#1 Tip for Better POSTPARTUM Recovery: DIET | Birth Doula
Being pregnant for nine months and then giving birth can really take it out of you, which is why postpartum recovery is so important. In this first video of my four part Postpartum Recovery series we talk about how diet can be your POISON or MEDICINE during your recovery, great ways to fuel your body, and how to eat to feed your baby.
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I am a Lamaze certified Childbirth Educator and a DONA certified Birth Doula in the San Francisco Bay Area! For more information and resources, come find me at builttobirth.com
hey mama's maybe you are sitting at home with your new little baby that you just gave birth to and you're just entering that postpartum period or maybe you are still pregnant but you're just hoping to get a kick start on what to do for that postpartum period that will be at the end of having your baby either way I'm so glad that you're here in this four part video series we're going to be talking about all things postpartum recovery and how to have the quickest and most effective recovery that you can have so we're going to be covering things about diet supplements self-care and when to get into fitness and what to do if you're new to this channel don't forget to subscribe to my channel watch some other videos through some questions or comments down below them I'd love to get to know you so that you can join this community all right mama so you've just rocked your birth and now it's time to rock your postpartum period but all throughout pregnancy our babies are like the cutest and most lovable little leeches it kind of just like take it all out of us and then we've just labored and it's been intense and now you're thrust into caring for your baby so it's also important during this time to be taking the best care of yourself so that you are able to give the nutrition to your baby as well as have the energy to be taking care of your baby so in this video we are going to be talking about a big part of postpartum recovery and that is your diet so like I just said babies really leech off of moms stores of vitamins and fats and minerals and all of that good stuff in her body so at the end of pregnancy a lot of moms are depleted and zinc and iron in vitamin B in selenium in a lot of different things and so sometimes the inclination is just to start supplementing those things with pills and vitamins and such but the first thing that we should be focusing on is our diet and our diet is either going to be our medicine or our poison and of course we want it to be our medicine so I'm going to be sharing with you just some really important things about our diet and that we need to focus on during this postpartum recovery so the first thing that I want to point out at the beginning of this video is that I'm not going to be telling you how much you should or be eating I really think that you all have a better gauge of your body you've had nine months of hard work of building this baby and then you've had hours of birthing this baby and so you know your body and you know how much you need to be eating and so I am focusing more on the quality of the foods and the quantity of foods so you'll see a lot of times that out there especially for breastfeeding moms that you are going to want to add about 500 calories to your your normal diet of like normal calorie intake but like I said I'm not focusing on that but that's just a gauge if that is going to help you if you do understand calories and all that but that again is not the focus that I am going to for I just want to share with you the good foods that you should be eating so with that quality over quantity in mind it's also important to point out that you know you want to try to avoid those high-calorie but low nutrient foods so the desserts the chips the junk food things that are going to give you lots of calories but don't really they're just empty calories they're not gonna like fuel your body and of course it's all about balance so I'm not saying don't eat the Cheesecake you know don't eat the cookies or the chips it's all about balance but you don't want to be fueling your body with those things so what did should you be consuming to help fuel your body one of the first foods that I recommend eating during the first few weeks or even hours after having your baby is bone broth because bone broth is packed with so many nutrients that is going to help your body recovery it has collagen and gelatin elastin and all of those things are going to really help with tissue repair and help with the cartilage in your bones because remember your pelvis is shifting remember all those vaginal tissues have should have stretched out your womb has stretched out so that all of those things are going to really help with the recovery process not only does out those things that also is filled with iron which tons of mom are depleted in because of the because they've lost blood during their labor and their babies been taking it from them it helps build up calcium phosphorus lots of different minerals and that's just going to help with that recovery process along with all of that being in bone broth it's also a great anti-inflammatory and remember your your body has just been through a lot during that labor process and so there is a lot of swelling in the vaginal area there's also could be swelling in your ankles from the end of pregnancy or in other joint areas and so having bone broth is great as an anti-inflammatory it's also a liquid and you really need to be make sure that you are replenishing your hydration and just making sure that you are drinking enough water and bone broth will help with that hydration factor so I just mentioned swelling and so there are lots of other foods that you can be helping with inflammation and things like tumeric berries kale broccoli all of those different kind of inflammatory anti-inflammatory foods are going to really help you with the recovery process so that the swelling goes down and your body is just able to recover better so in those first few weeks you're definitely going to want to make sure that you have a high fibrous diet and the reason for that is so that you have loose stools a lot of times in the very beginning few days especially if you've had a like a third fourth-degree tear or even had a c-section they don't want you to have as much fiber because they don't want like super loose stools that are is going to like cause like irritation for like your perineum or that c-section incision but after a few days you're going to want to make sure that you have good fiber in your diet so that your stools they stay soft I mean you're not having to like really bear down because again that's going to hurt your perineum whether it's how to tear or not and it's also not going to be comfortable for your c-section scar so some fibrous foods that you can be eating our beans lentils popcorn which is a great little snack for you to have different fruits veggies all of those things have a lot of fiber and that's going to help you keep that stool soft so your food is either going to be your poison or your medicine and a lot of times when we're sick we're like I need vitamin C right vitamin C