Forest Bathing | Shinrin-Yoku | Healing in Nature | Short Documentary

16 March 2025

Forest Bathing | Shinrin-Yoku | Healing in Nature | Short Documentary | Learn how to create healing experiences in nature for yourself and your loved ones. Visit the link for a course on Shinrin-yoku / Forest bathing. Learn calming nature meditations, forest bathing exercises, and mindfulness activities that reconnect us with nature and ourselves. Please share the forest calm and spread some healing.

* Film Credits | Words & Visuals: Nitin Das | Music: “That Kid in Fourth Grade Who Really Liked the Denver Broncos” by Chris Zabriskie ( | “Flicker” by Origamibiro ( | Voice: Mina Lepps

Healing Forest is a journey to discover the magical healing powers of nature. To find ways to reconnect people with nature through stories, films and walks. Join us in this exploration of fascinating forests and beautiful nature connection activities.

Our aim is simple. Helping people heal. Helping forests heal.

this is a film about forests this is also a film about you our life is full of ups and downs it doesn't matter who you are or where you live there are always moments when your heart is broken burnt or hurt when you have to face failure rejection or loss so how do you pick yourself up when you are down how do you start your healing when you are hurt first let us understand the brain over thousands of years our body and brain have developed the lap of nature there is a part of you would still feel at home in nature in fact it has been scientifically proven that when you are in nature your brain behaves differently be connected with nature results in some amazing changes inside your head which begin to calm and soothe your nerves your party picks up these signals to boost your immunity and your healing abilities in our hectic lives we overuse parts of our brain which deal with logic information and decision-making a world of desires and distractions does not give our brain the rest it deserves the chatter in our heads often goes out of control but most people didn't know the signs until things go wrong many people turn to alcohol and drugs some resort to medicines and expensive therapies to get relief from symptoms only a few spend time and effort in finding the root cause of the problem ask yourself a simple question what is the source of your health if you rest your mind and reflect you'll know its nature reconnecting with nature is like resetting your brain this is a film about forests this is also a film about you one cannot escape the ups and downs of life but one can always find calm in nature one can always find comfort and clarity in the company of woods the path to healing lies inside you and when you can learn to carry the forest within you you are always home your healing has begun

#Forest #Bathing #ShinrinYoku #Healing #Nature #Short #Documentary


  1. I prefer the woods to the city. The further I get away from the city the better I feel. I feel the negative energy washing off me and my spirit feels lighter.

  2. literally!! thank youu soo muchh for this wonderful film and a reality check fr. this is the most expensive yet cheapest therspy i ever had! this really calmed my mind and soul and stopped making me worry anymore>>>
    stay happy and blessed you too ! lysm <3

  3. You forgot Sila, Samadhi and Pañña

  4. Nature is our lifes. All we live in the nature of our owns. When we are in our nature, we dive into our imagination world, then we commnce to think about everything more deeply than we d in our full of stress hectic world. The best medicine is going to the green area and enjoying from the real kind of nature.

  5. Basically decolonize and return back to nature, because modern society is the opposite of natural living like how us indigenous peoples lived and thrived before the colonisers invaded and ripped us away from it! Anyway love, light and healing to you all! 💛🌲

  6. Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️ I'm one of many Forest Bathing guides 💚 you have given voice to our mission, to let people find their way in the Forest again🙏🏻🌳🙏🏻🦌

  7. Getting in touch with nature is so crucial and we create issues in our lifes from the lack of this connection.
    Thank you for this message ❤

  8. stunning and amazingly beautiful. It really works

  9. Thank you for making so much sense.

  10. 👉silanec is power of universe

  11. Thank you for making and posting such a wonderful short film… simply being outside in nature is beneficial because the earth emits negative ions into the atmosphere. Our bodies receive these ions, which are very healthy for us. I would like to recommend a book on forest bathing, "Healing Trees" by Ben Page. Forest bathing also helps us to connect to the environment around us. Peace to you my friend.

  12. The best time of my life was when i was camping out in the woods.

    Living in the so called "civilized" world is filled with anxiety,depression and despair and god knows what else.

    There is NONE of that in the woods.

  13. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  14. ""On Thinking for Oneself excerpt on Arthur Schopenhauer 1788 – 1860.""
    READ the comments

  15. there are beautiful nature Meditations on my channel 😊

  16. I believe in this 100%, everyone should watch this short vid. Thx for sharing 🙏

  17. I have experienced the healing of the beautiful nature, whenever I was upset and my health was affected by the problems of life. Indeed the beauty of the nature is the real medicine of our health. Thank you very much!

  18. That was beautiful. I understand from experience what you are describing but can't verbalize it like you do. Thank you.

  19. Home is where the forest is 🌿

  20. I heard a lot of people saying there’s no cure for Hsv1/2 and other deadly diseases, that’s a lie I know a man that can cure any disease He cured me from Hsv2, He’s Dr Oseghale Sunday Herbal Home !!

  21. I'm so Glad Dr ojamo on YouTube I really appreciate you and your work for curing me from herpes

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