Google’s AI Course for Beginners (in 10 minutes)!
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🔍 In this video, we unravel the layers of AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and their applications in tools like #ChatGPT and Google #Bard
We first go through how AI is a broad field of study that encompasses #MachineLearning as a sub-field.
We then break down Machine Learning into supervised and unsupervised models, using real-world examples to illustrate their functions and differences.
We move deeper into Deep Learning: Learn about artificial neural networks and the power of semi-supervised learning in applications like fraud detection in banking.
Then we delve into Generative AI, differentiating it from discriminative models and demonstrating its capabilities in creating new, innovative outputs.
Finally we walk through Large Language Models (LLMs) and uncover the significance of LLMs in AI, their pre-training processes, and their customization for specific industry applications
00:00 Google’s AI Course in 10 Minutes
00:38 What is Artificial Intelligence?
01:27 What is Machine Learning?
03:28 What is Deep Learning?
05:15 What is Generative AI?
07:05 What are Large Language Models?
Google’s full course:
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*👨🏻💻 WHO AM I:*
I’m Jeff, a tech professional trying to figure life out. What I do end up figuring out, I share!
_PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links I get a kickback from and my opinions are my own and may not reflect that of my employer_ 😇
如果你不是搞技术的, 但还是想学一点基础的 人工智能知识,那你就得好好看这个视频, 因为我把Google的一个4小时长的AI扫盲课程内容 都浓缩到了这10分钟的视频中。 其实我一开始并不对这个课程抱多大期待, 因为我觉得它 主要是讲概念上的东西, 而我们这个频道可不讲虚的。 以我对Google的了解, 这个课很可能会在1小时后被下架。 而且我竟然发现,这课所教的底层的概念性知识, 让我能够更好地运用像ChatGPT和Google Bard这样的工具, 还帮我清除了 我没有意识到的有关AI机器学习 以及大语言模型的一系列错误的认识。 那我们从最宽泛的问题说起, 什么是人工智能? 我只能很尴尬地承认, 我才发现之前也并不知道答案。 人工智能像物理学一样,是一整个研究领域。 而机器学习是 人工智能下的一个子领域, 这就好比热力学是物理学下的一个子领域一样。 再往下走一层,就是深度学习, 它是机器学习的子领域, 而深度学习模型 还能进一步分成判别模型, 生成式模型, 以及大语言模型,即LLMs。 而在我们都熟悉的ChatGPT和Google Bard 这样的应用背后的技术, 同样属于深度学习下, 且在LLM和生成式AI的重叠处。 各位可以留言告诉我 你之前知道这个吗? 既然我们现在已经对整个领域 有了初步的了解,也知道 不同的学科之间的关系, 我们现在就来看一下 各个学科层级的一些关键要点。 总的来说,机器学习是一个 利用输入数据来训练模型的程序。 训练后的模型,能进一步 基于全新的数据做出预测。 比如,如果你用耐克销售数据 来训练一个模型, 之后这个模型就能够 在阿迪达斯销售数据的基础上 去预测阿迪新鞋的销售表现。 机器学习模型的两种最常见的类型 分别是监督学习,和无监督学习。 这两者之间最关键的区别在于, 监督学习使用的是有标记的数据, 而无监督学习使用未标记的数据。 在这个监督学习的例子中, 这个散点图展示了 一个餐厅的单个账单总额和 小费金额之间的关系。 