Top 7 SUPERFOODS for Energy, Brain Power, Heart Health & Anti-Aging

14 March 2025

Top 7 SUPERFOODS for Energy, Brain Power, Heart Health & Anti-Aging

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Superfoods are nutrient powerhouses that are exceptionally concentrated in phytochemicals (healing plant compounds), antioxidants (protective, disease-fighting substances), vitamins and minerals.

In today's video, I'm sharing a list of my TOP 7 SUPERFOODS. Great for everyday use, these nutrient-dense foods are energizing, immune boosting, mood enhancing, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, heart healthy and so much MORE!

From veggies to spices, I'm exposing what I classify to be the healthiest foods in the world. Watch to learn the top nutrients and health benefits of each, and how to easily incorporate them into your DAILY diet.

0:00​ Intro
0:38 Superfood #1
1:36 Superfood #2
2:35 Superfood #3
3:10 Superfood #4
3:48 Superfood #5
4:30 Superfood #6
5:13 Superfood #7
6:19 Take away

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// resources
→ natural energy boosters |
→ cacao berry smoothie recipe |
→ thyroid support tips |
→ matcha powder |
→ wild salmon |
→ sprouted pumpkin seeds |
→ cacao powder |

// watch more videos
→ how to make a healthy smoothie |
→ matcha |
→ healthiest fish |
→ cacao |
→ is coffee healthy |
→ top brain foods |

#superfoods #energytips #antiaging

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This video, created by Nutritionist Taylor Wessel, is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or replace medical advice or treatment from your primary physician. All viewers are advised to consult with their doctor or qualified health professionals before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program. This description contains affiliate links, which means that if purchases are made when clicked, I’ll receive a small commission. Thank you!

superfoods are those that are packed with nutrients so you only need to eat them in small amounts to get mega doses of vitamins minerals and antioxidants hi i'm taylor wessel nutritionist of tailored health every week i pop on here to share a tip tool or technique that will help you be your healthiest self and today i wanted to share with you the top seven super foods that i include in my daily regime hopefully you'll start adding these to your diet as well once you learn the top benefits and how to easily incorporate them in let's start this off with broccoli broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable in the same category as cauliflower cabbage kale bok choy arugula all of these are cruciferous vegetables and they are packed with sulfur compounds that are great for liver support and detoxification they're also fiber packed which helps again with that detox process and regulating estrogen balance hormonal balance within the body broccoli is a rich source of vitamin c as well so supercharges the immune system and helps fight inflammation i like to steam up some broccoli and just munch on that as is i'll also do roasted broccoli sometimes and add it into soups you can even steam broccoli and then freeze it and add it into superfood smoothies it's pretty mild i know it seems weird but it blends right in matcha is something that i also have on a daily basis this is finely ground green tea powder typically coming from japan shade grown so it's jam-packed with antioxidants such as egcg catechins flavonoids even vitamin c great for fighting inflammation boosting the immune system giving you a natural energy boost without that crash that's common when drinking coffee so it'll keep you more stabilized throughout the day it does have some caffeine about half the caffeine of the average cup of joe not starbucks but the average cup of joe however it's well balanced with althea mean an amino acid that helps to keep you more sustained and energized throughout the day i recommend adding a teaspoon of matcha green tea into your superfood smoothies in the morning or you can even make a matcha latte and i'll link below to a video on that blueberries are one of the lowest sugar fruits that's packed with fiber and antioxidants well known for boosting brain power helping out with memory and cognitive function blueberries are also great for boosting the immune system and digestive health if you want to know more about brain boosting foods i'll link below i like to add blueberries into my smoothies in the morning you can snack on them by themselves or even add them atop a chia seed pudding for a great little dessert throw a cacao nib on there and you're good to go salmon is a true superfood because it is packed with anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids it also has brain boosting b vitamins vitamin d which is a hormone balancer and mood booster and selenium which helps boost thyroid function for that metabolism and body temperature regulation i recommend eating salmon about two to three times a week for a hefty dose of those brain boosting omega-3 fatty acids you want to learn more about the fish that i recommend and those to stay away from as well as sourcing of salmon check my video below sprouted pumpkin seeds pumpkin seeds are a rich source of zinc zinc is great for the immune system fighting inflammation and it's also a stimulator of thyroid hormone so it helps with the conversion from inactive to active thyroid great for weight loss and it's packed with plant-based proteins and brain boosting calming minerals reason that i recommend sprouted pumpkin seeds is because in the sprouting process you unlock nutrients and make them more digestible i'll link below to a brand that i use on a daily basis a top salad a atop soups or even just to snack on cinnamon is one of the richest sources of antioxidants it's one of the healthiest foods in the world it's actually a spice but i like to try to incorporate this as much as possible it's naturally antibacterial anti-viral and immune boosting and helps balance the blood sugar so i would add a sprinkle of this to your superfood smoothies on top of matcha latte in your oatmeal in the morning or even homemade treats just to really help balance out your body even better you can even put a few sprinkles of cinnamon in your coffee grounds before brewing so that it doesn't have such a stimulating effect and it keeps you more balanced throughout the day the last superfood that i want to introduce you to that i swear by on a daily basis is cacao this is raw chocolate packed with antioxidants flavonoids fiber and magnesium raw dark chocolate is a natural dopamine booster so it's a feel good mood food another one of my brain foods along with salmon and those blueberries cacao is a natural vasodilator so it helps get oxygen flow to the brain and the rest of the body a great pre-workout food it's also perfect around that 3 pm energy slump to kind of get your head back in the game whether you're at work trying to get in a workout or just wanting to think clearly for the rest of your day i recommend snacking on to an ounce of dark chocolate that's at least 70 cacao content you can add a sprinkle of cacao nibs atop your superfood smoothies or even add cacao powder into your matcha lattes smoothies or oats in the morning i'll link below for more information on that there you have it the top seven super foods that i include on a daily basis from broccoli and salmon all the way to cacao and cinnamon these are foods that help increase my energy when i need it give me a sense of calm if that's needed help balance out my blood sugar cravings hormones throughout the day prevent mood swings hanger and irritability around that 3pm mark and just keep me super packed with nutrients for longevity and long-term health maintenance i hope you enjoyed this and we'll start incorporating these foods into your diet as well if you liked this give it a like and make sure you subscribe to my channel every week on wednesday and sunday i'm coming at you with a video like this introducing you to a new superfood a new technique a health hack something that will help you be your healthiest self i hope you have a great rest of your day and i will see you next time

#Top #SUPERFOODS #Energy #Brain #Power #Heart #Health #AntiAging


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