Reverse/Prevent OSTEOPOROSIS (Get Stronger Bones) 2024
Is it possible to reverse osteoporosis and have stronger bones? I have seen it happen many times with my patients. You can prevent/reverse osteoporosis with the tips I give in this video, as well as prevent/reverse osteopenia. Large drug companies would rather you not know this, but you deserve to know.
Bones are living tissues that are constantly being remodeled, and they are built of what you have eaten over the past few years. Osteoclasts are specialized cells that remove old & damaged bone tissue. Following behind them are Osteoblasts which are cells that lay down new bone matrix in a very strategic way. Your diet and lifestyle determine if this remodeling process leads to stronger or weaker bones; what you do and what you eat literally decide how strong your bones will be. These specialized cells down dissolve old bone and lay down new bone in some willy-nilly fashion, they are very wise in this process of increasing your Meaningful Bond Density.
Most of the prescription medications for Osteoporosis Treatment/Prevention hi-jack the actions of these specialized cells. Although these medications can increase your overall bone density; this increased density often does not lead to meaningful increases in bone strength and flexibility…
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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far. For Collaborations please email me:
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hey this is dr. Barry let's chat for a few minutes about osteoporosis and osteopenia now this is a very important health issue that millions of people suffer from for many people osteoporosis can be a very silent thing that they don't know they have until it's too late and so you can help me to reach these people by sharing this video you can share it on your Facebook page on your Twitter on your Instagram you can even send a private message with a link to help people who might be at risk for osteoporosis to reverse it before it gets out of hand and ends their life so let's get into this I'm gonna try to dive a little bit deeper into osteoporosis and explain what it is a little bit to you and then also what you can do to prevent it from ever occurring or if you already have it you can slow down the progression or even reverse it okay it's very important makes perfect sense common sense and research wise and so let's get into this so first of all let's talk about bones a lot of us think about bones like a rock they're just really hard and they're just they're right and if you look at a bone it doesn't look like it's actively changing and remodeling but at a microscopic level it actually is bones are not just brittle and strong they're also very flexible and that's that's part of their strength is their flexibility often when you fall a bone will Bend and not break that happens much more frequently when you're younger but it happens much less frequently as you get older but if you follow these steps that I'm gonna give you you can actually keep your bones not only strong but also flexible and that's what I call meaningful bone density and we'll get into that more in a little bit so your bones are not like stones and they're not even like trees bones are constantly being remodeled up to ten percent of your bone in any given moment is actively being broken down and rebuilt all the time every bone in your body especially the weight-bearing bones and that's that's the whole important concept to get with bones once you get that then everything else I'm about to say makes sense your bones are not a solid static thing they are a living tissue that is constantly being remodeled broken down rebuilt constantly okay as you get older or if you're not eating or drinking the right things or if you're eating drinking or smoking the wrong things that remodeling slows down and you can wind up with brittle bones osteoporosis is the condition of having brittle bones osteopenia means you're moving that direction towards osteoporosis and you absolutely want to stop that before it reaches that point so let's talk about this remodeling it's a very delicate dance that's that's taking place in all of your weight-bearing bones all the time and there's two cells involved one is called osteoclasts and the other is called osteoblasts so the osteoclasts are constantly wreaking down or chewing up bone and the osteoblasts are constantly building or laying down new bone matrix okay now I still classed in osteoblasts like every other cell in your body like I'm saying all the time they're very wise and they're very intelligent the osteoclast aren't just randomly chewing up any old bone they're chewing up getting rid of bone that's too old that's been damaged that's suboptimal I still class don't just dig in and remodel perfectly good bone they pick and choose they tear up and and digest the bone that needs to be tore torn away makes sense osteoblasts on the other hand are the bone builders and so after the osteoclasts come in and remove all the defective bone cells their bone matrix then the osteoblasts come in and lay down good new healthy bone now the osteoblasts are also very wise and very intelligent they don't just lay down bone willy-nilly they put it where it needs to be they put it along stress lines they put it on bones that are being used more and stress more and they also put it into the right place they don't just put it in randomly somewhere they put it right where it needs to be and so when this delicate dance of osteoclasts and osteoblasts is performing properly you wind up with a bone that is very strong and also flexible so