AI Automation: Complete Beginners Guide

28 February 2025

AI Automation: Complete Beginners Guide

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Today we look at how to run any ChatGPT prompt automatically.


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today I’ll be showing you how to begin automating away your tasks with the power of AI just like so I’ll be creating a super basic three-step automation where we use the power of jet GPT to complete some of your work the example I’ll be using here is a simple email subject line generation but by following these steps I’m confident you’ll be able to create hundreds of others so let’s get into it step one will be heading over to and no code automation tool that makes this super user friendly you’re going to need an account here so just click sign up and I personally use Google to log in here I am inside of my account the main thing you need to know is that every single automation task is calculated as one zap so as you can see right here I use the 399 zaps this month so the first few weeks are free and then you need to pay for this but what you’re paying for is quite powerful because if I go up here and click create zap I’m creating a brand new automation that is going to run 24 7 and complete everything that triggers it and that brings me to the first point you need to understand the concept of a trigger think of it as a row of dominoes and the trigger is the very first one it’s what sets the whole thing in motion so in our case we’ll pick one of my favorite and most universal triggers we’re going to set it up so that every time I drag and drop a new file into a folder on my computer it’s going to start the Automation in my case we’ll do that with Dropbox because that’s what I use but you could use Google Drive or any other of the 5000 plus apps that triggers appear okay so as I have the Dropbox app installed I have all these folders locally and what I’ll do is I’ll just go into my auto Hub AI Advantage here this is where I manage some of my automations so in here I’ll just say new folder and I’ll just say YouTube test and very simple in here I’ll create two folders one which I’ll call Drop Zone emails and I called it that because that’s where we’re going to be dropping the emails into and the second one is called subject lines and that’s where I want AI to generate some subject lines based on the emails I put here okay so that’s the plan and the theory but now let’s turn this into reality so as mentioned first we need the trigger to let the software know hey it’s time to start the Automation and the event that we’ll be making that happen is first of all Dropbox right here and here’s my first beginner tip you always just go top to bottom so right here you see Dropbox that we just selected that’s perfect next up we need to pick the event that is going to be triggering this and conveniently so I’ll just say new file in folder so when a new file in a folder appears this automation starts say continue and we need to choose an account now I linked it multiple times but this is the account that I use I’ll click continue okay and again top to bottom we’re just gonna pick what’s necessary so first of all this is my team space not in my personal one so this is just something I know and when I had to folder I just need to navigate to the correct folder which is in the autohub AI advantage and then inside of there we can already see the YouTube test perfect and in here remember this is the trigger that starts the automation so want the trigger to start when a new file in the Dropbox folder appears and the folder that I want to use to trigger this automation is the Drop Zone emails right so that’s essentially it I can just click continue and now I could move on to setting up our actions but I always like to test my automations so what I’m gonna do for that I’m just gonna take one of these random AI generated emails in a text file and I’m just going put this inside of the drops on so now we can actually test it right okay so I’m going to press test trigger and it should find this brand new file no file found let’s try again give it a bit of time amazing there you go look at that free services automail.txt free services automail.txt found it so as you can see zapier here picks up everything inside of that file here’s the entire content right so now I can keep going and use this let’s just say continue with selected records and here we get into the interesting part so now that we set up the trigger this is the second and last part you need to understand it’s actions once you trigger an automation you can make as many actions as you desire happen in this case we’re going to be adding two one is going to be using chatgpt and the second one is going to be saving the results okay so let’s start with chat GPT very simple I just type in chat GPT here there you go and as per usual we have to pick an event so right here I just click event and here you just want to use conversation this is a basic conversation