ENERGY HEALING 101 (and 2 effective techniques!)

20 March 2025

ENERGY HEALING 101 (and 2 effective techniques!)

Today I will do a super informative, and super short, energy 101 tutorial. I'll also include 2 effective techniques to help you heal your illness or injury. Enjoy.

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My name is Andrea Schulman and I am a LOA coach and educator from Raise Your Vibration Today. I work with people to help them use the Law of Attraction with success.

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XO, Andrea
Law of Attraction Education




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hi this is Andrea Shulman again and in today's quick law of attraction video I'm going to do a quick energy healing 101 tutorial really quick and condensed but I've been getting a lot of questions on healing from traumatic injuries illnesses etc and so I wanted to give some very useful and practical information so that if you're suffering from something you have some direction on perhaps how to use energy healing to work to your best advantage first if you're watching this video on YouTube Facebook or Instagram please make sure to subscribe or follow my page and if possible turn on your notifications because I do release new law of attraction inspired videos like this one every single week and also if you enjoy this video it really does help me out if you give it a thumbs up and let me know what you think about it below in the comments your engagement really does help promote my work here on this platform and I truly do appreciate it alright let's get into this super quick energy healing 101 tutorial for you today here is the thing to understand when it comes to healing an injury or an illness with the law of attraction or just in general for that matter any kind of healing there's really two ways to go about it the first way and the preferred route if you're capable of doing it is to identify the thought pattern the belief structure that's going on up here that has created the injury or illness in the first place okay so the thing to understand is that everything in your reality yes literally everything is created from your beliefs it's created from your consciousness and so if you're seeing an error in your body it just corresponds to some kind of error in your thinking and so the best way to go about changing healing yourself through your energy is to shift the thinking that has created the injury or illness in the first place okay that is preferred okay but there is a second way the second way to heal an injury or an illness is to use an external treatment that you believe will work okay and so this is why people who do not believe in the law of attraction who do not believe that their thoughts create things or who do not make changes in their fundamental belief structures can still have positive results if they go to an energy healer or if they go to a doctor or they go to a dentist or they take a pill or they even take a placebo if you believe that a type of healing is going to work that is a belief structure that will correct that particular illness or injury but please notice that both of these strategies require your belief so if you're not quite sure what belief structure is creating the illness or injury the next best step is to ask yourself of all the available options I could go to a Reiki healer I could go to an ophthalmologist I could go to a veterinarian like think of all of the options you can think of which one do you have the most faith would work for you that's the best means for you to get healing and please understand I'm including things like doctors and scientific professions in energy healing because although they may be cutting things out sawing things open putting medicines inside really at the end of the day the reason that those things are working is because we have endowed those external treatments with belief that they will work because again your entire reality is constructed from the way that you think so if we as a collective or even just me individually believe that a prescription medication is going to do X Y Z then it will be endowed with those particular benefits but please understand again the first route that I gave you changing the error and thinking is the preferred method and this is why even if you endow an X thermal treatment a medication a surgery a Reiki session whatever even if you n'doul that with the belief that it can heal your illness or injury if you don't correct the error in thinking it will continue to replicate in your reality in some way or another and so you may see that you get rid of this illness or injury over here through the external treatment but then all of a sudden you get this one over here and then you get this one treated and then you get this one over here and then you get this one treatment you get this one over here and I bet you probably know a few people in your reality in your life who have had this experience where it's surgery after surgery after surgery after medication after medication after medication at the doctor after doctor after doctor and it's always something different so please be mindful of that in the short-term if you're suffering if you're having a hard time if you don't even know where to begin on how to fix the thinking to correct the error by all means go with the system that you believe will work for you but make it your mission to figure out the error in thinking because until you correct that there will be other things that are going on your reality to reflect back to you that error in thinking okay so again two options if you're not quite sure I did the first one go do the second one but once you're feeling some relief once you're feeling a little bit better once you've healed from whatever that process is get your mind around what's the error in thinking that created the problem in the first place so you don't unintentionally create again alright thanks so much for watching today's energy healing 101 tutorial again if you enjoyed this video please make sure to give it a thumbs up let me know what you think about it below in the comments and if you are new to my work here I would love to invite you to take my Law of Attraction test if you would like to see how your thoughts create reality I've designed a test to show you just how it's done and to take that test now go ahead and look below in the description for a link again thanks for watching today's energy healing tutorial have a great day bye bye

#ENERGY #HEALING #effective #techniques


  1. Tell us something we don’t know.

  2. Everything shared in this video has worked for me over and over again.

  3. Is there a resource that tells me what condition is associated with a type of thought pattern or trauma?

  4. Everytime I was so happy believing be best day ever or whatever it goes super wrong.. of this happening too many times for phobia of being happy and now think I deserve it..