is also really important though for this postpartum recovery we were talking earlier about collagen and how that's going to help with your cartilage it's going to help with tissue repair well vitamins see helps with the production of collagen and it's also an immune Beus immune booster so obviously you're not gonna want to get sick during this postpartum recovery it's like difficult enough caring for a newborn and trying to take care of your body and stay on top of everything else right so really be tracking your diet full of vitamin C so you know that's the orange it's like the citrusy fruits and that's going to be all the different berries with antioxidants in it it's going to be spinach dark leafy greens those things have a lot of vitamin C in them um also if you are nursing that vitamin C is going to be passed into your breast milk to your baby which is super important for your baby especially if you are vaccinating to help flush out you know the aluminum in it or to flush out those live viruses and to help boost their their immune system so it's not just helping you but it's also really helping baby so another nutrient that you're really going to want to try to implement in your diet postpartum that's going to help you with the recovery process and just feeling like you have energy and also it's going to help fortify your breast milk is to make sure that you have high healthy fats in your diet so things like omega-3s which are gonna be found in salmon in mackerel and walnuts and all those different kind of high healthy fat foods there's kind of this like idea that fats make you fat and that is not true fats are really going to help you tremendously during this postpartum recovery to make sure that your milk supply is nice and fatty for your growing baby and that you have the energy that you need during the day to take care of that baby and also to be giving your body enough fat stores to be doing all the recovery that it needs to internally so those foods like salmon walnuts almonds avocados those are really full of good healthy fats and so there is such a thing as bad fats and those are the fats that are going to be in really highly processed foods that you're going to get at fast food restaurants that are you know in your bag of potato chips that have been and those are the fats that aren't going to be fueling your body and those just build up and they aren't good with flushing out your body they just kind of stick in there so those healthy fats are going to be the ones that you are going to want to steer towards and stay away from those unhealthy fats so not only is your body doing that physical recovery but it's also doing that chemical hormonal rebalancing after you've had nine months of pregnancy and birth and now you are you know recovering from that and you're also maybe feeding your baby you're nursing your baby and so it's doing a lot of rebalancing during this postpartum recovery period and a lot of times it goes on the back burner thinking about our hormones but our hormones are fuelled and fed by the food that we give it and so if we want to feel that like emotional balance if we want to feel that like physical balance that you know healthy bond with your baby a big part of that is going to be what you're putting into your body and so it's so easy to want to go for those cookies because it's easy and I'm starving but your body is going to be best fueled and fed by going for those those high-protein foods those good fats those healthy nutritive dense carbohydrates like sweet potatoes whole wheat bread good pastas things like that and I'm I'm sharing this with you not saying that like junk food it's bad never eat it you know go for those cookies once in awhile but if you are hungry your body is not really craving those cookies its craving something good to fill up on so that you can feed yourself and nourish yourself and feed and nourish your baby as well I hope this video helped you get an idea of what you can be fueling your body with during this postpartum period so that you can help yourself with recovering as quickly and most effectively as possible if you have any questions make sure you comment them below as a mom as a doula I just want to help you as much as I can whether it's in birth in this postpartum period or in motherhood so I am here for you for any of those questions or comments that you want to make make sure you stay tuned for my next videos that are coming up in this four-part series and I will see you in the next one
#Tip #POSTPARTUM #Recovery #DIET #Birth #Doula
Thanks to your videos, I got my baby naturally at the hospital no medication needed ❤🎉I'm one week postpartum with a healthy baby boy
I have tried so many times to ingest bone broth but I find it *disgusting*. I don't know if it is a mental thing or the taste is just off? I love soup/broth in general but bone broth tastes "gamey" to me. Does anyone have tips on how to consume bone broth and enjoy it??
31 Weeks pregnant needed postpartum tips And help with the diet
I know this is an old video and your likely not responding to comments… but any advice for a breastfeeding mama who's got a horrible appetite
True, what we put into our bodies determines everything about us. Most women make the mistake of cutting calories and end up struggling a lot. High fat and protein is the game changer. That's how I lost the baby weight while breastfeeding 6 different times and now I help other women do the same.
Hot foods help energy and vitality, don't Vax, whole foods do itt
I love your vedios so much ❤. I was here 2 years before and here I m now 2 years after 😅❤
3:35 is when she actually starts giving the recks
Combining diet with exercise will help us healthier
Thank you for sharing useful information,
So eat what you already eat in pregnancy? Got it
Currently one week pp. The breathing techniques really helped me through my labour. I had an epidural shortly before birthing my baby and continued with my breathing and side lying position. I pushed him out in less than 8 minutes with minimal tearing. Thank you for your advice !
Such informational content. Thank you.
My friend is having a baby and I'm gonna cook for her for the next weeks so she can relax.
3 weeks PP with baby number 2 (had all natural and am so proud of myself), but still 24 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight. I started walking just a slow 1.5 mile walk this week and trying to stay hydrated for breastfeeding. I do take a beef liver supplement for iron as I have a hard time eating a lot of meat, and trying to eat healthier snacks too. Both kids are 100% vaccine free 💪
I wish I saw this before I gave birth
I disagree about bean and lentil and legumes
Thank you so much, Bridget for sharing your knowledge with us. I was able to recently have my third baby all naturally, and your videos helped a lot. Thanks again and many blessings to you❣️
Thank you❤❤
Hi Bridget!!! Your so amazing to give so much great tools and advice. So I am 38 and 4 days and already beginning to feel depression before post partem! Could I be lacking on a mineral or vitamin causing this dip in feelings. Been waiting to hold my bundle and have felt so excited and all the sudden wham depression( not typical for me) help!