I.S Plumbing & Heating Fife | Air Source Heat Pump Installation
I.S Plumbing and Heating Fife installation of a Vaillant Air Source Heat Pump at a customer's house.
[Music] I've been keeping an eye on Ian's work for the last six to eight months and it puts a lot of jobs up on on their Facebook page and so you get an odd idea is work ethic which I found to be very good and then one day he actually put up our page about their Source heat pump and there were grants available through the Scottish government [Music] [Music] we are familiar with a renewable sector and what it may entail and the father I looked into the air force on what we want to do is secure it for our future we're getting older now and we'll soon be both retired and it won't let me things to be more economical for ourselves Villain Like I said even got a very good name and the fact that the building engineer and what regional managers came out during the commission commissioning of the air associate pump it just adds that Personal Touch to him thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
#I.S #Plumbing #Heating #Fife #Air #Source #Heat #Pump #Installation
Great work
Brilliant 💚