when you fall you've been no break and that's meaningful bone density and that's what you're actually after with all these steps I'm gonna tell you and all these things to do and not to do you're trying to increase your meaningful bone density okay so we talked about the class in the blast now let's talk about risk factors what are the risk factors for getting osteopenia or ultimately osteoporosis well if you're older you're at increased risk if you're a woman you're an increased risk if you're of Caucasian or Asian descent you're more at risk if you have a family history if mom dad brothers or sisters or grandparents have osteoporosis then you're a little more likely to have it or if you're a very petite or small build or frame you're at increased risk of osteoporosis as well now if you have these are called the unalterable or unchangeable risk factors you can't do anything about these risk factors if you have one or more of these risk factors that doesn't mean you should just give up and say oh well I'm gonna have osteoporosis nothing I could do about it that means you need to pay careful attention and take notes Andry watch this video again so you can get every one of these steps I'm gonna tell you that can help to slow down bone loss and increase rebuilding of good healthy strong meaningful bone okay so that's the that's the non-modifiable risk factors now what are the risk factors that you actually have control of that you can actually change well one is is alcohol if you drink more than two drinks a day you are increasing your risk of osteoporosis if you smoke you're absolutely increasing your risk of osteoporosis another one of the many reasons that it's dumb to smoke if you smoke you got to watch my video about vaping you got to get off the cigarettes okay they are destroying your body in thousands of ways decreasing your meaningful bone density is one of them if you're a deficient in vitamin D that's going to make you more susceptible to osteoporosis if you're susceptible to or if you're deficient in vitamin k2 that's going to increase your chances of having osteoporosis if you have a poor diet if you eat lots of grains and lots of sugars and lots of highly processed food you're not gonna be building good meaningful bone okay if you are very inactive then you are going to remember the dance right and so if you're stressing your bones then you're gonna be remodeling those bones and making them stronger but if you're lying on the couch all day you're not gonna you're about your body's like well we don't really need bones that are this strong because we don't ever do anything so the osteoclast kind of win that dance and they they chew up more bone than the osteoblasts lay down and you wind up with less bone density by being inactive if you drink soft drinks that's a huge risk factor because of the phosphoric acid that will decrease your bone density there's a lot of medications that you take if you take them chronically you can decrease your bone density and the most important classes of medications are ones that I've actually talked about and I have other videos on this channel about this is the proton pump inhibitors and the h2 blockers those are medications that block the acid in your stomach the acid in your stomach is supposed to be there it has to be there it's good for it to be there you want your stomach to be very very acidic when you take something like nexium or protonix omeprazole accid pepcid ranitidine any of those things if you take those chronically then you're not absorbing the minerals that you need to rebuild your bone because you see bones are really we all think calcium when we think you know minerals but actually your bones are about 50 percent collagen matrix it's a collagen protein matrix and that's what gives it the flexibility and then your body comes in and very wisely fills in the gaps and the spaces with minerals like calcium phosphorus boron and others and so that's what gives the bone strength so you have a flexible bone due to the collagen and then a strong bone due to the minerals and so any of those medications if you're blocking your acid every day you're you're bound to have osteoporosis later in life if you have low low hormones right and so if you're not optimizing your hormones that can give you an increased risk of osteoporosis if you take the diabetic medications called Actos or Avandia or they're generics they have been shown in studies to decrease your bones not a good idea you need to get on something else or just control your type 2 diabetes with the ketogenic diet if you take chronically steroids at high doses they will they will decrease your bone density if you take lithium on a daily basis it will decrease your bone density now I'm not saying that you don't ever need any of these you may medically need one or more of these but if there's any way you can switch to a different medication or find a different strategy to manage the symptom or the condition that you're managing with these medications then I highly advise you try to get off those particular medications okay now how do you measure your bone density now a good doctor can see osteoporosis on an x-ray of your hip of your hand of your chest even we can see the bones are starting to look brittle we never diagnose osteoporosis or osteopenia from an x-ray but we can see the signs that it's there the way you diagnose it is with a DEXA scan or a dual-energy x-ray okay and these used to be very expensive and used to insurance wouldn't cover them now almost always insurance will cover them but even if your insurance doesn't cover a DEXA scan or if you don't have insurance they're usually