What Science ACTUALLY Says About Red Light Therapy
Is red light therapy the future of healing? We will review how photobiomodulation can help with pain management for conditions such as arthritis, tendinopathy, and nerve pain. We’ll discuss the science, benefits, and real-world effectiveness of these innovative treatments. We’ll also review the differences between professional laser treatments and at home LED devices.
Example home devices:
Face and body: https://joovv.com/products/joovv-go-2-0
Full body: https://joovv.com/products/joovv-solo-3-0
► Things my patients have found helpful:
Please note that I get a lot of requests and questions about what equipment is ‘best’ for treating a variety of conditions. The following is not meant to be an exhaustive or definitive list. Please use it as a starting point. If you have questions, please discuss with your healthcare provider. With that said, I have tried a number of the products below, but not all. I have included some based on positive feedback from many of my patients. As an Amazon Associate, Dr Peng earns from qualifying purchases. If you purchase any product using the below affiliate links, you are helping Dr Peng maintain this channel.
The following are Thorne supplements which are NSF certified. NSF independently assesses products without being affiliated with the companies that produce them. Not only do they certify that what’s on the label is in the bottle, they also do toxicology review to certify product formulation and contaminant review to ensure the product contains no undeclared ingredients or unacceptable levels of contaminants.
Boswellia Extract: https://amzn.to/3L00rYn
Turmeric & Curcumin: https://amzn.to/47NacD9
Glucosamine & Chondroitin: https://amzn.to/44AVoow
Creatine Monohydrate: https://amzn.to/45JW9wq
Omega 3 and 6: https://amzn.to/45LTBh7
Vitamin D 5000: https://amzn.to/47T8MHs
Vitamin B complex: https://amzn.to/3L0Bdcm
Magnesium Citrate/Malate: https://amzn.to/3snHuZc
Magnesium Glycinate: https://amzn.to/45EZVYa
*Soft Tissue & Rehab*
Theragun: https://amzn.to/4363zJG
Massage ball: https://amzn.to/40BUC9f
Foam roller: https://amzn.to/4324E5c
Stretching strap: https://amzn.to/3U9a2iQ
TENS unit: https://amzn.to/3mcCqnI
Heating pad: https://amzn.to/49AhriE
Heating patch: https://amzn.to/47fkiMy
Resistance bands: https://amzn.to/3nFyb4C
*Braces & Supports*
Hinged knee brace: https://amzn.to/3U6oyrH
Neoprene knee sleeve: https://amzn.to/3Zzhsgt
Volar wrist brace: https://amzn.to/3KawW55
Thumb spica brace: https://amzn.to/3nHj9vl
Ankle lace up brace: https://amzn.to/3m6iR0u
Tennis/Golfer’s elbow brace: https://amzn.to/3ZEGgE1
Superfeet orthotic inserts: https://amzn.to/436tRf5
*Recommended Textbooks & Resources*
The Trigger Point Manual: https://amzn.to/4340cTt
Trigger Point Wall Charts: https://amzn.to/47SjGft
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Jeffrey Peng MD is a nonoperative orthopedist and sports medicine specialist. He focuses on maximizing non-surgical treatments for sports injuries and orthopedic conditions. He specializes in using orthobiologics and ultrasound guided minimally invasive techniques to treat osteoarthritis, tendinopathies, and musculoskeletal disorders.
Dr. Peng is board certified in sports medicine and family medicine. He completed residency with the Stanford family medicine residency program and completed his sports medicine training with the Stanford primary care sports medicine fellowship in San Jose. He is an active faculty member for both programs and is excited about training the next generation of physicians.
Dr. Peng’s sports medicine clinic is located in Campbell, California.