而且这些数据是有标记的。 蓝点等于顾客自取订单, 黄点等于商家派送订单。 这样使用监督学习模型, 我们下次就能根据账单总额和 是否自取或派送订单,来预测 我们能收到多少小费。 对于无监督学习,我们会去看 原始数据是否能够自动形成分组。 比如,这个图展示了 一个企业中员工任职年数 和其薪资收入之间的关系。 我们会看到,这一组员工的薪资/年数比例 比下面这组更高。 我们还知道,这些数据都未经标记。 如果这些数据有标记, 那我们会看到性别,工作年数, 所属部门,等等。我们现在就可以让这个 无监督学习模型来解决这样的问题, 比如这个新入职的员工 是否在高速成长? 如果他们在左边这组,答案就是肯定的。 如果在右边,则否。 专业技巧,这两个模型之间还有一个显著差异。 监督学习模型在 做出预测之后, 它会将预测结果 与用于训练模型的数据进行比较。 如果两者间存在差异, 它会尝试去缩小这个差异, 而无监督学习模型就不会这样。 对了,这个视频没有赞助, 但你们可以通过付费订阅我的 谷歌软件技巧文章来支持我。 可以到我的网站 了解更多详情。 对机器学习有了基本了解之后, 我们就可以开始了解深度学习了。 深度学习其实就是机器学习的其中一种, 它利用人工神经网络来进行学习。 别担心,你只需要知道 人工神经网络是 以人类大脑为灵感源泉的, 它大概就长这样, 一层层的节点和神经元。 节点和神经元越多, 模型就越强大。 由于这些神经网络的存在, 我们就可以进行半监督学习, 就是用一小部分标记数据 和一大部分未标记数据 来训练深度学习模型。 比如,一个银行会用深度学习模型来检测诈骗行为。 这个银行会花一点时间来 把5%的交易数据贴上 诈骗和非诈骗交易的标签。 由于银行没有足够多的时间和资源 去把所有的数据都打上标记, 剩下的95%的交易数据都是无标记的数据。 这个模型的秘诀在于 它利用这5%的标记数据 去学习一个任务涉及的基本概念, 这些是好的, 那些是坏的,好了。 这个模型会把前面学到的知识应用到 剩余95%的未标记数据上, 利用这整个新的数据集, 对未来的交易来做出预测。 这很酷,不过还没结束呢。 深度学习有两种模型, 即判别模型和生成式模型。 判别模型学习 数据的标记之间的关系, 而且它只能够给 这些数据点进行归类, 例如欺诈还是非欺诈。 比如现在你有一堆图片,或数据点。 你现在给他们打上 狗或者猫的标记。 判别模型会学习猫或狗的标签, 如果你提交了一张 狗狗的图,它就会 预判这个数据点的标记:一只狗。 现在我们终于说到生成式AI了。 和判别模型不同的是, 生成式AI模型学习的是数据的规律, 它在接收到一些输入之后, 比如我们给它一段文本指令, 他们会根据刚学到的数据规律, 来生成新的内容。再以刚才的动物来举例, 这些图片或者数据点 并没有被标记为猫或者狗, 生成式模型会去寻找规律, 噢这些数据都含有 两只耳朵,四条腿,一条尾巴,爱吃狗粮, 还会犬吠。当你让它生成 一个叫做狗的东西时, 生成式模型会根据之前学到的规律 生成一个全新的图片。 有一个简单的方法能让我们轻松辨别出 某个模型是否是生成式AI。 如果输出结果是数字,类别(比如垃圾或非垃圾信息), 或者概率,它都不是生成式AI。 只有当它生成自然语言 (文本或语音),图片,或声音时, 它才是生成式AI。 生成式AI生成全新的样本, 类似于用来训练它的那些数据。 接下来说说不同类型的生成式AI模型。 我们大多数人都熟悉 ChatGPT或Google Bard这样的文本转换模型, 其他常见的模型类别还包括 文本到图像模型,比如Midjourney, DALL·E,以及stable diffusion。 它们不仅能生成图片,还能编辑图片。 文本到视频模型, 诶嘿想不到吧, 它们能生成和编辑视频。 比如imagen video,CogVideo还有这个 名字非常有创意的make a video。 文本到3D模型可用来创作游戏素材, 一个不太知名的例子是OpenAI的shap-e模型。 最后,文本到任务模型 是被训练来专门完成某个具体任务的。 比如,当你输入 @Gmail请你概括我的未读邮件, Bard会通读你的收件箱, 然后概括出你未读邮件的内容。 接下来说说大语言模型。 别忘了LLMs也是深度学习的一个子集, 尽管两者有一些重叠, LLMs和生成式模型并不是同一回事。 它们俩有一个重要的区别, 即大语言模型通常是 先用大量数据进行预训练, 再根据具体的目的进行精细的微调。 这是啥意思? 假设你有一只宠物狗,你可以提前训练它学会 一些基础的指令,比如坐下,过来,趴下, 还有待着别动。学会了之后, 它就是一只乖狗狗,还是个通才。 但如果这只乖狗狗要变成一只警犬, 导盲犬,或者狩猎犬,它就要接受 更具体的训练,从而被微调成为 那个特别的专家狗狗。 大语言模型也是同理。 它们先被训练出一些基本语言处理技能, 比如说分类文本, 回答问题, 概括文档,以及生成文本, 然后再用更小一点的行业数据集 把这些大语言模型微调成行业专家 去解决具体的行业问题, 例如零售、金融、医疗和文娱等领域。 在真实世界中,这可能意味着 一些大型科技公司 预训练过的大语言模型, 被医院用自己一手的 医疗数据来进行微调, 从而提升X光或其他检测的 诊断正确性。 这是一个双赢的局面, 因为大型公司花费 数十亿美元来打造一个通用模型, 或者是大语言模型,然后再将这些模型 卖给那些更小型的机构, 比如零售、银行、医院等。 他们虽有专业的行业数据可用于微调模型, 却没有足够的资源来 打造自己的大语言模型。 专业技巧,如果你想学习这个免费课程,你可以去。 如果你想做笔记,可以在视频上点击右键, 复制当前时间的视频网址, 你就能够快速 找回到那个视频片段。 这个课程一共有5个模块, 你每完成一个模块, 就会获得一个小奖章, 由于这个课程确实是比较理论化的, 所以你一定要去看看我的 关于如何掌握AI提示语技能的视频。 我们下期视频再见,同时, 祝你拥有美好的一天!