with chatgpt click continue pick my open AI account that’s perfect and right here there’s a few Fields but I want you to ignore most of them what matters here is first of all the user message which is the prompt that you will be sending to chatgpt and also down here the model matters right so if you click model we can change this we’re going to head on over to model and I’m going to be using gpt4 for this like so everything else will leave as it is all we need to do is write out a prompt so I’ll just head on over to my free ebook that comes with signing up to my newsletter and I’ll just click this one explore email subjects so you could just take one of these presets but I’m going to customize this to my own needs by starting with the formula because I want this to solve my very specific problems right I’ll just post the form line here and as per usual we’ll just replace these words in Brackets so I’ll just say generate five email subject lines YouTube video announcement two AI enthusiasts and actually I’ll just remove the last part so again you could literally use any prompt here on this YouTube channel alone you’ll find hundreds of examples of useful ones and here’s the best part if I’m doing this automatically I can actually use the email from the previous step inside of my prompt super easily all I’ll do here is go into a new line and say email call then by scrolling down you’ll see that from step one I actually get to reuse the text right here file text and as you can see this is the content of the text file that we dropped in there as an example so simply I’ll click this and now it’s going to run this prompt with gpt4 and then also insert the email from the previous step so it’s going to generate five email subject lines and it’s going to include the email that this is for and that’s really it right here all I need to do is Click continue we can quickly test the action and what this should do now is generate five subject lines as you can see this is our prompt right here on the user message and as expected we have the entire email in here and it’s already done so let’s scroll down and have a look at what it did yep here’s the content five subject line so this is perfect this is exactly what I was looking for but we’re missing one last step I want to save this to a file and now you could take a lot of routes here you could save this to Excel sheet you could send this out by email I’m just gonna go with the simple step of saving it to different folder inside of the Dropbox so I’m going to add another action by clicking plus pick Dropbox as the app choose an event and I’m gonna say create text file super simple continue Yep this is the correct account continue again and as before I just need to fill out where I want to put this so remember we created the second folder called subject line so this is exactly where I want it so I’m just going to navigate there this is in my team space in the automation Hub inside of YouTube test and then the subject lines folder perfect so now it asks me for two more things first of all what’s the file name and secondly what’s the file content gonna be so file name super simple again I’ll just borrow a part of step one I’ll use the original file name and then I’ll say underscore Auto subject and this well know this is automatically generated file and then the very last step is the file content and what is the content of this file well it’s the result of the chat GPT step right that’s why I need to go to my second step and here this might be a little less obvious you just need to scroll down a little bit you always want the assistant response message this one right here always on the right and non-bold characters you can see the example of what that would include because we tested our steps and by clicking more it just becomes obvious these of the five subject lines perfect I’ll just click this and that is it I’ll just click continue I can test the action and now new files should appear inside of the folder that’s it it works and that is it I just press publish and now I have this automation running 24 7. I only use up zaps whenever this gets activated and right here the final test I’ll just drag and drop this file into the folder and that’s my automation is running within two minutes it will scan the folder and automatically run the two actions of using chatgpt and saving the output to the new folder there it is did you see that and now you can go ahead and customize this you can choose from thousands of apps with tens of thousands of triggers and all kinds of action but now you know how to use the power of chat GPT automatically and everything that we discussed on this channel just became so much more powerful because after this one time setup you can make it work for you forever okay and if you want to learn more about automations check out the first link in the description below and if you want a video that shows you what else you could automate with this technique check out this one right here I’ll see you there

