25 Min Beginner Cardio Workout at Home – Low Impact Cardio Exercises – Easy Aerobic Workouts

13 March 2025

25 Min Beginner Cardio Workout at Home – Low Impact Cardio Exercises – Easy Aerobic Workouts

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This 25 minute beginner cardio workout is a perfect place to start your fitness journey. The low impact cardio exercises and easy aerobics exercises are great for both men and women. This low impact cardio workout only requires a light pair of dumbbells or a couple water bottles. Visit http://hasfit.com/workouts/home/easy-beginner/beginner-cardio-workout/ for the cardio workouts instructions, more videos, free meal plans, and other health tips. http://hasfit.com for the best free beginner workouts and cardio exercises routines for men and women at home or in gym.

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[Music] hater outputs goes at compasseth and this is my 25 minute beginner cardio workout this workouts great for both men and women we're just starting for fitness journey this is a low-impact workout so you don't have to worry about hurting any of your joints now there's absolutely no point required for this workout but if you'd like to you can either use a pair of light hand weights anywhere from 1 to 3 pounds should be just about right or as you're going to see me used in the video just a couple of water bottles will work just fine I'm gonna do this entire thing with you I hope you're ready to work let's get started all right we're going to start with the need mean front kick front teeth bringing the knees straight up then you're gonna do and kicking up now if you can't quite kick as high as I am get your knees up as high as I am that's totally okay you're gonna come back complete this workout at often and every time you do it you'll get a little bit better we're gonna do that every exercise for 30 seconds we're going to get as many repetitions in as we can in the thirty second time period need me don't you okay good next we have my water bottles on my hands we're a little straight punch straight punch hook hook straight straight hook hook could just get as many repetitions and as you can but I'll use a nice controlled movements and breathe throughout the entire exercise there we go and straight straight hook hook then you get a twist and I'm gonna push and work pivoting our hips on each straight punch and that's what we're gonna do with moving on to a posterior swing so I have both my hand weights my feet are a little wider a little bit little thinner my knees my swing through my legs then I'm gonna come up overhead so I'm going straight ahead the whole time keep my head up and swing it back between my legs and bringing the water bottles straight up overhead and using my hips in this movement it's less harms more hips the water bottles are traveling from the power in my hips looking straight ahead the whole time and make sure to breathe and three two one that's where their opposite side raised and laboring so one arm comes up and the opposite leg comes up it's getting balanced so your leg gets on the ground I make sure you have a little bend and that mean the whole time and as long as a cassette we are breathing very good okay switch it up now opposite side we're over 15 seconds on each side keep it moving and five four three two one all right room behind with standing twist via shoulder width apart hands up here at chest level and we're going to twist side to side using our abs and their core twisting interlace I'm just moving the arms back here then I actually want you to twist at your core get those ABS working get those ABS involved in the exercise very good moving we're breathing we have five four three two one and zero we don't need a lot of problems we can reach for this I'm gonna send them down put my hands on the wall behind me and raise one knee up and I'm going down to clatters I'm just alternating bringing one knee up at a time 45-degree angle so bringing those knees up and breathe or catch your own pace I want you to push yourself there's nobody else can do it for you but at the same time make sure that you're working out okay at a pace that you're comfortable with good lad and three two one zero good it's going to pick up those water bottle for the next one we're going to move into it one two duck and the duck is really just a squat so one two feet are shoulder width apart weight goes back in your bucket and stand back up one two top good one two duck there it is one two and squat down try your best to squat to your hips are parallel with the ground you can't quite get that far down it's okay and we'll get better at it I'll make sure I'm at squat to put the buck back first don't bend at the knees first look but back first and last one good next we hold early thinner side we're gonna go one two three four that's all it is stepping forward and stepping back nice and light on the balls of our feet that's the whole thing right there one two three one two three four many of these soon as you can in the 30-second time frame there is good keeping that pace up ready to move there is smoke keep it going keep going excellent three two one okay we're gonna hand weights now we're gonna do side to side punches weights our hips feet are shoulder-width apart two to the right and then to the left rotating and laying our thumb as we punch perch on all the way to the right and all the way to the left having that core rotate and twist with every single punch great job come on keep it up now they left the beast and a five four three two one next we're gonna do stack your buck kicks filled one arm up my feet are staggered a little bit of my knees now with the foot that's back I'm gonna do pupcakes right here keeping this one arm up other arm is relaxed for 15 seconds per side and get as many buck kicks in as I can there it is and switch now I'm opposite arm is up this lady's back and I'm funky key for 15 seconds there it is best keep your balance excellent and 5 4 3 2 1 great job that's it in the first round alright second round will start right from the top going back into the front kick your knees and your kicks as high as you can comfortably excellent work and making sure we're breathing throughout the entire workout nice job a few more seconds on this one and three