Ground source, heat, pump, renewable energy #tiktok #plumbing #heatpump
thanks we're just out with a ground Source heat pump today so just thought I'd show you this take three I've been invited to this job this is from gecko Renewables and this is a ground Source heat pump so we've got pipes there these these come in from your boreholes I'm gonna go around there and they go into this unit here which has got a filter in there it's also got another air vent on there and then that goes into your ground Source seat pump and try not to break my neck here [Music] so this how this works is if you want hot water it goes over to your cylinder does your hot water cylinder and that'll do that if it's doing heating it's about 500 efficient we'll just have a quick look outside these pipes here these come from the ground Source heat pump and then they're going to this chambray and they've got a free boreholes up there if you've got any questions just ask
#Ground #source #heat #pump #renewable #energy #tiktok #plumbing #heatpump
Looks cheap
I would love to dispose of my gas boiler and hot water cylinder for something like this and certainly not gas , but I don’t have the space for all that though or have a large garden or ground source, is there anyone in Manchester that specialises in heating / hot water systems either heat pump , electric etc for a medium sized house ???
Ground source is the most efficient, but is not cost efficient for the average home.For a district heating system there is a positive argument
I fail to see where you're coming from. Ground source, although borehole is the most effective, it is absolutely not a sensible average option! Can't see your point.
500% if installed correctly
As usual architect/consultant squeezes plant into tiny plantroom. Pipe layout clean though. Let's hope there are plenty of sensors for the BMS.
I have heard horror stories from people that had it installed in their homes.
Lol, redo your calcs bud, 500% more efficient?? More like 500% more expensive than a nice Worcester Greenstar.
Have you been mis sold a heat pump recently, Did the Government give you a grant to do it?
This is the next Diesel / PPI car crash.
So do I need to buy a garage to have this installed? 😂
SCOP on these should be pretty constant across the year.
Can burn alot of gas for that install cost
I can't help thinking that what we really need is more insulation.
Looks complex
George Monbiot has given up and bought a gas boiler, that says it all.
…greatings from germany…from kollege to kollege..
Looks like the engine room.on the starship enterprise god knows how much it cost to supply and fit and repair when it inevitably goes wrong – just for a gas boiler it does the same job
You can't have 500% efficient, you can have 500 times better than something but what is the something.
Unistrut 👍 no tallons in sight I like
Lovely install but can’t help getting the feeling that this is the new Betamax or Curved TV
Well, now I really want a ground sauce heat pump from Uncle Fester.
This is great for the 1% of properties with access for a borehole driller, a large plant room and an owner with more cash than sense
All you need is a big house with out buildings and about 5 acres of land to do it.. 😀
cheers Allen… 👍
Love this guy's accent.
Is there a possibility of you doing a more comprehensive video on this type of system. Thanks
Hey man… just a quick question can you heat just a part of a residential building for example but at the same time not to heat another part of it at all with the interior pipes ? I mean to avoid heating some specific radiators with that specific heat system ?
My what hole!?
This is the new Solar. Priced just slightly cheaper than the energy costs you’d have over 30 years and 80% chance it’s sold and installed by 🤠