around $100 or a little less and it's very good information to have is to get your DEXA scan checked starting about 35 or 40 and so that way you the osteoporosis or osteopenia don't sneak up on you so the definition of osteopenia is if you have a t-score and that's a school that's calculated by the DEXA scan if you have a t score of less than minus one you have osteopenia if you have a DEXA scan of of less than two point negative 2.5 you have osteoporosis and the one in the 2.5 our standard deviations from the mean bone density of if you averaged up everyone and found the mean that's what it goes from based on your age and gender okay now how are we going to prevent or even reverse osteopenia and osteoporosis that's the question now let's get into it I'm about to tell you the tips so get ready to write this down and if you don't want to write them down you can just watch this again later when you've got a pen and paper handy okay number one is your diet if you're eating a lot of processed highly processed carbohydrates if you're eating a lot of grains if you're eating a lot of sugar if you're eating a lot of empty carbohydrates there's nothing in that that's gonna build bone density okay you have to eat what your bones are made of remember what I told you they're made of earlier collagen a collagen protein matrix filled in with minerals and so that's what you need to be eating to build your bones you've got to have the building blocks or your body can't can't build bones right that makes sense so number one is your diet you've got to eat more fatty meat and when you're eating fatty meats you need to eat the skin because it contains collagen you need to eat the gristle in your steak even if you have to cut it up in little tiny pieces I have one patient who cuts it up and dries it and puts in capsules and takes it that way because she just can't stand the taste so either learn to like the gristle or figure out a strategy to get more collagen in your diet the membrane on the back of ribs is pure collagen the membrane on an egg after you a hard-boiled egg after you've peeled the shell off that's pure collagen all of those things another great strategy is to make a good homemade bone broth full of collagen right that's the kind of stuff you've got to be getting in your diet you also want good sources of calcium and magnesium and phosphorus and boron and the other minerals you might want might take a supplement for the minerals don't take a calcium supplement that's been shown in multiple studies not to help at all but definitely you can get this in a good ketogenic diet if you're eating lots of calcium rich foods which are usually the greens right and you would think that bone broth is a great source of calcium there is a little calcium in bone broth but not a lot unless you just boil them until they disappear another good strategy is you can you can crack a couple of eggs and put the shells in your bone broth you'll get a little more calcium out of that okay now the next strategy is to exercise so remember your bones are not static things they're constantly being remodeled and so in order to tell your body hey make stronger bones you've got to bear weight you've got to walk you've got to lift weights you've got to do strenuous activity now running on the treadmill for 17 miles that's not really gonna help much chronic exercise has actually been shown in a couple of studies to decrease your bone density so you don't want to be doing an ultra endurance stuff for too many years of your life that can that can lower your bone density but definitely weight-bearing like running walking even jogging for a limited distance can make your bones stronger lifting weights of any kind any kind of resistance activity tells your body build stronger bones and so it ramps up your osteoblasts so they lay down stronger bone when they lay down the new bone matrix right and we have an example of this astronauts who stay in space for months at a time they don't have any gravity right and so they when they come back to earth their bone density has dropped dramatically because the osteoblasts know immediately oh there's no resistance at all here I'm just not it's inefficient to have these strong bones so we're just gonna let the osteoclasts win this diss dance but when you're they get back to earth the osteoblasts have to take over and build the bones back strong enough to take care of the gravity of being on the Earth's surface so weight bearing and weight lifting exercises are vital if you've been diagnosed with osteopenia osteoporosis or if you never want to be diagnosed with either the next is some things that you've got to stop doing and that stop smoking it's dumb stop that you've got to stop smoking okay that saps your bone density you got to stop drinking soft drinks absolutely they're not good for you if I know I know you've got that diet coke addiction it's got to stop okay because it will lower your bone density over the years there are the medications I talked about earlier if you only need those you got to go see your dock and say hey doc you got to get me off this what else can we do because I don't want to have osteoporosis later in life also alcohol we talked about if you're drinking more than two drinks a day that would be two beers or two glasses of wine and when I say beers I mean two normal servings of beer not two stovepipes or two 40s okay okay and then or two one ounce shots of liquor if you're drinking more than that every day you're gonna lower your bone density and you want to stop that now some things that you can definitely take most people in the United States and the world are deficient in