3 Best Adaptogens for Anxiety #shorts

26 March 2025

3 Best Adaptogens for Anxiety #shorts

3 Best Adaptogens for Anxiety #shorts

Dr. Janine shares the three best adaptogens for anxiety. She talks about how ginseng is great for having that adaptogenic effect and balancing stress levels throughout the day. She looks at how maca is great for balancing cortisol, and other hormones. Lastly, Dr. Janine explains how ashwagandha is probably the most well known adaptogen to help with feelings of stress and anxiety.

Links to supplements mentioned in this short
Maca –
Vitatree Women’s Formula: https://us.vitatree.com/womens-formula/
Vitatree Men’s Formula: https://us.vitatree.com/mens-formula/
Ashwagandha –
Vitatree Thyroid Support: https://us.vitatree.com/thyroid-support/
Vitatree CoQ10 + BP: https://us.vitatree.com/coq10-plus-bp/

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-Online every Tuesday at 11am EST
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BeStill By Dr. Janine ND: https://www.youtube.com/@bestilldrjanine

#adaptogens #anxiety #stress


if you are struggling with a lot of stress and anxiety here are the three best adaptogens for anxiety and adaptogens help our body react to stress or adapt okay and number three is ginseng so ginseng is great as that adaptogenic effect helping our body to react to our cortisol levels and our stresses throughout the day number two on the list is maca I love Maca great for balancing cortisol and our stress levels but also great for both men and women for things like libido and balancing the other hormones like estrogen progesterone and testosterone and number one as you probably may have guessed ashwagandha ashwagandha is probably the most well-known adaptogen love it for Stress and Anxiety follow for more natural health tips

#Adaptogens #Anxiety #shorts


  1. Sipping ice chilled beer 🍺 is a super effective method of stress relief.

  2. Aswgandha makes me sick. My sugar dropped suddenly

  3. Aswgandha makes me sick. My sugar dropped suddenly

  4. Can you take ashwagandha long term?

  5. I was waiting for wild lettuce

  6. Can i drink them in a warm drink? With cacao for example

  7. 1.Ashwaganda 2.Maca 3.Ginseng

  8. These Adaptogen do work for me, much better than prescription antidepressants

  9. Be careful of Ashwagandha if you have thryoid issues.


  11. Do these help with twiching in lower stomach after stressful day. Even some excersise give me this.

  12. Are these products available all together and where to buy them

  13. This is how short skirts need to be now??? I can’t even listen to her. I’m sorry.

  14. anything good to help deal with an intelligent and gorgeous woman giving a talk on how to be as healthy as possible, excellent short gorgeous…thanks, love the way you say Ashwagonda and Maca darlin

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