Twitter: @JeffreyPengMD; https://twitter.com/JeffreyPengMD
Website: https://www.jeffreypengmd.com/
► Disclaimer
My content reflects my own opinion and does not represent the views or opinions of my employers or hospital systems I am affiliated with. They are meant for educational purposes only. They do not substitute for the medical advice of a physician. Always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding your health.
red light therapy and low-level laser therapy are increasingly being used to treat a wide range of painful conditions such as osteoarthritis tendinitis and neck and back pain I'm going to review what the latest clinical trial evidence tells us about these therapies and discuss practical aspects like the differences between professional lasers and at home red light devices my goal is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding backed by scientific research to help you make more informed decisions regarding these treatments hey everyone Dr Jeff ping here red light therapy and low-level laser therapy fall under the broader category of photobiomodulation they are emerging as safe non-drug alternatives to treat pain and reduce inflammation this approach is not only attracting attention from everyday Fitness enthusiasts but is also being adopted by professional athletes for its Effectiveness in promoting recovery and healing injuries but what exactly makes this treatment so effective photobiomodulation uses various wavelengths of light to positively influence our body cells when our cells absorb the light photons they boost cell metabolism and initiate Cascades that lead to beneficial cellular responses such as increased cell proliferation and migration anti-inflammatory signaling and angiogenesis which is the formation of new blood vessels and these effects translate into realworld impact clinical trials have confirmed that these cellular level benefits result in significant improvements to Patient Health outcomes for example a systematic review and metaanalysis on knee osteoarthritis found that low-level laser therapy helped reduce Pain and Disability when compared to Placebo more importantly the benefits seem to increase with time suggesting that laser therapy cannot not only provide immediate pain relief but also sustained improvements in pain management in addition laser therapy has been shown to benefit various tendon disorders including tennis elbow Achilles tendonopathy and rotator cuff tendonopathy and it's also proven helpful in managing peripheral nerves and neuropathic pain all of these studies support the notion that photobiomodulation can help treat painful conditions and Aid in tissue recovery now it's also worth mentioning that these light treatments are incredibly safe with most people experiencing no adverse effects in cases where side effects do occur they tend to be minor such as mild discomfort during the treatment session others might notice some skin redness or irritation at the treatment area this is typically transient and resolves quickly okay so the evidence supporting photobiomodulation is compelling now the question is where should you go to receive the best possible treatment generally Professional Health Care Facilities such as physical therapy practices chiropractic offices and physician clinics are equipped with Advanced lasers ensuring you receive the most effective and targeted therapy A major benefit of higher powerered lasers is their ability to deliver a large amount of energy in a shorter time this efficiency is crucial for those seeking quick and effective treatment as it allows for a therapeutic dose to be administered rapidly usually treatment is required around 2 to three times per week totaling 6 to 12 sessions however more chronic conditions like arthritis might require additional treatments followed by maintenance sessions as necessary it's important to remember that treatment plans should be personalized to your specific needs and condition and what about homebased devices how do at home red light LED therapy devices differ from professional low-level lasers there are there are a few key differences which I would like to discuss home LED devices are more affordable and convenient for personal use however they typically have a broader bandwidth and produce a more Divergent beam making it more difficult to deliver a large amount of energy into a targeted area recent clinical trials indicate that low-level laser therapy is significantly more effective when administered at optimal doses adjusting the dose and targeting treatment is is much more achievable with more expensive lasers found in professional health care settings but that's not to say red light therapy at home doesn't work some studies suggest that both lasers and LEDs have been proven to have positive results in wound healing pain reduction and inflammation control with that said there is still considerable debate over their relative efficacy and in general laser therapy is recommended if available now I also want to point out that in the United States most insurance plans including Medicare do not cover low-level laser therapy this means opting for this treatment often involves out-of-pocket expenses and costs can vary significantly this is why home LED devices are becoming increasingly popular particularly as prices drop due to Growing demand and competition between companies the cost of at home devices varies based on size and purpose smaller but higher quality devices for targeted treatment are a few hundred while larger full body devices can cost several thousand so in light of everything we've discussed I want to share my real world observations