Ideal Logic 30 How to Check Isolation Valves are On or Off. With Coach Tony Morgan

30 January 2019

Ideal Logic 30 How to Check Isolation Valves are On or Off. With Coach Tony Morgan

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Translated titles:
Ideal Logic 30 Cómo verificar que las válvulas de aislamiento estén activadas o desactivadas. Con

Ideale Logik 30 So überprüfen Sie, ob die Absperrventile ein-oder ausgeschaltet sind. Mit Trainer

Ideal Logic 30 Comment vérifier que les vannes d'isolement sont activées ou désactivées. Avec l'

Ideal Logic 30 Como verificar se as válvulas de isolamento estão ligadas ou desligadas. Com o trei

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Ideale logika 30 Hoe om isolasiekleppe aan of uit te kyk. Met die afrigter, Tony Morgan

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Lògica ideal 30 Com comprovar que les vàlvules d’aïllament estiguin activades o desactivades. A

Ideal Logic 30 Jak sprawdzić, czy zawory odcinające są włączone lub wyłączone. Z trenerem Ton

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hi this is coach Sonja Morgan and today's short video is on the ideal logic can be further and all this video is going to show is about the isolation bowels underneath the boiler and what I'm going to show you is how to not get confused by which is on which is off on the isolation valves okay so the filling tap will start with so you can see these blue and black lever here this is a filling loop and you can see the valves levers are across the pipe that's in the off position and that's what they should be once you've filled up the boiler you have a confusion area is via these two valves here this one and this one now you can see the plane upwards that's when they're on now sometimes people turn this towards a book turn it now you'll shut this valve off and then stop circulation so the awkward position is on and we should be across the pipe the one at the back which is difficult to see that one is for the cold inland that should also be point upwards so that's a sharp video on the valves on ideologic in the position there should be so that's gonna be the end of this video if you got any comments or questions I'd be glad to hear from you so that's it from me and I see you on the next video

#Ideal #Logic #Check #Isolation #Valves #Coach #Tony #Morgan


  1. Superb video. Helped me a lot and saved me money. Thank you.

  2. Shittest boiler Ever made stay away form logic unless it's free

  3. Hi Tony, should the 2 black valves either side be in a vertical position.

    My pressure was low, and i topped it up, next day my hot water tap had no water, think i may have turned a valve accidently.

    My 2 loop valves blue are horizontal, and 2 black vertical, is this correct for the system to operate


  4. Hi thanks for the video ,why is the boiler making a noise when hot water comes on ,it never use to till it was services

  5. Thanks it helped me – perfectly clear

  6. @A+R Central Heating and Boiler Repair Experts Ltd I want to say thank you! You do such a good job! Thanks to this video I have heating at my home, and trust me it is cold tonight. I must've closed one of the valve when adding water to the system. I am woman over 50 living alone and I am proud of myself that with your help all is sorted now.

  7. Hi! Great vid, what is the yellow valve for?

  8. Hi, it's for the gas. Also, could you subscribe to our channel

  9. Thank you for your comments and can you please subscribe to our channel

    Kind of vital bit of info you left out there, considering it was the whole point of your video.

  11. Thank you for your comments and can you please subscribe to our channel

  12. Can i ask I have same boiler but I don't have a metre under mine got the same pipe bug cant vheck pressure but upstairs I have a pressure tank is thst wher i refill my radiator sytem

  13. What model is your boiler also could you subscribe to our channel

  14. Thanks. Was topping up the pressure and wanted to make sure everything was as it should be after. Nice clear explanation.

  15. Thank you for your comments and can you please subscribe to our channel

  16. Thanks for the video, the missus had tried to top up the CH pressure and failed. I suspected that she had tampered with the valves, so needed to find a video to confirm on/off positions for the valves. This is perfect, thank you !

  17. Thank you so much. I could of blown the house up lol. The heating is on upstairs but not downstairs. Can you help me with that please. I've turned all the valves in the position you showed. But my pressure is just over 2 how can I turn it down a little bit. Much appreciated x thank you

  18. I'm so glad you shared this video and your knowledge. I had accidentally left one of the valves in the wrong position when pressurizing the system, and we had no heating upstairs as a result. Thank you for sharing!

  19. Thank you for your comments and can you please subscribe to our channel

  20. The black tap with the pressure pump, should that be tuned up or down once filled? I filled it and the gage is passed 3, now the pressure is too high and I can't remember if the black tap should face up or down to turn it off? Also the yellow tap .. once the pressure is fixed (or in my case too much) should that be facing up or down too? Thanks 👍🏼

  21. The cold water let for the filling loop is normally pointing across the pipe and just watch the video again to help you. And can you subscribe to our channel

  22. Meant to youtube that😂 thanks for the video mate. I understand the valves better now

  23. Thank you for your comments and can you please subscribe to our channel

  24. Thanks a lot its exactly like my boiler and it helped me understand the valves… PLEASE can you show how to fill it up and also reduce the pressure.

  25. The filling tap is normally on the right-hand side. The filling loop. Hope that helps. Also, can you subscribe to our channel

  26. Please my questions is : central heating system is working for short time and then it is not working for long time then it returning back working . Ideal logic combi esp35. please can you advice me ? Thanks .

  27. Check you're room thermostat and make the C symbol is displaying on the front of the boiler. Can you also subscribe to our channel

  28. On my boiler the blue switch it's facing down and I can make it face up. I'm not sure if it's not been fitted correctly . Does this still mean it's on?

  29. It seems that's correct. Also can you subscribe to our channel please

  30. Thanks for video pal can I ask what I should do if I can't get the pressure up don't here pressure atol

  31. There should be a filling loop under the boiler or near the boiler

  32. I have the same colour values in the same places, but I’m not sure which ones to turn to repressure my boiler :(. Every video says the blue valves, but I have black valves where people are turning their blue ones. It’s confusing

  33. Normally, the filling taps are on the right side towards the front. Also, can you subscribe to our channel ?

  34. My blue & black tap pipes aren’t connected! 🤣😅

  35. Lucky you 😅 and please, can you subscribe to our channel

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