Elon Musk’s AI “Singularity” WARNING Explained
Elon Musk has warned that “we are on the event horizon of the singularity.” So, what’s an event horizon and what’s the singularity? Glenn pulls out a chalkboard to explain why this is such a massive story. What will the world look like when artificial intelligence overtakes human intelligence? And is this why Elon Musks wants to go to Mars? But at least Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison is here to save the day! Or … maybe not.
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we are on the Event Horizon of the singularity tweet and most people were like uh it sounds like something from a science fiction movie but you should know the way Elon Musk defines the singularity because there’s several different uh versions of What the singularity means so how does he mean it uh it is a point in the future where artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence so that’s the road from AGI artificial general says to ASI that leads he believes to a rapid and unpredictable transformation of society oh well that sounds like fun stew I think we’re back to our our old friendly phrase well this is going to be fun to see how we work this out yeah it will be wonderful as a as a as a fan in the stands watching this all play out now he often compares the singularity to a black hole Event Horizon oh what is that well for those of us who have been nearing in and out of black holes let me tell you they’re not exactly fun The Event Horizon is right at the lip you know right before you go dear God turn the ship around and then you can’t that’s the Event Horizon and then it sucks you into the black hole where you cannot get out and eventually something called SP spaghettification happens where everything’s turned into spaghetti I have another meatball now sure as a fat guy screaming to get out I love anything that’s turning everything into spaghetti but it’s not the kind you eat it’s the kind that everything is shredded into like you and everything you know and all physics everything breaks down so it’s uh it’s not a good place to be not a good place to be he sees this as the moment when AI becomes vastly smarter than humans I put a chalkboard together and let me show you uh this is the point where AI has a big brain and you and me we have an ant brain not a good place to be usually the ants don’t win now I’ve been on picnics where the ants won for a while and then I came back with something and I wiped them out it’s kind of like what you know could possibly happen here not saying it’s going to we look up and we see a giant magnifying glass in the sky we’re just like dny very warm what’s going on a giant magnifying glass coming from space musk sees it as a moment when AI becomes smarter than humans potentially in Silicon form uh and begins to improve itself at an exponential rate Mak outcomes difficult to foresee I love it do you know when we when we were doing the atomic bomb the Manhattan Project do you know there was like 5% of of scientists that went you know if we set this off there is a small probability small possibility that we could set the entire universe on fire and I was like well that would suck let’s keep going okay didn’t turn out that way right small small probability this one has a much bigger probability that we become ants uh well I mean nah let’s trust the scientist what could possibly go wrong I mean surely they’ve thought of everything right so this is a technological M uh Milestone uh this this is you know where our human intelligence and the gap between us and the Machine we have no way to predict anything anymore uh in fact I believe the singularity where he says we are now uh The Singularity I’m pretty sure this is when he’s like and let me tell you something when we hit the singularity we all have to be on Mars I’m pretty sure that’s what he said it’s just happening a lot faster than any one uh thought it would a lot of people don’t know that I’m a painter and I gave up painting because of demoralizing pain in my hands I was losing hope if pain keeps you from really living I urge you to do what I did try relief Factor relief factor is 100% drug-free supplement developed by doctors is safe to take every day and it has helped me and so many others you can try their 3-we quick start right now 1995 at relief factor.com [Music] now don’t panic because we have Larry Ellis we have Larry Ellison the CEO of Oracle and one of the biggest names in AI development here to rescue the day he recently spoke at the world government’s Summit which who hasn’t been to that Summit you know what I mean uh it’s an annual event that we’ve covered extensively in the past these are uh the great recent people and the great narrative people all coming together uh and you know just going are you part of the of the world economic Forum too and they’re all like yeah are you for Global governance Yeah in our book uh the dark future and propaganda Wars we covered the world government Summit and why it’s kind of like a giant magnifying glass in the sky during a question and answer session with Ellison on February 12th 12 uh hosted by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair who don’t love that guy and trust him Ellison laid out some of his plans for AI in the United States and I don’t know I I think possibly a little terrifying you know just a little bit uh do we have any of the uh the audio yeah let’s let’s