Foods to Eat vs. Foods to Avoid: PCOS EditionWith OB/GYN Dr. Michael Baracy #pcos

17 March 2025

Foods to Eat vs. Foods to Avoid: PCOS EditionWith OB/GYN Dr. Michael Baracy #pcos

Disclaimer: Every individual with PCOS is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. This information is for general guidance only. Please consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice tailored to your specific needs. Always seek professional medical guidance before making changes to your diet or treatment plan.

#NutritionTips #Health #HormoneBalance #PCOSAwareness #MedicalCare #Houston #Texas #DoctorAdvice #PCOSDiet #WomenHealth #HealthyLiving #HormoneHealth #ThisOrThat #LeftOrRight #Figs #PCOSHealth

#Foods #Eat #Foods #Avoid #PCOS #EditionWith #OBGYN #Michael #Baracypcos


  1. Disclaimer: Every individual with PCOS is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. This information is for general guidance only. Please consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice tailored to your specific needs. Always seek professional medical guidance before making changes to your diet or treatment plan.

  2. You definitely need red meat if you are blood type O.

  3. I can’t tell if I have it or not because I have an eating disorder as well so I’m definitely not obese. I have acne, severe depression and anxiety and mood swings and I never feel like myself and my period hasn’t come in like half a year?-

  4. Avoid steak????????????????? Avoid potatoes????????? Avoid my foot in your face how bout that??
    How about we avoid whatever new age bullshit causes us pcos maybe vaccines or processed food! If something is wrong with me that I can’t eat live stock the live stock IS NOT THE PROBLEM THE CAUSE OF THE DISEASE IS, MAHA MAHA MAHA!!!

  5. @KenDBerryMD 😮 no red meat

  6. So basically I have to give up happiness and joy 😟

  7. I’m currently in the process of getting tested for PCOS, and diabetes, and I’m terrified… I haven’t even turned 20.. I’m only 19! I started thinking I had PCOS when I noticed facial hair and armpit hair excessively growing. And my periods are irregular, sometimes I even don’t get my period for as long as 43 days! My periods are usually super heavy at the start, then suddenly go extremely light, without warning. I have a breast cyst, acne, thinning hair, and a velvety patch of skin on my jaw. I will find out for sure if I have diabetes or PCOS in a few weeks, but I’m scared… please pray for me..

  8. But potato is my love😢😢

  9. Straight from the text book 😂

  10. Can I eat grapes? I have pcos

  11. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 thanks

  12. I have potato addiction tho

  13. Last time I literally scrolled up and now I got diagnosed with it , idk should I cry or laugh 😂

  14. What I shouldn't be eating but still do😑

  15. I’m so sad , I just found out I have pcos and I love potatoes and red meat 😭😭😭😭😭

  16. Me watching this with pcos and eating a chocolate chip cookie. I normally don't but, its friday, i refuse to be unhappy about a cookie here and there.

  17. Best way to manage pcos is following healthy routine, diet , exercise, sun bath.
    I manage pcos and endometriosis by working on it here is share my breakfast recipe which i mostly ate, it's healthy and tasty.

  18. I love these videos 🙂💜

  19. So eat healthy. Bad food giving us PCOS and other hormonal issues.

  20. Its really bad to have pcos…

  21. I have MCAS with PCOS. Finding safe foods to eat for my MCAS that are also good for the other condition is hard.

  22. Don’t have PCOS, but red meat agrees with me, I feel energized, stronger, I have a clear mind. When I eat beans I feel sick, bloated, and cranky. I hate how red meat, a food people have been eating for centuries is so stigmatized. Recent studies have shown that white carbs are the main contributors of high cholesterol.

  23. I will die for yellow potatoes

  24. Why not red meat? Especially since some on carnivore said it improved or eliminated PCOS symptoms?

  25. Considering how my PCOS is responsible for my low iron, not eating red meat sounds contraproductive

  26. Lower your carbs and other sugars❤

  27. Naw, potatoes are healthy, with a long list of reasons why. That's what I thought… check it out.

  28. Oh, how I wish I knew this 32 years ago. I was setting myself up for diabetes and had no clue. 😢

  29. Why can't you eat red meat if you have PCOS

  30. Wow. I never was told there’s certain we should and shouldn’t with pcos I was diagnosed with it at 18


  32. I was having for dinner every single night 2 russet baked potatoes with butter 😂 Dr said YOURE KILLING YOURSELF. I stopped 😅

  33. I got double whammy- Pcos+adenomyosis…
    Love all the 'yes' foods…❤
    ….but I cried seeing potatoes and red meat being the 'no' foods 😢.

  34. I’m so glad I don’t have whatever this is no red meat or potato’s I feel bad for those people

  35. What if you find the taste and smell of watermelon completely vomitous?

  36. Dr.'s want you sick so they say no red meat which will heal most things.Carnivore diet 100%

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