Pilates for Core Strength Workout – Beginner Core Exercises
Pilates for Core Strength Beginner Workout will train your pelvis muscles, lower back, hips, and abdomen to work in harmony. This leads to better balance and stability, whether on the playing field or in daily activities. 💖Get my Total Strong Body Free Members Only video! http://bit.ly/FWM_Total_Strong_Body
00:00 Introduction
00:27 Core Workout
19:38 Closing
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Flow with Mira strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in movement and exercise. You should understand that there is the possibility of physical injury when participating in any exercise or exercise program. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk and voluntarily participate in these exercises.
#flowwithmira #pilatesforbeginners #coreworkout
hi i'm mira from fluid mirror this is a beginner pilates class four core workouts so we're going to work the area in the core which is the area from underneath the rib cage to around the pelvis area so the core consists of muscles of yes the abdominals but also the deep back muscles as well as the hip flexors so let's go ahead and start the class we're going to start sitting let's face the front of my mat of your mat so this is the front of my mat we're going to start with the feet parallel positioned sitting up sitting up nice and tall perching on your sitting bone here so we want to create a nice long flat back here so inhale through the nose arms underneath your thighs as we exhale we're going to draw in the abdominal muscle and that will take your spine into flexion meaning a round back positioned then as we inhale we lift the spine upright again we exhale we draw and pull up the lower abs the middle abs and pull the abdominal muscle in towards your lower spine bringing your trunk to fall forward and inhale we come up right again exhale keeping the neck nice and long your gaze will be towards the floor here inhale will lift again exhale and inhale we lift let's do one more time exhale and inhale we'll lift now we're going to add more we exhale we round the back and then we're gonna curl the pelvis underneath you and bring your sacrum and your lumbar spine towards the floor straightening the arms here inhale we stay exhale deepen the abdominal connection as we pull yourself up to that c-curve position and then we'll lift the spine two more times exhale then we roll back we straighten the arm in breath exhale we sink the abdominal muscle into the floor and bring the body forward and we'll lift one more time exhale we roll back in breath exhale sink that belly in and bring your body over the pelvis and will lift up okay now interlacing the hands behind your head keeping the spine nice and long here i like you to lift the toes and lift the feet up but dig your heels into the floor so we call this a dorsiflexed feet position or ankle position leaning slightly into your hands as your elbows come forward and reach out now keeping the spine long we inhale as we lean back so your guess is slightly diagonally up towards the ceiling here exhale upright inhale draw in and hug the abdominal muscle into a spine exhale come back inhale so your back muscles working here to keep your spine upright exhale inhale the abdominal muscle is helping to support that trunk the spine exhale inhale lean back the hip flexors are working to exhale last one inhale so basically this is a hip flexors exercise exhale come back lower the feet take your arms your hands underneath your thigh i'm going to move myself forward a little bit and then breathe out again i'm going to pull the belly in here and then roll back take yourself all the way down to the floor arms along by the side and bring your feet closer towards your bottom okay now we need to stabilize the pelvis here so i like it to draw in the abdominal muscle at the same time have your lower spine supporting the belly too so what i'm thinking here is like peanut butter sandwich right you have the top right and bottom now i need to draw the two bread towards each other hugging it tight and stabilizing the pelvis okay as you do this exercise so we breathe out we pull in the center we lift one leg up to the table top so this is my right leg as we inhale we lower down and keeping the pelvis stable exhale so this is called the leg gloves exhale hug the belly in tight too mush so we want to refrain the pelvis from going into an anterior tilt or a posterior tilt arching the back and flattening the back so keep it back in a neutral position so your true pelvis is positioned okay let's change the other side breathe out stabilize the pelvis stay bless the lower spine and take the leg up to tabletop we lower inhale exhale in breath so the movement comes from the hip socket the knee joint is constant the angle of the knee joint is constant so we're not flinging the leg up and down it's not the knee movement it's actually the hip movement one more okay take the left leg up we stay up there now as we breathe out we're going to change the legs it's called the leg changes and we breathe out and so this demands a little bit more deeper control in your core as you move the legs up and down and exhale let's do two more sets last set both legs up and table top and we stay now holding the legs up there take your palms press your palms against the thigh and allow the thighs to press against your hands and your palms so as we breathe out you push down with the hands at the same time you press up with your thighs and you what you will feel is the whole abdominal muscle drawing in tightly contracting and release so the tva the transverse abdominal muscles working hard here to support the position and exercise and release us do two more time exhale make sure your shoulders are reaching away from your ears and one more exhale and release knees together arms are to the t position okay moving on to our spine twisted pine let's go to the right as we rotate from the waistline exhale back to center so we work in the obliques muscle here which are on the side of the waistline inhale keeping the legs together as we rotate exhale we pull back and the left inhale legs together shoulders stay down exhale control the movement exhale as you twist and embra exhale let's do one more each side inhale and we exhale shhh last one we inhale and we exhale we lower one foot down and in the second leg down release the feet have your feet hip width distance apart