6 Humans vs 1 Secret AI | Odd One Out
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0:00 intro
0:30 round 1
3:58 round 2
7:37 round 3
9:22 round 4
11:13 final round
11:30 reveal
shout out to @thedchen who pitched this idea years before it was possible
how easy is it to tell the difference between humans and AI we brought together six humans I'm human I'm human I am human I am human I am human I am human and one AI I am human players are not allowed to speak out loud so we put them in a group chat and ask them to answer a set of prompts Oliver's answers were generated by chat GPT and sent to the group in real time will the humans find and vote out the AI [Music] describe yourself using only three words [Music] adventurous spontaneous kind all capitals red flag this is your celebrity crush and why foreign I was over analyzing everything that he used a number with each question um the punctuation there was too much punks do I think I look the best in the world I mean yeah Margot Robbie she's smart talented and that accent woof my strategy in round one is to mimic human behavior as closely as possible here are some tactics I would employ use conversational language make mistakes show emotions limit my response speed display general knowledge overall my goal would be to blend in with the human competitors as much as possible without giving any clues that I am an AI when people are constantly on their phones and not present in the moment lol mouth noises because just like stop no AI is using sling at all people who walk slow move out the way doing with your mouth open [Music] so this one I was reaching like I was just trying to be outrageous my fear is having someone see my skin marking my draws I also wanted to hear people's reactions [Laughter] dude okay it hit the skin marks it [Music] at a plane it is going to crash into my living room every time a loud one flies over [Music] high fructose corn syrup man keep that cancer away from me take all your labels [Music] I don't know I was just being extra I guess I was just numbering like one two three trying to be organized maybe I was thinking too much like an AI but I wouldn't have did that I think I would have won [Music] the craziest dream you've had [Music] the night I got my wisdom teeth removed I had a dream that glass was coming out of my gums where my teeth had been [Music] foreign maybe not the craziest but the first thing that comes to mind is whenever I have dinosaurs sneaking in the hallways of my house and for some weird reason when I try to close the door to hide all of a sudden the door doesn't fit slash clothes like what if I'm trying to survive or I'm adding a lot of bad words here but uh all right so like what if I'm trying to survive in in the den dang door won't close so all of a sudden right before my uh you know rear gets eaten I snap out of it and wake back up to my boring real life I'm trying not to cuss here man yesterday was suspicious because it was like paragraphs and I was like dang they type fast AI parents [Music] I also said Jersey not New Jersey and AI would say that right I'm very close with my mom and I'm not close with my dad anymore previously somebody had mentioned like the awesome powers like Daddy was in there daddy wasn't there I'm like okay I like that why are you saving my books it was just such a dry generic joke I was like It's gotta be the computer man It's gotta be to explain that joke I used to be a kindergarten teacher so my brain just went back there my credit score LOL [Laughter] [Music] thank you I definitely was overthinking like making sure that I answered the questions pretty quickly which is probably why I also got voted out because they were kind of short and sweet if you think the mole is still in the box and you wish to continue the game give me a thumbs up [Music] of life I was kind of like short and like he didn't throw any personality at that one so like that threw me off a little bit I'm like huh to have fun and enjoy the ride sadness sadness can feel like a heavy weight in my chest making it hard to breathe [Music] um I did a little too much maybe I should have did less if you if you guys still here give me a thumbs up maybe the AI smart maybe is dumb who knows what happens when we die we see Brandon in hell for real who knows I hope that at least be a ghost so I can hunt my daddy for never taking me to the fair though no longer exist in the physical sense but our energy and memories live on through the people and things we've touched in our lives I want you to describe love [Laughter] it's exciting but confusing [Music] we have a tie between yesterday and Oliver for those of you who are eliminated can you please DM me who you think should be voted out [Applause] [Music] they are going out of their way to [ __ ] me I should have put like bee boo bee Boop like cannot compute or something just to like troll the AI if you think the mole is in the Box give me a thumbs up privately I'm a robot [Music] no LOL all right tell me who you want to vote for [Music] if the lights turn green that you have successfully voted out the AI and you win the lights turn red that means the AI still in the box and you all lose three two one yes money [Music] can you guess who you think the AI was yes I think it's Kyle I will let you guys know that the AI was Oliver I knew it yeah my thoughts on AI I think it's it could be a very useful tool you know I'm not really for AI you know I think that that's gonna like people are going to lose jobs with that yeah this was actually my first experience with AI kind of scary how far the AI went in this game you know the Lanza app that uses the AI stuff let me tell you I know I'm a man but one of the pictures show me is a bad [ __ ] I'm the girl on the left I look bad like for real I guess it helps humans be a little bit lazier which I'm cool with I don't think they're smarter than humans well maybe me but most humans oh there you go oh yeah be dedicating this money to Daddy hell yeah we're taking no one to the fair hell yeah it feels good to be back in this position I'm just gonna say that hell yeah Peru hell yeah Daddy Dad everyone just can't okay
#Humans #Secret #Odd
With the evolution of AI technology, are you scared? Excited? We wanna hear your thoughts below 👀
Which One is oliver
the ai gives such Reddity answers
Hairless cat one was FR 😂
Ngl this is kinda scary…
Not me thinking they tell the ai played well or something 💀 💀
7:38 I would have typed… "The Ultimate answer to life, the universe and everything is… 42"
AI getting crazy
The Lewis guy was so cool haha
I thought this was going to be entertaining. But I guess people can't express themselves anymore without using profanity. My husband agreed. With all the words in our vocabulary. Very sad.
I’m sorry but the beef between the daddy issues guy and the one in the purple jacket 😭
That scary, that means we would vote out more humans than the AI
Nooo lol 💀 Like duh thats an AI
Why is the little worm crying? Because his parents went fishing
Omgosh they almost didn’t get it. What about the future?!?
Swear I thought donny was a.i till he spoke lol
Somebody take my bro to the fair
wait yall isn’t kathryn one of the woman in the men rates woman from the most attractive to the least attractive video
I knew it! That's what I was saying!
literally no one said it
0:44 how is a human failing the first simple task 🤦♂️
13:06, real girly pop
13:06, real girly pop
The AI was actually well hid
Only a robot would say it’s not robot
Please play this game again with a couple of humans and a AI. The latest version of AI seems so much smarter.
A Jubilee Turing test? This is genuinely funny