Gas Furnace vs. Heat Pump!
so the US government is pushing like mad for the electrification of everything so what that means for the AC and heating industry is the government is wanting to get rid of gas furnaces and replace them with heat pumps some states are outright Banning gas furnaces but for most folks the government is simply offering a tax credit to switch over so is it really worth moving away from a gas furnace over to a heat pump and is one better than the other well let's find out
#Gas #Furnace #Heat #Pump
Here we go, and just where is all of this electricity coming from? Duh.
They're doing it so when they want to hit the switch they can turn everything off
Worth it if you live in a state like me(Arizona) where your heat load in the winter probably won’t justify buying or maintaining a gas furnace. When a heat pump system does just fine.