How a Central Boiler Outdoor Wood Furnace Works │Central Boiler

24 March 2017

How a Central Boiler Outdoor Wood Furnace Works │Central Boiler

Watch to find out how Central Boiler outdoor wood boiler furnaces can help you reduce or eliminate your home and business heating expenses.
You can even heat multiple buildings with one Central Boiler outdoor furnace… It's that affordable.
AND at the same time you'll be more comfortable and have endless hot water!

The whole thing is really simple. From installation to operation, you can do it yourself.

Central Boiler outdoor furnaces are flexible and will work with any heating system you have. The furnace works by burning wood to heat water. The heated water is circulated through insulated underground pipes called ThermoPEX to the buildings being heated.

The Thermopex underground pipe enters your home and connects to your water heater through a heat exchanger. What that means is we heat all your domestic water. From there it connects to your forced air, in-floor radiant, or indoor boiler heating system and sends the heat around your home. The water is then sent back to the furnace through the Thermopex to be reheated.
All of this, simply controlled by a regular thermostat. Your guests won't even know you're heating with wood.

This basic setup can be used to run lines to multiple buildings if you like. Some people even heat 2 homes with one Central Boiler outdoor furnace.

If you would like to expand or enhance your current heating system, Central Boiler has all the accessories and options you need. Add a hydronic radiator by your entryway to keep it warm and dry in the winter. A kickspace floor heater let's you do the dishes and keep your footies nice and toasty. Do you have a kids room that always seems to be cooler than the rest of the house? Easily connect the free-standing corner fan convector to save space. You can even heat your pool or hot tub with a Central Boiler outdoor furnace.
These accessories can be added during your furnace installation or at a later time.

If you have never heated with wood before, Central Boiler makes it easy with videos and guides to help you get started. Many of our customers enjoy cutting their own wood. It's a great family activity.
Or many of our customers purchase wood and have it delivered as it's readily available and inexpensive.

Additionally, Central Boiler offers furnace models that work with different fuel sources. The Maxim furnace uses wood pellets, corn, or biomass and the Central Boiler Forge outdoor coal furnace is a cleaner way to heat with coal.

Installing a Central Boiler is easier than you might think. Many customers choose to install their own furnace because the installation can be easily completed using the installation manual. Authorized Central Boiler dealers have all the supplies, accessories, and information you need to get started. Most dealers also offer installation services if you want.

A Central Boiler outdoor furnace is the simple way to experience a new level of comfort in your home and heat more space than ever before with less money.

Go to for model details, guides on how to do it yourself, and to find a dealer near you.

For more information, please see your Owner's Manual or contact your local Central Boiler dealer.

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Did you know people with a Central Boiler outdoor furnace reduce or eliminate their heating bills? You can even heat multiple buildings with one Central Boiler outdoor furnace. It's that affordable. And at the same time you'll be more comfortable and have endless hot water! The whole thing is really simple. From installation to operation, you can do it yourself. Central Boiler outdoor furnaces are flexible and will work with any heating system you have. The furnace works by burning wood to heat water. The heated water is circulated through insulated underground pipes called ThermoPEX to the buildings being heated. The ThermoPEX underground pipe enters your home and connects to your water heater through a heat exchanger. What that means is we heat all your domestic water. From there it connects to your forced air, in-floor radiant, or indoor boiler heating system and sends the heat around your home. The water is then sent back to the furnace through the ThermoPEX to be reheated. All of this, simply controlled by a regular thermostat. Your guests won't even know you're heating with wood. This basic setup can be used to run lines to multiple buildings if you like. Some people even heat 2 homes with one Central Boiler outdoor furnace. If you would like to expand or enhance your current heating system, Central Boiler has all the accessories and options you need. Add a hydronic radiator by your entryway to keep it warm and dry in the winter. A kickspace floor heater lets you do the dishes and keep your footies nice and toasty. Do you have a kids’ room that always seems to be cooler than the rest of the house? Easily connect the free-standing corner fan convector to save space. You can even heat your pool or hot tub with a Central Boiler outdoor furnace. These accessories can be added during your furnace installation or at a later time. If you have never heated with wood before, Central Boiler makes it easy with videos and guides to help you get started. Now a lot of our customers enjoy cutting their own wood. It's a great family activity. Or many of our customers purchase wood and have it delivered as it's readily available and inexpensive. Additionally, Central Boiler offers furnace models that work with different fuel sources. The Maxim furnace uses wood pellets, corn, or biomass and the Central Boiler Forge outdoor furnace is a cleaner way to heat with coal. Installing a Central Boiler is easier than you might think. Many customers choose to install the furnace themselves because the installation can be easily completed using the installation manual. Authorized Central Boiler dealers have all the supplies, accessories, and information you need to get started. Most dealers also offer installation services if you want. A Central Boiler outdoor furnace is the simple way to experience a new level of comfort in your home. Plus you can heat more space with less money. Go to for model details, guides on how to do it yourself, and to find a dealer near you.

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  1. I have to dislike this video. How can both sides be high-fiving at 1:44? Did they somehow both score at the same time? This is inconsistent with the game of foosball. This must mean that one side was purposely fixing the game for betting purposes and gave up a goal to further that agenda. I cannot support this unethical behavior.

  2. ny dec clowns do not allow outdoor boilers. burning wood bad for environment. u know global warming

  3. Wood inexpensive? Hah that's a laugh. Plus having to go outside during winter, reloading and cleaning this thing several times a day for $20,000+ installation and material cost. How are you still in business?

