The heat curve explained Vaillant HEAT PUMP

14 May 2023

The heat curve explained Vaillant HEAT PUMP

A guide on how to find the heat curve and a drawing to explain what it is about.

The higher the heat curve the higher the flow temperature which means the quicker response in getting the building up to temperature, but will sacrifice efficiency. Heat pump like long run times and lower flow temperatures to maximise efficiency.

*adjusting the system without fully understanding it may cause adverse effects such as increased running costs or damage to the system. If in doubt always refer to the user manual or seek expert advise.

let’s have a look at the heat curve and what it means so to start with we need to press the three horizontal lines at the bottom to bring up the menu down to settings and press tick installer level press tick again the code is zero zero so just press tick down to installation configuration and press tick scroll down to Circuit one and press tick again scroll down to heat curve and here we can see that the curve is set currently at 0.60 which is the standard it can be adjusted using the bar on the right hand side but for illustration purposes we’re going to use the standard curve so this is what the heat curve looks like so what we’re going to do is have a look at the outside temperature highlighted in blue then we’re going to see the target flow temperature highlighted in Orange and the curve number highlighted in green so for example with the curve of 0.6 at zero degrees C outside we will have a flow temperature of approximately 38 degrees C and then when it gets to -5 outside we’ll have a flow temperature of approximately 41 degrees C and when it is plus 5 outside we’ll have a tet flow temperature of approximately 35 degrees C foreign

#heat #curve #explained #Vaillant #HEAT #PUMP


  1. I'm not entirely sure how this works. Does it mean that the higher the flow temperature the quicker we get hot water in our rads?

  2. Very interesting. I’m going through heat pump literature considering options for my house.

    I worked with pid controllers on automation systems. If the room temperature deviates from the set point, is there any increase/ decrease in flow temperature (proportional gain) to accelerate heating of that space, or is the flow temperature going to remain fixed for a given outside air temperature until the heat curve is manually changed?

  3. I can not get my Vaillant ASHP to reach the desired room temperature… heat curve is set at 0.6 and I can't get it above 19 degrees even though I've set it to 21 degrees. If I raise the heat curve will this make a difference? Many thanks.

  4. just learning about some of the settings as my thermostat was reset (not by myself..) and im thinking it may of lost some of the settings that were applied at the installer level during installation.
    Outside of the heat curve is there any other settings i should take a look at?

    and on topic of heat curve, am i right to understand that the heat curve setting will essentially dictate what the flow temp is automatically?

  5. I have a senshome thermostat and I don't have the options that you entered, I can't adjust the temperature of the boiler, i.e. the flow water, it shows the flow temperature, but I can't change it, so it consumes electricity and doesn't heat, it doesn't go above 40 degrees, how to set the heating curve, what do I have to do, the only temperature I can set is the room temperature or if I turn off the thermostat directly on the boiler, but then there is no point in having a thermostat if I have to set it on the boiler

  6. You have gotta be kidding me with these buried settings:


    Installer Level

    00/17 (Access Code)

    Installation Configuration

    Circuit 1

    Heat Curve

    Could this setting be buried any deeper into the abyss?

  7. Pity about the other videos appearing over the end of your explanation. I would liked to have seen the video to the end. It is such a good concise explanation. Please extend the trailer out with your explanation for you captions. I do learn a lot from your videos.

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