regarding red light and low-level laser therapy from my patients who have tried it about half have experienced positive results while the other half saw minimal change this is in stark contrast to clinical trial outcomes with most people seeing improvements in their symptoms but this discrep y doesn't necessarily imply the treatment is ineffective it's more likely due to varying methods and protocols employed by different practitioners as well as the use of Home devices which may not consistently provide the optimal therapeutic effects in fact this inconsistency is a major reason why many professional treatment guidelines do not currently endorse low-level laser therapy for conditions like osteoarthritis there's still a lot of uncertainty regarding proper dosing and the differing therapeutic effects between lasers and LEDs I've put links in the video descriptions of higher quality devices that can be purchased for home use that hopefully will deliver better results please note this is not an endorsement rather it's a starting point for your research into these devices ultimately red light therapy is exceptionally safe with minimal to no side effects based on current scientific research it does seem like an effective option for those seeking alternatives to managing pain and inflammation particularly for conditions like arthritis tendon disorders and Muscle Recovery this therapy offers a noninvasive and drug-free approach just make sure you incorporate it as part of a comprehensive treatment plan which should also include regular exercise and proper nutrition and for those of you interested in exploring alternative medicine treatments I have another recommendation that's been highly effective for my patients in managing pain and reducing inflammation check out this next video where I'll reveal what it is and explain how it can significantly improve your overall health
#Science #Red #Light #Therapy
02:41 There’s plenty of scientific research supporting red light therapy—from boosting collagen to reducing inflammation and aiding muscle recovery. But there are also studies with mixed results. So the real question is: Is the issue with study quality, improper use, or does it simply not work for everyone? If you’ve tried it, what’s your experience? Let’s debate!
Can you repost your affiliate links your promoting? They don’t work.
Side effects include losing $4000 on a fad
If i shine it on my nuts, will it help e.d. ? 😊
Did I just hear you recommend chiropractors? Lost all credibility there.
The FDA has NOT approved red light therapy as an EFFECTIVE pain management solution. FDA only states it's not dangerous, not that it works. There has simply not been enough study to say it really works. Right now, it's expensive snake oil
I used red light therapy to recover from a brown recluse bite. It made a huge difference in my recovery.
Has anyone tried red light therapy for acne scars? Would love to know more.
Has anyone used red light therapy for post-workout recovery? How did it work for you?
Has anyone used red light therapy for post-workout recovery? How did it work for you?
I suspect it is almost entirely placebo effect. Testing is hard: how can you do any study with "controls" since people can see whether there is red light vs. green light or no light?
You'd almost have to use blind test subjects, or at least very thorough blindfolding.
If you guys were curious if this works, Jeffrey is 96 years old ….
I jest. Good video.
Sounds HIGHLY questionable and more research is needed. When insurance won't cover – be skepital of the treatment.
Also…. No one mentions HOW much difference this makes. If I pee into the ocean..Did I make the ocean bigger? Yes! …but when improvement is less than 1% – then who cares.
Can you do more specific video about what you mean by more expensive machines because you don’t say exactly what that means… Can more expensive machine be bought over-the-counter? Or only can buy those? What are the specific specifications that you would consider makes quality over one that is lacking that same quality?
What about the gyms that offer this? Like Planet Fitness
I cured tenonditis 30 years ago in Germany with red light, never came back again
Can red light therapy be used with topical scalp steroid foam please?
Do people think they aren't getting tons of red light from their monitors all the time already? Make it make sense. This sounds like bullshit. Even the papers referred to don't seem particularly convincing. Would need to look into it, but seems like some people are standing to benefit by promoting this nonsense.
How good is the Busty Angel from planet fitness ?
I have the Kineon and it is pretty focused. Works great.
Andrew Huberman uses a red light bulb. I will try that.😊
Much clearer and precise explanation than the other jibberish I've seen so far 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
Sorry but Joov is a ripoff
I was recently diagnosed with Freiberg’s Infracture, do you think red light therapy would ease some of the pain, and are there effective treatments for this diagnosis?
Dear Dr.Peng, can you send links to studies and sources also for studies particular with panels? Thank you 🙏
Why do I have trouble believing this guy is any kind of an expert?
Does an old school infrared lamp work as well?
Are there any independent studies on Kineon?
Would a bioptron light be the same?
For a free option, go outside and spend some time in the sun, preferably in the morning (earlier the better for less UV and more red and infrared radiation), preferably in a green space (park w/grass and trees, etc), preferably wearing light clothing (infrared penetrates clothing well).