two one zero good okay now take them straight straight hook hook straight line straight bottom hook hook we're breathing excellent work come on keep it up straight straight hook hook with as many of these in as we can in the 32nd time period leaving it all out there and this workout today no regrets you know that everything we got good job and three two one zero okay my hand weights together you're using them fear little wider shoulder width there bend the knees and swing between your legs – Oh overhead and that head up the whole time will really help you keep your back straight the exercise bottom you should really felt stretching your hamstrings and then your glutes and your whole back side excellent work take that buff back keeping a little bit of in your knees and use those dips to propel you back forward great okay Mack start with both arms to side one arm comes up sideways and opposite leg comes up very good 15 seconds on each side of this one good just a couple more on this side last one and switch is a great job there it is come on keep it moving how many can we get and this a lot of time breathe nice come on just talk more and three two one zero all right both hands together hands are parallel with our chats for your shoulder width and it's time for the twist and twist great job I'm keeping a movin so product for comment working out with me today getting started it's definitely the hard part once we get in it it's much easier once we get started come on let's go and five four three two and one okay we're gonna set these down for the next one if you're using hand weights we can go over the wall wall mountain climbers bring one knee up at a time trying your best again be nice and high it's gonna get your lungs movement work your abs with your legs your body has to support yourself tell us about everything is getting hit on this good good good and let's go five four three two one excellent okay we're going to eat your hanamichi minute for the next one feet are shoulder-width apart and refine our chin we're doing the one – duck why – duck this one's really gonna burn those legs off that's okay when your legs get tired you gotta move with your heart it's all mental seems like a big physical but it's not it's all in your head you gotta tell yourself to keep on going your fitness is 100% mental your body won't move if your brain doesn't tell it to and 5 4 3 2 1 excellent now we're going to go 1 2 3 4 – step instead Pappas's all of this if you want you can either if you can use a little line and you're you know here I use a little line in my Tao tie the floor you can put out a rope or you can just imagine a little line and step over it every time whatever works best for you I want you to stay light and on the balls of your feet stepping forward and stepping back nice and three two one all right hands up your shoulder width apart side by side punches nice punch of side to side that's one for 30 seconds really once you get that chorus twisting on this one let's go don't check punch here but squits turn that whole body with your left let's your right and on great job keep it up now much left in this round and five four three two and one okay next we have a staggered bookcase Peter shoulder width apart Stafford scene it's one of them ah and we're digging our own but literally and figuratively today come on let's go take your bow get fifteen seconds on each side give that hamstring working keep that arm up keep your back straight and three two one switch it up and hit the other side now excellent work this is the last one of this round button right to the end of the round and three two one zero excellent job [Music] all right next round II need rocket project this is not going to be easy but it will be worth it that much I can promise you let's go let's go one of the best feelings it's accomplishing something that you knew you couldn't accomplish just a few short weeks ago now keep your movement it'll keep you motivated once you really start seeing those results let's go last one front kick front kick knee knee nice our eighth nut straight straight hook hook straight straight hook hook is maybe soon as you can remember push yourself there's nobody's gonna do it for it let's go straight straight hook hook working on the best project you will ever work on which is you nobody can take that away from you let's go and five four three two one zero alright Peter a little bit wider than shoulder width or the next one little bend the knees and we're swinging between the legs – Oh overhead keeping that head up and using your hips using your hamstrings to help project you straight back up and help reject those hand weights up overhead remember to breathe the whole time excellent keeping it going and three two one last one zero nice hands at your side for the next one side raise leg raise down low remember one half on one side and half I focus on what motivates you switch remember something brought you here today whatever that was whether you just want to get better shape whether you want to lose some weight whatever it is everybody's different focus on that goal concentrate on remember what got me here today three two and one nice now we're in the standing twist side to side in those hands parallel with your chest I remember we're twisting at the waist not just moving our arms back and forth but instead of feeling those obliques and that core engage and that core work great job keep it up and more second to this one keep on twisting and five four three two one zero set these down for the next one going to the wall mountain climbers one meet up at a time should be comfortable with these by now so comfortable means you know what you're doing it means that you can push the pace let's go come on guys you can do it believe in yourself is if you don't believe in yourself who's going to come on on keeping a movement and we're more than halfway down with this one get those knees up your little abs working and three two one zero excellent pick up your hand weights one more time feed your children with the park and it's one two just remember this one – doc I'm sure you do because this is one X those legs burn that's okay that's how we know it's working when your legs start to ache you start to sweat and you're out of breath that's all right that's how