Property In Turkey – Hot Tips For A Quick Sale Within 30 Days!

25 September 2023

Your property in Turkey not selling? Follow these steamy hot tips and see a speedy sale within one month.

The art of finding the right buyer at the right price starts not with the agent or the property but with YOU! Ask yourself the following questions:

1) Are you ready to let go?

2) Do you 100% know and believe it’s worth the price you’re asking?

3) Can you ‘imagine’ your buyer?

If you’ve answered ‘No’ to the first two questions…. You’re going to encounter a lot of ‘No’s’ in your property selling experience. Either your viewings will be almost zero or prospective buyers will leave your property saying a big fat ‘NO’!

Maybe you’re having difficulty answering the first two questions … ambiguity leads to buyers dropping out at the last minute … all yes, yes yes … then when it comes to the crunch another big fat ‘NO!’

If you’re unsure whether your property is worth your price… you’d better check the market. Do not bank on your selling agent doing this correctly … get out there and check for yourself! It’s you who has to be sure … remember ambiguity ultimately leads to non commitment.

A successful sale comes from a committed buyer! That commitment starts with YOU!

Properties never move with a clean sale flow if You cannot hands on heart answer this question with a gutsy ‘yes’ based on your own research!

If you genuinely believe that your property is priced too cheap … this can cause hiccups too. Why? Because your sticky, resentful feeling inside will lead to the first question being answered ‘No’.

What about the final question… having difficulty there? If you can’t imagine exactly who is going to buy your property then you’re going to be hearing ‘I can’t see us living here’ an awful lot! That’s of course if you do manage to get any viewings. Remember… the average properties shown to a client are THREE. Now this is where you have to get very realistic about your sale… The bottom line is – selling agents will promote what they think will sell. If they can’t picture anyone living in your property do you really think you’re going to get in to their golden three? Highly unlikely!

Why do you think there’s all this hoo hah about staging properties … scrubbing them up clean – It goes far deeper than just a good show. It starts with the mind… your mind! Who do you see living there? Who does your agent see living there? Who does your viewer see living there? If everyone’s in the flow together it can only lead to a positive outcome …

Signed, sealed and SOLD!

Let’s talk a bit about your future occupier of your holiday home… just saying a young family or retired couple is not enough! I want you to really, really think about them … occupations, lifestyle, preferred food, TV programmes they watch. No … I’m not barmy! This stuff works. Ask yourself … Who’s behind your keyhole? Don’t leave your thoughts in the ethers… write it down, write it down!

Remember… It’s all in the detail!

Perhaps your selling agent is not up to scratch either… Test them with the three questions too. Are they willing to let the property go? In the overseas property market many agents work harder at selling new developments because first and foremost they make more commission, secondly it’s far far easier (no chasing owners, little paperwork, show rooms do their job!) and thirdly after-service taken care of by development team. Or maybe, they really don’t think the property is worth your asking price … or even worse they can’t remember your property at all. All bad signs!

There are 3 sets of people in this chain … You, the agent and the buyer. However, many owner’s approach their selling rather blasé … Ultimately, If you are struggling to sell your overseas property I can bet your bottom dollar that you’ve not been able to answer Yes, Yes, Yes to all 3 questions.

Take ownership of your ownership!

Sit down and really consider the questions. You may find that your other half doesn’t really want to sell … or you’ve placed your property with the wrong agent. Whatever… light will be shed and you will know your hindrance. It’s then up to you to take appropriate action. If you want to see your Turkish villa fly off the shelf in one month start by answering all three questions

Are you ready to let go?

Do you 100% know and believe it’s worth the price you’re asking?

Can you imagine your buyer?

with a big resounding YES!


I want you to do a little mind travel now … sit back relax and take yourself to the sunny shores of Turkey. To the road where your property sits … Go on … walk right up to it and take a look. Anything strike you as odd? Perhaps there’s something missing?

Roof, windows, doors … no you’re okay there. Sorry to sound a little cynical but this ‘point’ really bugs me. The answer I’m looking for is… A sign!

Remember … estate agents in Turkey are not the same as in the UK where a chap in a van pulls up and promptly nails a big ‘For Sale’ on your property. There are a few estate agents in the larger resorts who do make an effort … but on the whole signs are just not on the agents selling agenda in Turkey. Reasons? … well there are a few. One of the strangest is the Turkish often don’t want their neighbours to know what they’re up to … but that doesn’t help you!

So ask yourself… If I was to walk by your property would I know it was for sale?

Ask your Turkish agent to assist you if you’re not in Turkey… at the end of the day they’ll make a total of 6% commission on a resale property. Make them work for it! Let’s get this into real figures… if your property is sold for £50,000 they will receive 3% from you and 3% from the buyer in total this is a grand sum of: £3,000. Now surely this is worth them doing a little extra on your behalf … (and theirs too if they get a sale!)

Many agents don’t want properties signed because they think every Tom, Dick and other emlaks (Turkish for estate agent) are going to come along and take your property. Yes … this is another weird thing about Turkish estate agents… because of the lack of sole agreements you could have your property on with a zzzzzzzzillion estate agents if you so wish. An estate agent likes to keep your property under wraps if possible … their wraps!

One of the easiest options to ‘sign’ your property is to have a weather proof, custom made banner with eyelets created. Many companies offer this service on the internet and you can have your banner delivered in just 3 days! All you need to do then is send it to your site manager, neighbour or friendly emlak. Or failing that … a nice excuse for you to hop on a plane and attach it yourself!


Remember not to make the mistake of having the contact details printed too small! Make sure your sign can be read from a passing car! Also take a tip from the Feng Shui masters of old … Use yellow (gold) and red. Didn’t do Macdonalds any harm! And if you really want to pay those Feng shui masters homage … buy a flag whilst you’re on line to your banner company. Moving objects attract attention … a waving flag from your balcony could pull you that all important buyer! Turkish flags are a great Feng Shui colour too … and you won’t go upsetting the neighbours!

Make it your mission in the next seven days to get FOR SALE with a telephone contact clearly displayed on your property. Three days to order, four days to post and dah… dah… you’re another step closer to reaching your buyer within 30 days!

These are just the first 2 of the hot tips in the series to get your property moving in Turkey … Hopefully, they will give you food for thought!

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