vitamin D and so a good quality vitamin D supplement might be necessary if you're eating enough pastured fatty foods then you might get enough vitamin D if you're getting enough good healthy sunlight you might be making enough vitamin D but if you're not then take a vitamin D supplement I don't think there's anything wrong with that and then add with your vitamin D a good vitamin k2 supplement that's the mk7 that's the better one mk4 is not bad mk7 is probably better for protecting your bone density and keeping you from putting calcium in places you don't want it like your coronary arteries okay and then you might want to take another mineral supplement if you feel like you're deficient in minerals but I'd much rather you get those from locally grown pastored foods okay now we talked about that now the next thing is number five fix your hormones if you're over 40 years of age you need to have a hormone panel checked and if you're a man and your testosterone is low you're losing bone density okay you're at risk for osteoporosis if you're a woman and your testosterone estrogen or progesterone or low you're at increased risk for osteoporosis okay it's been shown in multiple studies that optimizing your testosterone or in a man or testosterone progesterone and estrogen in a woman protects your bone density now you only want to do this with bioidentical hormones you do not want to take the synthetic hormones they've been shown to increase your risk of cancer and and and heart disease and many other things you only only want to use bioidentical hormones okay next is the the old saw of stress and sleep you've got to just decrease your chronic bad stress however you have to do that you need to do it because chronically high cortisol decreases your bone you're meaningful bone density and then you've got to protect your sleep and get good sleep as many nights as you can as often as you can sleep is when you repair and rebuild and that's when your osteoblasts are in high gear and so you've got to get good sleep okay now the medications we already talked about that you need to avoid but now aren't there medications to treat osteoporosis yes there are and let's talk about that for a second the way these medications work is they basically lapier osteoclasts around and tell them they can't dance anymore and so you stopped chewing up bone but remember they don't just chew up random bone they chew up bone that needs to be taken away and so basically you're leaving that old damaged bone and then the osteoblasts are like I don't know what to do so they just lay down more and more bone on top of the defective bone and there are actually studies to show that if you take these medications more than five years your risk of having a weird fracture a break in your bone goes sky-high and so don't depend on the prescription medications for osteoporosis you've got to do this the right way because they don't all they do is increase your bone density they don't increase your meaningful bone density that's why I've been using that term I'll give you an analogy if you had a house it was a brick house right and you're like you know my house is strong it's built a brick but I want it to be even I want it to be much stronger right and so you paid Big Pharma to make your house stronger what they would do is they'd deliver a bunch more brick and they would just stack the brick up in your living room and they would say see we checked your house with this special machine in your house density is now much stronger and that be true your house density is stronger but is your house in any way meaningfully stronger no it's just you got brick in the living room now that didn't help a damn thing and that's kind of what the prescription medications do in the long run they're not really a common-sense solution the way you fix this is with the steps that I told you okay even though WebMD says spiderweb MD says that you cannot reverse your osteoporosis I have seen multiple patients in my clinic follow these steps these are not my steps these are something anybody could find out okay but I've seen their their DEXA scan from year-to-year get better every year hello spider WebMD that's reversing their osteoporosis okay so yeah you absolutely can reverse osteopenia or osteoporosis and you can actually prevent them from ever happening in the first place by following these steps so your job is to change the risk factors that you can change that we talked about then don't worry about the ones you can't change like your age and your gender and your and your ethnicity you can't do anything about that but the list of things that you can change you need to get to work on today okay now if you enjoyed this video and you'd like to see videos like this in the future please click that subscribe button and the little Bell notification right beside it so that every time I get a bright idea you'll be one of the very first to know if my videos have helped your health in some small way please click on the patreon link down below it's a quick sign up and you can throw a buck or two my way and help me to have more time to make videos just like this and don't forget to join Nisha and I on our weekly Facebook live it's currently Sunday evening at 7 p.m. Central Standard Time this is dr. Barry I'll see you next time
#ReversePrevent #OSTEOPOROSIS #Stronger #Bones
Have BONE PAIN? Here's how to fix it:
Thank you Dr. Berry, I had the osteoporosis 2.5, recently with DXA Scan. my Dr. gave me the Vitamine D3 (Orocal) and the Prolia injection every 6 months. Can I ask your advice. Thank you
Good for you! ❤
I also highly recommended mk-7; especially over using mk-ultra.
