Menopause Relief: Strategies That Truly Work

17 March 2025

Menopause Relief: Strategies That Truly Work

Are you suffering from hot flashes during menopause? Do you feel like you can't take it anymore? In this video, we're going to discuss some strategies that truly work for dealing with hot flashes during menopause.

Whether you're looking for relief from hot flashes or just want to learn some tips on how to deal with them, this video is for you! We'll discuss ways to deal with hot flashes and tips on how to prevent them from happening in the first place. If you're struggling with menopause, this video is for you!

hi I'm Julia from JK nutrition CA and today I'm going to talk about something that a lot of women go through it's inevitable not a disease it's menopause women of all ages go through this typically starts around the age of 52 but anybody from 42 to 56 this can happen when I pauses when you stop menstruating your estrogen in your progesterone levels drop and this can really throw your body out of whack some uncommon symptoms that I think most women would like to try to avoid our mood swings that's a huge one hot flashes vaginal discomfort like dryness and itching fatigue insomnia these are all things that we can actually manage with supplementation and with our diet the first thing you want to do is increase your intake of raw foods you also want to increase your protein intake as this helps to stabilize your blood sugar levels and you want to limit alcohol caffeine dairy and definitely get some exercise in you can also take supplements to help with these symptoms B vitamins are great they're going to help with energy levels by increasing circulation and they'd also help with water retention evening primrose oil this is a good fat that helps with estrogen production so it's going to help you with hot flashes and there's also hirable formulations that you can take this particular one contains a herb called black cohosh black cohosh is mimics estrogen so it's going to help with that seesaw effect that your body's going through so it's definitely going to help decrease a lot of the uncomfortable symptoms I hope this helps you feel a little more comfortable as you transition from this childbearing years into a more refined era thanks so much for watching

#Menopause #Relief #Strategies #Work


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