#Automation #Complete #Beginners #Guide


  1. is this just like the vintage batch file ? thank you

  2. In six months there will be 10,000,000 automation programs online so paying for them will be a thing of the past. All of them will end up being ad based just like Search Engines are today, but were tried as fee based in 1998. What happened when everything went to being ad based? The largest collapse of the stock market in history took place, with the nasdaq dropping over 80%. Today, for those who have their heads in their behinds, and do not pay attention to the current stock market valuations, they are all currently higher relative to corporate earnings than at anytime in history. Look at charts of the Wilshire index, or Market values to actual GDP. A simple readjustment to the 25 year mean moving average has the Nasdaq wiping out trillions in fake valuations created through the printing of money instead of organic growth. A massive collapse is coming. It is unavoidable. So where does that leave Ai? It will, in a nutshell, give companies an efficiency boost. Those who don’t use it will suffer or struggle or go bust. Those which do will simply have the ability to hire less labor. That is where your focus or your selling point needs to be. Simply tell your customers that by allowing our automations in, you have a company running on less People, supplies, equipment, insurances, power, phone, and operational costs. As an automation builder, your goal needs to only be 250K per years simply because that puts you In the top 1 % globally, and affords your all you need, especially if rented when needed, and never bought, allowing the flexibility of life that those tied to assets which are either forever depreciating in value never have. Case in point, I have relatives worth millions of dollars who work 60 hours+ a week, and rarely spend $100/year, and are always in poor health and stressed to the max. I make about 180K, and rarely if ever stress about anything, because my investments pay all of my bills, because I put everything in a sense on automation. Your goals should be freedom, and flexibility, and never things which tie you to accountability and management. Food for thought.

  3. I want more help I use ai but I want to use it in business as a side income

  4. I wouldn’t trust any third party, any tips for localized AI?

  5. I don't understand ahhahaha what's the purpose of doing these?

  6. i couldnt understand shit… the only people who would understand this video are people who already know how the apps work.. through out the video u mentioned trigger and i cant even find that on the ziper site… you cant say a video is for beginers and then go ahead and then go ahead to explain like we already have a knowledge of what youre talking about…

  7. Is there Any Book to Learn Automation ?

  8. Hey can you advise which feature to get if I'm creating a language chatbot. Thanks

  9. zapier is intergrated with many other platforms that helps user to easily complete their projects

  10. Very informative guide for beginners in AI automation! This is a great starting point for anyone looking to dive into AI. #AIAutomation #BeginnersGuide #TechLearning

  11. This analysis of AI automation is excellent! I now know how to simplify my tasks. Are you looking for a platform to automate processes? SmythOS provides a large selection of automation options.

  12. Thanks so much for sharing this valuable content

  13. SmythOS and other automation solutions can completely transform the way you operate.this video was wonderful thanks for making
    #AITools #SmythOS

  14. Are you open for some assignments. How to connect with you.

  15. This is all new for me and so confuse

  16. I like this but I don’t like paying for anything but I suppose it make sense

  17. Great video bro, so concise!! Do you use this to automate your video titles and descriptions?

  18. openai should just purchase zapier tbh

  19. Hey igor I consider buying your Master GPT Course for quite a while now… I understand and see the value there and also the price is completely understandable but as student quite critical to afford. So i wanted to ask you… Can you offer a student promo code which gives some discount… ? Regards and thank you so much for all your work you put in your content to make an impact

  20. Zapier get expensive very fast…

  21. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

    00:00 🤖 This video teaches beginners how to automate tasks using AI.
    00:42 💡 A trigger is the event that starts an automation process in Zapier.
    01:09 📂 The video demonstrates how to set up a trigger using Dropbox to start the automation process.
    03:30 👥 After the trigger is set, actions are performed in response to the trigger. In this case, ChatGPT and saving results are used as actions.
    04:12 🔋 The video shows how to set up ChatGPT as an action in Zapier, allowing for customized prompts and conversation generation.
    05:52 💾 The video demonstrates how to save the results of the ChatGPT action to a text file in a different folder using Dropbox.
    07:17 ⚙️ Once the automation is set up, it can run 24/7, performing the specified actions whenever the trigger is activated.

    Made with HARPA AI

  22. This, is AWESOME!!! You can very easily connect this to your CRM and have your emails written and created just by dropping a file in a folder!!!


  23. So instead of just creating an email title yourself, first you create this automation, pay zapier (each zap), pay openai (API), copy your email into a text file, drag it into a folder, open the text that was generated, copy that as the title of an email.

    Yep AI Automation saves so much time!!!!!!!! 🫠

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