Dr. Berry,, you are a blessing and a Godsend!❤🙏
You can have oestopenia from too much calcium in your blood (hyperparathyroidism).
My quality of life with severe acid reflux was unbearable without Nexium. I can’t imagine not taking it. I’ll have to do more research. Disheartening to say the least. Great video though.
My breast cancer was estrogen positive so I had to take anastrozole for over 10 years. I just found out I have osteoporosis and I'm pretty worried. One person I read about had her doctor tell her she will eventually break her hip and if so would NEVER recover. I really feel helpless and I do not want to have the Prolix injection etc. I fell recently over my dogs bed and broke my left patella (my left knee). Now I find out about the osteoporosis because I asked my oncologist if I could have one since I hadn't done it since 2022. I had osteopenia on that scan. The doctor was amazed I didn't break a hip. I WENT DOWN HARD ON MY LEFT SIDE. It's pretty hard to do a lot of exercise right now because of my knee and I have lymphedema in my right arm so I'm not suppose to carry anything heavy. I know I can't squat. My knees are bad anyway. What's a girl to do!!!!?? I'm a mess. Would walking at least do something for me? Thanks
Why is walking good but not walking on the treadmill??
They cell cologinpeptide in power form is that good to take
Thank you talk about potassium and d3 and food vitamins
I wish I’d seen this when I was much younger. am 76 years now and I knew osteo meds were questionable but got scared into a ReClast infusion when I cracked a bone in my back. I am going to start a true keto diet and start exercising. I’m going to quit smoking.
What can I take to reverse bone loss! I'm 67 years old and had a total hysterectomy in my late 20's.I couldn't take estrogen supplements because I was high risk for breast cancer. Now I'm paying the price! I never took calcium supplements because they made me so nauseous and seemed to just sit in my gut! I now have osteoporosis. I don't drink or smoke.
How about coffee?
How about coffee?
Thanks Dr. Ken. Very helpful video.
At 63, I was recently diagnosed with ospeopenia from a DEXA scan. Was prescribed Alendronate, bought the first month supply, but haven't taken any yet as the side effects are scary. Considering that I am already on ramipril, which also has its own set of side effects.
Saw a peer reviewed article that suggests black tea and noni combined can help. Will be going back to consistently walking at least 5 days per week and use my 2 lbs weight to give a little resistance.
What do you think about the weight vests?
I'm small frame and had a broken wrist from a fall some 11 years ago.
As for collagen, how good is it when I've pressure cooked my stewing stake?
This is the best video I’ve seen regarding osteoporosis! Thank you for all this valuable information.
I wish I could get a recommendation from you on a doctor to accurately test my hormones.
Barbara O'Neil advises to only use Celtic salt too (contains 82 minerals).