we know it's working if it was easy everybody'd be fit and everybody'd be doing it but they're not one more and excellent work next we're moving into one two three four one two three four stepping in stepping out nice little touches on the balls of our feet that's the whole thing right there throughout hot feet try your best to stay on the balls of your feet and not let your heels come in contact with the ground there is good job 20 minutes straight movement today no breaks throughout that 20 minutes good good good keep going and three two one zero side to side crunches next punch to the left launch them to the right there it is get those twists in every single time twisting that whole upper body at your waist doing your core activate those love handles get burned off let's go and breathe 10 more seconds to the side to side punches come on push it guys come on let's go what do you got let's go and five four three two one staggered buff get speed of staggered one arm up you know the drill kept in there kicking your own foot on this one it's good you're not going to get that hook you want by sitting on your horse you got a move come on let's go keep it moving and switch it up last 15 seconds of this room come on let's go move in and move in it how much left and here we go five four three two one and zero good work just one more round to go all right it's the last round we're gonna need up the up from chick from chick that means the last five minutes for the day on this farm push yourself right to the very end let's go you should breathe and enjoy your time it's come on taking them up get those legs up I don't care how tired they are keep them moving let's go don't break yeah last one good all right and straight straight hook hook straight straight hook put we're breathing more movement that's the name of the game at this point just keep on the move like I said before your mind is in control and I hot your body don't let your body call the shots if your body's telling you to quit don't listen to it it's strong mentally come let's go you can do this you can do anything and three two one zero excellent feet a little wider for the whip posterior swings a great one for your hamstrings your butt and your lower back swings straight up overhead make sure to keep your back straight and head tie your tie a little bend in your knees don't let those knees a lot how about doing this one nice job mom keeping it going guys not much left gonna make it to that finish line today think how great you're gonna feel when this workout is all done and last one good sighs one arm up one leg up keep them balanced get that leg straight your arm straight bring your arm up parallel to the ground switching sides now good job keep it up remember is not enough just a workout would have to have your nutrition and diet in order as well check out a Spitz website where we have our complete free meal plans I was a nurse free go check it out three two one zero good okay in the standing twist next side the side good answer parallel to your chest twist in those ABS this is a standing ab exercise great way to work those ABS without a panic crawl on the ground so work come on keeping it up you're gonna heart rate up for just a couple more minutes halfway done with this round even a movement here we go ten nine eight seven six five four three two one zero seven down go into the wall not moving into those wall mountain climbers bring those knees up nice high try your best to stay on that 45-degree angle let's hit too hard you can get closer to the wall and just bring your knees up but I want you to try your best stay on that 45-degree angle press it into the wall not much lighting on this one just a few more seconds and three two one zero good those water bottles or hand weights for everybody using we got one to top last side of these I'm gonna least one stink I don't like them either that's alright because I like perfect like how they work that's what we're aiming for is that end result it's all gonna be worth it at the end come on let's go I want you to inspire somebody wants to look at how hard you've been working or do the results you're getting and be inspired by you and three two one and zero good and relax inner side come on step and step up one two three four little touches that's it right there and breathe one two three four one two three four there it is come on keep it up guys great breathe remember to breathe stay light on the balls of those feet light touches I don't want you to sound like a herd of buffalo instead stay nice and light there it is takes more energy to stay light it's harder but you can do it safer on your joints three two one and zero hands are up and we got side to side punches better to side to side twist and there's my full nice twist there this month let's go keep those punches nice and high don't let him drop and return your hands back to your chin with every punch good job not much left pushing with me fighting with me come on I think of all the people at home doing the same workout we're all turning together we're all getting fit together you're not alone come on three two one and zero staggered stance one arm up and we're kicking they're three not much left and oh this is the last exercise everything you got three two one last 15 seconds come on I'm going to hook hips can you get in the last 15 seconds here we go come on keep it up keep it up keep it up and five four three two one zero excellent work you're all done [Music] thank you so much for working out with me today come back and repeat this workout at often then you'll be able to go ahead and progress a similar or difficult workouts if you did like this workout make sure you check out a Spitz website with hundreds of additional free workouts we have our free meal plans to lose or gain weight as well as our complete thirty to ninety day fitness programs all there for you as a service for free please do me a huge favor and subscribe to this YouTube channel they don't really help us keep this great service free like us on our Facebook fan page or follow us on Twitter we'll send to the best daily motivation while you're at stop by our store pick up a t-shirt or a closer whatever else to keep you motivated and on track I'm coach Kozak compasseth and I'll see you next workout [Music]

