UFH Flushing with @MilwaukeeTool transfer pump #heating #heatpump #plumbing

20 February 2024

UFH Flushing with @MilwaukeeTool transfer pump #heating #heatpump #plumbing

so we're just doing some underf floor heating and a bungalow we're doing um and there's no electric on so to pressurize it and flush the loot FL uh I've actually rigged up my Milwaukee transfer pump just say it's working so we got transfer pump there out of a bucket and then we've got a filter on that Inlet there so we got no dirty water you see the manifolds there see little solution you got me walking F you that

#UFH #Flushing #MilwaukeeTool #transfer #pump #heating #heatpump #plumbing


1 Comment
  1. Mate, when doing UFH, you need to sleeve the loop bends as they come out the Floor at the manifolds. Luv Dick Puller

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