#Googles #Beginners #minutes
Who else thought ChatGPT and AI were the same thing? 🙋🏻
00:00 Google’s AI Course in 10 Minutes
00:38 What is Artificial Intelligence?
01:27 What is Machine Learning?
03:28 What is Deep Learning?
05:15 What is Generative AI?
07:05 What are Large Language Models?
For the beginners?
With the materials and lots.of new terminology, it would be great to slower Your speach.
Awesome! 💯
It was very instructive
Wow. This's such an incredible introduction s, I was scrolling on YouTube to search how to start Ai from the beginning. So because of ur video may u help me to reach some platforms to learn Ai. And u have mentioned in u video saying I'll but in description unfortunately I'm not seeing it.
He confused the shit out of you. But the video Heading is, Google's AI course for beginners.
If you want to waste your time, listen to this grifter.
There is nothing in the education or experience that prepares a puter dweeb to emulate the undefined term, "intelligence". As such any techno nonsense can be considered "artificial inteeligence." In fact except for the simplest performance could qualify. Face facts, puter dweebs are unqualified to emulate human cognition.
Simple, Concise and straight to the points…Thanks Jeff.
I would like a course in artificial stupidity, which I think is the present situation.
Amazing video, thank you so much!
Does anyone knows artificial intelligence is an spy?
They open your camera of your device and filming everything?
They use it for many reasons criminaly.
First is to check the arsenal militar of each country.
Second is recording people in their privacy.
Does anyone ask themselves why TRUMP want to move PALESTINIANS to another place by take peace of few countries land, like invasion?
Do you know FALKLAND ISLANDS HAS 3.500 PEOPLE living there and the place is huge with good temperatures but they don't offering for PALESTINIANS living there and build their on country?
They never mention to put the ilegal people come to UK to go there as an offer and build up a new economy over there. They spend fortunes to CONGO to send them there.
Why not giving them a chance to build up the economy and developing FALKLAND ISLAND?
Absolutely love this explanation of AI. Now you made me an AI guru 😄
Just the facts. Thank you.
