Deep Learning | What is Deep Learning? | Deep Learning Tutorial For Beginners | 2023 | Simplilearn
🔥Artificial Intelligence Engineer (IBM) –
🔥IITK – Professional Certificate Course in Generative AI and Machine Learning (India Only) –
🔥Purdue – Post Graduate Program in AI and Machine Learning –
🔥IITG – Professional Certificate Program in Generative AI and Machine Learning (India Only) –
🔥Caltech – AI & Machine Learning Bootcamp (US Only) –
This video on What is Deep Learningprovides a fun and simple introduction to its concepts. We learn about where Deep Learning is implemented and move on to how it is different from machine learning and artificial intelligence. We will also look at what neural networks are and how they are trained to recognize digits written by hand. We further look at some popular applications of Deep Learning. So, let’s dive into the world of Deep Learning with this video.
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Why Deep Learning?
It is one of the most popular software platforms used for Deep Learning and contains powerful tools to help you build and implement artificial neural networks.
Advancements in Deep Learning are being seen in smartphone applications, creating efficiencies in the power grid, driving advancements in healthcare, improving agricultural yields, and helping us find solutions to climate change. According to, the median salary for engineers with Deep Learning skills tops $120,000 per year.
➡️About AI & Machine Learning Bootcamp
The AI and Machine Learning Program provides Caltech CTME’s academic prowess to help you accelerate your data science career. Statistics, Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Supervised Learning are all included in this AI and Machine Learning Bootcamp.
✅Key Features
– Earn up to 22 CEUs from Caltech CTME
– Earn a bootcamp certificate from Caltech CTME
– Caltech CTME Circle Membership
– Online convocation by Caltech CTME Program Director
– Industry-relevant Capstone projects in 3 domains
– 25+ hands-on projects across industry verticals with integrated labs
✅Skills Required
– Statistics
– Python
– Supervised Learning
– Unsupervised Learning
– Recommendation Systems
– Neural Networks
– GANs
– Deep Learning
Learn more at:
ever wondered how google translates an entire web page to a different language in a matter of seconds or your phone gallery group’s images based on their location all of this is a product of deep learning but what exactly is deep learning deep learning is a subset of machine learning which in turn is a subset of artificial intelligence artificial intelligence is a technique that enables a machine to mimic human behavior machine learning is a technique to achieve ai through algorithms trained with data and finally deep learning is a type of machine learning inspired by the structure of the human brain in terms of deep learning this structure is called an artificial neural network let’s understand deep learning better and how it’s different from machine learning say we create a machine that could differentiate between tomatoes and cherries if done using machine learning we’d have to tell the machine the features based on which the two can be differentiated these features could be the size and the type of stim on them with deep learning on the other hand the features are picked out by the neural network without human intervention of course that kind of independence comes at the cost of having a much higher volume of data to train our machine now let’s dive into the working of neural networks here we have three students each of them write down the digit 9 on a piece of paper notably they don’t all write it identically the human brain can easily recognize the digits but what if a computer had to recognize them that’s where deep learning comes in here’s a neural network trained to identify handwritten digits each number is present as an image of 28 times 28 pixels now that amounts to a total of 784 pixels neurons the core entity of a neural network is where the information processing takes place each of the 784 pixels is fed to a neuron in the first layer of our neural network this forms the input layer on the other end we have the output layer with each neuron representing a digit with the hidden layers existing between them the information is transferred from one layer to another over connecting channels each of these has a value attached to it and hence is called a weighted channel all neurons have a unique number associated with it called bias this bias is added to the weighted sum of inputs reaching the neuron which is then applied to a function known as the activation function the result of the activation function determines if the neuron gets activated every activated neuron passes on information to the following layers this continues until the second last layer the one neuron activated in the output layer corresponds to the input digit the weights and bias are continuously adjusted to produce a well-trained network so where is deep learning applied in customer support when most people converse with customer support agents the conversation seems so real they don’t even realize that it’s actually a bot on the other side in medical care neural networks detect cancer cells and analyze mri images to give detailed results self-driving cars what seem like science fiction is now a reality apple tesla and nissan are only a few of the companies working on self-driving cars so deep learning has a vast scope but it too faces some limitations the first as we discussed earlier is data while deep learning is the most efficient way to deal with unstructured data a neural network requires a massive volume of data to train let’s assume we always have access to the necessary amount of data processing this is not within the capability of every machine and that brings us to our second limitation computational power training in neural network requires graphical processing units which have thousands of cores as compared to cpus and gpus are of course more expensive and finally we come down to training time deep neural networks take hours or even months to train the time increases with the amount of data and number of layers in the network so here’s a short quiz for you arrange the following statements in order to describe the working of a neural network a the bias is added b the weighted sum of the inputs is calculated c specific neuron is activated d the result is fed to an activation function leave your answers in the comments section below three of you stand a chance to win amazon vouchers so hurry some of the popular deep learning frameworks include tensorflow pytorch keras deep learning 4j cafe and microsoft cognitive toolkit considering the future predictions for deep learning and ai we seem to have only scratched the surface in fact horus technology is working on a device for the blind that uses deep learning with computer vision to describe the world to the users replicating the human mind at the entirety may be not just an episode of science fiction for too long the future is indeed full of surprises and that is deep learning for you in short if you enjoyed this video do like and share it also subscribe to our channel if you haven’t yet as we have a lot more exciting videos coming up fun learning till then
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🔥Caltech Post Graduate Program In AI And Machine Learning –
🔥IITK – Professional Certificate Course in Generative AI and Machine Learning (India Only) –
🔥Purdue – Post Graduate Program in AI and Machine Learning –
🔥IITG – Professional Certificate Program in Generative AI and Machine Learning (India Only) –
🔥Caltech – AI & Machine Learning Bootcamp (US Only) –
B 👉A👉C👉D.
B. The weighted sum of inputs is calculated
A. The Bias is added
D. The result is fed to an activation function
C. Specific Neuron is activated
Absolutely fantastic video! Your clear explanations made complex concepts feel so approachable. Looking forward to more insightful content from your channel 🙂
B-> A->D->C
B – A-D-C
kingu kingu
B, A, D, then C
B, A, D & C
And .
thanks for the lesson. just turn off the music in the background and you`re good
Good info!!!
Thank you so much!!! 👏
i'm interested in ai, i am happy to find this vidio. After watching the video on deep learning, I was truly amazed by the capabilities of this technology. Deep learning involves training neural networks with multiple layers to process and understand complex data. It's fascinating how these networks can learn from vast amounts of data and make accurate predictions.
One thing that struck me was the concept of feature extraction. Deep learning models can automatically learn relevant features from the data.
Very good episode
God bless u
Answer is b-a-d-c
C)The Specific Neuron is added
B) The Bias is added
A)The weighted sum of input is calculated
D)The Result is Feed to an Activation Function
B. The weighted sum of inputs is calculated
A. The Bias is added
D. The result is fed to an activation function
C. Specific Neuron is activated
Debleena Sinha India thanks for sharing informative video Grateful Thankyou to YouTube management staff and employees for loved ones