  4. Can this be set up for heat in the winter and use solar for the hot water tank in the summer?

  5. Don't you still have to burn wood constantly to have heat?? No wood no heat, right?? How is this economical & cheaper than electric??

  6. May be cheaper & used in tandem with solar I guess as a backup in the winter I guess with an inside wood burning stove.(?)

  7. 2 Amps? How many watts is it? What size solar panel and batteries are recommended for a system like this if you needed to run it with no power? Thank you.

  8. I love the idea, but I' d like to to know how long it takes to recoup the initial cost. I'm not very interested in what the vendor says, but I'd like to hear from some actual customers.

  9. A LOT of us have steam heat. Why isn't there anything for us?

  10. I am in an older farmhouse with no ductwork upstairs with our current heating system. Can I easily add this system to our current one while also installing one of these corner heaters (shown in your video) as a source of heat in our upstairs rooms? I wasn't sure how those corner units worked.

  11. Do you have vendors in Ontario?

  12. Are these allowed in Massachusetts?

  13. To anyone that has one. What do you do if you wanted to be away from the house for a few days in the winter. Say vacation or something.

  14. I guess this is impossible with a slab floor?

  15. Will these work off of solar and for those who don't have ductwork? I'm off grid and powered by 14000w solar system. I have no ductwork though.

  16. can you put it in a basement?

  17. Just wondering how you modulate the capacity to avoid overheating the loop —- other than of course varying the amount of wood in the boiler. You’d want to maybe vary the draft?

  18. Wish I installed this before the Great Reset and the massive inflation of the 2020s

  19. What are you considering "Biomass"?

  20. Would you give one for free to try

  21. My family and I have a gas furnace in our home that is at the end of its rope. We want to go with something more efficient and safer. Came across this option on a google search and have been wondering is this the replacement we been looking for or is there more to it for heating a small home?

  22. Just installed a 6048. So far it’s great…. Adjusted our aquastat but oil burner still comes on some… what can we do. Soo it doesn’t come on??? At all

  23. What's the names of the Wood Burners that can be used as furnaces ? To where it can heat up the all the rooms in the house ?

  24. How well do they work for ranch homes built on a cement slab? Would love to rip out the concrete & heat the floors in a few rooms but that’s a heck of a project.

  25. Curious if on a cattle ranch, how burning dry cattle waist would work? Hmm 🤔 like in the maxium

  26. terrible idea having it installed outdoors. USA is century behind Europe.

  27. I own a tree company so I have unlimited free fire wood I need to get one of these asap

  28. Something that requires consistent user intervention (Adding more wood) does not make sense.

  29. Super les deperditions de chaleur 😮mama la conso 😂

  30. I have a pallet business can i use pallet wood?

  31. Could you replace many firewood stoves with a boiler and a corner heater?

  32. I love the idea of heating multiple buildings and I have a lifetime of wood on my property however curious, what happens if we go away for a few weeks in the winter and have nobody to load the wood boiler? What's the ideal backup for something like this? Writing from Canada where we get long cold winters. Thanks

  33. In the search the description reads:

    "Watch to find out how Central Boiler outdoor wood boiler furnaces can help you reduce or eliminate your home and business…"

    Cut off at a quite crucial point.

  34. You guys still call them a furnace? The make hot water not hot air

  35. These things make sense only if you have free or very cheap firewood.

  36. Is this mor efficient than a wood stove

  37. My boss has one of these at his cabin and i go there every winter to keep it heated.

    I made the deal he can pay me what he wouldve spent on propane.

  38. Judt called a dealer i need one this is fantastic

  39. All you need is one mature tree a day.

  40. My cousin said, the outdoor burner caused him to burn TWICE as much then when he had the stove in the basement ! !

  41. Why does no one install a heat battery? 250 to 500gal water tank to store the hot water, so u can run boil at max efficient then store that hot water to use for the rest of the day? Just sounds more efficient

  42. Inside instalation is ugly

  43. You can’t eliminate a heating bill unless you go solar ….. wood costs money to burn… land for you to own to get wood from costs you money… solar you pay for the equipment and after that you don’t pay for electric the rest of your life except the up keep…. But build a boiler system for less than buying one…. Tao a water heater tank and hook it up to a wood stove … there you have a boiler system and people give away their old water heater for free …. When you can turn them into wood boiler systems….. easy enough…. Get a clue and learn how to build things and stop getting ripped off by companies…. For less than 500 bucks I could build the boiler…

  44. Look I’ve been researching things because I’m moving to off grid ….. now listen up people….. I will give you a way to eliminate most of your bills for the rest of your life ….. buy an acre of land that has or can have a well….for about 20 grand … paid off …. No rent or mortgage…. 2 bills gone …. Run solar power with a generator as back up… no electric bill…3 bill gone…. Well water no city water bill… septic system… no sewage bill but every 3-5 yrs to empty the septic…. Which is about 250-500….. and now onto the heating bill gone or mostly gone …. Wood/boiler for heat with electric back up to the boiler system… remember you’re not paying an electric bill at this point so use as much electric as you want just need the panels to support the power usage…. There most of your bills are gone and your money stay in your pocket at 14-20+ grand a year not going to make someone else rich … so what could you do with an extra 20 grand a year you don’t need to spend out… yeah live a good non stressed about bills life….

  45. Or you could just move to where it's warmer and no need for the furnace or wood!!!😂

  46. Is this allowed if you live in a metro city? Specific metro Atlanta area.

  47. If I have this installed, how do I keep the water in the lines from freezing if I leave my house for a week or two during winter?

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