Gentle Low Impact All-in-One Exercises for Seniors | 30 min | No equipment needed
Welcome to a 30 minute gentle exercise workout created for seniors and beginners in mind. These exercises are ideal for beginners, or for anyone with medical issues and who needs to exercise at a slower pace (COPD, arthritis, Parkinson's). If you're feeling sluggish, give this a try! We'll be covering all of the important aspects of fitness in this all-in-one workout (warm-up, balance, posture, strength, cardio and stretching). You'll be surprised by how moderate exercise can boost your energy instead of depleting it. If you follow at my pace, the final step count is 1578 steps. You won't need any equipment today (other than a chair).
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00:00 Intro
00:39 Warm-up & cardio
15:30 Strength & balance
23:30 Posture
25:45 Stretching
30:45 Ending words
#easyworkouts #exercisesforseniors #exerciseforseniors
Links to the gentle all-in-one workouts:
Disclaimer: You should always consult your physician before starting any ‘Improved Health' fitness program or any other fitness program. You should understand when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge ‘Improved Health' from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of participating in these exercise videos.
Thank you to ROA for all of her great music!
Music Credits:
Music : Roa – Moonlight
Watch : Roa – Moonlight 【…
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Music : Roa – Traveler
Watch : • Roa – Traveler 【O…
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Music : Roa – Feel Alive
Watch : • Roa – Feel Alive …
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Music : Roa – It's All Good
Watch : Roa – It's All Go…
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Music : Roa – Walk Around
Watch : Roa – Walk Around…
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Music : Roa – After the Rain
Watch : Roa – After the R…
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Music : Roa – Freedom
Watch : Roa – Freedom 【Of…
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Music : Roa – Underwater
Watch : • Roa – Underwater …
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~~Roa Music~~
/ roamusic
welcome back everyone so today is a 30 minute gentle workout if you want to make it more challenging then you can use some dumbbells during the cardio we'll be doing our five minute warm-up 10 minutes of cardio and you can also do double arms instead of singles if you want to make it more challenging as well going into the strength training we are going to be doing it without weights today for those of you who want the gentle workout of course use them if you do want it to be more challenging have a chair handy because you'll need it for some of the leg exercises that we're doing and then we are also going to do some balance and finish off with some flexibility let's get started let's just start with bringing the feet back and forth having the hands up and then just pressing the arms back so we're just going to work through some stretches first range of motion exercises and one more this time we're just going to turn the Palms back and pressing back bringing the hands together and it's not going up at an angle and then switching stretch as far back as you can [Music] foreign and then bringing the shoulders back and then one arm up one arm down same thing stretching back [Music] last one here good and then bringing the arms as far back as you can stretching out that chest [Music] one more now keeping the feet in place and let's just reach to one side and then the other so going up on the toes bringing the heels up here [Music] it's really reaching as far as you can [Music] and let's go into a merge so just walking in place here bringing the arms up into a bicep curl and pressing forward [Music] [Music] and for the next one just tapping the toes in front so just tap and tap if there's ever a move that you can't do that you find it complicated just go back into that step touch [Music] and going back into that step touch and bring the arms in front and just opening up the chest and bringing the hands back together [Music] thank you [Music] and then going into that hamstring curl so your foot is going up to your glutes and bring the hands back now think about your triceps here your squeezing flexing [Music] thank you next one we're going to be tapping out punching forward and up so just tap tap and then punching please so go to double arms if you want to get more out of it [Music] foreign and then having the hands at the shoulders and pressing back so here think about your triceps again [Music] and going into a walk and then Taps a walk and tap and if it's confusing just do a walk last one here and then just going into a bit of a dance [Music] [Applause] [Applause] and then we're gonna go into our single Jacks and then bring in our mop so one foot out on the arm up and then in front [Music] and if you're finding the coordination is hard don't worry you do the workout over like several times and it becomes easier it's just a matter of getting used to it it's good for your brain as well [Music] last one here and let's go into a faster walk so find the pace that works for you really pick it up if you can here [Music] and let's go into a dance again [Music] and let's start tapping the toes bringing the arms up and little circles trying to keep your arms up here [Music] and let's pick it up again [Music] foreign we'll do a bit of an angled walk so we're going to walk forward ready so you go up and again and again and come back so three steps forward three steps back [Music] and let's just stay in place here and then gently just tap the knee [Music] and