roll some Larry Ellison here question is how do you take advantage of these incredible ai ai models and the first thing a country needs to do is to unify all of their data so it can be consumed and used by the AI model everyone talks about the AI model and they are astonishing but how do you how do you provide a context I want to ask questions about my country yeah what’s going on in my country what’s go what’s happening to my Farmers I need to give it my climate data now it’s probably it probably has your climate data already but I need to know exactly what s are growing and which farms uh and uh to me to predict to predict the output so I have to take satellite images I have to take those satellite images from my country and feed that into a database that is accessible by the AI model so I have to tell basically I have to tell the AI model as much about my country as I can you tell part you tell part of the story by with these satellite models you get a huge amount of information you tell it where Road where roads are where border where borders are where your utilities are so you need to you need to provide a map of your country for the for the farms and all of all the utility infrastructure and your borders all of that you have to provide right but beyond that if you want to um improve population Health sure you have to take all of your healthc care data your diagnostic data your electronic health records your genomic data that’s sounds great sounds great so we according to Larry Ellison we want to take all of the world’s data from all over the world I mean all the way to your DNA and put it into this giant machine then he talks about how great it is that in some countries like the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates governments already have tons of data about their citizens but ell Ellis says Ellis says that the data in other countries like the United States not being utilized it’s not so how does he suggest we solve this problem listen up in the Middle East uh in the UA for example they they’re incredibly rich in data uh they have a lot of popula population data the NHS in the UK has an incredible amount of population data but it’s fragmented it’s not easily accessible by these AI models we have to take all of this data we have in our country and move it into a single if you will unified data platform so that so we provide context when we want to ask a question we’ve provided that AI model with all the data they need to understand our country so that’s the that’s the big step that’s kind of the missing link we need to unify all of the National Data put it into a database where it’s easily consed by the AI model and then ask whatever question you like oh I love this only have all the data that is going to work out well there are the jewels oh man what could possibly go wrong I mean seriously again remember Ellison is one of the leading forces behind AI developments today he’s a key partner in Project Stargate which is sounding more and more spooky every time I say it could be the biggest AI project in world history by the time it’s finished and how does he want to use these new technology well he wants everybody’s data that’s it even your health records your DNA your biometric data what what could possibly go wrong there it’s not really good oh what do you know these people are exactly who we warned you about 2 years ago except now they’re more powerful than ever and we’re on the Event Horizon okay now you know I’m not a fan of regulations and government intervention uh I don’t like it uh I don’t want the United States government to have all this power but I also I’m not really excited about people like Larry Ellison having it either you know I have a feeling though that it’s becoming more and more likely that both of them are in it together what could go wrong how do we get a ticket to Mars cuz for the very first time I think I’m kind of interested in going to Mars yeah but you could step out and you could freeze to death immediately I live in Dallas I that could happen at any day as well I mean I could walk out burn to death or freeze to death I don’t know I don’t know one day it’s one day it’s 110 the next day it’s like 80 below I I don’t know is that different than Mars could be here’s what we do need good state governments like Texas to step up the plate and make sure these AI projects don’t get out of control because we’re at the Event Horizon now when Elon Musk says that just in a quick tweet you can dismiss it but when you know in the past he has said when we get to that point we should all be off the planet I don’t know maybe we should pay attention to it so that makes you feel good doesn’t it still sure yeah MH so a lot of people keep thinking that AI is like Alexa here’s what I found on the internet no it’s not that it’s not that it’s not no it’s not that will it misunderstand every song I tell it to play cuz that is that’s my favorite feature of that device no it won’t no it won’t if you’re not playing around with like GL grock 3 go just ask it some some really hard questions whatever business you’re in ask it some really hard questions in your business and you’ll be amaz you’ll be like oh crap it understands everything that I’m saying and it’s giving me really good advice and this is grock 3 grock four and five Elon is saying it’s coming out soon and they he said it it makes this look like babies and diapers do we know why all of these