  5. We're dose energy healing come from

  6. I'm wondering what energy healing can help, that whole food plant based diet,supplements,sun,exercise,medications,time with family,good job,good finances CAN'T.
    Im new to energy healing 🙏

  7. Thank you so much for sharing 🥰

  8. Law of attraction dont work yall. Get a job and start working

  9. My mom is being treated with an "energy healer " and was told she has brain cancer. Idk what to think about this just that she has been under the care of this person for 3 months at $100 a day everyday. Wow I can't stop thinking I am in the wrong profession. Advise please

  10. My cancer was created from feelings of resentment. Once I figured that out I began my healing process. I also chose alternative treatment for cancer and found a doctor who really believes in his treatments. The regular doctors say I have cancer but in three years I have never felt sick my blood work always comes out perfect and I have always believed I am healthy.

  11. So my wife has MS, which was triggered because of the birth of our child…… what thought would that be to cut out? She didnt even know what it was before doctors figured it out. She didnt "will" herself into something she didnt know was even there. This kind of stuff drives me nuts. You cat attract something through thought if youve never thought about it. So whats the though science behind that?

  12. I won’t do work on people with out them taking my limiting beliefs class first! So yes i agree with this so much

  13. I have a question, so what about children who end up with cancer or other terrible illnesses, I don't think that they manifested their illness. I ask this with a humble heart I'm not trying to be a smart ass or rude I believe in what your saying. I just always wondered about children

  14. I would like to take low of attraction test. But it is not available. Has it took down?

  15. Has any energy healers took the Covid vax? Curious to how it’s affected your ability to heal?

  16. So true … I have a question though. I know, which thing is going of in my case. But I don't know, how to shift that particular thought. Advice smth, if you can

  17. I have had 4 strokes and can't walk or use my left side of my body so it has been impossible for me to do all the excersises that you teach here as I can't lift my left arm at all I don't know much about energy healing at all and if itr could help me at all

  18. Thank u so much 🙏🙏🙏

  19. Thank you for your sage advice. This is why so many people will benefit from healing. Their beliefs.

  20. 💜💜💜 To those struggling w/limiting beliefs,(like all of us do!) PLZ look up the name, “Byron Katie” on YouTube &watch some of her videos! She teaches a very simple, &VERY powerful process called,
    “The Work.” This extremely easy process teaches you how to start questioning your limiting &painful beliefs…Just by doing “the work” you don’t even have to try to get rid of your old painful beliefs, it just starts to happen naturally! A few psychologists have committed on this method &have said that it’s very close to cognitive therapy, but can work a lot quicker.
    PLZ don’t take my word for if, just look up “Byron Katie”&watch some of her videos! You won’t be disappointed!💜

  21. You explained it as well as any Dr. I’ve heard!! I’d love to speak with you…I’m an acupuncturist and chiropractor…virtual hugs from the ponies on my channel 👍🦄

  22. Very interisting, and true!! but we need a technique of some kind to discover if we have eronious thinking that could result, or did result in a accident, or ingery. Hypnosis? therapy? self analis isnt that accurate because we can lie to our selves. waite! theres a new discovery out there where you can contact your subconsious mind, ask it questions, and it will gibe you answers i think its called the "BODY CODE".check it out on the web!

  23. I pretty much lost faith in Doctors in 2015, my issues just got steadily worse under their ‘care’.😕

  24. Energy healing and god have one thing in common, absolutely zero evidence they exist.

  25. From experience……. from yoga to psychic medications and the law of attraction or writing……they all work for me but I feel my thoughts initiated these solutions and hope that they would work

  26. It’s like sage ….some see it as just trash others see it as a cleanser

  27. I keep reliving my childhood trauma and other forms…

  28. I saw your face and thought you are Amal Clooney!

  29. I love your videos you are a true inspiration and a complete positive package with the exact amount of quantity that u deliver in every video my day is incomplete without watching u or learning new things from you love you and God bless you for the good work to help others😊👍👏

  30. I am so grateful for this advice! I listened to this 6 months ago and kind of dismissed it. Then on the same day I suddenly realized what the back pain I had for 10 years represents for me and haven’t had any pain since then! Thank you 🙏!!!

  31. Thank you–good ideas. But–how do I IDENTIFY my errors in thinking? I'm not aware of where I'm going wrong in my thinking…

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