Sugar Detox Tips Your Dr. NEVER Told You #shorts

15 March 2025

Sugar Detox Tips Your Dr. NEVER Told You #shorts

Sugar Detox Tips Your Dr. NEVER Told You #shorts

Dr. Janine shares sugar detox tips your doctor NEVER told you. She explains that studies have shown that sugar is highly addictive, equivalent to cocaine. This is because it affects the dopamine centers of the brain. Because of this sometimes just stopping cold turkey is not enough. Dr. Janine recommends doing regular candida and parasite cleanses. She talks about getting more sunlight exposure and practicing grounding. Lastly, Dr. Janine suggests lowering EMF and blue light exposure.

Links to supplement mentioned in this short
Parasite Cleanse – Vitatree Para-Vide:

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#sugaraddiction #candida #parasites


here are some sugar detox tips your doctor never told you we know that sugar is highly addictive the literature shows that it is as addictive as cocaine because it lights up our dopamine our reward centers in our brain and makes us want so much more and sometimes it's just not enough to stop cold turkey from having sugar so here are my tips number one do a Candida slash parasite cleanse you got to get rid of some of these organisms that are making you crazy and craving all of that Sugar number two get more sunlight exposure and get grounded the more that we pull electrons in from our healthy nature environment like the sunlight like the ground we need less electrons from foods and things like sugar and number three lower your EMF exposure so your Wi-Fi your cell phone you got to turn it off limit your blue light exposure as well always wear your blue light blocking glasses especially after the sun has set follow for more natural health tips

#Sugar #Detox #Tips #Told #shorts


  1. What so I have to give up cocain too aweman

  2. Dr did tell us because their lecturers didn’t tell them. What a los.

  3. Reading Sugar Blues from the 70s. Do much history and research, as wellas practical suggestions for foids and meal. Day 2, Yahoo!!!😊

  4. Im currently dieting and have binge eating disorder so my dr recommended me not to cut sugar cold turkey as it may make me violently sick because i did it before and had to go to the er. But what I do if I do want something sweet is ill drink a banana strawberry smoothie with protein yogurt and avocado and fair life milk (just a splash) and if i still want to grab some chocolate I will but only 1 piece and one of those "fun size" not a full bar. That way i limited my added sugar to that 1 little chocolate bar and it helps tremendously and doesnt make me want to binge.

  5. Bro someone needs to fact check her😖

  6. Praise יהוה thanks Dr Janine

  7. What is a parasite cleanse? To just make that statement without explanation is not helpful.

  8. how do you do the candida-parasite cleanse?

  9. Wow. Unfortunate most ppl are still clueless. Everything she shared is true.
    Wifi absolutely does effect Candida in our bodies, which we all hv some level of. Our bodies are electrical systems. We are energetic beings. Grounding outside barefoot helps. Emfs are very toxic to our whole biome.
    I used all these tips to heal myself from years of brain fog/exhaustion/insulin resistance. Some fasting too

  10. Willpower aside, I'm from Ireland Doc, We don't get exposed to an awful lot of sunlight. Even in summer 😂😂

  11. Why show pictures of sweets to addicts trying to break free?

  12. Use stevia monkfruit. Use fruit sugars SPARINGLY. WITH PROTEIN.

  13. The grounding part I love that. Hugging a tree bare footed isn’t just a hippie thing.

  14. I need a sugar detox to get rid of Prediabetes out of my body

  15. I put a 9 volt battery on my tongue when i get a craving for sugar.

  16. As addictive as cocaine?!? hmmm not really

  17. The reason the doctor never told you is because they are all unfounded.

  18. My wife just brought home a box of individually wrapped chocolate covered brownies. This a couple of days after I shared my high A1c reading.

  19. literally none of this would help my sugar addiction but go off naturalistic queen

  20. Is that why they call it “booger sugar?”

  21. I've read that the blue light glasses really don't do much, so I'm not sure? And what about those beautiful loaded teas, how do we feel about the stevia in those?

  22. I live in the UK is there any replacement for the sunlight part? Our allocated week a year of sunshine has passed…

  23. Thank you for actually posting truth for people that understand it. Please keep posting, ignore the uneducated. Theres people that want to learn from you. The ones who lick big pharmas butt should be ignored. For obvious reasons.

  24. Is this advice or an E! presenter?

  25. I'm getting ready to do this.. Im waiting for all my things to arrive before I start my detox.. I will come back and let you know how it goes.. Ive spent past year doing lots of research and I have finally found tje nerves to go all in

  26. You should never force your kidneys to excrete sugar–that damages them; sugar is removed from the blood by insulin.

  27. Half my grill gone because of that candy and really not taking care brushing damn it

  28. They do sell sugar by the gram, ounce and kilo

  29. I have to say none of that works for me. I’m a Farmer outside all the time and I do worm myself regularly as well as wear the blue light glasses and yet I’m stuck with massive sugar cravings.

  30. i went cold turkey and almost fainted. so i’m gonna do some fruits like apples and berries i heard are okay in moderation. i was like what is happening to me, super shakey and nauseous, then i remembered i was on my second day of no sugar..

  31. So i should really sleep in my boat for the rest of the summer to quit addiction? It's far away from grocery stores, and it forces me to be outside cause the boat is small. Alr

  32. SUGAR IS NOT AS ADDICTIVE AS COCAINE!!! Our brain reacts similar but not with the same intensity. Please do not believe everything you see on the internet.

  33. I used to consume sugar all day in various forms. I have one treat a day now and while I enjoy it, it just doesn't hit like it used to. Could probably do without it all together

  34. so she’s telling us to touch grass

  35. Me : trying to quit sugar, click on video
    Video : show me clips of candies and people eating delicious treats in the first few seconds
    Me : comments and leave 🎉

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