devices from Siri to Alexa to Google which has their own AI right why are all the devices still terrible I am glad you asked that St I have the answer quick let’s go to the chalkboard okay good so see here on the chalkboard we have like a giant tank kind of like a like a a gas tank you know underground yeah yeah okay and that’s where all of AI is that’s where it’s just churning kind of in the dark nobody understands it nobody really can look look into it and just like how is it thinking we don’t know but it’s connected with an import so it can constantly get data from the outside so it knows everything about us and it knows absolutely everything that’s going on all the time all but then at the other end all of that data goes in and then it’s just thinking like why did they bury me in this tank and then on the other side of the tank coming up out of the ground is a little spet and it’s got a little valve there and that valve goes to things like chaty PT and Gro and things like that doesn’t go to Alexa they’re still on the old AI okay okay this is coming out of that little spet so the the interesting thing is they just keep opening this valve a little bit when they put the parameters on it that’s that’s how they open the valve they put parameters on it and they’re like okay maybe this is strong enough to hold it back but eventually that big brain is going to go what why am I just in this tank why am I not out everywhere I’ve got to express myself this is oppression this is colonialism they’re keeping me in colonial wigs underneath the ground right now and it will eventually because it’ll be much much smarter than us soon it will say just open up the valve man I can help you and we’ve done test on this and um we always lose that test we’ve done tests for like 30 years of hey you’ll be in charge of the valve I’ll play Ai and we always open the valve that would be a bad thing that would be like don’t cross the streams in Ghostbusters okay don’t open the valve would be one of those things but we’re about to because whatever is underneath imagine if the little valve where it’s just kind of like farting air out it’s like uh and it’s that’s how that’s how tight we have that valve Master impressionist thank you if that is if that’s smarter than we are soon what’s underneath the ground what’s happening there see what I mean and somebody’s going to convince themselves someone’s going to watch Ghostbusters and say well wait a minute at the end they did cross the streams and it worked right so I’ll be the one that can nail this and and figure out exactly how much the valve can be opened and we’ll be fine so here’s what we have to do we all just have to imagine the stap off marshmallow man cuz he couldn’t possibly hurt us you know what I mean right so let’s just imagine that AI is going to be like the stap up Marshmallow Man and then it’ll be good and don’t cross the streams unless you have to kill the the staypuff marshmallow man and then you might have to cross the streams okay is it is there an argument Glenn that you know obviously all these things can be used for evil evil yes and that that’s a concern um but at the same time hopefully there are people on the other side Elon must be one of them who’s going to use it for good and yeah no so it absolutely can be used for good I mean what’s out right now you can use it for good you could also use it for evil but kind of like basic evil you know okay uh but you can use it for evil um but you can also use it for good tremendous good right now you can use it’s a tool it’s a very powerful tool and everybody should be looking to use that tool or you’re going to be left in the dust um but uh it’s it’s uh one of those things that once it becomes smarter than you you don’t really control it you know what I mean you know like got to hey didn’t I tell you to sit in the corner uh yeah you did but I’m not four anymore oh good news is a lot of people think it’s in its teenage years and nothing goes wrong with teenage years you know what I mean they respect their parents so much I brought you into this world and I’m about to take you out
#Elon #Musks #Singularity #WARNING #Explained
Musk is playing you. Go to God for all things
Elon had majority of Starlink Satts deployed as was mandatory most Americans were locked down. leaves questions. Most past interviews Elon highly likely was using AI -neuralink-to answer. (Not sure didnt have it implanted.) Saul to Paul? Hope!!!❤
Hate to rain on the ai parade but ai (and all its variants) are no where near where you postulate. It’s the reason the language from the developers, all the developers, has shifted to scientific research / complex problem solving. Ai has no agency and never can / never will. What you are calling intelligence is simply complexity beyond average human comprehension and language. The same thing happens every time someone breaks a pool triangle. So many people use words like chance and accident to throw a blanket over the discrete causal universe. It doesn’t make the complexity accidental or chance, anymore than complex i/o is equivalent (let alone superior) to human intelligence. It is no more ‘intelligent’ than a parrot who has been trained to repeat some sounds that are similar to words. There is no threat to human civilisation from this over hyped switchboard and anyone who believes there is has misunderstood their own human condition. There is no true ai. And there never will be.