#Min #Beginner #Cardio #Workout #Home #Impact #Cardio #Exercises #Easy #Aerobic #Workouts


  1. Working out with you in 2025 ❤ Thank you for this video man 😊👍

  2. I will start this today and see how it goes. I have a weak left knee which hopefully returns to normal after i lose 50lbs. Wish me luck.

  3. I HATE feeling my heart in my chest but my heart health is so bad I’m always running in the 90’s, I’m in my mid-20s 😂

    My fitbit is so proud of me, thank you so much!!!!

  4. Just found this and used 3 lb weights in each hand. Loved it and will keep coming back and hopefully increasing the weight of my dumbbells too!

  5. First exercise I actually did to the end. Thanks

  6. Hello i just started this cardio and thank you @HASfit by doing this cardio it saved my mental health and with some health physical benifits to
    Good luck to anyone who is starting their fitness journey! Best wishes!

  7. I burned 120 cals 😀

  8. @HASfit my wife and I just started today. Wish us luck.


  10. Started today and I love it

  11. I was feeling lazy I was going to put this workout off till tomorrow but I’m glad I JUST DID IT!! thank you Jo well done everyone 😊

  12. who said this for beginner. 😢😢😢😢😢😢well I did it anyway whoooaaahhooo tomorrow too

  13. Still the best exercise for me. No yoga mat, no equipment, just bodyweight, wall, and water bottles. ❤

  14. So glad I found this! This is not intimidating and I don't feel like a failure. I hope to keep it up and lose twenty pounds. Thanks!

  15. Found you 8 years ago and was doing great. I lost my way and gained pounds but I had to come back to because you work. Thank Coach

  16. جيد والله👍🏻

  17. @hasfit what would be the next progression level after this video?

  18. This helped me so much. Thank you.

  19. Thanks. This is the best one👍

  20. ผมชอบครอสนี้นะ

  21. Go through this video after 7 years. This help me loose weight back in 2014. Watching and will be doing these exercises again after so many years. 😊♥️

  22. Wow, this is a great coach, who is very passionate. Thank you so much!!!! I'm a big fan now!!!

  23. Loved this workout! I was able to keep up. Great for someone who has not exercised in a while. The buffalo joke was funny. Should be back again to do more.

  24. I know this is late, but I am a severely overweight 18 year old male, never had the motivation to take care of myself, hygiene-wise or anything, but recently I started dating a girl that I absolutely adore. She motivates me to get better and healthier and I want to thank you for the help and motivation throughout the video, it really kept me going. Sadly I stopped around 15:00 in because I have really not worked out at all.. So next time I will make it through the entire thing!

  25. Today 1 February 2021 I completed this HASfit workout!

  26. Today Thursday 29 January 2021 I managed to complete this HASfit workout. I pray I can keep it going tomorrow and onwards.

  27. I cannot keep my eyes open at mornings, so I have decided to workout when my strength is highest. Today Thursday 28 January 2021 I ( Neil Leslie Gilbert ) completed this HASfit workout. I pray for the strength to continue each day!

  28. Friday 1 January 2021

    I completed this HASfit workout.

  29. Monday 28 December 2020 I completed this HASfit workout!

  30. Today Monday 14 December 2020 I completed this HASfit workout.

  31. Man i been looking for wprkout videos at my paste and all were to advance for me bit 5his one is great got threw the hole 25 min no breaks , will keep it up for 30 days see how it goes

  32. tried 7 minutes without bottles – good one 🙂

  33. Love this video, just discovered it Oct 2020 and have been doin it every day for a week, can already feel the difference, very simple moves that target the whole body, gets the heart pumping big time too

  34. rain sounds for sleeping

  35. nice easy workout…but didn't like that it was on a repeat of exercises…after the 3rd time it would be nice to have some variety

  36. Love this workout! I’ve been looking for something to supplement my yoga workouts. Thank you!!!

  37. discovered these workouts during UK lockdown. They are brillant. Am now a subscriber and have a whole load of them stored on my chromebook. From cardio through to weights and stretches and strenghening. My own gym at home. I vary the type of excercise from day to day and i have become a lot more flexible since i began aswell as fitter. Think i have lost a little weight too. 😉 Thank you Hasfit. Glad i discovered you on Youtube.

  38. These are best moves for beginners…
    I have started it today.. And it feels great… I am having gutt feeling, that if i follow these moves i ll definately be in shape

  39. I liked it. Thank you ❤❤❤

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