Fall Asleep In MINUTES! Sleep Talk-Down Guided Meditation Hypnosis for Sleeping

15 March 2025

Fall Asleep In MINUTES! Sleep Talk-Down Guided Meditation Hypnosis for Sleeping

A beautiful guided sleep meditation that will have you falling asleep in minutes! This is a sleep talk down hypnosis to help you release the day behind you and to fall asleep.

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© JASON STEPHENSON & RELAX ME ONLINE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD Copyright 2024 All rights reserved.

This work is not intended to substitute for professional medical or counselling advice. If you suffer from a physical or mental illness, please always seek professional help.


#fallasleepinminutes #sleeptalkdown #jasonstephenson

#Fall #Asleep #MINUTES #Sleep #TalkDown #Guided #Meditation #Hypnosis #Sleeping


  1. I suffer from severe insomnia. I have been your fan ever since it made me sleep within minutes.

  2. Had the best sleep I’ve had in years, thanks.

  3. Please remove ads. I was just about gone surrounded by that lovely musical sound you have when we’re sleeping in the cabin and BAM a damn ad jolts me awake with its loud upbeat music and energetic narrator. That is super annoying 😢 around 30 mins in

  4. Thank You for this 🙏 I fell asleep in, I think, 3 minutes. I hope this can help many people.

  5. I was suffering from severe insomnia sleeping 1-2hrs a day and this video helped me get to 4-5 hrs. Thank you for your video

  6. I used to suffer from severe, crippling anxiety. I have recently been experiencing a return to those horrible times. Your videos, especially this one, really help me calm down so I can get some sleep.

  7. Thank you Jason. This helped me so much. Grateful.

  8. Why am I in someone else's cabin??!!!

  9. I developed tinnitus after getting extremely sick during 2023 of march and I couldn't get good enough sleep at night untill I found this guy's videos, I love these because they are so helpful for sleeping at night especially with the music.
    Have a wonderful day!

  10. Interesting concept but come back when you get a voice actor who isn’t Australian

  11. Played this last night. Lucid dreamed for hours! Terrifying 🤣

  12. Jason i know you probably wont see this again but i cant handle this ive been listening to your video i cant fall asleep im to young to handle this and sometimes i wonder why i even exist

  13. Im 10 years old i have horrible anxiety when it comes to bed time and i cry all night but sometimes this helps me fall asleep not always though i pray ever night but it doesnt get better im on medication but it is fully geting rid of 😢 i just wanna be normal 😢

  14. Would be great without ads

  15. Reading comments won’t help..!! Cheers!🤣🤣🤣

  16. Does your sound makes me go to sleep every single night 😌

  17. This is really helpful, but I can't get over the pronunciation of forehead, it took me a few seconds to figure out the word was lmao

  18. My girlfriend and i are currently taking a break, because she's trying to sort out her feelings between me and another guy (she advised to take a break from both of us).

    Right now this is the closest i have to a sleep call.. Makes me feel less alone after being so used to having company at night.

    Thank you..

  19. the next day i didn’t remember anything from this meditation, so trust – its amazing! great job! coming back again tonight

  20. I just wanna feel alive again

  21. I fall victim to this every damn time. I have yet to make it past 7 minutes

  22. Plz do not delete this off your channel this specific meditation helps me sleep like a baby on my night shifts 🙏

  23. Reading those comments depresses me even more. This does not help me sleep at all. Everytime i have visualized something i need to visualize something else and it throws me off.

  24. I can’t fall asleep because I took a long ass nap not the anxiety hahaha

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