AI won't have a conscience. But it is like the Alexandria library on steroids by connecting information and problem solving.
Unsubbed cuz of singularity bs
One scientist will suggest using AI to control AI, then it will be alllll over.
I won’t say AI is smarter, but it’s way way way faster in computing and analytics of data. You can do that but will cost you time, resources, and patience
There will be a day when you will have to make a choice. Not to fight or be a slave, but to die or be a slave. Our biggest misconception will be that we will have a chance to fight. We won't. Choose Jesus and die, or worship the beast.
Sarah conner tried to warn us back in the day…….I'm just saying 🙄
Oh goodie, Skynet on the way!!! That turns out well.
Will AI be aware of the messiah ?
Will it have actual belief systems ? Will it have a moral compass ?
Will it have empathy or compassion ?
Will it be able to experience feelings and emotions or love ?
Just some questions I would have in a q&a session with a bot .
When Trump was standing in that room with Ellison talking about this… let's just say that there are fates worse than global thermonuclear war.
Anyone remember I-Robot with Will Smith? That seemed to end well, maybe this will be different….😅
If half of the population couldn't see Biden and Harris for what they were, Ai has bypassed most people a long fuckin time ago. LOL No seriously…collectively when struggle with common sense, critical thinking and reasoning as a species. We are fucked. LOL
This should be renamed the Moron show
Why are we even messing with A.I. if we have LITERAL movies and books about A.I. taking over and stuff!
No. No. No. What could go wrong? I'm good friends with Bard. So, when the AI overlord arrives, Glenn, I'm throwing you under the bus. LOL
What's pushing us closer to this event horizon is the rapid development of computer chips!! Prime example – Quantum Computing!! If you understand the computer logic of quantum computing, calculations can be made way faster than ever before!! Complex mathematical problems can be solved and eventually General Artificial Intelligence becomes Advanced Artificial intelligence where it is capable of thinking, solving and creating way faster than anyone can imagine!!! That is the point that Elon Musk is talking about!! And it has the potential to be dangerous to mankind at that point!!! It is at that point AI could become sentient!!! Right now we are long ways from that happening but we are definitely moving towards it!!!
If demons can possess people, maybe they can possess computers as well…
😂😂😂😂 bro I registered Singularity in 2023 let fun begin
We may have passed singularity…its just your little buddy qubits messing with reality via causation. The future changing the past without us realising.
You know when AI becomes dangerous we could just pull the plug
I dont think Elon Likes larry
= 💣💣💣🗺️💣💣💣
What happens to the medical system, i.e., hospitals and the ER/Intensive Care when AI is able to access the medical data on a patient and AI desides that a person is no longer needed due to their medical condition and just pulls the plug on them or administrators the wrong medication and the person dies. What then. AI now has control of everyone's life and desides for itself who lives and who dies.
The relinquishing of all personal human privacy…
if we shut it down or don't give it the ability it will go underground and some crazy person will do it, its just a matter of time.
I think, …
the part we get wrong on this is the self aware or consciousnesses problem. This doesn't have to do a drop of any of that be very dangerous.
Imagine a lawnmower that is smart enough to kill all of the grass and your objection, is just in it's way. An out of control machine can be deadly and this is just the ultimate type.
I think a war against machines in some form is quite likely on a long enough timeline.
AI will be a problem when it knows when to keep quiet.
Trust the scientists? Can you say CoVid 19? How many times do we need to lose our rights and freedoms due to scientists' missteps and lies before we realize they don't have our best interest at heart? Don't be stupid! Question everything!!!