Dangerous Central Heating Electric Safe Isolation #tiktok #plumber

20 December 2022

Dangerous Central Heating Electric Safe Isolation #tiktok #plumber

this is to show you how important it is just to do your electrical checks so on this just checking the spur so you'd expect that if you turn turn The Spur off then you'd expect all these wires in here to be dead so I'm just going to show you now testing these with a multimeter so even though the spur is turned off we can see we've still got 205 volts so it's really important if you're the trainee or if you're training to be a plumber or even if you had a plumber whatever that you follow ECF isolation and then check it just to keep yourself safe so I hope this helps

#Dangerous #Central #Heating #Electric #Safe #Isolation #tiktok #plumber


  1. Take it the spur was feeding something else and its supply was from the control centre?

  2. Fluke 117 is the Best multimeter for boilers – It has loZ that is very useful 😉

  3. Artisan electrics did a good video.. he unplugged a boiler and the pins on a 3 pin plug where live…

  4. I swear I didn't wire that!! 🙄

  5. What about volt pen picking up voltage

  6. Show setting first then where they go. Will help. Cheers mate

  7. That will be a plumber who thinks he can do electrics…have seen Kevin's live work before…I'll just wire this into the back of the the nearby socket and fit an IP65 fused spur INSIDE the attic. Must have been what was available. PS the socket already had a radial off it.

  8. Artisan electrical did a video about a feed taken from upstairs for part of the electrical system on a boiler the boiler was also supplied by a ground floor supply . When the ground floor circuit was turned off it was fed via the boiler electrical system bridging two circuits the boiler was on a plug and the pins on the plug were live when unplugged .
    His video gives a understanding of why this can happen .

  9. Is it wired wrong in the switch spur.

  10. First issue…… using a multimeter to test for dead!!!!! #callanelectrian!

  11. Wait, you had 240v between line & earth plus on the second test 240v between neutral & earth .

  12. Was told never trust someone else’s work or the fact that it should be dead Always use proper testers

  13. Safe isolation? Fused spur . Safe isolation is at fuseboard petal

  14. GN3 not an issue here, GS38 is thrown straight out the window..
    At least try and follow the guidelines and look semi professional…

  15. Isn't that spur for the Emerson?

  16. This Fecking plumber is a complete pilchard . Probably never even seen a copy of BS 7671 /GS38 /the onsite guide or the fecking building regulations . 😡

  17. I assume it’s been wired into the input of the fused spur rather than the load side 🙈 This is why plumbers should leave electrical work to electricians

  18. Multimeter!! Quick way to die if you’ve not got it on the right setting which I why they should be used for testing for dead. Consult an electrician

  19. Had that a few times two feeds feed downstairs cuts boiler off and then power up to wiring centre fuse spur In the cupboard cuts power to valves
    And stats

  20. A multimeter is not a suitable test device. You should use something like a Martindale tester.

  21. Nice hairy arm and hand on that fella❤😉

  22. The spur was probably wired by the previous plumber

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