let's take two steps to the side so one two and just pumping the arms at the same time foreign [Music] last one here staying but in the center just tapping out and punching forward [Music] you've got this stick with it I've only got three and a half minutes left of the cardio so just do what you can if you're starting to get tired Let's do an undercut punch if you start to get tired don't quit just walk don't worry about the arms just follow the feet [Music] big breaks if you absolutely need to [Music] okay going into a raised knee how high you raise that knee is up to you let's slow it down a little bit trying to raise any a little bit more if you can [Music] and then we'll be going into a ski so let's just bring one foot back and opposite hand opposite foot see it sometimes takes a bit to get that coordination and that's okay [Music] and then we're going to tap back and across bicep curl [Music] [Applause] [Music] and going back into that step touch Reaching Forward and then up so finding your pace you can slow the arms down if this is too fast [Music] let's just go back into a walk here two more minutes of the cardio [Music] and going into that wide step and then narrow step ready and wide and narrow foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] press so this time just tapping back and flexing the tries thank you [Music] and going back into that step touch bring the arms in front the side and down let's go out to the side front and down [Music] much about what direction you're going just bring them up halfway [Music] and that is it for the cardio take a nice deep breath in good okay grab your chair [Music] so we are going to start with sit the stands now before you say I don't do squats I don't just sit to stance you're doing them every day every time you sit on the toilet every time you go sit down at the dining room table every time you go on the couch you are doing them already we are just doing a little bit more to get those legs stronger because the stronger your legs are the longer you're going to be walking so let's get started if you've been with me for a while do full-on squats you know what you're doing let's go so tapping the chair sit back come up that's one go at your own pace two three [Music] four five let's just do one more and six good take a nice deep breath in and breathe out okay let's go behind our chair we're gonna do some side raises and we are just going to do five in each Direction so we're going to start having your knees soft let's just put all the weight on one leg bring the other leg out not very far you're only going about this far and back in okay let's go together one [Music] two try to keep yourself standing fairly straight three four [Music] five switching to the other side one two three four and five this time we're going back so bringing the toes back and you're just going to first of all we're going to lift that heel do a hamstring curl and down again two feel this in your glutes three [Music] four and five switching to the other side ready toes are back heel is up one two three four and five excellent shaking the legs out a little bit now this time we're going at a bit of an angle so you're just bringing we're working with the the side here so we're just going back not totally back not to the side but at an angle so in between so 45 degrees already one you should definitely feel that in here two [Music] three four [Music] and five other side one [Music] two three four and five one more now this time going straight back don't think about going back too far you're just going back a little bit so one feel that in the glutes two three [Music] four and five shake those legs out a little bit other side one two three [Music] four and five excellent take a nice deep breath in and breathing out let's go into our calf raise so holding on to the chair still lifting your heels as high as you can and down two three [Music] four five six we're going up to ten for this one seven eight nine and ten now let's reverse that toes up and down now if you can you can let go of the chair and challenge your balance at the same time it's quite challenging or if you want hold on to the chair let's do four more three two two and one okay back in front of the chair doing more of those sit to stands or squats whatever you can do so if you can just touch the chair and try and have it be a smooth motion some people you'll go like this and then you'll fall so we need to work on that strength so as much as you can try and use your strength to bring you down slowly you can have your hands here on your legs to make it a little bit easier you can press up on the legs if you have to so just keep going [Music] let's do two more wherever you are it doesn't matter last one take a nice deep breath in [Music] good okay we're going into push-ups on the wall it's okay so going against the wall and we're doing a push-up so what you're doing is having your hands about shoulder width apart or wherever you're comfortable having the feet back and you're pressing into the wall and pushing off try and keep your body in a straight line if you can we're going to go up to six do as many as you can and going slowly focusing on form rather than speed okay so let's do it together so hands on the wall and going forward one two [Music] three four five and one more and six excellent okay going into some arm circles and balance now if you want have the chair beside you for safety otherwise we're going to have our arms up if you're uh with me if you've been with me for a while grab those weights just one or two pounds because it is it gets challenging having the arms up let's do some circles here if you can lift a foot to challenge your balance if you're already