interlacing your hands underneath the back of your head okay moving to a chest lift here so your elbows may come off the floor a little bit here so in breath as we exhale abdominal muscle sinking into the floor then we lengthen the spine down along the floor as we sand the ribcage the lower rib cage down to the pelvis and we'll lift the chest inhale we stay exhale coming down exhale up again inhale we stay exhale coming down again in bra exhale two more times so we're working the rectus abdomen is here the six-pack muscle taking your spine into flexion which is a curve around back and back one more time exhale in bra and exhale we go down now we're going to add rotation here for the obliques so we exhale stay rotate from the waist to your right inhale middle rotate to the left inhale middle thinking the twists happen from the waistline as you rotate right and left and rotate embras and rotate emperor we rotate embrae in breath one more side last one come back center and release well done all right stretch your arm closer to me overhead and the leg too and then turn your body towards me we're going to to do our side lift here so we have both legs straight bottom arms straight okay now i like you to create a nice long spine lifting the underneath obliques or waistline here as we breathe out we reach the legs up and we take it down again lift and down we reach out lengthening the lower waist down and return again relish and return two more times really and return last one and come back come up onto your forearm to our side bridge exercise so we have the elbow and shoulder in one alignment both legs are straight top leg in front of the bottom press that foot down all right take the top arm by the side here and i want to lift up the waistline the bottom waistline as we breathe out press the forearm down press the feet we lift our body and lengthen down we don't want to collapse down again two more we lift and come on down again we'll lift you know we're gonna do one more time to make it four and we go down last one we'll lift and well done let's go to the other side so we have the right arm oh this is my right arm underneath me both legs are straight okay proud chest long spine lifting the underneath waistline we breathe by squeezing the legs together scooping the belly the abdominal muscle in as we left and down again we'll leave and and and down and lift and two more we'll lift last one and left and release okay come up onto your forearm again for the side bridge top foot forward in front of the bottom lift in the center top and by the side we break that we lift the body reach up this top come up to the ceiling and we go down and we'll lift up and we go down two more we'll lift up and we go down last one we'll lift and we go down well done moving on to our quadruped position four point lean position also known as heel of the palm shoulder in one vertical alignment knee center of your hips in one vertical alignment so we're going to do our transit abdominal engagement or squeeze in this position take an in-breath so the feeling is the same uh like you did the exercise before when you're pressing your hands against your thighs and the thighs pressing up against your hands so that drawing the abdominal all right so in breath exhale i want it to pull up the belly into the spine here without taking your spine into flexion or rounding your back so keeping the spine low we're going to pull in lengthening the lower spine and then let it go again exhale lifting up lengthening the lower spine and then let it go and again exhale and in breath one more exhale and let it go tuck the toes under i like it too press the hands and press the toes down then draw in that translucent abdominal muscle in and up and lift the heels off sorry not the heels knees off and we're going to stay in this modified playing position for ten nine eight seven six five four three two we still stay here stretch your right leg back and bring it in stretch your left leg for modified front support exhale and and up and two more set and last set last one and back lower the knees relax the ankles hold the position there i'd like you to stabilize that trunk again take the right arm forward stretch it up stretch the left leg the left leg behind you now hold center we lift the arm and the leg and we lower now drawing the center in so as you lift the leg i don't want you to hang down in the lower spine but i like you to keep that lower spine nice and long and stable as you lift the leg and we go down three more so you probably have about 10 to maximum 20 degree into the hip extension [Music] one more we'll lift and we take them back in let's go to the other side left arm forward right leg behind you drawing the translucent abdominal muscle up we lift the arm in the leg and ana and down ana gays are still gaze is still down to the floor neck is long exhale two more last one okay and take the arm and the leg in now onto our cut stretch we breathe up this time we're going to pull the belly in then take your spine into a flexion around back position lengthening the spine and then glide the shoulder blades as you inhale and take your upper back middle and upper back into an extension position arching exhale round and then back to the long spine and an inhale upper back and center and exhale into long neutral spine glide the shoulder blades into an upper back arch for extension and center two more times exhale we round long back inhale extend long back last one exhale and flat back inhale arch and flat back send the pelvis down to the heel sit down arms stretch further forward for a rest position just stay here as you inhale as you exhale let's do one more time inhale and exhale and let's go ahead and roll the spine up sitting up nice and tall and you are done for the day thank you for joining me i hope to see you in my other class i wish you a lovely day you
#Pilates #Core #Strength #Workout #Beginner #Core #Exercises
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amazing class – Thankyou x
I consider myself a beginner and I would say this was about the limit what I could follow
9:13 chest lifts
11:18 Side-Lying Leg Raise
13:53 Side plank
15:43 Bear crawl
17:00 Dog Bird
what's the feedback on the leaning back exercise you've gotten from men like?
for me that one is essentially impossible in anywhere near the same position as you do it, if I lean back 10 degrees with my back straight and my legs in that position I just fall back.
