Heat Pump Half the cost to run compared to a gas boiler. ASHP install #plumber #plumbing

21 January 2024

Heat Pump Half the cost to run compared to a gas boiler. ASHP install #plumber #plumbing

the heat pump have been half the cost to run compared to the gas boiler this year if you’ve got any questions on why put a comment below and I’ll try and answer it in a follow-up video and just explain how we managed to achieve that and how battery storage and solar panels has made all the difference

#Heat #Pump #cost #run #compared #gas #boiler #ASHP #install #plumber #plumbing


  1. If you run a heat pump off pv electric panels with battery storage it's bound to be cheaper. As your electric costs are cancelled. Without panels and storage gas still wins out. Paul harry
    G.h.h.Gas services Ltd.

  2. Cause it's been broken down most of the year.

  3. A lot of people can't fit all that gear in their house. I think the government are that desperate to get them fitted a lot of people will end with poor, not fit for purpose installations and once they're in nobody will care they're freezing every winter. As usual no thought behind it from the British government.

  4. Spent less, forgetting the installation cost!?

  5. That looks like a hell of an installation you have that you have there.
    What would be the cost of this installation to the general public?
    When you factor in the Installation and maintenance costs over a 20 year lifetime, what are the real savings?

  6. And the initial cost of this set up compared to a gas boiler?

  7. Cost to install verses Gas boiler, plus parts etc…its a con and You know it ! As was solar twin coiled heating !

  8. Half the price to run what is total instal, cost

  9. That is great! But the outlay for your kit [£20k+ for Solar PV and Heat Pump] will take what 20years to pay a return in savings???

  10. And the capital cost of the installation is how much ?

  11. Come on man.
    Stop trying to sell this sh1t

  12. Spend £50K to install a heat pump with works and labour to save you £500 a year.

    No thanks

  13. But the instal cost of that set up are way higher than a gas boiler. Thats not including the cost to insulate a very old house to make it efficient. Only good for new builds . Absolute joke

  14. The Uk has lots of old people who ask the question, why pay £££ to save 20% a year when I don’t expect to live long enough to recoup the cost.

  15. I’d say just the heat pump alone with out solar panels would not be cheap to run on a old house

  16. Half the cost but I’ve got a split solar system with at least- a 16kw battery storage system. Cost efficient my arse.

  17. I don’t and never will buy into this bullshit government agenda on energy, Governments never want to make anything cheaper for you. Short term gains long term losses, as we will all find out in 5 or so years.

  18. We call those lukewarm pumps here in Canada. Been proven over the last few weeks they will not keep up when it gets frigid here .our fake govt is paying ppl to convert from gas , hahhaa

  19. I hope it's not paid promotion.

  20. Hi Allen, what are these like when it comes to aftercare. How are these serviced? Yearly like boilers? How many breakdowns / issues have you had so far? Obviously take into consideration that not everyone has your expertise and engineers get call outs to top up boilers or change batteries. Thanks

  21. How much electricity does it use daily?

  22. Battery storage and solar panels the contracts I work on the tenants are absolutely fuming with there new electric bills and have to turn the heat pump on in summer 2024 to get the house to temperature for the winter there shit as the average working man has to take a loan to fund it so the interest on the loan outweighs the savings there just all round shit did I say they are shit

  23. How much did it cost for all you have done

  24. Heatpump is half price but only when you spend £30k on pv and batteries.

  25. Load of bullshit when u take in capital costs. If I spent 40k I would expect it to be cheaper too.

  26. Haha I love it look at all the gear where would that fit in my kitchen what is the outlay for it how long before I break even like for like.3years I have had a free heat pump cost me nowt am I happy no.MCS approved from start to finish costing a fortune no absolutely no comebacks on the installers they just folded that company and opened a new one.

  27. Where are the first4solar stickers?

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