If u get bad heartburn you need to take nexuim no choice there is nothing else to take
Magnesium, boron, phosphorus, supplement for minerals, bone broth, fatty meat, eat gristle, lift weights, resistance training, bear weight, running, walking, eating a good keto genic diet eating greens can help, stop smoking, stop drinking soft drinks, stop alcohol not more than 2 drinks daily, take vitamin D3, vitamin K 2 47, take another mineral supplement, take bioidentical hormones, get tested after the age of 40, good sleep, don’t depend upon bone prescriptions.
What about raw milk?
Been on prolia injections now insurance made it a terrible 4 so cost went from 35 to 285 to this yr 730 out of pocket per injection is it true there is nothing else if I stop my spine will fracture
You just keep looking younger!
Hello, I'm 73, 5'4, 126 blond, blue eyed girl, who grew up in Iowa!! I have it all, plus I have broken 12 bones since I was 3 years old! Today I have a bar and 5 screws holding my collar bone together because it would not heal, # 6 broken collar bone. My last bone scan was T -3 3 .4 in 20 and 22. I work out with my bow flex, yoga, walk on the tread mill and run, hula hoop and boxing on my wee board. Plus, I have a hip machine. We live out in the country on 34 acres. All spring and summer I weed eat and mow. I try and keep as active as possible. After watching your video, it sounds like I'm doing everything wrong. Plus, I don't know how hard to push myself lifting weights, so I don't pop my screws. I love your videos and was wondering, do you have any weightlifting videos that I can watch? And do you have any recipes for bone broth? Thank you for helping us hard working ranch lady's stay healthy!
I make my own homemade bone broth. It is made by saving and boiling down Bones from poultry, pork, beef or any other animal and cooking it a long time at a good heat until the collagen and the bone marrow is out. It makes wonderful soups and other dishes also. This will save you money too.
I have just been diagnosed with osteoporosis. I eat lots of fatty meats, eggs and salt. I get lots of sun and take vitamin D when I don’t. But there is a family history. I walk often but sometimes spend too much time on the couch. My doc recommended drugs and strongly recommended a drug given by injection that he said is new and has good results. I had a friend recommend Algaecal which she said improved her bone density by 10% when doctor prescribed meds never helped her even after a few years. What is your opinion on the product Algaecal which is made in Vancouver Canada? I intend to take a collagen supplement in conjunction with the Algaecal.
I lost 2inches of my height. How do i gain it back? Is there a possibility?😢😢😢
A doctor told me my cartiledge in my knees is completely destroyed and I have osteoporosis and said I am a candidate for new knees ? Can I still improve my knees ? I have constant knee pain , I had a torn meniscus repair years ago , but the pain remained , my knees get locked and also it’s very painful to straighten my legs when lying in bed , I cannot kneel or crouch down because my knees are far too painful ! Can this be improved as well ? Exercise is difficult as even walking causes me too much pain so running etc is out of the question , I am over weight and have a gastric band fitted but my weight is not going down , I am currently eating a carnivore diet , with eggs and green veg on top , the doctor gave me a glucosamine supplement . What can I do to create new bone without exercising my legs ?
Thank you
1. Eat Fatty meat, gristle, egg membrane, magnesium, calcium rich foods, egg shells ground up.
2. Weight bearing excercise, weight bearing & weight lifting exercises. Walking important.
3. STOP drinking soft drinks/carbonated sodas, alcohol.
4. TAKE Vitamin D with K2 (MK7 is the best one), sunlight, minerals
5. Fix your hormones get checked for testosterone for men, progesterone, estrogen & testosterone for women.
6. Decrease chronic high stress as raised Cortisol bad for bone density. SLEEP is important for repair & rebuilding.
7. Avoid osteo prescriptions. medications.
Love Dr Berry.
I broke my wrist and had X-rays but the hospital radiology and emergency medicine department was also was assimilating and incoming personnel trainees, and was fortunate the radiology brought in a sonogram to share for the new staff member to experience another feedback machine. Whoa, baby! Humbling. So, here I am.
What effect does my daily Allopurinol, have on my Bone Health?
Do collagen supplements work ??
Was told I have degenerative bone disease and ostepina.