finding it challenging just put your foot down let's switch that direction switch feet as well [Music] switch feet having the arms at the side let's bring the hands together and back out [Music] foreign [Music] last one other side keeping the arms doing the same thing [Music] last one switching sides having the arms in front bring the elbows back now really squeeze those elbows back so it's like you're squeezing a water bottle in your shoulder blades hold switch feet and again elbows back switch feet and again one more time [Music] and coming forward okay going back into sorry I've got them written down I want to make sure that I remembered all the exercises so let's bring the hands down we are going to press the hands back working on getting those shoulder blades together bringing the shoulders down so you're just pressing the hands back you can have weights in your light weights in your hand here if you want [Music] thank you [Music] and one more [Music] let's bring the arms in this position you can have light weights here too bringing the hands up so feel that in your back and down we don't recommend using heavy weights here you only want light weights one more and then working on posture as well having the arms here reaching up and trying to think of a wall being against you and you're trying to have your arms go against that wall [Music] and one more [Music] go in front of that chair we're doing one more set of sit to stands if you don't need the chair that's okay you can just do a regular squat so sitting back really pressing those hips back and up [Music] and one more excellent let's go back to a little bit more balance bring the arms up to the side forward side down again [Music] switching feet continuing with that move [Music] last one [Music] and bringing the feet down excellent we are moving on to the flexibility and uh you can relax a little bit here so grabbing your chair let's bring One Foot In Front we are just going to lean forward flat back here [Music] [Music] switching to the other side [Music] I'm bringing one knee onto or one angle onto your knee if you can't you can have your legs like this as well or at your ankles whatever is manageable for you if you can though bring your ankle onto your knee and we're just going to lean forward let's bring our hands forward as well and get in a stretch for our back at the same time you should definitely be feeling this in the hip just relax the arms [Music] and switching to the other side [Music] bringing that foot down we're going to do a little bit of core work here I want you to press on that one leg so press against the leg feel that working right down here okay so feel that so it will lift pressing your hand against your knee [Music] relax switching to the other side [Music] and switch concentrate on the ABS here [Music] other side and one more time each side so keeping your abs flexed here breathing last time on the other side [Music] bringing the hands together in front let's just bring the arms back feeling that through your chest [Music] let's reach up [Music] and the other side [Music] let's bring one arm in front cross that arm in front of the body and pull that arm in for shoulder stretch [Music] switching to the other side [Music] and then bringing the arms down let's just bring the arms out to the side pressing to the walls [Music] having the hands the Palms up just bring the fingers down towards the floor stretch out those biceps let's relax the arms let's just drop the air down to the shoulder [Music] rotating the head forward and to the other side [Music] and looking in front this time just looking over your shoulder and hold and in front other side [Music] and front the stone gently up to the ceiling and then looking down at your lap and hold and looking forward taking a nice deep breath in bring the arms overhead big breath and big breath out [Applause] and that is it thank you for joining me I hope to see you again please remember to hit that like button subscribe and write a comment below to let me know how you found it and I hope to see you again bye everyone [Music] thank you
#Gentle #Impact #AllinOne #Exercises #Seniors #min #equipment #needed
I have started doing your workouts for the last 2 weeks and it is the first time I have been able to stay consistent for this long. Not to much but definitely builds up a sweat, thank you.
Thank You Jules for this wonderful workout!❣💖🙏
Thanks so much for your exercices fit for seniors. Merci beaucoup
Had a hecrtic day so needed something a little slower and not so long. Really felt the benefit. Thank you
Thank you for your excellent easy to follow video. I usually find exercise a chore, but was told by my doctor to find a gentle exercise video. It has only been a few days, but I have enjoyed doing these exercises each morning, and am beginning to feel I have more movement. I will keep it up, and try others in the series. Thank you.
Brilliant workout. At 80 it really helps
Excellent video.
I enjoyed it very much😊
I suffer from fibromyalgia, pain and soreness everywhere, I seen tontolerate your workout out.
Thanks for making it easy
I really enjoyed this . Loved the music too. Thank you!
That was wonderful! Thoroughly enjoyed the squats and leg exercises. I could use weights (light) to match my ability. The balance ones still are the most challenging for me. Thanks Jules loved your smiles and your voice! 🥰
We really liked the 1st 15 minutes of cardio and then core strengthening and then the cool down. We may do the 1st one which was level one with talking. Has 24 videos. We may do the 1st one for a week and then move on to the next. Thank you. Husband has been very interested to start and never has been. He seemed to enjoy it.
