Top HEALTH HABITS For Men Over 40 (6 BEST TIPS FOR 2024!)
If you are a man that is over 40, and you want to get and stay healthy in 2024 then you need to make sure you are following these health habits. Sometimes there can be too much information for men with “best” habits, and it can be detrimental to older men. I am going to give you 6 different habits that you can do consistently to help improve your health and body in 2024.
Just like any new year, the goals of improving your health and fitness might be the goal for you in 2024. Go into the new year with knowledge and plan to help you in your fitness and health journey as a man over 40.
Here are the top health habits for men over 40, to take into 2024:
Make sure to follow these 6 habits going into the new year to improve your health and lifestyle as a man over 40 this coming year!
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four days per week of resistance training which is going to help promote longevity and a high quality of [Music] life hey man Gary Walker here and welcome back for another video in this video I'm going to share some of the top health habits for men over 40 so if you want to get and stay healthy in 2024 then make sure you're following these health habits I'm about to share with you in the pursuit of Optimal Health in 2024 men are presented with a wealth of information on various health habits the unfortunate truth is though that there is too much information and a lot of the information floating around is not only bad information but it can be detrimental to older men I'm going to give you six different things that you can consistently do to completely transform your health and your your body the first is utilizing resistance training now resistance training commonly known as strength or weight training is a Cornerstone of any Comprehensive Health regimen the benefits extend beyond merely building muscle mass first it helps to combat age related muscle loss known as sarcopenia it does this by promoting muscle growth and strength this is crucial for maintaining lean body mass enhancing metabolism and supporting weight management also resistance training improves your bone density reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures the stress imposed on muscles during resistance exercises prompts the release of growth factors and hormones stimulating muscle hypertrophy and enhancing overall physical performance as well resistance training has also been shown to contribute to improved insulin sensitivity reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes the key to getting them the most out of this type of training is prioritizing compound movements now engaging in compound movements like squats beninge presses back rows and shoulder presses amplifies these benefits squats Target the lower body including the quads and glutes promoting functional strength and stability now binge presses they work the chest the shoulders and triceps enhancing upper body strength back rows strengthen your overall posterior muscles promoting posture and even preventing injuries and shoulder presses Target the deltoids improving overall shoulder strength and stability I typically recommend four days per week of resistance training which is going to help promote longevity and a high quality of life all right now let's move on to the next crucial habit and that's eat Whole Foods nutrition plays a pivotal role in maintaining health and the emphasis on consuming Whole Foods is more critical than ever Whole Foods like fruits veggies lean proteins and whole grains provide essential nutrients in their natural form promoting optimal physiological functioning there have been numerous studies that highlight the advantages of a diet rich in Whole Foods over the process Alternatives now Whole Foods offer a wide array of vitamins minerals antioxidants and fiber that contribute to cardiovascular health immune function and even your weight management also the anti-inflammatory properties of many Whole Foods can mitigate the risk of some chronic diseases the key point with this habit though is not only should you incorporate Whole Foods daily but these Whole Foods should actually replace the processed foods you usually eat now processed foods should only be eaten in moderation with most of your meals coming from Whole nutrient-dense Foods now to piggyback off of this habit I want to add a pro tip on one of the most crucial macronutrients for us older guys men over 40 need to prioritize protein in their daily meals to optimize muscle hypertrophy and fat metabolism in men 40 and over a Paramount focus on protein intake is going to be imperative the physiological changes associated with aging include a decline in muscle protein synthesis and increase in fat mass protein being a critical macronutrient from muscle protein synthesis and maintenance assumes a pivotal role in combating age related muscle loss a higher protein intake preferably distributed evenly across meals becomes essential to stimulate protein synthesis and promote positive nitrogen balance also protein's thermogenic effect AIDS in fat loss by enhancing energy expenditure during digestion and Metabolism I typically recommend 08 to one gram of protein per pound of your goal weight this ensures you have enough to maximize your hormone profile recover from intense workouts and optimize protein synthesis okay now the next important habit is to make sure you are consistently doing some type of moderate intensity cardio this is cardiovascular fitness for longevity cardiovascular health is synonymous with longevity and moderate intensity cardio exercises are integr to achieving and maintaining optimal cardiovascular fitness now moderate intensity cardio like brisk walking cycling or swimming elevates heart rate and breathing without inducing excessive strain making it sustainable for most men over 40 improve cardiovascular health enhance mood through the release of endorphins and weight management are among the numerous benefits and advantages additionally regular cardio exercise has has been associated with a reduced risk of heart disease stroke and even certain types of cancer I would recommend engaging in at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity cardio per week this can be achieved through activities like daily walks jogging or even cycling okay another important habit for you to implement is to stay active throughout the day man this will help combat sedentary Lifestyles Beyond scheduled exercise sessions combating sedentary behavior is crucial for your overall health prolonged periods of sitting have been linked to various health issues including obesity cardiovascular disease and muscular skeletal problems simple strategies like taking short breaks to stand up and stretch using a standing desk or opting for stairs instead of elevators can significantly contribute to maintaining an active lifestyle wearable Fitness devices and trackers that remind you to move at regular intervals have also gained popularity in promoting consistent physical activity throughout the day as well to ensure a healthy 2024 incorporate some active commuting methods and consider walking or standing meetings these practices not only enhance physical well-being but also boost cognitive function and productivity now for the last but in my opinion imperative Habit to consist stantly follow keep a progress Journal this is for monitoring and motivation maintaining a progress Journal is a practical and scientifically supported approach to achieving health goals a progress Journal serves as a comprehensive record of your fitness journey including workout achievements dietary habits and your overall well-being this practice is rooted in Behavioral Science leveraging the power of self-monitoring and reflection to drive positive change now scientific studies indicate that people who keep a progress Journal are more likely to adhere to their health habits and Achieve sustainable results the act of documenting daily activities nutritional choices and exercise routines Foster self-awareness and accountability additionally reviewing past entries provides valuable insights into patterns successes and ER areas that require Improvement so knowing this you should be encouraged to start and maintain a progress Journal Tracking not only physical activities but also emotional well-being your sleep patterns and your stress levels this simple habit ensures a comprehensive understanding of factors influencing health and facilitates informed adjustments to your Wellness Plan all right there you have it six habits that can completely transform your life let's close out the year on a good note and get ready to have the best year yet thank you so much for watching and as always get busy get after it and God bless
So much great USEFUL information 💪🏾 Thank you sir
Thank you for this video.
Good advice! Thanks for the reminder Gary.
This is really really beginner 101 info ….any advanced information
I’ve transformed my self at now nearly 60years old by adding intermittent fasting to my resistance training work up to eat in a six hour window mid day to 6or 7 pm get 16/18 hours with out eating it will boost your T levels and help give you a much healthier gut bacteria you will shift that last 8/10 pound of fat and get a six pack you have ALLWAYS wanted .what you eat is imperative for weight loss and muscle gain I eat plenty of meat fish eggs at least four eggs a day some green veg grass fed butter olive oil only 1 small snack a day nuts some dark chocolate try to have very low sugar ,not many carbs I’ve found that high fats not cheap oils help your body burn fat better cut out milk and cereals chips crisps white bread the biggest mistake I’ve made is not doing this 30 years ago .
Пиво можно, значит.
Let’s do it guys 💪