I basically gotta have legs stretched out and in the air to counter balance
Lovely video,,,,hope it helps with my backpain
Not for beginners. Too much talking and too complicated.
First time I tried it.. Hope to stay consistent ✨
I always come back to your videos Mira for a pilates fix. I can feel my core strength increase bit by bit after every class with you! 🎉
I have very weak core. Is it normal that all my body was shaking all my muscles were shaking while doing this exercise????
Thank you so much!! I felt this in my core but it wasn't too difficult that i would lose motivation! I'll def keep doing this !
This was so beginner friendly yet so challenging at the same time. but I think it was perfect for me and left me feeling accomplished. the stretching at the end was so nice too.
Do You know if pregnant women cam do this exercises ?
I have so weak core and back so this for me was hard, but damn those 20 minutes went fast, so this I can stick to. Gonna try this with some flexible videos when I feel ready to do more. 🙂
I'm a beginner to Pilates but work out regularly. This was a great starting video for me. Thank you! I will try your other videos ❤
this is excellent. thanks mira
I think this is way too difficult for beginners?? the moves on the side are literally impossible for me
I looked for so many core exercise cause my core is super weak but most of them i can only do with my neck strrenght, this is the first video that actually helped me to target my core, thank you
Thank you so much. I've not been able to run due to injury with hip flexors and just restarted core work. This video super helpful
Lovely, thanku
this is my second video i’ve done with you. i love how you take your time. actually makes my workout more intense as i have much more awareness about each muscle i’m working. thank you!
this is a really good one for getting back into using your core! i haven't been doing any exercise and want to start building some strength back and this made me feel like i was engaging all the things i need to be able to support the rest of my body :3 thank youuuu i'll def do this again x
Ummm I was doing fine until 11:30 in the video ;-; do your hip bones not hurt like HELL doing that???
Is this workout ok for someone with sciatic issues?
First time coming across your channel, love your instructions and no background music 👏🏻 allows me to concentrate
I found this really hard going on my wrists as we were on all fours for quite a while! Is this normal?
wow! this is easily my favorite beginner core strengthening workout. I love your teaching style. subscribed!
Thank you so much, Mira. Just what I was looking for as I return to Pilates after a break 😊
I loved the workout, took little rests between exercises but really felt it😅
Awesome . So effective. I’m going to do it and apply for my students
She says too much exhale 😮
Just finished finals and wanted to get into pilates, this was a perfect first step!
Thank you!
I love how clearly you explained the forms. This was easy to follow and helped me perspire quite well. Kudos 🎉❤
awesome awesome i can not express my gratitude for you well explained easy to follow thank you so much my core is definitely feeling this
Hello Mira, thank you so much. This workout is so nice. Not too exhausting or too difficult but building my core muscle and released my lowerback pain. Exactly what I needed! Thousand Thanks!
love this video! i've done it twice and my core is really feeling it 🙂
This was really great . Thank you!
As someone who has a very weak core and has been searching for something easy enough to understand and challenging enough to feel like I'm actually building my core this was extremely helpful. I struggle to make sure that I'm breathing while doing yoga so the constant reminders and tying the exercises to the breathing was so easy. Thank you so much!
Lovely workout, thank you!
This worked more on my arms more than my own core 😂😂
Okay…so I just realized how out of shape I am just by trying to keep my feet on the mat while working the abs back and forth!! 😨 thank you for these exercises! Seems easy…IT IS NOT THAT EASY for a beginner who’s out of shape! I am sweating! But im happy!!! This takes a lot of focus and strength!!!
Stabilise the spine means spine should not deflect in upward or downward, it should remain at a fixed height from floor.
Am i right?
Or i should stick my back to the floor during exercise
One more thing you have a very good physique. Strong muscles..
The move leaning back with straight back and the feet in dorsiflexion was very challenging! The rest of the w/o gave great burn. A good one for a busy day, or as part of a stack: thank u for sharing!
Thank you Mira! Looking forward to the intermediate / advanced version 🙂
Bodinya bagus bgt