We are in our 60s and just started today. We can't get outside for walks but also love the core and stretching. The coordinating moves may help our brain. Lol
great workout thanks much
I am 78, and my husband, who is disabled enough to walk with a cane, is 82. I finally found an exercise video that he will do with me. We started 2 weeks ago today. We follow this video 3 times a week, and we do one of your short balance videos 2 times each week. Seeing improvement already. Thank you so very much for this workout. God bless you.
excellent for getting back into exercising – thank you!
Thank you very much for this video. I haven't done exercises for months and months so was anxious to see how I would keep up and I did well so I am very proud of myself! Thank your for your time, concern, consideration which got me off my couch. I am very grateful!
Nice all around workout in only 30 minutes! This is something I can do every day. Thanks!
سلام چرا این برنامه در جم فیت ماهواره پخش نمیشه؟
لطفا این برنامه مفیدو پخش کنید ممنون
I been following you for a while 😁,but this is what the Dr Ordered 😂, I am a 64 year old woman ,and I love this ,thank you 💞
Absolutely brilliant for me as I have so many disabilities like fibromyalgia and menopause so this exercise routine really helped !! 🎉
Thank you so much for providing an easy and effective way to exercise. I love the January calendar!
A friend recommended your workouts I just did this one and will share it with a friend.
Needing to find low impact exercises after arm surgery. Have been struggling to find something that seemed gentle enough to do to remain active. This was really satisfying and I appreciate your help.
Thanks for showing me this exercise. Doing this exercise everyday has helped me to get healthier.❤❤❤
Thank you so much for your exercise video. Your instructions easy to follow. The exercises are suitable for me and effective. I do it twice a day and I feel very good , my weak knee gets stronger, my balance improved. ❤❤❤❤
Very nice workout. I found it totally by accident. Great workout for me!
Very nice workout. I found it totally by accident. Great workout for me!
Do you have other classes? 😂 love it
Wonderful session. Always enjoy your exercises. I would have liked cardio portion to be about 5 minutes longer. Also more repetitions on the strength portions including a stretch at the end of it. Thanks
I love this! Similar to the classes I take at the ymca, that I can do on the days they aren't offered!
What a kind gentle workout for my first time back to exercise in years. Thank you!
My TOPS calendar suggested looking for low impact exercise today and searching I found you.
Thank you so much for your channel and your time to make these video's.
I did this seated and had a good time 💜
Good session to easy back into exercise
Great exercises but I had to put my own music on with it as this music didn’t make me feel the get up and go feeling.
Hi there, love the exercises! Do you know how many steps this would be? thank you. 🙂
Thank you so much, it’s really a great exercise for me. God Bless you ❤
This cardio is so good. Thank you!!
Thank you for the video, came here for inspiration and saw there was lot of thought put into these exercises to help easing the most common pains. It is very beneficial, look forward to the other videos. Subscribed! ❤
I love your videos so much. I’m 46 and really overweight and out of shape and needed to start with beginner for exercise. I did your 7 day gentle exercises 3 times and now started this one. Looking forward to doing more of your workouts. They are perfect for me. I appreciate you so much!
So glad I’m back. Have done well on low carb loosing weight but at 73 I’m sure I need more strength and moving. Thanks for thinking of us who are not so athletic but want to improve energy!
I had to slow your video down to .75 since I'm just beginning and been recovering from multiple fractures. Just had hardware removed from right arm & elbow last year, etc. Glad I found your channel. 🙏
Wow…I thought this would be easy 🤦♀️😂.
I just found you yesterday…I must’ve been googling senior exercises. I am 67 years old and would like/need to lose at least 65 pounds. I LOVE LOVE LOVE water exercise, but apart from when I use the buoys, not a lot of strength training is happening. Wow did I realize that today! I’m limited in my buoy use with one very bad shoulder (bone on bone😬.) I get discouraged easily as I have so very far to go, and am anxious that it’s too late, that I’ve already so harmed my body due to literally decades of binge eating. Sorry if this is TMI! 3:38
A busy housework day for me. Still, this routine was perfect. I used 1 and 2 lb. weights to add to the cardio, and increased my reps and speed by a lot for those moves that I do well and can afford a challenge. I stayed within, or a tad above, moves that involve those areas of my body that limit me somewhat. This may be a level 1 class, but I always make it my own to meet my current abilities. Your balance exercises are always a challenge, so an occasional toe on the floor to maintain my balance visits me occasionally. Your stretches were delicious. Thanks, Jules!…Anastasia