🚀 “We Fixed AI! 🔥 Watch AI expose itself & see why truth verification is the future. #WeFixedAI #AITruth #AIRevolution #ArtificialIntelligence #WhoControlsAI #AICensorship”
You DO realize that AI actually stands for ARTIFICIAL IGNORANCE, right?
It was very interesting
Tell me more
Great stuff
Love AI
informative video bro….
bro sounds like nigahiga
Thank you for the video. I love the way you breakdown how this AI work.
I can l find out if this field is good for me as a Career?
What is the comparison to Computer Science, information technology, cybersecurity etc to AI???
Hello l wasn’t that great in Physics although l am a math girl
This video is amazing…thank you very much for this
@mirazimdawran-s8f 0 seconds ago Artificial intelligence and religion! Both are in use (the same)! If the owners of artificial intelligence and temple priests: have no understanding of humanity! Which they have not yet! For example, (Mullah Hibatullah), the leader of the Taliban, who has equipped himself with a three-dimensional weapon of religion! Imagine if the same person had the power of artificial intelligence weapons? Or if people like ISIS have the power of artificial intelligence! What happens? !!! Now the religion that you made is the human mind that was at the peak of backwardness thousands of years ago! Maybe the right use of it has really order and happiness! for that era. And artificial intelligence will be the worst nightmare for the human race without a doubt! Right now, these super idiots are making their country miserable for each other's possession and service! Imagine God's intelligence to ignite the war between these clowns! What happens? Imagine that these super idiots have also given access to the weapons and privacy of nations and their vital infrastructure to a super-intelligence! And the power of artificial intelligence is in the hands of their enemies! And so that their enemy does not surprise them, they have to work sooner! Because the Internet and dozens of types of communication waves (like oxygen) are common! And easily usable for the super-intelligence of all these super-rights! Worse, these access codes are understandable and have a common pattern and language! For example: The code is the same as breathing that everyone knows that breathing and using oxygen is a model! And now imagine one of thousands of ways to abuse: copy the original from the voices of people and people's faces and people's fingerprints and accurately copy the bank system and the language codes of the bank's operating system! They can also deceive their bank's stupid system by copying the biometric of a depositor! And to deceive that city of Vand (Negian Adam and Eve) with a copied system of the bank: that oppressed depositor thinks that this program is a bank or bank site or any portal that the bank had previously provided to him for easy access to online trading on a phone or computer. It must be the same door now! But unaware that it is a copy and similar to the previous one! Now the party (wants to enter the password) to withdraw or transfer! Artificial intelligence easily understood what the code was needed to enter the banking system of that one (Super fool)! Now you know what disasters can only happen from this one! Now let's enter the systems of controlling and launching nuclear weapons, etc. ….. I said what a power of God-like intelligence can be! See the greed of these super idiots! They think they can control them! And surely their answer is that we turn off the electricity! How much purchase? This is the solution to control a super idiot who wants to control the super intelligence with his stupid idea! These super idiots can't even know which one is theirs! The nations must stop these idiots right now !!!!!! It's two years later! Just think about the Android operating system of these super idiots! Again, there is no reaper!
Jeff, your graphics are awesome. Do you a AI to create them? If so, which one?
Jeff I am a new subscriber to your channel. Absolutely loved your breakdown of what is AI and Large Language Models. For someone like myself who is heading into the AI sector of the tech industry; you did a masterful job simplifying a challenging concept, at least for me, smiling. I signed up for your seven days of email tips. Can you recommend a good AI training course program for a beginner like myself? I will definitely study and review the courses you have on your website. Thanks 🙏🏾
I would like to take a course about AI
Assalamualaikum. ❤ From Indonesia
I don't think this is for beginners 😢because am a beginner here and i don't understand
Thank you very much.
amazing! thank you so much
i don't know
Typically AI is graduate level classes though. There are only a few classes you can take as an undergraduate. I’m getting degrees in both electrical and computer engineering and there is a lot of research in AI where I am attending
would you like to compare my AI crash course with this one?
You need to slow down your speech