Spencer’s Morning Beard Routine Revealed | LIVE BEARDED

18 March 2025

Spencer's Morning Beard Routine Revealed | LIVE BEARDED

In this must-see video, Spencer, the co-founder of Live Bearded, takes us through his morning beard grooming routine step by step. If you've ever wondered how to achieve that perfect, well-groomed beard look, Spencer's got you covered.

With years of experience in the beard care industry, Spencer knows all the tips and tricks to keep your beard looking and feeling its best. In this video, he shares his favorite products and techniques for a quick and easy morning routine that will leave you feeling confident and ready to take on the day.

From using the right comb to choosing the perfect beard oil, Spencer walks us through each step of his grooming routine and explains why each product is essential for maintaining a healthy, well-groomed beard. You won't want to miss his expert advice on how to trim and shape your beard to perfection.

Whether you're a seasoned beard veteran or just starting out, this video is a must-watch for anyone looking to up their grooming game. So sit back, relax, and get ready to learn from one of the best in the business.

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Our mission is to help Beardsmen look, feel, and be their best. We are here to support you however we can!

We hope you enjoyed this video! If you did, make sure to subscribe. Don't hesitate to reach out to us at support@livebearded.com with any questions.

Live Bearded, Brother!

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what's up guys my name is Spencer co-founder here at livebearded and this is my morning beard grooming routine over the past decade I have tried countless products routines and techniques to try to find the best beard grooming routine and along the way I've messed up more times than I'd care to admit [Music] no [Music] no no God please no but with all that trial and error I found what really works for me and I know it can help you too for me I like to hit the gym first thing in the morning so I don't technically go through a beard routine when I roll out of bed but I also don't want to look completely disheveled so I do a few quick things before I head out nice first I splash some cold water on my face and beard and then I really work my hands through my beard and skin to massage the hairs to get the bad beard to go away wax on wax off now I'm a side sleeper so this really helps reset my beard a bit without having to shower since I'm heading to the gym then I grab my comb and comb from the bottom up to separate the beard hairs and get them to stick out all crazy followed by some downward Strokes to get them to cooperate and lay down now the final step for me is to hit it with some mustache wax so I'm not eating my mustache at the gym and then I'm out the door yes sure I put on deodorant I brush my teeth I'm not an animal but that is all I do for the beard all right now after I crush a workout or it crushes me I then hit the shower to get ready for the day now I take cold showers and you should too are you serious but if you don't want to take cold showers I get it they aren't the most comfortable I do however recommend that you at least use cold water when you condition your beard as it'll help lock in the conditioner into your beard hairs now since I get sweaty every single day I wash and condition my beard every day three words for you treat yo sell whether you use hot warm or cold water that's entirely up to you but do make sure you rinse thoroughly to get all the wash out as leaving some in there can actually damage your beard after I'm nice and clean I pop out of the shower and I towel dry my beard the goal here is to get about 90 of the water out before I start applying products now if I'm in a hurry and I have a blow dryer available I will snag it and use it on low heat to expedite the drying process if I do so I like to comb up first with a blow dryer following the comb then down to get the hairs to cooperate and just use the dryer to follow the comb from here I apply beard oil to the skin underneath my beard followed by beard butter to the hairs the comb up and down technique that I mentioned before it comes back into play one more time to help distribute the products and get the hairs to really fill out and then pull the hairs down to lay into place now for some of you you might be done here but for me I got to go back and tackle the mustache what is he doing he's beginning to believe so I grabbed my mustache wax and apply it from the middle out twisting my thumb and index or middle finger as I work the wax to the outside of my mustache this really gives me that classic handlebar style and trains the hairs to grow up and out now if you like the idea of having a handlebar mustache but your hairs are a bit unruly try the same technique but use a blow dryer as you twist your mustache to really give the Heat and help train the hairs to curl out and up this entire process truly does only take about five minutes from start to finish because we believe beer grooming doesn't need to be an over complicated process keep it clean keep it moisturized and keep it styled it's amazing what just a few minutes a day can do to give you more confidence in yourself and help you stand out of the crowd I hope you found this video helpful drop a comment and let us know what your morning routine looks like and if you have any questions or need any help creating a routine that works for you don't hesitate to reach out anytime and as always live bearded brother [Music]

#Spencers #Morning #Beard #Routine #Revealed #LIVE #BEARDED


  1. Mmm. My father had a beard for many years in the 70's/80's with zero products/hair dryers. I too have one now and adopt the same minimalist approach. No winging about itching, no (unnatural) 'moisturising'. So why do people believe they need them now when men have had beards for circa 2000 years? They don't. It's just a false need for the 98% who are suckers (and are not manly at all.) Wake up.

  2. Bro really want us to know he hit the gym

  3. Thanks Spencer ! Love the mustache and beard!!

  4. As a female what does having a beard feel like? It looks satisfying

  5. Spencer thanks for the video. My beard tends to curl any advice?

  6. Great video! I have been using Bossman Mudstache, but I just order your mustache wax yesterday because I travel and want the small handheld applicator approach rather than having to dig it out of a jar. I am 74 years old. I have a long Circle Beard with a handlebar. My facial hair no longer grows thick and full like yours. Mine has been a bit of a challenge, but I have found that good products do really made a difference and I do have a daily "routine" that I follow. Thank you for your advice! Ed

  7. Just ordered the sample pack. What one is everyone favorite?

  8. 'i grab my comb' <grabs a brush> lol

  9. I haven’t seen anyone talking about applying sunscreen to their beard.

  10. Too much work especially if u work 14+hrs a day! Be nice too have an all in one product!

  11. Step one: have good genetics
    Step two: ???
    Step three: profit

  12. So I have been doing butter in the morning, wash, and condition in the shower. Then I use oil before I go to bed. Any changes you would make?

  13. Great video my friend, keep up the great work. Could you do a video about how to brush a beard correctly as I'm currently growing a yeard 5 month stage

  14. Great video. I have had a moustache for 45+ years. Have grown the handle bar last 4 months. Fun and lots to learn.

  15. I enjoyed this video thank you man. I go to the gym as well

  16. Helpful…need to find a routine soon.

  17. I learned some new things today. Thanks.

  18. Great video I have a question is it okay to use beard oil once a day? And when brushing your beard is it normal for hair to come out when brushing?

  19. 2:16 I had never tried the blow dryer. Game changer. Used the Tombstone wash/oil/butter combo and I’m all yours now. Take my money! 😃

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