Well Tested: Flotation Therapy | Healthline

16 March 2025

Well Tested: Flotation Therapy | Healthline

In this Healthline Original Series, host Joanna Carpenter learns the benefits of flotation therapy. A flotation tank, also called an isolation tank or a sensory deprivation tank, is used for restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST). It is a dark, soundproof tank that is filled with a foot or less of salt water.

Studies suggest time spent floating in a flotation tank, or sensory deprivation tank, may have some benefits in healthy people, such as muscle relaxation, better sleep, decrease in pain, and decreased stress and anxiety.

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okay this is kind of crazy hi everybody I'm Joanna and today I'm going to be trying out elope therapy it's supposed to be 60 very relaxing minutes of just that loading for some people the experience can help with pain and rheumatoid arthritis so we're gonna head in to chill space NYC and see what this is all about sweet shoes so I'm gonna have you head into a change your application to ropes and I'll take you down thank you location therapy was discovered by dr. John see Lily and love around the 50s or 60s and he figured out that if you put someone in asaro gravity studentís free environment it gives you just a higher brain functioning and also a really deep physical and mental relaxation and I asked how hot the water is so the water is kept at about 96 95 degrees we wanted to actually be the temperature of your skin so you'll stop feeling it after a few minutes but your plug is going before your first shower it's very aquatic in here I just want you to get the oils off your skin and hair nothing too intense but no lotions or conditioners of any kind this is so dramatic and beautiful I'm so excited okay here we go you lie in a pool of water it's saturated with about 1250 pounds of Epsom salt so you have no choice but to remain as buoyant as a quark I want Joe Arness who feel really just relaxed feel that weightlessness mentally and physically I just lay around and getting used to how it feels and kind of letting go control and trying to make myself float because I don't need to try it's interesting just being in a dark space where you're floating and that's it there's nothing else it's like time has stopped hi oh my gosh do it it was really great you wanted to see I would love that do you want CT oh I would love that thank you so thank you tell me about it it's almost like you don't realize how much tension you carry in your body until you're just floating also just mentally there was just it was so quiet and so peaceful and I never get that you don't get to just like stop and pause and take sixty minutes to just exactly be in the space that you're in I would definitely do this good just simply go ahead I'm back for my second session we'll see you in an hour I absolutely recommend trying this out the first time it takes a little bit and you feel uncomfortable and you feel like you don't really know what's going on but this time I was able to settle right in just after a couple minutes and and let the water just carry me it was almost like I felt very safe I would do this at least twice a month I think that needs to be part of the new routine thank you so much for joining me and we'll see you next time I have lost all sense of time in here

#Tested #Flotation #Therapy #Healthline


  1. Some of it is the magnesium…it gets absorbed through your skin. If you can’t meditate because of a lack of focus, this is a great way to get into it. I have done it at least 20 times and each time has been unique. If you try it, go in with no expectations and understand it will take some time to adjust to feeling weightless.

  2. Joanna seems really cool 🙂

  3. Went for the first time today… I fear I’m obsessed

  4. So id be paying for over $100 to float in water? I can do that on the lake 🤷 I'm just trying to grasp why this is more relaxing than somewhere in nature where it's free

  5. Do you really need earplugs?

  6. 1250lbs of Epsom salt? in that 6×7 looking room, and probably 10 inches deep. I don't know about that. Sounds like moist salt to me.

  7. at first i thought she was interviewing herself

  8. I want to do this but I can’t swim I’m so scared.

  9. In my SPA this therapy 90 minutes)))

  10. People that live in big cities, especially s-holes like NYC simply do not see how they live degenerate lives among a mass of degenerate people. Their ways are unnatural.

    Healthy-minded people need none of this placebo-effect foolery.

  11. I did it once. It sucked. Didn't feel relaxed at all. I was cold and in a dark room.

  12. If your in a place of relaxation how do you know your 1 hour is up…

  13. We literally learned nothing from this “report.”

  14. I go next week..so looking forward to it.

  15. can anyone say how much it costs?

  16. She’s really charming

  17. Best 60 minute of your life!!

  18. Dr Lilly started this in 1954…; he was wondering about the DOLPHIN Experience,
    the story is HUGE…

  19. How do both of them just happen to be hot like that? 😂🤷‍♂️

  20. People go to the dead sea to do this.

  21. I love float therapy. I signed up for a monthly membership.

  22. I desperately need this.💖

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