main concern what we're looking for are as detailed possible descriptions of it for example what makes that concern better or worse does it radiates anywhere if it's a pain is there something that its associated with is there another symptom that comes along with it so for example maybe our main concern our headaches well a headache could be on your left side it could be better with pressure it could radiate from your temple to the back of your head your occiput and it could be much much better with a cold compress now that headache is very different than some with the right-sided headache that throbs and that just stays localized in that area cold makes it much much worse but heat makes it so much better and with that headache comes a lot of nausea so that's just an example of how unique these symptoms can be even though we're treating a headache so that's very important how clear you are with it now you may think you just want to stop there but remember it's a very holistic medicine so we need to know a lot more what I'm interested in is the rhythms of some of your body functions so for example the rhythms of your sleep some people wake up in the middle of the night some people have a difficult time falling asleep some people don't wake refresh I'm interested in that kind of rhythm for you that kind of rhythms I'm interested is like your appetite some people get cravings and get hunger pains immediately when they wake up some people can go all day long without eating what are your cravings what are your food cravings your thirst cravings these are all very important information for me another rhythm that you can think about is even your bodily functions like perspiration do you perspire where do you perspire is there an odor to the perspiration these are very important details in addition to some of these rhythms and I also think about mental emotional disturbances or imbalances let's say are you intensely fearful of things do you have phobias do you get angry easily do it irritable easily I'm to have suffer from anxiety or some depression very interesting important bits of information to get to that right remedy the last thing I would say is that we asked for just general symptoms things that you may not think to say but that could be really important to us something that may be peculiar about your case something unique in particular these are the things that are hidden clues to find that right remedy for you and lastly um really just to be open and honest about it if you're not if you don't feel comfortable sharing at first and that's okay there's always going to be time to open up but the sooner you can be detailed with your symptoms the quicker we'll be to get to that final remedy now for any information if you're confused or still unclear about anything feel free to contact me I love questions I love hearing from interested patients or existing patients it's really important that everyone's clear with what to expect and so feel free to contact me and send me an email at at any time [Music] you

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